【文章标题】:Teleport Pro V1.43 破解过程
【文章作者】: CRP
【作者邮箱】: hmp250@126.com
【作者QQ号】: 249810097
【软件名称】: Teleport Pro V1.43
【软件大小】: 674 KB
【下载地址】: http://www1.skycn.com/soft/197.html
【加壳方式】: 无
【保护方式】: 末注册时只有30天的试用期
【编写语言】: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
【使用工具】: PEID,OD
【操作平台】: XP SP2
【软件介绍】: Teleport Pro 所能做的,不仅仅是离线浏览某个网页(
【作者声明】: 只是感兴趣,没有其他目的。失误之处敬请诸位大侠赐教!
安装后,用PEID侦测无壳。OD载入,CTR+F8跟到输入注册框。随意输入MRCRP(以前破解时,发现用户名至少要5位,且不能含[] .等特殊符号)和假注册码123454321(要求要9位)
0042D2AA . 83C4 0C add esp, 0C
0042D2AD . 897424 10 mov dword ptr [esp+10], esi
0042D2B1 . 3898 CD040000 cmp byte ptr [eax+4CD], bl
0042D2B7 . 0F84 30010000 je 0042D3ED
0042D2BD . 3BF3 cmp esi, ebx
0042D2BF . BD 04844800 mov ebp, 00488404 ; user
0042D2C4 . 74 5A je short 0042D320
0042D2C6 . FFB7 D5000000 push dword ptr [edi+D5] ; 输入用户名
0042D2CC . E8 BE090000 call 0042DC8F ; 关键CALL,
0042D2D1 . 3BF0 cmp esi, eax ; 此处比较注册码,eax即为注册码,需转换成十进制
0042D2D3 . 59 pop ecx
0042D2D4 . 75 0F jnz short 0042D2E5 ; 不能跳
0042D2D6 . 53 push ebx ; /Arg3
0042D2D7 . 53 push ebx ; |Arg2
0042D2D8 . FF35 0C914800 push dword ptr [48910C] ; |Arg1 = 0048E608 ASCII "Thank you! Your copy of Teleport Pro is now registered. All limits have been removed."
0042D2DE . E8 DF530200 call 004526C2 ; \pro.004526C2
0042D2E3 . EB 76 jmp short 0042D35B
0042D2E5 > 8BBF D5000000 mov edi, dword ptr [edi+D5]
0042D2EB . 395F F8 cmp dword ptr [edi-8], ebx
0042D2EE . 75 0A jnz short 0042D2FA
0042D2F0 . 53 push ebx
0042D2F1 . 53 push ebx
0042D2F2 . FF35 84914800 push dword ptr [489184] ; pro.0048DC90
0042D2F8 . EB 1B jmp short 0042D315
0042D2FA > 57 push edi
0042D2FB . E8 8F090000 call 0042DC8F ;
0042D300 . 59 pop ecx
0042D301 . 53 push ebx
0042D302 . 53 push ebx
0042D303 . 85C0 test eax, eax
0042D305 . 75 08 jnz short 0042D30F
0042D307 . FF35 88914800 push dword ptr [489188] ; pro.0048DC38
0042D30D . EB 06 jmp short 0042D315
0042D30F > FF35 8C914800 push dword ptr [48918C] ; |Arg1 = 0048DB20 ASCII "We're sorry! The registration number you entered appears to be invalid. Please check both your name and the registration code and try entering them again. (Your name must be spelled exactly as you spelled it when you "...
0042D315 > E8 A8530200 call 004526C2 ; \pro.004526C2
没什么总结的,感觉这次破解非常简单。一组注册信息:用户名:MRCRP 注册码:264091369
【版权声明】: 本文原创于看雪技术论坛, 转载请注明作者并保持文章的完整, 谢谢!
2007年02月05日 下午 01:02:13