【文章标题】: ZD Soft Game Recorder注册分析
【文章作者】: 坚持到底
【软件名称】: ZD Soft Game Recorder
【下载地址】: http://www.newhua.com/soft/50899.htm
【加壳方式】: 无
【软件介绍】: 游戏截图器+录像机+基准测试工具,支持几乎所有的
【作者声明】: 只是感兴趣,没有其他目的。失误之处敬请诸位大侠赐教!
输入注册名 insist
注册码 1111 2222 3333 4444
The license code you entered is invalid!
Please correct it and try again.
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返回到用户代码区。。。 找到最顶端下断。。。。
重新再来 来到这里
00407646 . 6A FF push -1
00407648 . 68 E0EE4600 push grecorde.0046EEE0
0040764D . 50 push eax
0040764E . 64:8925 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
00407655 . 83EC 08 sub esp,8
00407658 . 53 push ebx
00407659 . 56 push esi
0040765A . 57 push edi
0040765B . 6A 01 push 1
0040765D . 8BF1 mov esi,ecx
0040765F . E8 B85A0600 call <jmp.&MFC42.#6334>
00407664 . 8DBE 98000000 lea edi,dword ptr ds:[esi+98]
0040766A . 8BCF mov ecx,edi
0040766C . E8 A35C0600 call <jmp.&MFC42.#6282>
00407671 . 8BCF mov ecx,edi
00407673 . E8 965C0600 call <jmp.&MFC42.#6283>
00407678 . 8B07 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi] ; //name
0040767A . 8B48 F8 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax-8]
0040767D . 85C9 test ecx,ecx ; //name是否为空
0040767F . 75 0E jnz short grecorde.0040768F
00407681 . 6A FF push -1
00407683 . 6A 10 push 10
00407685 . 68 FA2A0000 push 2AFA
0040768A . E9 1F010000 jmp grecorde.004077AE
0040768F > 8B8E 9C000000 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+9C]
00407695 . 8B41 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx-8]
00407698 . 85C0 test eax,eax
0040769A . 0F84 05010000 je grecorde.004077A5 ; //测试注册码是否为空
004076A0 . 8B96 A0000000 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[esi+A0]
004076A6 . 8B42 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx-8]
004076A9 . 85C0 test eax,eax
004076AB . 0F84 F4000000 je grecorde.004077A5
004076B1 . 8B86 A4000000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+A4]
004076B7 . 8B48 F8 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax-8]
004076BA . 85C9 test ecx,ecx
004076BC . 0F84 E3000000 je grecorde.004077A5
004076C2 . 8B8E A8000000 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+A8]
004076C8 . 8B41 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx-8]
004076CB . 85C0 test eax,eax
004076CD . 0F84 D2000000 je grecorde.004077A5
004076D3 . 55 push ebp
004076D4 . E8 53590600 call <grecorde.loc_46D02C> ; jmp to MFC42.#1168
004076D9 . 8B8E A8000000 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+A8] ; //假码第4部分
004076DF . 8B96 A4000000 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[esi+A4] ; //假码第3部分
004076E5 . 8BAE A0000000 mov ebp,dword ptr ds:[esi+A0] ; //假码第2部分
004076EB . 8B40 04 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]
004076EE . 8B1F mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[edi] ; //name
004076F0 . 51 push ecx ; /Arg5
004076F1 . 8B8E 9C000000 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+9C] ; |
004076F7 . 52 push edx ; |Arg4
004076F8 . 55 push ebp ; |Arg3
004076F9 . 51 push ecx ; |Arg2
004076FA . 53 push ebx ; |Arg1
004076FB . 8D88 84010000 lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+184] ; |
00407701 . E8 6A840000 call grecorde.0040FB70 ; \//关键 call1
00407706 . 85C0 test eax,eax
00407708 . 5D pop ebp
00407709 . 75 0E jnz short grecorde.00407719 ; //关键跳 跳就成功了。。。
0040770B . 6A FF push -1
0040770D . 6A 10 push 10
0040770F . 68 FC2A0000 push 2AFC
00407714 . E9 95000000 jmp grecorde.004077AE
00407719 > 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0040771D . E8 F2580600 call <grecorde.loc_46D014> ; jmp to MFC42.#540
00407722 . 33DB xor ebx,ebx
00407724 . 8D4C24 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
00407728 . 895C24 1C mov dword ptr ss:[esp+1C],ebx
0040772C . E8 E3580600 call <grecorde.loc_46D014> ; jmp to MFC42.#540
00407731 . 68 FD2A0000 push 2AFD
00407736 . 8D4C24 14 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040773A . C64424 20 01 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+20],1
0040773F . E8 0A5B0600 call <grecorde.loc_46D24E> ; jmp to MFC42.#4160
00407744 . 8B17 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[edi]
//F7来到 关键CALL1
0040FB70 /$ 6A FF push -1
0040FB72 |. 68 21F64600 push grecorde.0046F621 ; SE 句柄安装
0040FB77 |. 64:A1 00000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
