Serial Number Lists Are Secure In Setup Factory 7.0, your actual serial number lists are not stored in the installation. Rather, an MD5 hash (or “digest”) is calculated for each serial number within each of your lists. These MD5 hashes are then stored in the installer instead of the original values. This ensures that your list of serial numbers is not vulnerable. When the user enters a serial number, the installer calculates the MD5 hash for that value and then compares it to the list of MD5 hashes that were created from the original serial numbers. If a matching MD5 hash is found, the installer knows that the user’s serial number is valid. (Since every MD5 hash is unique, the only way that the MD5 hashes for two serial numbers can match is if the serial numbers are the same.)
Function: g_ConfirmFreeSpaceOverride
Purpose: Warns the user that there isn't enough space on the selected drive and
asks if they really want to continue with the installation.
Arguments: None.
Returns: (boolean) true if the user wants to continue or false if not
function g_ConfirmFreeSpaceOverride()
local strTitle = SetupData.GetLocalizedString("MSG_WARNING");
local strPrompt = SetupData.GetLocalizedString("MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_SPACE")
strPrompt = SessionVar.Expand(strPrompt);
local nResult = Dialog.Message(strTitle, strPrompt, MB_YESNO, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON2);
return (nResult == IDYES);
Function: g_ConfirmSetupAbort
Purpose: Shows a message to the user that confirms that they want to abort the
setup. Called from most screen's On Cancel event by default.
Arguments: None.
Returns: (boolean) true if the user wants to abort the setup or false if not
function g_ConfirmSetupAbort()
local strTitle = SetupData.GetLocalizedString("MSG_CONFIRM");
local strPrompt = SetupData.GetLocalizedString("MSG_CONFIRM_ABORT");
local nResult = Dialog.Message(strTitle, strPrompt, MB_YESNO, MB_ICONQUESTION, MB_DEFBUTTON2);
return (nResult == IDYES);
Function: g_ContainsValidPathChars
Purpose: Checks whether a string contains valid path characters, which is
anything EXCEPT these characters: / * ? " < > |
Arguments: (string) strText - The string to validate
Returns: (boolean) true if the string is valid, false if it contains any invalid characters
function g_ContainsValidPathChars(strText)
-- note: this uses the internal lua function string.find which supports
-- pattern matching
return string.find(strText, "[/%*%?\"<>|]") == nil;
Function: g_ContainsValidRelativePathChars
Purpose: Checks whether a string contains valid relative path characters, which is
anything EXCEPT these characters: / * ? " < > | :
Arguments: (string) strText - The string to validate
Returns: (boolean) true if the string is valid, false if it contains any invalid characters
function g_ContainsValidRelativePathChars(strText)
-- note: this uses the internal lua function string.find which supports
-- pattern matching
return string.find(strText, "[/%*%?\"<>|:]") == nil;
Function: g_EditFieldFolderBrowse
Purpose: Browses for a folder and fills an edit field with the path. It uses
the edit field's text as the initial folder in the folder browse dialog.
Arguments: (number) nIDEditField - The ID of the edit field
(string) strPrompt - The prompt for the folder browse dialog
Returns: Nothing.
function g_EditFieldFolderBrowse(nIDEditField, strPrompt)
-- get the current properties of the edit field
local tbEditProps = DlgEditField.GetProperties(nIDEditField);
if(not tbEditProps) then
-- The edit field is not accessible or does not exist
-- display a folder browse dialog, using the current contents of the edit
-- field as the initial folder path (the folder to start browsing from)
local strInitialFolder = tbEditProps.Text;
local strTargetFolder = Dialog.FolderBrowse(strPrompt, strInitialFolder);
if((strTargetFolder == "") or (strTargetFolder == "CANCEL")) then
-- replace the contents of the edit field with the folder path that was selected
tbEditProps.Text = strTargetFolder;
DlgEditField.SetProperties(nIDEditField, tbEditProps);
Function: g_EditFieldIsEmpty
Purpose: Determine whether there is any text in an edit field.
Arguments: (number) nIDEditField - The ID of the edit field control.
