ODbgScript is a plugin for OllyDbg, which is, in our opinion, the best application-mode debugger out there.
One of the best features of this debugger is the plugin architecture which allows users to extend its functionality.
ODbgScript is a plugin meant to let you automate OllyDbg by writing scripts in an assembly-like language.
Many tasks involve a lot of repetitive work just to get to some point in the debugged application.
By using this plugin you can write a script once and for all.
What's New:
released 1.64 (30 May 2007)
+! Added ability to call ODBGScript command(s) from OllyDbg Conditional Log Breakpoints
+! Added CALL command to call Labels (use RET to return)
+ Added FINDCALLS command to find (and filter) intermodular calls.
+ Added GBPM command to get last memory breakpoint address, beta function affected on GBPR call
+ Script keeps breakpoints on reload if bp script lines were not modified.
+ Edit script line (to do temporary fix, not saved on disk)
+ Added GREF alone (to get lines count in reference window)
* Enhanced Script window Focus
* Error messagebox no more modal
* Fixed 1.63 bug witn pointers containing operator (now accept all operators)
To test development SVN versions : install TortoiseSVN and CheckOut https://odbgscript.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/odbgscript
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