0040FB7D |. 50 push eax
0040FB7E |. 64:8925 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
0040FB85 |. 83EC 24 sub esp,24
0040FB88 |. 8A4424 38 mov al,byte ptr ss:[esp+38]
0040FB8C |. 56 push esi
0040FB8D |. 57 push edi
0040FB8E |. 894C24 08 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+8],ecx
0040FB92 |. 6A 00 push 0
0040FB94 |. 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0040FB98 |. 884424 10 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+10],al
0040FB9C |. FF15 D4044700 call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,st>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Tidy
0040FBA2 |. 8B4C24 40 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
0040FBA6 |. 8D5424 0C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0040FBAA |. 51 push ecx
0040FBAB |. 52 push edx
0040FBAC |. C74424 3C 00000000 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+3C],0
0040FBB4 |. E8 C7BDFFFF call grecorde.0040B980
0040FBB9 |. A1 E4044700 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char>
0040FBBE |. 8B5424 1C mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
0040FBC2 |. 8B3D F4044700 mov edi,dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::_Xlen>] ; MSVCP60.std::_Xlen
0040FBC8 |. 83C4 08 add esp,8
0040FBCB |. 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
0040FBCD |. 2BCA sub ecx,edx
0040FBCF |. 83F9 01 cmp ecx,1
0040FBD2 |. 77 02 ja short grecorde.0040FBD6
省略了 一些代码 个人觉的与算法没甚么关系的其实也就是我看不懂的。。。。。
0040FD48 |. 49 dec ecx
0040FD49 |. 51 push ecx
0040FD4A |. 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0040FD4E |. 52 push edx
0040FD4F |. FF15 10054700 call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,st>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::append
0040FD55 |> 8B4424 10 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+10] ; //假码用"-"连接
0040FD59 |. 85C0 test eax,eax
0040FD5B |. 75 05 jnz short grecorde.0040FD62
0040FD5D |. A1 E0044700 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.`std::basic_string<cha>
0040FD62 |> 8B4C24 08 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
0040FD66 |. 50 push eax ; /Arg2
0040FD67 |. 8B4424 40 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+40] ; |
0040FD6B |. 50 push eax ; |//name
0040FD6C |. E8 8F020000 call grecorde.00410000 ; \//关键CALL2
0040FD71 |. 8BF0 mov esi,eax
0040FD73 |. 8B4424 10 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0040FD77 |. 85C0 test eax,eax
0040FD79 |. 74 1C je short grecorde.0040FD97
0040FD7B |. 8A48 FF mov cl,byte ptr ds:[eax-1]
0040FD7E |. 48 dec eax
0040FD7F |. 84C9 test cl,cl
0040FD81 |. 74 0B je short grecorde.0040FD8E
0040FD83 |. 80F9 FF cmp cl,0FF
0040FD86 |. 74 06 je short grecorde.0040FD8E
0040FD88 |. FEC9 dec cl
0040FD8A |. 8808 mov byte ptr ds:[eax],cl
0040FD8C |. EB 09 jmp short grecorde.0040FD97
0040FD8E |> 50 push eax ; /block
0040FD8F |. E8 86D20500 call <grecorde.loc_46D01A> ; \free
0040FD94 |. 83C4 04 add esp,4
//F7来到 关键CALL2
00410000 /$ 6A FF push -1
00410002 |. 68 6AF64600 push grecorde.0046F66A ; SE 句柄安装
00410007 |. 64:A1 00000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
0041000D |. 50 push eax
0041000E |. 64:8925 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
00410015 |. 83EC 24 sub esp,24
00410018 |. 53 push ebx
00410019 |. 55 push ebp
0041001A |. 56 push esi
0041001B |. 8B7424 40 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
0041001F |. 57 push edi
00410020 |. 8D4424 14 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00410024 |. 8BF9 mov edi,ecx
00410026 |. 56 push esi ; /Arg2
00410027 |. 50 push eax ; |Arg1
00410028 |. 897C24 18 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+18],edi ; |
0041002C |. E8 0FF4FFFF call grecorde.0040F440 ; \//关键CALL3
00410031 |. 8B6C24 48 mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
00410035 |. C74424 3C 00000000 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+3C],0
0041003D |. 55 push ebp
0041003E |. 50 push eax
0041003F |. FF15 20054700 call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::operator==>] ; MSVCP60.std::operator==
00410045 |. 8AD8 mov bl,al
00410047 |. 8B4424 20 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0041004B |. 83C4 08 add esp,8
0041004E |. C74424 3C FFFFFFFF mov dword ptr ss:[esp+3C],-1
