#define DEBUG
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
unsigned char startThreadInProcess(DWORD pid, DWORD (WINAPI *threadFunctionStart)(void *), DWORD (WINAPI *threadFunctionEnd)(void *), void *context, unsigned long contextSize);
#ifndef LIBRARY
typedef struct {
DWORD size;
char user32Dll[32];
char messageBoxFuncName[32];
DWORD loadLibraryImport;
DWORD getProcAddressImport;
static DWORD WINAPI exampleThreadFunction(THREAD_FUNCTION_CTX *ctx);
static DWORD WINAPI exampleThreadFunctionEnd(THREAD_FUNCTION_CTX *ctx);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
DWORD pid;
if (argc == 1)
fprintf(stdout,"Usage: %s [pid]\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
pid = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
* Initialize our context that we pass to the thread with the information we need.
memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
if ((dll = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll")))
ctx.loadLibraryImport = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(dll, "LoadLibraryA");
ctx.getProcAddressImport = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(dll, "GetProcAddress");
fprintf(stdout,"Could not open kernel32.dll.\n");
return 0;
strcpy(ctx.user32Dll, "user32.dll");
strcpy(ctx.messageBoxFuncName, "MessageBoxA");
if (!startThreadInProcess(pid, (DWORD (WINAPI *)(void *))exampleThreadFunction, (DWORD (WINAPI *)(void *))exampleThreadFunctionEnd, &ctx, sizeof(ctx)))
fprintf(stdout,"Injection of thread failed. (lastError=%lu)\r\n", GetLastError());
fprintf(stdout,"Successfully injected thread.\r\n");
return 1;
* Things to know about injected functions:
* * You cannot use static buffers or addresses which are non-relative to the binary you're injecting to.
* (Meaning you can't do this: char *bob = "blah";)
* * You cannot directly call win32 functions. You have to use addresses relative to the imported address
* inside the executable.
* * There are a few other quirks that I can't think of at this point, but you get the idea.
* My example function depends on two things:
* 1) The binary MUST have a LoadLibraryA import.
* 2) The binary MUST have a GetProcAddressA import.
* The import addresses are static. You can determine an import address via few mechanisms such as:
* 1) IDA
* 2) dependency viewer (entry point on imported funcs)
* 3) or you could use the imagehlp api and find out the virtual address for a symbol yourself.
static DWORD WINAPI exampleThreadFunction(THREAD_FUNCTION_CTX *ctxaddr)
* required imports: LoadLibraryA, GetProcAddressA
unsigned long loadLibraryImport = ctxaddr->loadLibraryImport, getProcAddressImport = ctxaddr->getProcAddressImport, messageBoxAddr;
char caption[4];
char text[32];
caption[0] = 'h';
caption[1] = 'i';
caption[2] = 0;
text[0] = 'i';
text[1] = 'n';
text[2] = 'j';
text[3] = 'e';
text[4] = 'c';
text[5] = 't';
text[6] = 0;
* This assembly does a LoadLibrary on user32.dll and then a GetProcAddress on MessageBoxA.
* After that point, it calls MessageBoxA printing 'hi', 'inject'. This message box
* is appearing in the context of the injected process, meaning, it looks as if it's coming
* from that process. Also, I don't FreeLibrary here, mainly because I don't see the need to :)
mov ecx, ctxaddr ; move the address of ctxaddr into ecx
add ecx, 04h ; offset into struct of user32.dll
push ecx ; push ctxaddr+04h (ctxaddr->user32Dll)
call [loadLibraryImport] ; call LoadLibraryA import
mov dword ptr [dll], eax ; move the return value to dll (HMODULE)
mov ecx, ctxaddr ; move the address of ctxaddr into ecx
add ecx, 24h ; offset into struct of message box (+36)
push ecx ; second arg, the symbol name MessageBoxA
push dll ; first arg, the handle to the dll
call [getProcAddressImport] ; call the GetProcAddressA import
mov dword ptr [messageBoxAddr], eax ; move the return value to messageBoxAddr
push MB_OK ; fourth, MB_OK
lea ecx, [caption] ; get the effective address of caption
push ecx ; third arg, caption
lea ecx, [text] ; get the effective address of text
push ecx ; second arg, text
push 0h ; first arg of message box, NULL
call [messageBoxAddr] ; call MessageBoxA
return 1;
* This is here to calculate the length of the exampleThreadFunction for when we copy it.
#pragma warning (disable: 4716)
static DWORD WINAPI exampleThreadFunctionEnd(THREAD_FUNCTION_CTX *ctx)
unsigned char startThreadInProcess(DWORD pid, DWORD (WINAPI *threadFunctionStart)(void *), DWORD (WINAPI *threadFunctionEnd)(void *), void *context, unsigned long contextSize)
unsigned char foundPid = 0;
HANDLE process, threadHndl;
unsigned char *virtualFunctionBuffer;
DWORD id, size, numBytes;
if (!(process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid)))
return 0;
* We got here, that means we found the process and have successfully opened it.
* Calculate the length of the threadFunction.
size = (LPBYTE)threadFunctionEnd - (LPBYTE)threadFunctionStart;
* Allocate enough space for our function and our context.
virtualFunctionBuffer = VirtualAllocEx(process, NULL, size + contextSize, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_TOP_DOWN, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
* Write our function and then our context.
WriteProcessMemory(process, virtualFunctionBuffer, (LPVOID)threadFunctionStart, size, &numBytes);
WriteProcessMemory(process, virtualFunctionBuffer + size, (LPVOID)context, contextSize, &numBytes);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stdout,"virtualFunctionBuffer = %.8x len = %d\r\n", virtualFunctionBuffer, size);
* Create the thread as the process.
threadHndl = CreateRemoteThread(process, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)virtualFunctionBuffer, virtualFunctionBuffer + size, 0, &id);
if (threadHndl)
return 1;
return 0;