[下载]MPRESS v0.71a
发表于: 2008-3-10 01:22 2610
MPRESS v0.71a
MPRESS is a free, high-performance executable packer for PE32/PE32+/.NET executable formats!
MPRESS makes programs and libraries smaller, and decrease start time when the application loaded from a slow removable media or from the network. It uses in-place decompression technique, which allows to decompress the executable without memory overhead or other drawbacks; it also protects programs against reverse engineering by non-professional hackers. Programs compressed with MPRESS run exactly as before, with no runtime performance penalties.
MPRESS Features
Advanced compressing of .NET executable files (anyCPU,x86,AMD64,IA64 EXE)
Support for MS Framework 1.0/1.1/2.0/3.0
Does not require .NET Framework to be installed
Advanced compressing of PE32/PE32+ (AMD64) executable files (EXE, DLL, OCX, etc.)
Very fast decompression: ~210 MB/sec on an AMD 2500+
Static TLS support
Strip sensitive information (relocation, debug information, exceptions, etc.)
Compression of program code, data, and resources
Completely transparent, self-contained operation with UNICODE support
Command line interface allows to use MPRESS from a batch or from a make file
Full Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 compatibility
Platform: Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista