00401977 |. 83C0 D0 |add eax, -30 ; Switch (cases 31..7A)
0040197A |. 83F8 4A |cmp eax, 4A
0040197D |. 0F87 D2000000 |ja 00401A55
00401983 |. FF2485 941A40>|jmp dword ptr [eax*4+401A94]
0040198A |> 83C5 01 |add ebp, 1 ; Case 31 ('1') of switch 00401977
0040198D |. E9 C0000000 |jmp 00401A52
00401992 |> 83C5 02 |add ebp, 2 ; Case 32 ('2') of switch 00401977
00401995 |. E9 B8000000 |jmp 00401A52
0040199A |> 83C5 03 |add ebp, 3 ; Case 33 ('3') of switch 00401977
0040199D |. E9 B0000000 |jmp 00401A52
004019A2 |> 83C5 04 |add ebp, 4 ; Case 34 ('4') of switch 00401977
004019A5 |. E9 A8000000 |jmp 00401A52
004019AA |> 83C5 05 |add ebp, 5 ; Case 35 ('5') of switch 00401977
004019AD |. E9 A0000000 |jmp 00401A52
004019B2 |> 83C5 06 |add ebp, 6 ; Case 36 ('6') of switch 00401977
004019B5 |. E9 98000000 |jmp 00401A52
004019BA |> 83C5 07 |add ebp, 7 ; Case 37 ('7') of switch 00401977
004019BD |. E9 90000000 |jmp 00401A52
004019C2 |> 83C5 08 |add ebp, 8 ; Case 38 ('8') of switch 00401977
004019C5 |. E9 88000000 |jmp 00401A52
004019CA |> 83C5 09 |add ebp, 9 ; Case 39 ('9') of switch 00401977
004019CD |. E9 80000000 |jmp 00401A52
004019D2 |> 83C5 0A |add ebp, 0A ; Cases 41 ('A'),61 ('a') of switch 00401977
004019D5 |. EB 7B |jmp short 00401A52
004019D7 |> 83C5 0B |add ebp, 0B ; Cases 42 ('B'),62 ('b') of switch 00401977
004019DA |. EB 76 |jmp short 00401A52
004019DC |> 83C5 0C |add ebp, 0C ; Cases 43 ('C'),63 ('c') of switch 00401977
004019DF |. EB 71 |jmp short 00401A52
004019E1 |> 83C5 0D |add ebp, 0D ; Cases 44 ('D'),64 ('d') of switch 00401977
004019E4 |. EB 6C |jmp short 00401A52
004019E6 |> 83C5 0E |add ebp, 0E ; Cases 45 ('E'),65 ('e') of switch 00401977
004019E9 |. EB 67 |jmp short 00401A52
004019EB |> 83C5 0F |add ebp, 0F ; Cases 46 ('F'),66 ('f') of switch 00401977
004019EE |. EB 62 |jmp short 00401A52
004019F0 |> 83C5 10 |add ebp, 10 ; Cases 47 ('G'),67 ('g') of switch 00401977
004019F3 |. EB 5D |jmp short 00401A52
004019F5 |> 83C5 11 |add ebp, 11 ; Cases 48 ('H'),68 ('h') of switch 00401977
004019F8 |. EB 58 |jmp short 00401A52
004019FA |> 83C5 12 |add ebp, 12 ; Cases 49 ('I'),69 ('i') of switch 00401977
004019FD |. EB 53 |jmp short 00401A52
004019FF |> 83C5 13 |add ebp, 13 ; Cases 4A ('J'),6A ('j') of switch 00401977
00401A02 |. EB 4E |jmp short 00401A52
00401A04 |> 83C5 14 |add ebp, 14 ; Cases 4B ('K'),6B ('k') of switch 00401977
00401A07 |. EB 49 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A09 |> 83C5 15 |add ebp, 15 ; Cases 4C ('L'),6C ('l') of switch 00401977
00401A0C |. EB 44 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A0E |> 83C5 16 |add ebp, 16 ; Cases 4D ('M'),6D ('m') of switch 00401977
00401A11 |. EB 3F |jmp short 00401A52
00401A13 |> 83C5 17 |add ebp, 17 ; Cases 4E ('N'),6E ('n') of switch 00401977
00401A16 |. EB 3A |jmp short 00401A52
00401A18 |> 83C5 18 |add ebp, 18 ; Cases 4F ('O'),6F ('o') of switch 00401977
00401A1B |. EB 35 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A1D |> 83C5 19 |add ebp, 19 ; Cases 50 ('P'),70 ('p') of switch 00401977
