[ZT]JetBrains dotTrace v2.0
发表于: 2007-1-28 01:18 2374

[ZT]JetBrains dotTrace v2.0

2007-1-28 01:18
JetBrains dotTrace is the complete profiling solution for .NET. It profiles:

the performance of .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0.1 applications
the memory usage of .NET Framework 2.0.1 applications
ASP.NET applications running on Internet Information Server
Windows services

Enlarge screenshot Convenience and ease of use set dotTrace Profiler apart from the many profiling tools built for the Microsoft .NET platform.

The friendly program interface features effective navigation, easy filtering, smart search options and handy source preview. Its speed and efficiency also cannot go unmentioned: dotTrace decisively outperforms the great majority of its in-class competitors.

What's New

Memory profiling
With dotTrace 2.0.1, you can now quickly see what happens with the memory used by your .NET applications. Nine informative views, each tuned to a specific aspect of memory usage, enable you to quickly find memory leaks and optimize memory usage. A memory difference profiling mode is provided to view the difference between application memory states at two different points in time. Memory profiling works only with Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 applications.

Performance profiling enhancements
Performance profiling in dotTrace has been enhanced with a number of new features. Now you can look up Quick Info on any function displaying a summary of function statistics. A new tool is provided for automatically comparing performance snapshots. Also, multiple filtering options have been added for folding filtered calls, recursive calls, and functions consuming 0% of root time.

Other important improvements
dotTrace now handles multiple snapshots, letting you generate two or more snapshots of the same application as you profile it, plus you can now open several snapshots at the same time to compare and contrast them. In addition to standalone applications and ASP.NET applications, you can now profile Windows services as well. And last but not least, dotTrace has been integrated with Visual Studio, allowing you to run dotTrace from Visual Studio and to navigate from dotTrace to files open in Visual Studio.



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