:: Tehnical info:
RL!dePacker has a build in option to detect OEP. However this option does not work with VB (always use FindOEP! function with VB applications and Force to manual OEP?) and some packers. So if RL!dePacker can not unpack the file use FindOEP! function to detect correct OEP, but use it only as a second resort since it can be jammed! Option Force OEP to manual address is used to force stopping on manual OEP address, use this option ONLY if packer can not be unpacked (the target runs insted of breaking at OEP or dumps at wrong OEP). Option Correct OEP to manual address is used correct OEP in PE header of the unpacked file.
Generic unpacker can unpack ONLY packers that do not use IAT redirection, that don`t steal APIs and which fillout IAT table in correct order. All ordinals that can be converted to API names are converted, others are inserted into IAT as ordinals! Currently MFC applications are not supported due to the different .idata structure. Designed for NT systems, Windows 2000 or later but it should work on Windows 9x if you have psapi.dll file!
If you don`t want to update the software and therefor wait few seconds before you can use this program delete Updater.dll file.
:: Can I report a bug or contact the autor?
Here is the contact information which you can use to contact me:
Handle: ap0x
WebSite: http://ap0x.jezgra.net
Email: ap0x.rce(at)gmail(dot)(com)
:: RL!dePacker is tested with 72+ packers:
UPX 0.8x - 2.x [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
HidePX 1.4 [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
ASPack 1.x - 2.x
eXPressor 1.2.x - 1.4.x
EZip 1.0
MEW 1.x
NeoLite 1.0 & 2.0
JDPack 1.x
JDProtect 0.9
nSPack 2.x - 3.x [use GenOEP to detect true OEP and Force OEP option in all cases!]
PECompact 1.x - 2.x
WWPack32 1.x
WinUPack 0.2x - 0.3x
PeX 0.99
PC Shrink 0.71
Polyene 0.01
FSG 1.xx & 2.0
PackMan & 1.0
UPolyX 0.4 & 0.5
UPXRedir [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
UPXCrypt [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
32Lite 0.3a
Stone`s PE Encryptor 2.0
HidePE 2.1
StealthPE 2.1
PE Diminisher 0.1
ORiEN 2.12
AHPack 1.x
Software Compress 1.x
PolyCrypt PE 2.1.5
PeTite 1.x
SPLayer 0.08
ShrinkWarp 1.4
[G!X]`s Protector 1.2
!ExE Pack 1.x
LameCrypt 1.0
Winkript 1.0
DEF 1.0
EP Protector 0.3 [don`t use GenOEP function since it is jammed!]
SmokesCrypt 1.2
dot Fake Signer 3.x
VirogenCrypt 0.75
UPX Inkvizitor [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
UPXFreak 0.1 [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
Simple UPX-Scrambler[use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
PEStubOEP 1.6
KByS Packer 0.2x
PELockNT 2.x
aUS [Advanced UPX Scrambler] 0.5
hmimys-Packer 1.x
nPack 1.x
UPolyX 0.x [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
PePack 1.0
UPXLock 1.x [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
PC PE Encryptor alpha [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in all cases!]
UG Chruncher 0.x
UPX-Scrambler RC 1.x [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
UPX Protector 1.0x [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
UPXShit 0.06 & 0.0.1 [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in Delphi case! UPX 2.x STUB]
yC 1.0
SimplePack 1.x
RLPack Basic Edition 1.x
BeRoEXEPacker 1.x
PEncrypt 4.0 [use GenOEP to detect true OEP in all cases!]
ReCrypt 0.15 [and all other versions that do not use API redirection, so all versions below 0.721b]
PEnguinCrypt 1.0
UPXScramb 2.x
PE Pack 1.0
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