00401A20 |. EB 30 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A22 |> 83C5 1A |add ebp, 1A ; Cases 51 ('Q'),71 ('q') of switch 00401977
00401A25 |. EB 2B |jmp short 00401A52
00401A27 |> 83C5 1B |add ebp, 1B ; Cases 52 ('R'),72 ('r') of switch 00401977
00401A2A |. EB 26 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A2C |> 83C5 1C |add ebp, 1C ; Cases 53 ('S'),73 ('s') of switch 00401977
00401A2F |. EB 21 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A31 |> 83C5 1D |add ebp, 1D ; Cases 54 ('T'),74 ('t') of switch 00401977
00401A34 |. EB 1C |jmp short 00401A52
00401A36 |> 83C5 1E |add ebp, 1E ; Cases 55 ('U'),75 ('u') of switch 00401977
00401A39 |. EB 17 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A3B |> 83C5 1F |add ebp, 1F ; Cases 56 ('V'),76 ('v') of switch 00401977
00401A3E |. EB 12 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A40 |> 83C5 20 |add ebp, 20 ; Cases 57 ('W'),77 ('w') of switch 00401977
00401A43 |. EB 0D |jmp short 00401A52
00401A45 |> 83C5 21 |add ebp, 21 ; Cases 58 ('X'),78 ('x') of switch 00401977
00401A48 |. EB 08 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A4A |> 83C5 22 |add ebp, 22 ; Cases 59 ('Y'),79 ('y') of switch 00401977
00401A4D |. EB 03 |jmp short 00401A52
00401A4F |> 83C5 23 |add ebp, 23 ; Cases 5A ('Z'),7A ('z') of switch 00401977
00401A52 |> 83D3 00 |adc ebx, 0
00401A55 |> 46 |inc esi ; Default case of switch 00401977
00403CD9 |. 83F8 09 |cmp eax, 9 ; Switch (cases 0..9)
00403CDC |. 77 54 |ja short 00403D32
00403CDE |. FF2485 B03D40>|jmp dword ptr [eax*4+403DB0]
00403CE5 |> 68 40244200 |push 00422440 ; 0a; Case 0 of switch 00403CD9
00403CEA |. EB 3D |jmp short 00403D29
00403CEC |> 68 3C244200 |push 0042243C ; 6b; Case 1 of switch 00403CD9
00403CF1 |. EB 36 |jmp short 00403D29
00403CF3 |> 68 38244200 |push 00422438 ; k7; Case 2 of switch 00403CD9
00403CF8 |. EB 2F |jmp short 00403D29
00403CFA |> 68 34244200 |push 00422434 ; 9x; Case 3 of switch 00403CD9
00403CFF |. EB 28 |jmp short 00403D29
00403D01 |> 68 30244200 |push 00422430 ; n4; Case 4 of switch 00403CD9
00403D06 |. EB 21 |jmp short 00403D29
00403D08 |> 68 2C244200 |push 0042242C ; fg; Case 5 of switch 00403CD9
00403D0D |. EB 1A |jmp short 00403D29
00403D0F |> 68 28244200 |push 00422428 ; s5; Case 6 of switch 00403CD9
00403D14 |. EB 13 |jmp short 00403D29
00403D16 |> 68 24244200 |push 00422424 ; y1; Case 7 of switch 00403CD9
00403D1B |. EB 0C |jmp short 00403D29
00403D1D |> 68 20244200 |push 00422420 ; 2q; Case 8 of switch 00403CD9
00403D22 |. EB 05 |jmp short 00403D29
00403D24 |> 68 1C244200 |push 0042241C ; 3e; Case 9 of switch 00403CD9
00403D29 |> 8D4C24 10 |lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+10]
00403D2D |. E8 5E400100 |call <jmp.&MFC42.#860_CString::opera>
00403D32 |> 8D4424 0C |lea eax, dword ptr [esp+C] ; Default case of switch 00403CD9
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