Describes a computer architecture in which, within a given 16- or 32-bit word, bytes at lower addresses have lower significance (the word is stored ‘little-end-first’). The PDP-11 and VAX families of computers and Intel microprocessors and a lot of communications and networking hardware are little-endian. See big-endian, middle-endian, NUXI problem. The term is sometimes used to describe the ordering of units other than bytes; most often, bits within a byte.
请你注意最后一句话。再说,没说你little-endian理解有错误,只是指出你专业英文翻译中的不当之处:the most significant and the least significant翻译成最重要和最不重要有点贻笑大方了。
0x00405000 ab cd ef 01 23 45
在NIST的fips 180-2中,有这样一段话:
Throughout this specification, the “big-endian” convention is used when expressing
both 32- and 64-bit words, so that within each word, the most significant bit is stored
in the left-most bit position.