Returns: true if the edit field is empty, or false if there is text in it.
function g_EditFieldIsEmpty(nIDEditField)
return String.Length((DlgEditField.GetProperties(nIDEditField).Text)) == 0;
Function: g_FillComboBoxWithDriveDisplayNames
Purpose: Fills a combo box with a list of drives, using their display names if
possible, and either selects a specific item by index or (if none is specified)
re-selects the previously selected item.
Arguments: (number) nCtrlID - The ID of the combo box control.
(table) tbDrives - A numerically indexed table containing the drive letters you want to add.
(number) nSelect - The index of the item you want selected afterwards. (optional)
Returns: Nothing.
function g_FillComboBoxWithDriveDisplayNames(nCtrlID, tbDrives, nSelect)
local tbProps = DlgComboBox.GetProperties(CTRL_COMBOBOX_01);
if(not tbProps) then
-- if no selection index was passed,
-- then get the last index that was selected
if(not nSelect) then
nSelect = tbProps.Selected;
Debug.Print("nSelect = "..nSelect.."\r\n");
if(nSelect < 1) then
nSelect = 1;
Debug.Print("nSelect = "..nSelect.."\r\n");
-- empty the combo box
DlgComboBox.RemoveItem(nCtrlID, -1);
-- fill the combo box with the drives in tbDrives,
-- using each drive's display name if possible
for i, strDrive in tbDrives do
local tbInfo = Drive.GetInformation(strDrive);
local strItem;
if(tbInfo) then
-- use the drive's display name
strItem = tbInfo.DisplayName;
-- couldn't get the drive's info, so just use the drive letter & colon, e.g. 'C:'
strItem = String.TrimRight(strDrive, "\\");
local nIndex = DlgComboBox.AddItem(nCtrlID, strItem);
DlgComboBox.SetItemData(nCtrlID, nIndex, strDrive);
-- select the appropriate item
DlgComboBox.SetProperties(nCtrlID, {Selected=nSelect});
Function: g_FillComboBoxWithShortcutFolders
Purpose: Fills the specified combo box control with the existing Start Menu >
Programs folders, taking the current user profile setting into account.
Arguments: (number) nComboBoxID - The ID of the combo box.
Returns: Nothing.
function g_FillComboBoxWithShortcutFolders(nComboBoxID)
local tbProps = DlgComboBox.GetProperties(nComboBoxID);
if not tbProps then
local strReselect = tbProps.Text;
-- empty the list
local strBaseFolder;
if _UsePerUserFolders then
strBaseFolder = SessionVar.Expand("%StartProgramsFolder%");
strBaseFolder = SessionVar.Expand("%StartProgramsFolderCommon%");
local nBaseFolderLength = String.Length(strBaseFolder);
local tbFolders = Folder.Find(strBaseFolder, "*", true);
if tbFolders then
-- add all of the folder names to the list
for i, strFolder in tbFolders do
local nFolderLength = String.Length(strFolder);
local strFolderName = String.Right(strFolder, (nFolderLength - nBaseFolderLength));
strFolderName = String.TrimLeft(strFolderName, "\\");
-- insert the item at the end of the list
DlgComboBox.InsertItem(nComboBoxID, -1, strFolderName);
DlgComboBox.SetProperties(nComboBoxID, {Text=strReselect});
Function: g_GetDriveLetters
Purpose: Fills a table with the drive letters (e.g. 'C:') for all of the drives
that match a specific list of drive types, or for all of the drives on
the system if no list of drive types is specified.
Arguments: Call this function with the list of drive types you want to include
in the table, e.g. g_GetTableOfDriveLetters(DRIVE_FIXED, DRIVE_REMOTE)
Returns: (table) A numerically indexed table of drive letters.
function g_GetDriveLetters(...)
local tbDrives = {};
local nDriveCount = 0;
local tbAllDrives = Drive.Enumerate();
for driveIdx, strDrive in tbAllDrives do
-- remove the trailing backslash (e.g. change 'C:\' to 'C:')
strDrive = String.TrimRight(strDrive, "\\");
if(arg.n > 0) then
local nType = Drive.GetType(strDrive);
for argIdx, argValue in ipairs(arg) do
if(nType == argValue) then
nDriveCount = nDriveCount + 1;
tbDrives[nDriveCount] = strDrive;
nDriveCount = nDriveCount + 1;
tbDrives[nDriveCount] = strDrive;
return tbDrives;
Function: g_GetFreeSpaceInBytes
Purpose: Calculates the amount of disk space available on the specified drive.
