[原创] ELF文件结构浅析-解析器和加载器实现
发表于: 2024-11-25 21:58 4080

[原创] ELF文件结构浅析-解析器和加载器实现

2024-11-25 21:58

近期冲浪刷到大佬博客ELF文件格式, 心血来潮


然而阅读开源代码不是我的强项(看的头大), 于是依据当年学习PE文件结构的思路,学习ELF文件格式

仿照 readelf 的输出结果编写解析器, 最后编写了简单的ELF加载器


解析器针对x86/x64有两套实现, 支持解析x86和x64平台的ELF文件





由于本人水平有限, 内容错误之处还望大佬多多包涵, 批评指正

ELF是UNIX系统实验室(USL)作为应用程序二进制接口(Application Binary Interface,ABI)而开发和发布的,也是Linux的主要可执行文件格式, 全称是Executable and Linking Format,这个名字相当关键,包含了ELF所需要支持的两个功能——执行和链接


节头表指向节, 类似PE的节表, 描述各个节区的信息



















Android不检查该字节,默认小端序; IDA检查该字节,如果修改该字节则IDA无法正确反汇编





2字节,该字段用于指定ELF文件适用的处理器架构,部分定义如下, 对于intel,固定为EM_386



4或8字节,程序入口点(OEP) RVA, 如果e_type=2 即可执行程序, 则该字段为VA; 如果是so,则为0






Android不检查,默认ELF Header大小为52字节; IDA检查,修改该字段只会产生警告不影响反汇编










节表数组第0个元素固定为SHN_UNDEF, 节表成员结构定义如下


4字节,偏移值,通过ELF File Header.e_shstrndx拿到节表中节名称表对应项的索引

然后在节表中找到该项,找到sh_offset的文件偏移 sh_name+sh_offset即为该节名的字符串的FOA

4字节,指示节的类型, 定义如下



SHF_WRITE 表示本节在进程中可写

SHF_ALLOC 表示本节在运行中需要占用内存


SHF_EXECINSTR 表示本节的内容是指令代码

SHF_MASKPROC 被该值覆盖的位都保留做特殊处理器扩展用







4字节,段地址对齐值,假如为0或者1表示该段没有对齐要求; 假如为3表示对齐2^3=8


4字节,部分节的内容是一张表,每个表项的大小固定(例如符号表), 该字段指定其每个表项的大小









段的内存物理地址, 由于多数现代操作系统的设计不可预知段的物理地址,故该字段多数情况下保留






ELF 文件中有一些特定的节是预定义好的,其内容是指令代码或者控制信息


ELF文件中有很多字符串,例如段名,变量名等, 由于字符串长度往往不固定,所以使用固定结构描述比较困难




遍历section header, 查找type==SHT_STRTAB的即为字符串表 (包括段表字符串表)


获取该表可以通过ELF Header的e_shstrndx成员做索引,查找ELF Section Header Table






符号名, 字符串表的索引下标, 节表的sh_link说明了是在哪个字符串表中

符号对应的值, 和符号有关, 可能是绝对值,也可能是一个地址, 不同符号的含义不同

符号大小, 对于包含数据的符号, 是该数据类型的大小


符号的类型和属性,高4bit标识了符号绑定(symbol binding), 低4bit标识了符号类型(symbol type),组成符号信息(symbol information)






























.rel.plt 修复外部函数地址

.rel.dyn 修复全局变量地址

重定位表有SHT_REL, SHT_RELA, SHT_RELR三种类型,对应表项定义如下

注: Intel x86架构只使用REL重定位项, x64架构似乎只使用RELA重定位项, 在后续修复重定位表可以得知






SYM获取高24/32位, 是符号表索引, 指明符号

TYPE获取低8/32位, 是重定位类型



一个重定位节(Relocation Section)需要引用另外两个节: 符号表和待修复节











修复方法: elf加载后, 填入符号对应真实地址


修复方法: elf加载后, 修改跳转地址为符号地址


修复方法: 将offset指出的位置解引用,加上elf加载的基地址

全部的intel x86架构重定位类型如下


r_offset指定了待修复的地址,这是一个RVA, 需要将该地址存储的数据加上elf文件加载的基地址



3fec, 3fe0,3fe4,3fe8,3ff0是GOT表项, 其中3fec (main_ptr) 是RELATIVE类型,其他均为GLOB_DAT类型


4000,4004是plt表项, 均为JUMP_SLOT类型, 400c是dso_handle, 为RELATIVE类型










如果目标文件参与动态链接,必定包含一个类型为 PT_DYNAMIC 的Program表项, 对应节名为 .dynamic (type=SHT_DYNAMIC)








d_val 代表整数值

d_ptr 代表进程空间的虚拟地址


哈希表可用于查询导出函数, 有两种, 目前的elf文件主要是用GNU HASH表作为导出表


Linux原始Elf Hash算法如下

ELF Hash Table根据符号名查找符号地址的流程如下







index=chains[index] (如果chains[index]==0说明不存在该符号)



由于x86_64下gcc编译的elf程序默认只使用gnu.hash,以Android NDK得到的64位so为例



根据elfhash计算bucket下标, index=hash%nbucket =48



得到动态符号表下标为0xE(14), 查找符号表正好对应dlopen函数



参考 https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-4.1.2_r2.1:bionic/linker/linker.c

Elf Hash在Android又定义为为Sysv Hash,参考https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android14-qpr3-release:external/musl/ldso/dynlink.c

GNU Hash表项如下

可以发现,GNU Hash并没有给出nchain字段,如何计算?

