Does a thread call it and specifies the
query class 5 (SystemProcessInformation;
thxEliCZ) we modify the returned chain of
process information structures.
For that purpose we pass the address
of NtDll!NtQuerySystemInformation to the driver which extracts the
Native API ID from there....
Here things get trickier. Because a ring3 process has nearly no
rights we transfer the action to a KMD.
At first we hook NtQuerySystemInformation. Does a thread call
it and specifies the query class 5 (SystemProcessInformation; thx
EliCZ) we modify the returned chain of process information structures.
In fact I don't overwrite the whole structure. I enlarge the
SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION.SizeOfBlock structure item of the process
block being before the block of our process.