Arguments: (string) strDrive - A string whose first character is the drive letter
e.g. C:, C:\Program Files\Your Product
Returns: The amount of free space on the drive, in bytes.
function g_GetFreeSpaceInBytes(strDrive)
local nFreeSpace = Drive.GetFreeSpace(strDrive);
if(nFreeSpace ~= -1) then
-- convert from MB to bytes
nFreeSpace = nFreeSpace * 1024 * 1024;
nFreeSpace = 0;
return nFreeSpace;
Function: g_GetLocalizedNumericChars
Purpose: Get a string containing the valid numeric characters for the current locale.
Arguments: None.
Returns: A string containing the valid numeric characters for the current locale.
function g_GetLocalizedNumericChars()
local strNumericChars = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Control Panel\\International","sMonDecimalSep")
..Registry.GetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Control Panel\\International","sPositiveSign")
..Registry.GetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Control Panel\\International","sNegativeSign")
..Registry.GetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Control Panel\\International","sNativeDigits");
return strNumericChars;
Function: g_HandleSystemReboot
Purpose: Reboots the system if necessary. Usually called as the last command in
the "On Shutdown" event.
Arguments: None.
Returns: None.
function g_HandleSystemReboot()
if(_NeedsReboot) then
if(_SilentInstall) then
-- Always reboot on silent install, if needed
-- Ask the user if they want to reboot now
local strMsg = "";
strMsg = SetupData.GetLocalizedString("MSG_REBOOT_NEEDED_UNINSTALL");
strMsg = SetupData.GetLocalizedString("MSG_REBOOT_NEEDED");
local nResult = Dialog.Message(SetupData.GetLocalizedString("MSG_NOTICE"),strMsg,MB_YESNO,MB_ICONQUESTION);
if(nResult == IDYES)then
Function: g_IsSerialNumberInList
Purpose: Determines whether a serial number is valid by searching through a
specific serial number list or all serial number lists in the project.
Arguments: (string) strSerial - the serial number you want to validate
(string) strListName - the name of the list you want to search in,
or nil if you want to search through all lists
Returns: true if the serial is valid, false if it isn't.
-- search through the specified serial number list for a match
function g_IsSerialNumberInList(strSerial, strListName)
if (strListName == nil) then
-- get the names of all available serial number lists
local tbSerialLists = SetupData.GetSerialListNames();
-- check the serial number against each available list
-- and return true if we find a match in any of them
for i, list_name in tbSerialLists do
if SetupData.IsValidSerialNumber(list_name, strSerial) then
-- serial number is valid
return true;
-- if we made it this far, the serial number wasn't found in any of the lists
return false;
-- check the serial number against the specified list
return SetupData.IsValidSerialNumber(strListName,strSerial);
Function: g_IsValidPath
Purpose: Determines whether a string contains a valid, fully-qualified path.
Note: checks format of path string for proper UNC or DOS formatting,
but does NOT verify whether path exists.
Arguments: (string) strPath - the path you want to validate
Returns: true if the path format is valid, false if it isn't.
