[求助]HeapDraw / HeapTracer
发表于: 2007-7-14 00:58 2420

[求助]HeapDraw / HeapTracer

2007-7-14 00:58
What is HeapDraw / HeapTracer?

HeapDraw was originally created as a postmortem analisys tool, to see how the heap evolved during the life of a process. The idea is that although we may be used to textual output, like that of ltrace or a malloc/free hooking library, it's much better to see it graphically (in fact I used to make drawings by hand until I realized "WTF am I doing? I have a computer to do it for me!").

HeapTracer is the new name, after it became a runtime analisys tool.

In the image you can see an example. It's the heap of ping. The 4 spikes correspond to the 4 packets sent. Before the first spike you can see the initialization, and after the last, the evolution of the heap for the final phase.

In this release you can find four different versions of HeapDraw/HeapTracer, all including full sourcecode:

    * Windows postmortem native version.
    * Linux postmortem native version.
    * IDA plugin, for doing runtime analisys (only Windows version for Windows appliations)
    * An unfinished python version.

If you are an IDA fan, and like developing for it, you may find interesting the IDA Plugin version, as it's a relatively complex example of an IDA debugging plugin which opens an OpenGL window to make drawings.

Source code and precompiled versions

We've packaged the four versions with their sourcecode and e brief tutorial in a single file:

    * Latest stable release, updated on July 7, 2007

Compiling the source and installing

The package contains a separate directory for every version. Each of this directories contains specific instructions on how to build and run the tool



[招生]科锐逆向工程师培训(2024年11月15日实地,远程教学同时开班, 第51期)

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