00410056 |. 85C0 test eax,eax
00410058 |. 74 1C je short grecorde.00410076
0041005A |. 8A48 FF mov cl,byte ptr ds:[eax-1]
0041005D |. 48 dec eax
0041005E |. 84C9 test cl,cl
00410060 |. 74 0B je short grecorde.0041006D
00410062 |. 80F9 FF cmp cl,0FF
00410065 |. 74 06 je short grecorde.0041006D
00410067 |. FEC9 dec cl
00410069 |. 8808 mov byte ptr ds:[eax],cl
0041006B |. EB 09 jmp short grecorde.00410076
0041006D |> 50 push eax ; /block
0041006E |. E8 A7CF0500 call <grecorde.loc_46D01A> ; \free
00410073 |. 83C4 04 add esp,4
//F7来到 关键CALL3
0040F440 /$ 6A FF push -1
0040F442 |. 68 46F54600 push grecorde.0046F546 ; SE 句柄安装
0040F447 |. 64:A1 00000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
0040F44D |. 50 push eax
0040F44E |. 64:8925 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
0040F455 |. 81EC F0000000 sub esp,0F0
0040F45B |. 56 push esi
0040F45C |. 57 push edi
0040F45D |. 8BBC24 0C010000 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+10C]
0040F464 |. 8BF1 mov esi,ecx
0040F466 |. 85FF test edi,edi
0040F468 |. C74424 1C 00000000 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+1C],0
0040F470 |. 75 1B jnz short grecorde.0040F48D
0040F472 |. 81C6 3C010000 add esi,13C
0040F478 |. 56 push esi
0040F479 |. 8BB424 0C010000 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+10C]
0040F480 |. 8BCE mov ecx,esi
0040F482 |. FF15 18054700 call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std:>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >
0040F488 |. E9 F1010000 jmp grecorde.0040F67E
0040F48D |> 8D4C24 60 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+60]
0040F491 |. E8 8AE6FFFF call grecorde.0040DB20 ; //md5常数
0040F496 |. 83C6 04 add esi,4
0040F499 |. 6A 5B push 5B
0040F49B |. 8D4424 34 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]
0040F49F |. 56 push esi
0040F4A0 |. 50 push eax
0040F4A1 |. E8 FA010000 call grecorde.0040F6A0
0040F4A6 |. 57 push edi
0040F4A7 |. 8D4C24 60 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+60]
0040F4AB |. 50 push eax
0040F4AC |. 51 push ecx
0040F4AD |. C78424 18010000 010000>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+118],1
0040F4B8 |. E8 F3020000 call grecorde.0040F7B0
0040F4BD |. 6A 5D push 5D
0040F4BF |. 8D5424 3C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+3C]
0040F4C3 |. 50 push eax
0040F4C4 |. 52 push edx
0040F4C5 |. C68424 24010000 02 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+124],2
0040F4CD |. E8 CE010000 call grecorde.0040F6A0
0040F4D2 |. 83C4 24 add esp,24
0040F4D5 |. 6A 01 push 1
0040F4D7 |. 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0040F4DB |. C68424 04010000 05 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+104],5
0040F4E3 |. FF15 D4044700 call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std:>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Tidy
0040F4E9 |. 6A 01 push 1
0040F4EB |. 8D4C24 34 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]
0040F4EF |. C68424 04010000 04 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+104],4
0040F4F7 |. FF15 D4044700 call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std:>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Tidy
0040F4FD |. 8B4424 24 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+24] ; //name和字符串连接由insist到11643-1[insist]
0040F501 |. 85C0 test eax,eax
0040F503 |. 75 05 jnz short grecorde.0040F50A
0040F505 |. A1 E0044700 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.`std::basic_string<char,>
0040F50A |> 8B4C24 28 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+28]
0040F50E |. 53 push ebx
0040F50F |. 55 push ebp
0040F510 |. 51 push ecx
0040F511 |. 50 push eax
0040F512 |. 8D4C24 70 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+70]
0040F516 |. E8 65E6FFFF call grecorde.0040DB80
0040F51B |. 8D5424 48 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
0040F51F |. 8D4C24 68 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+68]
0040F523 |. 52 push edx ; /Arg1
0040F524 |. E8 17E7FFFF call grecorde.0040DC40 ; \//md5("11643-1[insist]")
0040F529 |. 8A4424 23 mov al,byte ptr ss:[esp+23]
0040F52D |. 6A 00 push 0
0040F52F |. 8D4C24 14 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040F533 |. 884424 14 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+14],al