查找GNU Hash表的示意图如下:








详细可参考ELF 通过 Sysv Hash & Gnu Hash 查找符号的实现及对比ELF解析07_哈希表, 导出表


Android Linker的源码实现如下

ELF Program Header描述了ELF文件的哪些段需要映射到内存,ELF程序的加载流程如下:


根据program header,映射filebuffer至imagebuffer




外部引用地址需要加载并遍历needed libso,根据符号查找函数真实地址并修复












【内核】ELF 文件执行流程


ELF解析07_哈希表, 导出表

ELF 通过 Sysv Hash & Gnu Hash 查找符号的实现及对比

[翻译]GNU Hash ELF Sections

#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint16_t Elf32_Half;
typedef uint16_t Elf64_Half;
/* Types for signed and unsigned 32-bit quantities.  */
typedef uint32_t Elf32_Word;
typedef int32_t  Elf32_Sword;
typedef uint32_t Elf64_Word;
typedef int32_t  Elf64_Sword;
/* Types for signed and unsigned 64-bit quantities.  */
typedef uint64_t Elf32_Xword;
typedef int64_t  Elf32_Sxword;
typedef uint64_t Elf64_Xword;
typedef int64_t  Elf64_Sxword;
/* Type of addresses.  */
typedef uint32_t Elf32_Addr;
typedef uint64_t Elf64_Addr;
/* Type of file offsets.  */
typedef uint32_t Elf32_Off;
typedef uint64_t Elf64_Off;
/* Type for section indices, which are 16-bit quantities.  */
typedef uint16_t Elf32_Section;
typedef uint16_t Elf64_Section;
/* Type for version symbol information.  */
typedef Elf32_Half Elf32_Versym;
typedef Elf64_Half Elf64_Versym;
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint16_t Elf32_Half;
typedef uint16_t Elf64_Half;
/* Types for signed and unsigned 32-bit quantities.  */
typedef uint32_t Elf32_Word;
typedef int32_t  Elf32_Sword;
typedef uint32_t Elf64_Word;
typedef int32_t  Elf64_Sword;
/* Types for signed and unsigned 64-bit quantities.  */
typedef uint64_t Elf32_Xword;
typedef int64_t  Elf32_Sxword;
typedef uint64_t Elf64_Xword;
typedef int64_t  Elf64_Sxword;
/* Type of addresses.  */
typedef uint32_t Elf32_Addr;
typedef uint64_t Elf64_Addr;
/* Type of file offsets.  */
typedef uint32_t Elf32_Off;
typedef uint64_t Elf64_Off;
/* Type for section indices, which are 16-bit quantities.  */
typedef uint16_t Elf32_Section;
typedef uint16_t Elf64_Section;
/* Type for version symbol information.  */
typedef Elf32_Half Elf32_Versym;
typedef Elf64_Half Elf64_Versym;
ELF数据结构 原始类型 备注
Elfn_Half uint16_t
Elfn_Word uint32_t
Elfn_Sword int32_t
Elfn_Xword uint64_t
Elfn_Sxword int64_t
Elf32_Addr uint32_t 地址
Elf64_Addr uint64_t
Elf32_Off uint32_t 文件偏移
Elf64_Off uint64_t
Elfn_Section uint16_t 节索引
Elfn_Versym uint16_t
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
    printf("Hello ELF!\n");
    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
    printf("Hello ELF!\n");
    return 0;
gcc -m32 -O0 main.c -o HelloELF32
gcc -m64 -O0 main.c -o HelloELF64
gcc -m32 -O0 main.c -o HelloELF32
gcc -m64 -O0 main.c -o HelloELF64
// 读取文件,返回buffer和读取字节数
uint8_t* readFileToBytes(const char *fileName,size_t* readSize) {
    FILE *file = fopen(fileName, "rb");
    if (file == NULL) {
        printf("Error opening file\n");
        return NULL;
    fseek(file, 0,SEEK_END);
    size_t fileSize = ftell(file);
    fseek(file, 0,SEEK_SET);
    uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(fileSize);
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        printf("Error allocating memory\n");
        return NULL;
    size_t bytesRead = fread(buffer, 1, fileSize, file);
    if(bytesRead!=fileSize) {
        printf("Read bytes not equal file size!\n");
        return NULL;
    return buffer;
// 读取文件,返回buffer和读取字节数
uint8_t* readFileToBytes(const char *fileName,size_t* readSize) {
    FILE *file = fopen(fileName, "rb");
    if (file == NULL) {
        printf("Error opening file\n");
        return NULL;
    fseek(file, 0,SEEK_END);
    size_t fileSize = ftell(file);
    fseek(file, 0,SEEK_SET);
    uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(fileSize);
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        printf("Error allocating memory\n");
        return NULL;
    size_t bytesRead = fread(buffer, 1, fileSize, file);
    if(bytesRead!=fileSize) {
        printf("Read bytes not equal file size!\n");
        return NULL;
    return buffer;
#define EI_NIDENT (16)
typedef struct
  unsigned char    e_ident[EI_NIDENT];    /* Magic number and other info */
  Elf32_Half    e_type;            /* Object file type */
  Elf32_Half    e_machine;        /* Architecture */
  Elf32_Word    e_version;        /* Object file version */
  Elf32_Addr    e_entry;        /* Entry point virtual address */
  Elf32_Off     e_phoff;        /* Program header table file offset */
  Elf32_Off     e_shoff;        /* Section header table file offset */
  Elf32_Word    e_flags;        /* Processor-specific flags */
  Elf32_Half    e_ehsize;        /* ELF header size in bytes */
  Elf32_Half    e_phentsize;        /* Program header table entry size */
  Elf32_Half    e_phnum;        /* Program header table entry count */
  Elf32_Half    e_shentsize;        /* Section header table entry size */
  Elf32_Half    e_shnum;        /* Section header table entry count */
  Elf32_Half    e_shstrndx;        /* Section header string table index */
} Elf32_Ehdr;
typedef struct
  unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; /* Magic number and other info */
  Elf64_Half    e_type;         /* Object file type */
  Elf64_Half    e_machine;      /* Architecture */
  Elf64_Word    e_version;      /* Object file version */
  Elf64_Addr    e_entry;        /* Entry point virtual address */
  Elf64_Off     e_phoff;        /* Program header table file offset */
  Elf64_Off     e_shoff;        /* Section header table file offset */
  Elf64_Word    e_flags;        /* Processor-specific flags */
  Elf64_Half    e_ehsize;       /* ELF header size in bytes */