function g_IsValidPath(strPath)
-- note: this uses the internal lua function string.find which supports
-- pattern matching
--[[ check for UNC paths (\\ followed by at least one valid path character)
^ must be at beginning of string
\\\\ 2 slashes, escaped (\\)
[^/%*%?\"<>|:\\] any valid path character except a backslash, i.e. anything EXCEPT these characters: / * ? " < > | : \
[^/%*%?\"<>|:]+ one or more occurrences of any valid path character, i.e. anything EXCEPT these characters: / * ? " < > | :
$ must go to end of string
if string.find(strPath, "^\\\\[^/%*%?\"<>|:\\][^/%*%?\"<>|:]+$") then
-- also check that there are no double backslashes in the path beyond the first two
return string.find(strPath, "\\\\", 3) == nil;
--[[ check for DOS paths (a letter followed by a : followed by a \)
^ must be at beginning of string
%a any single letter (uppercase or lowercase)
\\ 1 backslash, escaped (\)
[^/%*%?\"<>|:]* zero or more occurrences of any valid path character, i.e. anything EXCEPT these characters: / * ? " < > | :
$ must go to end of string
if(string.find(strPath, "^%a:\\[^/%*%?\"<>|:]*$") ~= nil) then
-- also check that there are no double backslashes in the path
return string.find(strPath, "\\\\", 3) == nil;
-- not a fully qualified path, whatever it is
return false;
Function: g_LicenseAgreementScreen_UpdateNextButton
Purpose: Enables the Next button on the License Agreement screen if the user has
the 'I agree' option selected.
Arguments: None.
Returns: Nothing.
function g_LicenseAgreementScreen_UpdateNextButton()
local bEnableNext = false;
local tbProps = DlgRadioButton.GetProperties(CTRL_RADIOBTN_AGREE);
if(tbProps) then
bEnableNext = tbProps.Checked;
DlgButton.SetProperties(CTRL_BUTTON_NEXT, {Enabled=bEnableNext});
Function: g_UpdateStaticTextCtrl
Purpose: Updates the text in a static text control, expanding any session variables in it.
Arguments: (number) nCtrlID - The ID of the static text control to update.
(string) strStringID - The message ID for the text that appears in
the static text control, i.e. the original
text that contains the session variable(s).
Returns: Nothing.
function g_UpdateStaticTextCtrl(nCtrlID, strStringID)
local tbProps = DlgStaticText.GetProperties(nCtrlID);
if tbProps then
tbProps.Text = Screen.GetLocalizedString(strStringID);
tbProps.Text = SessionVar.Expand(tbProps.Text);
DlgStaticText.SetProperties(nCtrlID, tbProps);
Function: g_ValidateEditField
Purpose: Perform some simple validation on an input object.
Arguments: (number) nIDEditField - The ID of the edit field control.
(number) nMinChars - The minimum number of characters required.
(number) nMaxChars - The maximum number of characters allowed. (nil for no limit)
(string) strValidChars - a string containing the list of valid characters, or nil
if no character checking should be performed.
Note: To test for numeric characters, use the
g_GetLocalizedNumericChars function to get the
valid numeric characters for the current locale.
Returns: (boolean) true if the edit field is meets the criteria, false if it doesn't.
function g_ValidateEditField(nIDEditField, nMinChars, nMaxChars, strValidChars)
local strText = DlgEditField.GetProperties(nIDEditField).Text;
local nLen = String.Length(strText);
if(nLen < nMinChars) then
return false;
if(nMaxChars and (nLen > nMaxChars)) then
return false;
if(strValidChars) then
if(String.TrimRight(strText, strValidChars) ~= "") then
-- the string contains characters not in strValidChars
return false;
return true;
Function: g_OnRegisterFileFailed
Purpose: Called from the setup when a file fails COM or TypeLib registration.
Arguments: (number) nRegType - The type of registration. 0 = COM (DllRegisterServer), 1 = TypeLib
(string) strFilename - The full path and filename of the file that failed registration.
(string) strErrorMsg - The translated error message.
(number) nErrorCode - The error code.
Returns: (boolean) true if the setup should continue or false to abort
function g_OnRegisterFileFailed(nRegType, strFilename, strErrorMsg, nErrorCode)
local strMessage = "";
if(nRegType == 0)then
strMessage = SetupData.GetLocalizedString("ERR_REGISTER_COM");
strMessage = SetupData.GetLocalizedString("ERR_REGISTER_TLB");
strMessage = strMessage.." "..strFilename.."\r\n"..strErrorMsg.." ("..nErrorCode..")";
if(not _SilentInstall)then
-- Continue with the installation. Change to false to abort the install.
return true;