0040F537 |. FF15 D4044700 call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std:>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Tidy
0040F53D |. C68424 08010000 06 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+108],6
0040F545 |. 33FF xor edi,edi
0040F547 |> 8B2D F4044700 /mov ebp,dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::_Xlen>] ; MSVCP60.std::_Xlen
0040F54D |. 85FF |test edi,edi
0040F54F |. 7E 56 |jle short grecorde.0040F5A7
0040F551 |. 8BCF |mov ecx,edi
0040F553 |. 81E1 03000080 |and ecx,80000003
0040F559 |. 79 05 |jns short grecorde.0040F560
0040F55B |. 49 |dec ecx
0040F55C |. 83C9 FC |or ecx,FFFFFFFC
0040F55F |. 41 |inc ecx
0040F560 |> 75 45 |jnz short grecorde.0040F5A7
0040F562 |. 8B15 E4044700 |mov edx,dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::npos
0040F568 |. 8B02 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx]
0040F56A |. 8B5424 18 |mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0040F56E |. 2BC2 |sub eax,edx
0040F570 |. 83F8 01 |cmp eax,1
0040F573 |. 77 02 |ja short grecorde.0040F577
0040F575 |. FFD5 |call ebp
0040F577 |> 8B4C24 18 |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0040F57B |. 6A 00 |push 0
0040F57D |. 8D71 01 |lea esi,dword ptr ds:[ecx+1]
0040F580 |. 8D4C24 14 |lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040F584 |. 56 |push esi
0040F585 |. FF15 FC044700 |call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Grow
0040F58B |. 84C0 |test al,al
0040F58D |. 74 18 |je short grecorde.0040F5A7
0040F58F |. 8B5424 18 |mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0040F593 |. 8B4424 14 |mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040F597 |. 03C2 |add eax,edx
0040F599 |. 56 |push esi
0040F59A |. 8D4C24 14 |lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040F59E |. C600 2D |mov byte ptr ds:[eax],2D
0040F5A1 |. FF15 0C054700 |call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Eos
0040F5A7 |> 33C0 |xor eax,eax
0040F5A9 |. B9 1A000000 |mov ecx,1A ; //1A(就是十进制的26)
0040F5AE |. 8A443C 48 |mov al,byte ptr ss:[esp+edi+48] ; //取md5("11643-1[insist]")的hash值第一位
0040F5B2 |. 99 |cdq
0040F5B3 |. F7F9 |idiv ecx ; //md5("11643-1[insist]")的hash值第一位%1a
0040F5B5 |. 8BDA |mov ebx,edx
0040F5B7 |. 8B15 E4044700 |mov edx,dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::npos
0040F5BD |. 80C3 41 |add bl,41 ; //取md5("11643-1[insist]")的hash值第一位%1A+0x41
0040F5C0 |. 8B02 |mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx]
0040F5C2 |. 8B5424 18 |mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0040F5C6 |. 2BC2 |sub eax,edx
0040F5C8 |. 83F8 01 |cmp eax,1
0040F5CB |. 77 02 |ja short grecorde.0040F5CF
0040F5CD |. FFD5 |call ebp
0040F5CF |> 8B4C24 18 |mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0040F5D3 |. 6A 00 |push 0
0040F5D5 |. 8D71 01 |lea esi,dword ptr ds:[ecx+1]
0040F5D8 |. 8D4C24 14 |lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040F5DC |. 56 |push esi
0040F5DD |. FF15 FC044700 |call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Grow
0040F5E3 |. 84C0 |test al,al
0040F5E5 |. 74 1C |je short grecorde.0040F603
0040F5E7 |. 8B5424 18 |mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0040F5EB |. 8B4424 14 |mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040F5EF |. 0FBECB |movsx ecx,bl
0040F5F2 |. 03C2 |add eax,edx
0040F5F4 |. 8AE9 |mov ch,cl
0040F5F6 |. 56 |push esi
0040F5F7 |. 8808 |mov byte ptr ds:[eax],cl
0040F5F9 |. 8D4C24 14 |lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040F5FD |. FF15 0C054700 |call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std>; MSVCP60.std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Eos
0040F603 |> 47 |inc edi
0040F604 |. 83FF 10 |cmp edi,10
0040F607 |.^ 0F8C 3AFFFFFF \jl grecorde.0040F547
0040F60D |. 8BB424 10010000 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+110] ; //产生注册码
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\User Apps\grecorder
【版权声明】: 本文原创于看雪技术论坛, 转载请注明作者并保持文章的完整, 谢谢!
2007年05月29日 0:04:06
有很多函数看不懂 。。。晕。。。。
#include "md5c.c"
MD5_CTX md5;
char data[64]={0};
char name[64]="11643-1[";
char MD5Hash[16] = {0};
int temp[64]={0};
int i,j,name_len;
MD5Update(&md5, name, name_len);
MD5Final(MD5Hash, &md5);
没甚么测试 在自己机子上算了几组注册码都可以通过 。。。 失误之处请大家指出。。。
【版权声明】: 本文原创于看雪技术论坛, 转载请注明作者并保持文章的完整, 谢谢!