发表于: 2007-2-4 14:27 2553


2007-2-4 14:27
                  ?? ?芸              荥 苘圹圹苘      ?
              ?苘苘圹圹圻哌  苘曹     懿?哌哌    卟圹? 圹圹?
       ?   苒圹圹圹圻?苘苒圻?  唼?圹?苒圮       槽郯捋圹郯
       ?苒圹圻槽圹?  槽圻         辈佰 薏圹?      捋圹捋圹?
       捋圹??圹圹? 槽圯          槽鄄 圹圹         圹鄄捋圹
        圹   ?圹劭   咣?          咣 苒圹?       臂圹蒇圹?     苘?
        捋圮  捋圹?    咣圮?          捋圹圯      苒圹厕圹鄄  苘圹圹圹圮?
         圻  ?圹劭   ?  哌卟圹曹苘    圹圹? 苘苒策? 槽圹埝?     哌圹圹圮
             苒圹?    薇          哌圹苘 卟圯   咣圮?  圹圹?          圹圹草
            臂圹?     圹?           圹圹蒉郾      哌圹苘 哌?         佰圹鄄
       ?苘圹圹?     捋圹苘      苘懿圹哌 圹?         哌咣苘?        苒策?
    捃 哌哌         懿圹?哌圹苘圹哌哌   咣圻            薏苘?       苒?  茌
    捋避苘        哌?                                    哌?         苘鼙圹
     咣膊卑                                                           氨膊圻
       咣脖?                                                        氨槽?
      苒脖?            ?                              ?            氨槽?
   苒膊北?            ?                                ?            氨辈槽?
   鄄?哌   苘膊膊苘  卑         p r e s e n t s         氨 苘膊膊苘    哌 卟?
    哕    苒哌? 哌鄄卑?                                甙辈圻? 哌咣?   苓
      ??          哌                                     哌          唼 ?
     app [ Armadillo Sections Stripper 1.22                                 ] 
     url [ http://zor.org/tsrh                                              ] 
      by [ BoOMBoX                                                          ] 
    type [ Tool                                                             ] 
    date [ 03-10-2006                                                       ] 

