If you get errors while protecting,run program in safe mode(there is an option on agreement page)
What can i do with this program?
[+]You can make any virus/trojan undedected.(scantime and runtime)
[+]You can prevent your programs.
[+]You can compress your programs.
[+]You can use it to change programs's icons.
Usage :
[1]Drag and drop the file that you want to protect or press 'Select File' button and chose it.
[2]Choose your options(icon,version info,algorith) and protect it.
[3]Your crypted file is ready,now you can use it..
Properties :
[+]Pestil uses XOR encryption and 3 different compression algoritm.
[+]Small stub.
[+]Pestil preserve EOF data automatically.So you can also crypt Flux,Bifrost,Poison Ivy,etc.. servers.