[转帖]Conditional Branch Logger A New Plugin
发表于: 2007-6-15 10:07 3844

[转帖]Conditional Branch Logger A New Plugin

2007-6-15 10:07
от www.woodmann.com

Conditional Branch Logger

The salient features of the plugin are as follows:

* An ability to detect all conditional branches and log their behaviour during
runtime without having to single step the whole process, which results in a dramatic improvement of performance when compared to run trace logging.

* An ability to choose specific conditional jumps only to monitor and log.

* Log conditional branches spanning multiple modules .

* an ability to filter out sytem modules from being logged

* Ability to choose and opt included ranges and excluded ranges to fine
tune the logging.

* Ability to disable, delete and restore the logging status of the
detected conditional branches.

* An ability to list all the procs that ollydbg has recognised, with
their names if they exist, as a handy referance so that it is easier to
include or exclude ranges.

* A text mode log file that could serve to compare two similar runs to detect divergent paths taken with respect to input

* A runtime log window that displays the status of conditional branches live with context menus to edit, delete and disable the entries on the fly.

* Context menus in memory window to mass add modules after auto
analysing them or add specific modules.

* Context menus in memory window to add non module ranges.

* Context menu to add odd ranges in disassembly window.

* And a few more, like background tasks e.g. saving the entire database of conditional branches to udd and restored back when restarting the project afresh.

We hope this plugin could be of immense use when monitoring execution flow path.

Any comments, bouquets and brickbats are welcome.

Please direct your suggestions, criticisms, bug reports

to ollydbg plugin sections.

I personally would like to offer my thanks to dELTA and Kayaker for
their initiative to bring this plugin to a successful release.
I thank Woodmann for hosting this OllyDbg specific forum,
and of course all of you OllyDbg users and well wishers.

The plugin's genesis can be found in this thread:


From the simple 40 line prototype with which i seeded this plugin, I'm
really glad to see this Conditional Branch Logger evolve into a
multi-language, multi-kilobyte, mature plugin for OllyDbg.

I'm also very glad to have the pleasure of working along with Kayaker,
and dELTA.

dELTA is instrumental in providing the fast logging engine, the
configuration save and restore code, and the GUI frontend (including
modifying it umpteen times to match the requests ).

Kayaker is the Chief Architect of the entire code that interfaces with the GUI and OllyDbg.

I am proud to be the Catalyst, Consultant and Progenitor of the idea that started this all.

You can find this plugin at OllyStuph


Thanks and Regards,



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must be A Great PLugin
2007-6-15 10:56
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