[求助]WHex14.2 SR-3
发表于: 2007-6-27 17:31 3904

[求助]WHex14.2 SR-3

2007-6-27 17:31
WHex14.2 SR-3

What's new 14.2 ?
* A new mode named "Details" has been introduced that contains all the information on a single selected file from all the directory browser columns, including those that are not currently visible. (forensic license only) Very useful for example if the path is very long and does not fit on the screen in the path column, maybe not even in the path tooltip display. Also allows to easily copy the filename or file path or selected other data to the clipboard. In future, the Details mode may also become the place where to look up additional information on a file, like detailed permissions in NTFS and extracted internal document metadata.

* An additional directory browser column "Type description" was introduced that usually displays the name of the application that a file type belongs to or what the filename extension stands for, whatever is specified as a hint in File Type Categories.txt. (forensic license only) If the same extension occurs multiple times in the definition file, all its meanings are listed. For example, .pm could be a Perl module, a PageMaker document, or Pegasus file, or an X11 Pixmap file.
The file format of File Type Categories.txt has been slightly changed in that category names are now defined in lines that start with *** instead of :incrementing number:, so the user does not have to ensure unique category IDs any more.

* Yet another column was added, labeled "Dimensions". (forensic license only) It denotes the size of a picture in pixels, as the result of width times height, rounded. Computed simultaneously with skin color percentages, plus when viewing pictures (full-screen mode, preview mode, or in the gallery). Useful to easily distinguish between e.g. small browser cache garbage graphics and high-quality digital photos, with the associated filter, which allows you to concentrate on very small or very large pictures, or mid-sized pictures within a user-define range.

* Thumbnail pictures can now be successfully extracted from most thumbs.db files even if internally fragmented. Original filenames and timestamps are now extracted for these thumbnails, too. (forensic license only)

* Ability to totally remove irrelevant items from the volume snapshot if not needed, e.g. meaningless garbage files found via a file header signature search. This can render the volume snapshot more efficient to handle and save main memory. At first, you hide such files, and then you remove all hidden items, clicking a new button in the directory browser options dialog. Available only for volume snapshots created by v14.2 and later. Useful also if you would like X-Ways Forensics to find certain files once again via a file header signature search, but list them with a different default file size if the originally specified default file size proved inadequate.

* Ability to select hidden items listed in the directory browser (only if not filtered out, of course). Useful e.g.
- if you would like to see hidden items specifically (first select them, then tag them, then group tagged and untagged items)
- if relevant files have been assigned to a report table already and you then have X-Ways Forensics hide duplicates among those files based on hash values, and then would like to remove duplicates from the report.

* Volume snapshots created or processed by v14.2 cannot be correctly understood by earlier versions any more. There will be warnings to that effect.

* Fixed an error that under certain circumstances opened Internet Explorer windows when copying files and directories.
* Fixed a scrollbar display problem that occured when files were opened in WinHex while the main window was minimized.

DownloadLink: http://rapidshare.com/files/39608696/WHex_14.2_SR-3.inc.KeyGen_by_ZWT.rar


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2007-6-27 19:58
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2007-6-28 09:17
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