    捃                                                                     茌
    捋避苘                                                             苘臂圯
     咣膊北?                                                        氨辈槽?
       咣脖?                                                       氨槽? 
      苒脖?            ?                             ?           氨槽?
   苒膊北?            ?       : T A R G E T :         ?           氨辈槽?
   鄄?哌   苘膊膊苘  卑                                氨 苘膊膊苘    哌 卟?
    哕    苒哌? 哌鄄卑?  : D E S C R I P T I O N :    甙辈圻? 哌咣?   苓
      ??          哌                                    哌          唼 ?
      苘      哕                                               苓      苘
   苒膊膊圹? 鼙?                                            氨? 苒鄄膊槽?
  薇策   哌膊卑?                                              甙辈策?  卟陛
  脖?                                                                    薇?
  ?                                                                        ?
  ? Tool for optimize (reduce size) dumps of files protected with          ?
  ? armadillo.                                                             ?
  ?                                                                        ?
  脖                                                                       辈
  薏避鄄曹                                                           懿槽鼙草
   卟策 脖?                                                        鼙?卟策
      苒脖?            ?                             ?           氨槽?
   苒膊北?            ?     : R E G I S T E R :       ?           氨辈槽?
   鄄?哌   苘膊膊苘  卑                                氨 苘膊膊苘    哌 卟?
    哕    苒哌? 哌鄄卑?        : N O T E S :          甙辈圻? 哌咣?   苓
      ??          哌                                    哌          唼 ?
      苘      哕                                               苓      苘
   苒膊膊圹? 鼙?                                            氨? 苒鄄膊槽?
  薇策   哌膊卑?                                              甙辈策?  卟陛
  脖?                                                                    薇?
  ?                                                                        ?
  ? Tool from TSRh TeaM! :)                                                ?
  ?                                                                        ? 
  脖                                                                       辈
  薏避鄄曹                                                           懿槽鼙草
   卟策 脖?                                                        鼙?卟策 
      苒脖?            ?                             ?           氨槽?   
   苒膊北?            ?         : J U S T :           ?           氨辈槽?
   鄄?哌   苘膊膊苘  卑               a                氨 苘膊膊苘    哌 卟?
    哕    苒哌? 哌鄄卑?         : G A M E :           甙辈圻? 哌咣?   苓 
      ??          哌                                    哌          唼 ?  
      苘      哕                                               苓      苘    
   苒膊膊圹? 鼙?                                            氨? 苒鄄膊槽?
  薇策   哌膊卑?                                              甙辈策?  卟陛
  氨?                                                                    薇?
  氨  now,  you  are  a part of the game, too. all your personal qualities 卑
  鞍 have  been  logged  and  u  can't exit untill your death. its game of 鞍
  鞍 information...  someone  call it illegal, someone can't agree with it ?
  鞍 or  tries to deny it, it makes one disappoint, or happy, but cracking  ?
  鞍 force  exist  without  asking for your opinion. the crime of the most 鞍
  鞍 enthusiasts  is  that  of curiosity, is that of reversing, is that of 鞍
  鞍 willing  to  know  'how  it must be'. and they explore... they change 鞍
  鞍 bytes,  they  unpack,  debug and analyze those 'uncrackable routines' 鞍
  鞍 you  can't  even  imagine,  and it gives them pleasure, it gives them 鞍
  鞍 knowledge...                                                          鞍
  鞍  nowdays,  many  people  are  envolved  into  it-related  branches of 鞍
  鞍 industry. lots of ideas and their realizations appear every day. they ?
  鞍 make doing specific sums more easier, but software developers want to  ?
  鞍 get  compensation  for their 'hard work'. they protect... to the most ?
  鞍 of them it seems unbeliveable to share their code, getting experience   
   ?by  discussing  it, making it better... there is no argue with buying  ?
  ? 'really good' apps, their authors never try getting much from it, you 鞍
  鞍 enjoy  support  and  programm for your money, coz author wants to get 鞍
  鞍 experience,  too.  he  optimizes it, he wants it work better. we want 鞍
  鞍 more such authors, less those greedy men, who wants you pay for buggy 鞍
  鞍 shit  never  worth seeing. best is open source... individuals of even 鞍
  ? cracking  groups  may  go  down,  but  challenge  will  never  end... 鞍
  卑 nevertheless its just a game...                                       氨
  氨                                                                       卑
  脖        if freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will have freedom         辈
  薏避鄄曹                                                           懿槽鼙草
   卟策 脖?                                                        鼙?卟策 
      苒脖?            ?                             ?           氨槽?   
   苒膊北?            ?    : T S R h   T e a M :      ?           氨辈槽? 
   鄄?哌   苘膊膊苘  卑                                氨 苘膊膊苘    哌 卟?
    哕    苒哌? 哌鄄卑?      : M E M B E R S :        甙辈圻? 哌咣?   苓 
      ??          哌                                    哌          唼 ?  
      苘      哕                                               苓      苘    
   苒膊膊圹? 鼙?                                            氨? 苒鄄膊槽?
  薇策   哌膊卑?                                              甙辈策?  卟陛
  氨?                                                                    薇?
  卑    A C T I V E                                                        氨
  鞍                                                                       鞍
  鞍    [ B-$hep .................... ] [ founder, cracker........... ]    鞍
  鞍    [ Nitrogen .................. ] [ cracker, coder............. ]    鞍
  鞍    [ EGOiST .................... ] [ cracker, coder............. ]    鞍
  鞍    [ ByTESCRK .................. ] [ cracker.................... ]    鞍
  鞍    [ Vepergen .................. ] [ cracker.................... ]    鞍
  鞍    [ BoOMBoX.................... ] [ cracker.................... ]    鞍
  鞍    [ Geo4ce .................... ] [ cracker.................... ]    鞍
  鞍    [ QIce ...................... ] [ cracker, coder............. ]    鞍
  鞍    [ V0land..................... ] [ PDA cracker................ ]    鞍
  鞍    [ BUBlic..................... ] [ cracker, coder............. ]    鞍
  鞍    [ Gelios..................... ] [ cracker, coder............. ]    鞍
  鞍    [ Getorix.................... ] [ PDA cracker, coder......... ]    鞍
  鞍                                                                       鞍
  鞍    T R I A L                                                          鞍
  鞍                                                                       鞍
  鞍    [ MOID....................... ] [ cracker.................... ]    鞍
  鞍                                                                       鞍
  鞍    F R E E Z E D                                                      鞍
  鞍                                                                       鞍
  鞍    [ NeRo (army)................ ] [ cracker.................... ]    鞍
  鞍    [ Lice (army)................ ] [ cracker.................... ]    鞍
  北                                                                       北
  脖                                                                       辈
  薏避鄄曹                                                           懿槽鼙草
   卟策 脖?                                                        鼙?卟策 
      苒脖?            ?                             ?           氨槽?   
   苒膊北?            ?                               ?           氨辈槽?
   鄄?哌   苘膊膊苘  卑   : C  O  N  T  A  C  T  S :   氨 苘膊膊苘    哌 卟?
    哕    苒哌? 哌鄄卑?                               甙辈圻? 哌咣?   苓 
      ??        荥 哌  e-mail [ ****@*******           哌 ?       唼 ?  
                 薨      web    [ http://tsrh.be          ]  拜
                 氨    forum    [ http://zor.org/tsrhclub ]  卑
                 薨      irc    [ irc.street-creed.com    ]  拜
                  哕     irc#   [ #tsrh                   ] 苓
                    ???      nfo.last.updated       ???


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雪    币: 202
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2007-2-4 18:44
雪    币: 201
活跃值: (20)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2007-2-4 21:32
雪    币: 97697
活跃值: (200839)
能力值: (RANK:10 )


2007-2-5 02:18
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