- Obfuscator engine improved
- Decompile VB5 modules
- New engine for decompiling VB6 modules
- More than 100 MSVBVM50.DLL signatures
- Decompiling some structures in .NET applications (experimental)
- Decompiling string references in .NET applications
- find string into text field and find string references in RAEdit control
- Fixed some bugs in obfuscation engine
Released VB decompiler v2.7 (25.09.06)
What's new in this version:
This version of the decompiler contains huge modifications. Now you can
decompile even a 10-megabyte EXE file for only 5-10 seconds. It became
possible due to the on-the-fly decompilation technology. Now if you select
the "Fast decompilation" checkbox in the options, the decompiler will
decompile not the entire file, but only the tree of functions. Functions
will be decompiled transparent for you when you access them. It will allow
you to start analyzing the file at once. Of course, the decompiler will
decompile the rest of the file when you save the project, but it is better
anyway because it is much more important to start faster than to save the
project faster. Let me remind you that you might as well disable this
option. You will also find the "Cache decompiled code" checkbox in the
options. It is used to decompile a function only once and when you access it
later, it will take code from the internal structures of the decompiler. Do
not enable this option, if you want to use different on-the-fly
decompilation methods using the "Compile stack parameters" and "Procedure
analyzer and optimizer" checkboxes