New! Find References in a header lists first the results from the matching cpp. (case=3868) 5682
Alt+O is a lot smarter about finding the right header. (case=3877) 5681, 5353
Improved support for Consolas font in VS2005. (case=1206)
Options dialog opens when using Vista. (case=3973) 5705, 5723
Improved support for different styles of line endings. (case=270) 3399, 4490, 5580
Eliminated parsing delays from heavily templated code. (case=1971) 4947
Eliminated "Evaluate all macros" from options dialog since it is no longer needed after updates to parser. (case=3955)
Suggestion list no longer disappears after return when typing quickly. (case=3928) 5701
Export of settings from options dialog writes output in version 5.00 with Unicode. (case=3641)
Change Signature no longer inserts extra spaces in argument list. (case=1696)
Move Implementation removes afx_msg when creating message handlers. (case=1695)
Create Impementation removes afx_msg from return types. (case=2323)
Change Signature no longer eats whitespace after declarations of inline methods. (case=3762)
Eliminated conflict with Team Foundation Annotate Power Toy. (case=2736) 5278
Unix line endings no longer confuse Surround Selection. (case=1794) 4983, 5249
Alt+o no longer launches File|Open dialog (occurred in rare circumstances.) (case=437) 3156
Change Signature no longer available on variables. (case=3725) 5639
Change Signature no longer removes keyword virtual. (case=2894) 5407
Fixed a scenario in which CString members were not listed within a method. (case=3887) (VC++ 6.0) 5677
Namespace and structure with the same name are properly differentiated. (case=590) 3621
Namespace and function with the same name are properly differentiated. (case=1076) 4489
List of Methods (Alt+M) no longer identifies using directives when run from a cpp file. (case=914) 4167
Better support for namespace aliases. (case=967) 4309
Improved support for namespaces in Goto (Alt+G) command. (case=2303) 5219
Change Signature no longer inserts comment from the top of the Autotext entry for Create Implementation. (case=2360) 5252
Extract Method no longer confused by equals sign with no surrounding whitespace. (case=2866) 5398
Improved parsing in projects with many COM interfaces. (case=2913) 5403
Change Signature in C# no longer adds an extra private to implementation. (case=3445)
Eliminated hang triggered by two instances of the IDE when both were rebuilding symbol databases. (case=3828) 5375, 5705, 5720
Better differentiation of classes with identical names. (case=1666) 4950, 5259
Alt+G works from headers that use namespaces. (case=971) 4312, 5219, 5547