tiny hexer is a free of charge hex editor for binary files. it allows you to edit multiple files (mdi), sectors of disks and other data media (disk editor) and modifiy virtual memory of other processes. tiny hexer is scriptable, lets you view data structures in a special browser in human readable format and has a plugin interface for third party extensions.
bugfix: some dialogs didn't show up correctly when large fonts were used in windows bugfix: incorrect processing of "Extended Segment Address" records in the Intel Hex import script new option "Watch external file changes" changes in tiny hexer script:
enhanced "/sp" command line parameter: you can use single quotation marks to concatenate script parameters containing blanks, e.g. /sp "'filename with blanks.txt' 100" added an optional parameter to the ASKFINDOPTIONS() function to retrieve the text mode that has been chosen in the dialog. added REQUIRE command changed the data parameters of the CMD.EditFindReplace and CMD.EditFindStore actions