.text:0001778C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:0001778C ; Attributes: thunk
.text:0001778C ; protected: virtual void __cdecl CDialog::OnOK(void)
.text:0001778C _OnOK_CDialog__MAAXXZ ; CODE XREF: .text:00015F2C_p
.text:0001778C ; sub_16760+E4_p ...
.text:0001778C 00 C0 9F E5 LDR R12, =__imp__OnOK_CDialog__MAAXXZ
.text:00017790 00 F0 9C E5 LDR PC, [R12]
.text:00017790 ; End of function CDialog::OnOK(void)
.text:000176CC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:000176CC ; Attributes: thunk
.text:000176CC CWnd__MessageBoxW ; CODE XREF: .text:00012D3C_j
.text:000176CC ; sub_16760+D0_p
.text:000176CC 00 C0 9F E5 LDR R12, =__imp_CWnd__MessageBoxW
.text:000176D0 00 F0 9C E5 LDR PC, [R12]
.text:000176D0 ; End of function CWnd__MessageBoxW