  Elf64_Half    e_phentsize;        /* Program header table entry size */
  Elf64_Half    e_phnum;        /* Program header table entry count */
  Elf64_Half    e_shentsize;        /* Section header table entry size */
  Elf64_Half    e_shnum;        /* Section header table entry count */
  Elf64_Half    e_shstrndx;     /* Section header string table index */
} Elf64_Ehdr;
#define EI_NIDENT (16)
typedef struct
  unsigned char    e_ident[EI_NIDENT];    /* Magic number and other info */
  Elf32_Half    e_type;            /* Object file type */
  Elf32_Half    e_machine;        /* Architecture */
  Elf32_Word    e_version;        /* Object file version */
  Elf32_Addr    e_entry;        /* Entry point virtual address */
  Elf32_Off     e_phoff;        /* Program header table file offset */
  Elf32_Off     e_shoff;        /* Section header table file offset */
  Elf32_Word    e_flags;        /* Processor-specific flags */
  Elf32_Half    e_ehsize;        /* ELF header size in bytes */
  Elf32_Half    e_phentsize;        /* Program header table entry size */
  Elf32_Half    e_phnum;        /* Program header table entry count */
  Elf32_Half    e_shentsize;        /* Section header table entry size */
  Elf32_Half    e_shnum;        /* Section header table entry count */
  Elf32_Half    e_shstrndx;        /* Section header string table index */
} Elf32_Ehdr;
typedef struct
  unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; /* Magic number and other info */
  Elf64_Half    e_type;         /* Object file type */
  Elf64_Half    e_machine;      /* Architecture */
  Elf64_Word    e_version;      /* Object file version */
  Elf64_Addr    e_entry;        /* Entry point virtual address */
  Elf64_Off     e_phoff;        /* Program header table file offset */
  Elf64_Off     e_shoff;        /* Section header table file offset */
  Elf64_Word    e_flags;        /* Processor-specific flags */
  Elf64_Half    e_ehsize;       /* ELF header size in bytes */
  Elf64_Half    e_phentsize;        /* Program header table entry size */
  Elf64_Half    e_phnum;        /* Program header table entry count */
  Elf64_Half    e_shentsize;        /* Section header table entry size */
  Elf64_Half    e_shnum;        /* Section header table entry count */
  Elf64_Half    e_shstrndx;     /* Section header string table index */
} Elf64_Ehdr;
/* Legal values for e_type (object file type).  */
#define ET_NONE     0       /* No file type */
#define ET_REL      1       /* Relocatable file */
#define ET_EXEC     2       /* Executable file */
#define ET_DYN      3       /* Shared object file */
#define ET_CORE     4       /* Core file */
#define ET_NUM      5       /* Number of defined types */
#define ET_LOOS     0xfe00      /* OS-specific range start */
#define ET_HIOS     0xfeff      /* OS-specific range end */
#define ET_LOPROC   0xff00      /* Processor-specific range start */
#define ET_HIPROC   0xffff      /* Processor-specific range end */
/* Legal values for e_type (object file type).  */
#define ET_NONE     0       /* No file type */
#define ET_REL      1       /* Relocatable file */
#define ET_EXEC     2       /* Executable file */
#define ET_DYN      3       /* Shared object file */
#define ET_CORE     4       /* Core file */
#define ET_NUM      5       /* Number of defined types */
#define ET_LOOS     0xfe00      /* OS-specific range start */
#define ET_HIOS     0xfeff      /* OS-specific range end */
#define ET_LOPROC   0xff00      /* Processor-specific range start */
#define ET_HIPROC   0xffff      /* Processor-specific range end */
#define EM_NONE      0  /* No machine */
#define EM_M32       1  /* AT&T WE 32100 */
#define EM_SPARC     2  /* SUN SPARC */
#define EM_386       3  /* Intel 80386 */
#define EM_68K       4  /* Motorola m68k family */
#define EM_88K       5  /* Motorola m88k family */
#define EM_IAMCU     6  /* Intel MCU */
#define EM_860       7  /* Intel 80860 */
#define EM_MIPS      8  /* MIPS R3000 big-endian */
#define EM_S370      9  /* IBM System/370 */
#define EM_MIPS_RS3_LE  10  /* MIPS R3000 little-endian */
                /* reserved 11-14 */
#define EM_PARISC   15  /* HPPA */
                /* reserved 16 */
#define EM_NONE      0  /* No machine */
#define EM_M32       1  /* AT&T WE 32100 */
#define EM_SPARC     2  /* SUN SPARC */
#define EM_386       3  /* Intel 80386 */
#define EM_68K       4  /* Motorola m68k family */
#define EM_88K       5  /* Motorola m88k family */
#define EM_IAMCU     6  /* Intel MCU */
#define EM_860       7  /* Intel 80860 */
#define EM_MIPS      8  /* MIPS R3000 big-endian */
#define EM_S370      9  /* IBM System/370 */
#define EM_MIPS_RS3_LE  10  /* MIPS R3000 little-endian */
                /* reserved 11-14 */
#define EM_PARISC   15  /* HPPA */
                /* reserved 16 */
// Print ELF Header
char ELF_Class[3][6] = {"NONE", "ELF32", "ELF64"};
char ELF_Data[3][14] = {"NONE", "Little Endian", "Big Endian"};
char objectFileType[7][7] = {"NONE", "REL", "EXEC", "DYN", "CORE", "LOPROC", "HIPROC"};
void printELFHeader32(const Elf32_Ehdr* pElfHeader) {
    printf("ELF Header:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < EI_NIDENT; i++) {
        printf("%02x ", pElfHeader[i].e_ident[i]);
    printf("\t%-36s%s\n", "Class:", ELF_Class[pElfHeader->e_ident[EI_CLASS]]);
    printf("\t%-36s%s\n", "Data:", ELF_Data[pElfHeader->e_ident[EI_DATA]]);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Version:", pElfHeader->e_version);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Machine:", pElfHeader->e_machine);
    printf("\t%-36s%s\n", "Type:", objectFileType[pElfHeader->e_type]);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Size Of ELF Header:", pElfHeader->e_ehsize);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Entry point:", pElfHeader->e_entry);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Start Of Program Headers:", pElfHeader->e_phoff);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Start Of Section Headers:", pElfHeader->e_shoff);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Size Of Program Headers:", pElfHeader->e_phentsize);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Number Of Program Headers:", pElfHeader->e_phnum);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Size Of Section Headers:", pElfHeader->e_shentsize);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Number Of Sections:", pElfHeader->e_shnum);
    printf("\t%-36s%d\n", "Section Header String Table Index:", pElfHeader->e_shstrndx);
    printf("ELF Header End\n");
// Print ELF Header
char ELF_Class[3][6] = {"NONE", "ELF32", "ELF64"};
char ELF_Data[3][14] = {"NONE", "Little Endian", "Big Endian"};
char objectFileType[7][7] = {"NONE", "REL", "EXEC", "DYN", "CORE", "LOPROC", "HIPROC"};
void printELFHeader32(const Elf32_Ehdr* pElfHeader) {
    printf("ELF Header:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < EI_NIDENT; i++) {
        printf("%02x ", pElfHeader[i].e_ident[i]);
    printf("\t%-36s%s\n", "Class:", ELF_Class[pElfHeader->e_ident[EI_CLASS]]);
    printf("\t%-36s%s\n", "Data:", ELF_Data[pElfHeader->e_ident[EI_DATA]]);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Version:", pElfHeader->e_version);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Machine:", pElfHeader->e_machine);
    printf("\t%-36s%s\n", "Type:", objectFileType[pElfHeader->e_type]);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Size Of ELF Header:", pElfHeader->e_ehsize);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Entry point:", pElfHeader->e_entry);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Start Of Program Headers:", pElfHeader->e_phoff);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Start Of Section Headers:", pElfHeader->e_shoff);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Size Of Program Headers:", pElfHeader->e_phentsize);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Number Of Program Headers:", pElfHeader->e_phnum);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Size Of Section Headers:", pElfHeader->e_shentsize);
    printf("\t%-36s%#x\n", "Number Of Sections:", pElfHeader->e_shnum);
    printf("\t%-36s%d\n", "Section Header String Table Index:", pElfHeader->e_shstrndx);
    printf("ELF Header End\n");
typedef struct
  Elf32_Word    sh_name;        /* Section name (string tbl index) */
  Elf32_Word    sh_type;        /* Section type */
  Elf32_Word    sh_flags;       /* Section flags */
  Elf32_Addr    sh_addr;        /* Section virtual addr at execution */
  Elf32_Off sh_offset;      /* Section file offset */
  Elf32_Word    sh_size;        /* Section size in bytes */
  Elf32_Word    sh_link;        /* Link to another section */
  Elf32_Word    sh_info;        /* Additional section information */
  Elf32_Word    sh_addralign;       /* Section alignment */
  Elf32_Word    sh_entsize;     /* Entry size if section holds table */
} Elf32_Shdr;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Word    sh_name;        /* Section name (string tbl index) */
  Elf64_Word    sh_type;        /* Section type */
  Elf64_Xword   sh_flags;       /* Section flags */
  Elf64_Addr    sh_addr;        /* Section virtual addr at execution */
  Elf64_Off     sh_offset;      /* Section file offset */
  Elf64_Xword   sh_size;        /* Section size in bytes */
  Elf64_Word    sh_link;        /* Link to another section */
  Elf64_Word    sh_info;        /* Additional section information */
  Elf64_Xword   sh_addralign;       /* Section alignment */
  Elf64_Xword   sh_entsize;     /* Entry size if section holds table */
} Elf64_Shdr;
typedef struct
  Elf32_Word    sh_name;        /* Section name (string tbl index) */
  Elf32_Word    sh_type;        /* Section type */
  Elf32_Word    sh_flags;       /* Section flags */
  Elf32_Addr    sh_addr;        /* Section virtual addr at execution */
  Elf32_Off sh_offset;      /* Section file offset */
  Elf32_Word    sh_size;        /* Section size in bytes */
  Elf32_Word    sh_link;        /* Link to another section */
  Elf32_Word    sh_info;        /* Additional section information */
  Elf32_Word    sh_addralign;       /* Section alignment */
  Elf32_Word    sh_entsize;     /* Entry size if section holds table */
} Elf32_Shdr;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Word    sh_name;        /* Section name (string tbl index) */
  Elf64_Word    sh_type;        /* Section type */
  Elf64_Xword   sh_flags;       /* Section flags */
  Elf64_Addr    sh_addr;        /* Section virtual addr at execution */
  Elf64_Off     sh_offset;      /* Section file offset */
  Elf64_Xword   sh_size;        /* Section size in bytes */
  Elf64_Word    sh_link;        /* Link to another section */
  Elf64_Word    sh_info;        /* Additional section information */
  Elf64_Xword   sh_addralign;       /* Section alignment */
  Elf64_Xword   sh_entsize;     /* Entry size if section holds table */
} Elf64_Shdr;
/* Legal values for sh_type (section type).  */
#define SHT_NULL      0     /* Section header table entry unused */
#define SHT_PROGBITS      1     /* Program data */
#define SHT_SYMTAB    2     /* Symbol table */
#define SHT_STRTAB    3     /* String table */
#define SHT_RELA      4     /* Relocation entries with addends */
#define SHT_HASH      5     /* Symbol hash table */
#define SHT_DYNAMIC   6     /* Dynamic linking information */
#define SHT_NOTE      7     /* Notes */
#define SHT_NOBITS    8     /* Program space with no data (bss) */
#define SHT_REL       9     /* Relocation entries, no addends */
#define SHT_SHLIB     10        /* Reserved */
#define SHT_DYNSYM    11        /* Dynamic linker symbol table */
#define SHT_INIT_ARRAY    14        /* Array of constructors */
#define SHT_FINI_ARRAY    15        /* Array of destructors */
#define SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY 16        /* Array of pre-constructors */
#define SHT_GROUP     17        /* Section group */
#define SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX  18        /* Extended section indices */
#define SHT_RELR      19            /* RELR relative relocations */
#define SHT_NUM       20        /* Number of defined types.  */
#define SHT_LOOS      0x60000000    /* Start OS-specific.  */
#define SHT_GNU_ATTRIBUTES 0x6ffffff5   /* Object attributes.  */
#define SHT_GNU_HASH      0x6ffffff6    /* GNU-style hash table.  */
#define SHT_GNU_LIBLIST   0x6ffffff7    /* Prelink library list */
#define SHT_CHECKSUM      0x6ffffff8    /* Checksum for DSO content.  */
#define SHT_LOSUNW    0x6ffffffa    /* Sun-specific low bound.  */
#define SHT_SUNW_move     0x6ffffffa
#define SHT_SUNW_COMDAT   0x6ffffffb
#define SHT_SUNW_syminfo  0x6ffffffc
#define SHT_GNU_verdef    0x6ffffffd    /* Version definition section.  */
#define SHT_GNU_verneed   0x6ffffffe    /* Version needs section.  */
#define SHT_GNU_versym    0x6fffffff    /* Version symbol table.  */
#define SHT_HISUNW    0x6fffffff    /* Sun-specific high bound.  */
#define SHT_HIOS      0x6fffffff    /* End OS-specific type */
#define SHT_LOPROC    0x70000000    /* Start of processor-specific */
#define SHT_HIPROC    0x7fffffff    /* End of processor-specific */
#define SHT_LOUSER    0x80000000    /* Start of application-specific */
#define SHT_HIUSER    0x8fffffff    /* End of application-specific */
/* Legal values for sh_type (section type).  */
#define SHT_NULL      0     /* Section header table entry unused */
#define SHT_PROGBITS      1     /* Program data */
#define SHT_SYMTAB    2     /* Symbol table */
#define SHT_STRTAB    3     /* String table */
#define SHT_RELA      4     /* Relocation entries with addends */
#define SHT_HASH      5     /* Symbol hash table */
#define SHT_DYNAMIC   6     /* Dynamic linking information */
#define SHT_NOTE      7     /* Notes */
#define SHT_NOBITS    8     /* Program space with no data (bss) */
#define SHT_REL       9     /* Relocation entries, no addends */
#define SHT_SHLIB     10        /* Reserved */
#define SHT_DYNSYM    11        /* Dynamic linker symbol table */
#define SHT_INIT_ARRAY    14        /* Array of constructors */
#define SHT_FINI_ARRAY    15        /* Array of destructors */
#define SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY 16        /* Array of pre-constructors */
#define SHT_GROUP     17        /* Section group */
#define SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX  18        /* Extended section indices */
#define SHT_RELR      19            /* RELR relative relocations */
#define SHT_NUM       20        /* Number of defined types.  */
#define SHT_LOOS      0x60000000    /* Start OS-specific.  */
#define SHT_GNU_ATTRIBUTES 0x6ffffff5   /* Object attributes.  */
#define SHT_GNU_HASH      0x6ffffff6    /* GNU-style hash table.  */
#define SHT_GNU_LIBLIST   0x6ffffff7    /* Prelink library list */
#define SHT_CHECKSUM      0x6ffffff8    /* Checksum for DSO content.  */
#define SHT_LOSUNW    0x6ffffffa    /* Sun-specific low bound.  */
#define SHT_SUNW_move     0x6ffffffa
#define SHT_SUNW_COMDAT   0x6ffffffb
#define SHT_SUNW_syminfo  0x6ffffffc
#define SHT_GNU_verdef    0x6ffffffd    /* Version definition section.  */
#define SHT_GNU_verneed   0x6ffffffe    /* Version needs section.  */
#define SHT_GNU_versym    0x6fffffff    /* Version symbol table.  */
#define SHT_HISUNW    0x6fffffff    /* Sun-specific high bound.  */
#define SHT_HIOS      0x6fffffff    /* End OS-specific type */
#define SHT_LOPROC    0x70000000    /* Start of processor-specific */
#define SHT_HIPROC    0x7fffffff    /* End of processor-specific */
#define SHT_LOUSER    0x80000000    /* Start of application-specific */
#define SHT_HIUSER    0x8fffffff    /* End of application-specific */
SHT_NULL    //无效节
SHT_STRTAB  //本节是字符串表 ELF文件可以有多个字符串表节
SHT_RELA    //重定位节
SHT_HASH    //表明本节包含一张哈希表 目前一个ELF文件最多只能有一张哈希表
SHT_DYNAMIC //表明本节包含动态链接信息 目前一个目标文件最多一个dynamic节
SHT_NOBITS  //表明本节内容为空,不占用实际内存空间
SHT_REL     //重定位节
SHT_NULL    //无效节
SHT_STRTAB  //本节是字符串表 ELF文件可以有多个字符串表节
SHT_RELA    //重定位节
SHT_HASH    //表明本节包含一张哈希表 目前一个ELF文件最多只能有一张哈希表
SHT_DYNAMIC //表明本节包含动态链接信息 目前一个目标文件最多一个dynamic节
SHT_NOBITS  //表明本节内容为空,不占用实际内存空间
SHT_REL     //重定位节
// Print ELF Section Headers
char *getSectionTypeString(Elf_Word sectionType) {
    switch (sectionType) {
        case SHT_NULL:           return "NULL";
        case SHT_PROGBITS:       return "PROGBITS";
        case SHT_SYMTAB:         return "SYMTAB";
        case SHT_STRTAB:         return "STRTAB";
        case SHT_RELA:           return "RELA";
        case SHT_HASH:           return "HASH";
        case SHT_DYNAMIC:        return "DYNAMIC";
        case SHT_NOTE:           return "NOTE";
        case SHT_NOBITS:         return "NOBITS";
        case SHT_REL:            return "REL";
        case SHT_SHLIB:          return "SHLIB";
        case SHT_DYNSYM:         return "DYNSYM";
        case SHT_INIT_ARRAY:     return "INIT_ARRAY";
        case SHT_FINI_ARRAY:     return "FINI_ARRAY";
        case SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY:  return "PREINIT_ARRAY";
        case SHT_GROUP:          return "GROUP";
        case SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX:   return "SYMTAB_SHNDX";
        case SHT_RELR:           return "RELR";
        case SHT_NUM:            return "NUM";
        case SHT_LOOS:           return "LOOS";
        case SHT_GNU_HASH:       return "GNU_HASH";
        case SHT_GNU_LIBLIST:    return "GNU_LIBLIST";
        case SHT_CHECKSUM:       return "CHECKSUM";
        case SHT_LOSUNW:         return "LOSUNW";
        case SHT_SUNW_COMDAT:    return "SUNW_COMDAT";
        case SHT_SUNW_syminfo:   return "SUNW_syminfo";
        case SHT_GNU_verdef:     return "GNU_verdef";
        case SHT_GNU_verneed:    return "GNU_verneed";
        case SHT_GNU_versym:     return "GNU_versym";
        case SHT_LOPROC:         return "LOPROC";
        case SHT_HIPROC:         return "HIPROC";
        case SHT_LOUSER:         return "LOUSER";
        case SHT_HIUSER:         return "HIUSER";
        default:                 return "UNKNOWN";
const char* getSectionFlagStr(Elf_Word flags) {
    switch (flags) {
        case SHF_ALLOC:             return "  A";
        case SHF_WRITE:             return "  W";
        case SHF_WRITE | SHF_ALLOC: return " WA";
        case SHF_EXECINSTR:         return "  X";
        case SHF_ALLOC | SHF_EXECINSTR: return " AX";
        case SHF_MASKPROC:          return "MKP";
        default:                    return "   ";
void printElfSectionHeader32(const Elf32_Shdr* pSectionHeader,Elf_Half sectionNum,const char* pStringTable) {
    printf("ELF Section Headers:\n");
    printf("\t[Nr] Name\t\t\tType\t\t\tAddr\t\tOffset\t\tSize\t\tEntSize\tFlag\tLink\tInfo\tAlign\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < sectionNum; i++) {
        printf("\t[%2d] %-20s", i, (char *) &pStringTable[pSectionHeader[i].sh_name]);
        printf("\t%-16s", getSectionTypeString(pSectionHeader[i].sh_type));
        printf("\t%08x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_addr);
        printf("\t%08x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_offset);
        printf("\t%08x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_size);
        printf("\t%x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_entsize);
        printf("\t%s", getSectionFlagStr(pSectionHeader[i].sh_flags));
        printf("\t%x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_link);
        printf("\t%x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_info);
        printf("\t%x\n", pSectionHeader[i].sh_addralign);
    printf("ELF Section Headers End\n");
// Print ELF Section Headers
char *getSectionTypeString(Elf_Word sectionType) {
    switch (sectionType) {
        case SHT_NULL:           return "NULL";
        case SHT_PROGBITS:       return "PROGBITS";
        case SHT_SYMTAB:         return "SYMTAB";
        case SHT_STRTAB:         return "STRTAB";
        case SHT_RELA:           return "RELA";
        case SHT_HASH:           return "HASH";
        case SHT_DYNAMIC:        return "DYNAMIC";
        case SHT_NOTE:           return "NOTE";
        case SHT_NOBITS:         return "NOBITS";
        case SHT_REL:            return "REL";
        case SHT_SHLIB:          return "SHLIB";
        case SHT_DYNSYM:         return "DYNSYM";
        case SHT_INIT_ARRAY:     return "INIT_ARRAY";
        case SHT_FINI_ARRAY:     return "FINI_ARRAY";
        case SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY:  return "PREINIT_ARRAY";
        case SHT_GROUP:          return "GROUP";
        case SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX:   return "SYMTAB_SHNDX";
        case SHT_RELR:           return "RELR";
        case SHT_NUM:            return "NUM";
        case SHT_LOOS:           return "LOOS";
        case SHT_GNU_HASH:       return "GNU_HASH";
        case SHT_GNU_LIBLIST:    return "GNU_LIBLIST";
        case SHT_CHECKSUM:       return "CHECKSUM";
        case SHT_LOSUNW:         return "LOSUNW";
        case SHT_SUNW_COMDAT:    return "SUNW_COMDAT";
        case SHT_SUNW_syminfo:   return "SUNW_syminfo";
        case SHT_GNU_verdef:     return "GNU_verdef";
        case SHT_GNU_verneed:    return "GNU_verneed";
        case SHT_GNU_versym:     return "GNU_versym";
        case SHT_LOPROC:         return "LOPROC";
        case SHT_HIPROC:         return "HIPROC";
        case SHT_LOUSER:         return "LOUSER";
        case SHT_HIUSER:         return "HIUSER";
        default:                 return "UNKNOWN";
const char* getSectionFlagStr(Elf_Word flags) {
    switch (flags) {
        case SHF_ALLOC:             return "  A";
        case SHF_WRITE:             return "  W";
        case SHF_WRITE | SHF_ALLOC: return " WA";
        case SHF_EXECINSTR:         return "  X";
        case SHF_ALLOC | SHF_EXECINSTR: return " AX";
        case SHF_MASKPROC:          return "MKP";
        default:                    return "   ";
void printElfSectionHeader32(const Elf32_Shdr* pSectionHeader,Elf_Half sectionNum,const char* pStringTable) {
    printf("ELF Section Headers:\n");
    printf("\t[Nr] Name\t\t\tType\t\t\tAddr\t\tOffset\t\tSize\t\tEntSize\tFlag\tLink\tInfo\tAlign\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < sectionNum; i++) {
        printf("\t[%2d] %-20s", i, (char *) &pStringTable[pSectionHeader[i].sh_name]);
        printf("\t%-16s", getSectionTypeString(pSectionHeader[i].sh_type));
        printf("\t%08x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_addr);
        printf("\t%08x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_offset);
        printf("\t%08x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_size);
        printf("\t%x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_entsize);
        printf("\t%s", getSectionFlagStr(pSectionHeader[i].sh_flags));
        printf("\t%x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_link);
        printf("\t%x", pSectionHeader[i].sh_info);
        printf("\t%x\n", pSectionHeader[i].sh_addralign);
    printf("ELF Section Headers End\n");
typedef struct
  Elf32_Word    p_type;         /* Segment type */
  Elf32_Off     p_offset;       /* Segment file offset */
  Elf32_Addr    p_vaddr;        /* Segment virtual address */
  Elf32_Addr    p_paddr;        /* Segment physical address */
  Elf32_Word    p_filesz;       /* Segment size in file */
  Elf32_Word    p_memsz;        /* Segment size in memory */
  Elf32_Word    p_flags;        /* Segment flags */
  Elf32_Word    p_align;        /* Segment alignment */
} Elf32_Phdr;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Word    p_type;         /* Segment type */
  Elf64_Word    p_flags;        /* Segment flags */
  Elf64_Off     p_offset;       /* Segment file offset */
  Elf64_Addr    p_vaddr;        /* Segment virtual address */
  Elf64_Addr    p_paddr;        /* Segment physical address */
  Elf64_Xword   p_filesz;       /* Segment size in file */
  Elf64_Xword   p_memsz;        /* Segment size in memory */
  Elf64_Xword   p_align;        /* Segment alignment */
} Elf64_Phdr;
typedef struct
  Elf32_Word    p_type;         /* Segment type */
  Elf32_Off     p_offset;       /* Segment file offset */
  Elf32_Addr    p_vaddr;        /* Segment virtual address */
  Elf32_Addr    p_paddr;        /* Segment physical address */
  Elf32_Word    p_filesz;       /* Segment size in file */
  Elf32_Word    p_memsz;        /* Segment size in memory */
  Elf32_Word    p_flags;        /* Segment flags */
  Elf32_Word    p_align;        /* Segment alignment */
} Elf32_Phdr;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Word    p_type;         /* Segment type */
  Elf64_Word    p_flags;        /* Segment flags */
  Elf64_Off     p_offset;       /* Segment file offset */
  Elf64_Addr    p_vaddr;        /* Segment virtual address */
  Elf64_Addr    p_paddr;        /* Segment physical address */
  Elf64_Xword   p_filesz;       /* Segment size in file */
  Elf64_Xword   p_memsz;        /* Segment size in memory */
  Elf64_Xword   p_align;        /* Segment alignment */
} Elf64_Phdr;
/* Legal values for p_type (segment type).  */
#define PT_NULL     0       /* Program header table entry unused */
#define PT_LOAD     1       /* Loadable program segment */
#define PT_DYNAMIC  2       /* Dynamic linking information */
#define PT_INTERP   3       /* Program interpreter */
#define PT_NOTE     4       /* Auxiliary information */
#define PT_SHLIB    5       /* Reserved */
#define PT_PHDR     6       /* Entry for header table itself */
#define PT_TLS      7       /* Thread-local storage segment */
#define PT_NUM      8       /* Number of defined types */
#define PT_LOOS         0x60000000  /* Start of OS-specific */
#define PT_GNU_EH_FRAME 0x6474e550  /* GCC .eh_frame_hdr segment */
#define PT_GNU_STACK    0x6474e551  /* Indicates stack executability */
#define PT_GNU_RELRO    0x6474e552  /* Read-only after relocation */
#define PT_GNU_PROPERTY 0x6474e553  /* GNU property */
#define PT_GNU_SFRAME   0x6474e554  /* SFrame segment.  */
#define PT_LOSUNW       0x6ffffffa
#define PT_SUNWBSS      0x6ffffffa  /* Sun Specific segment */
#define PT_SUNWSTACK    0x6ffffffb  /* Stack segment */
#define PT_HISUNW       0x6fffffff
#define PT_HIOS         0x6fffffff  /* End of OS-specific */
#define PT_LOPROC       0x70000000  /* Start of processor-specific */
#define PT_HIPROC       0x7fffffff  /* End of processor-specific */
/* Legal values for p_type (segment type).  */
#define PT_NULL     0       /* Program header table entry unused */
#define PT_LOAD     1       /* Loadable program segment */
#define PT_DYNAMIC  2       /* Dynamic linking information */
#define PT_INTERP   3       /* Program interpreter */
#define PT_NOTE     4       /* Auxiliary information */
#define PT_SHLIB    5       /* Reserved */
#define PT_PHDR     6       /* Entry for header table itself */
#define PT_TLS      7       /* Thread-local storage segment */
#define PT_NUM      8       /* Number of defined types */
#define PT_LOOS         0x60000000  /* Start of OS-specific */
#define PT_GNU_EH_FRAME 0x6474e550  /* GCC .eh_frame_hdr segment */
#define PT_GNU_STACK    0x6474e551  /* Indicates stack executability */
#define PT_GNU_RELRO    0x6474e552  /* Read-only after relocation */
#define PT_GNU_PROPERTY 0x6474e553  /* GNU property */
#define PT_GNU_SFRAME   0x6474e554  /* SFrame segment.  */
#define PT_LOSUNW       0x6ffffffa
#define PT_SUNWBSS      0x6ffffffa  /* Sun Specific segment */
#define PT_SUNWSTACK    0x6ffffffb  /* Stack segment */
#define PT_HISUNW       0x6fffffff
#define PT_HIOS         0x6fffffff  /* End of OS-specific */
#define PT_LOPROC       0x70000000  /* Start of processor-specific */
#define PT_HIPROC       0x7fffffff  /* End of processor-specific */
/* Legal values for p_flags (segment flags).  */
#define PF_X        (1 << 0)  /* Segment is executable */ //可读
#define PF_W        (1 << 1)  /* Segment is writable */   //可写
#define PF_R        (1 << 2)  /* Segment is readable */   //可执行
#define PF_MASKOS   0x0ff00000  /* OS-specific */           //系统指定
#define PF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000  /* Processor-specific */    //进程指定
/* Legal values for p_flags (segment flags).  */
#define PF_X        (1 << 0)  /* Segment is executable */ //可读
#define PF_W        (1 << 1)  /* Segment is writable */   //可写
#define PF_R        (1 << 2)  /* Segment is readable */   //可执行
#define PF_MASKOS   0x0ff00000  /* OS-specific */           //系统指定
#define PF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000  /* Processor-specific */    //进程指定
// Print ELF Program Headers
const char *getSegmentTypeStr(Elf32_Word segmentType) {
    switch (segmentType) {
        case PT_NULL:return "NULL";
        case PT_LOAD: return "LOAD";
        case PT_DYNAMIC: return "DYNAMIC";
        case PT_INTERP:return "INTERP";
        case PT_NOTE: return "NOTE";
        case PT_SHLIB:return "SHLIB";
        case PT_PHDR: return "PHDR";
        case PT_TLS:return "TLS";
        case PT_NUM: return "PT_NUM";
        case PT_LOOS:return "LOOS";
        case PT_GNU_EH_FRAME: return "GNU_EH_FRAME";
        case PT_GNU_STACK:return "GNU_STACK";
        case PT_GNU_RELRO: return "GNU_RELRO";
        case PT_GNU_PROPERTY: return "GNU_PROPERTY";
        case PT_GNU_SFRAME: return "GNU_SFRAME";
        case PT_SUNWBSS: return "SUNWBSS";
        case PT_SUNWSTACK: return "SUNWSTACK";
        case PT_HIOS: return "HIOS";
        case PT_LOPROC: return "LOPROC";
        case PT_HIPROC: return "HIPROC";
        default: return "UNKNOWN";
const char* getSegmentFlagStr(Elf_Word segmentFlags) {
    static char segmentFlagStr[5] = "    ";
    int count = 0;
    if (segmentFlags & PF_R) {
        segmentFlagStr[count++] = 'R';
    if (segmentFlags & PF_W) {
        segmentFlagStr[count++] = 'W';
    if (segmentFlags & PF_X) {
        segmentFlagStr[count++] = 'X';
    return segmentFlagStr;
void printElfProgramHeader32(const Elf32_Phdr *pProgramHeader,Elf_Half segmentNum,const uint8_t* pFileBuffer) {
    printf("ELF ProgramHeader:\n");
    printf("\t[Nr] Type\t\tFileOff\t\tVirAddr\t\tPhyAddr\t\tFileSize\tMemSize\t\tFlag\tAlign\n");
    for (int i = 0; i <  segmentNum; i++) {
        printf("\t[%02d] %-16s", i, getSegmentTypeStr(pProgramHeader[i].p_type));
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_offset);
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_vaddr);
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_paddr);
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_filesz);
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_memsz);
        printf("\t%#4s", getSegmentFlagStr(pProgramHeader[i].p_flags));
        printf("\t%#x\n", pProgramHeader[i].p_align);
        if (pProgramHeader[i].p_type == PT_INTERP) {
            printf("\t\t [Request Program Interpreter Path: %s]\n",(char *) (pFileBuffer + pProgramHeader[i].p_offset));
    printf("ELF ProgramHeader End\n");
// print segment mapping
void printSectionToSegmentMapping32(const Elf32_Phdr* pProgramHeader,const Elf32_Shdr* pSectionHeader,Elf_Half segmentNum,Elf_Half sectionNum,const char* pSectionHeaderStringTable) {
    printf("Segtion to Segment Mapping:\n");
    //Traverse program headers
    for (int i = 0; i < segmentNum; i++) {
        Elf32_Addr segmentStartAddr = pProgramHeader[i].p_vaddr;
        Elf32_Addr segmentEndAddr = segmentStartAddr + pProgramHeader[i].p_memsz;
        printf("\t%02d\t\t", i);
        //Traverse section headers
        for (int j = 0; j < sectionNum; j++) {
            Elf32_Addr sectionStartAddr = pSectionHeader[j].sh_addr;
            //Check whether the start addr of a section is in the segment addr
            if (sectionStartAddr >= segmentStartAddr && sectionStartAddr < segmentEndAddr) {
                //SHF_ALLOC means need alloc memory, some control sections don't need mapping to memory
                if (pSectionHeader[j].sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) {
                    printf("%s ",(char *) pSectionHeaderStringTable + pSectionHeader[j].sh_name);
// Print ELF Program Headers
const char *getSegmentTypeStr(Elf32_Word segmentType) {
    switch (segmentType) {
        case PT_NULL:return "NULL";
        case PT_LOAD: return "LOAD";
        case PT_DYNAMIC: return "DYNAMIC";
        case PT_INTERP:return "INTERP";
        case PT_NOTE: return "NOTE";
        case PT_SHLIB:return "SHLIB";
        case PT_PHDR: return "PHDR";
        case PT_TLS:return "TLS";
        case PT_NUM: return "PT_NUM";
        case PT_LOOS:return "LOOS";
        case PT_GNU_EH_FRAME: return "GNU_EH_FRAME";
        case PT_GNU_STACK:return "GNU_STACK";
        case PT_GNU_RELRO: return "GNU_RELRO";
        case PT_GNU_PROPERTY: return "GNU_PROPERTY";
        case PT_GNU_SFRAME: return "GNU_SFRAME";
        case PT_SUNWBSS: return "SUNWBSS";
        case PT_SUNWSTACK: return "SUNWSTACK";
        case PT_HIOS: return "HIOS";
        case PT_LOPROC: return "LOPROC";
        case PT_HIPROC: return "HIPROC";
        default: return "UNKNOWN";
const char* getSegmentFlagStr(Elf_Word segmentFlags) {
    static char segmentFlagStr[5] = "    ";
    int count = 0;
    if (segmentFlags & PF_R) {
        segmentFlagStr[count++] = 'R';
    if (segmentFlags & PF_W) {
        segmentFlagStr[count++] = 'W';
    if (segmentFlags & PF_X) {
        segmentFlagStr[count++] = 'X';
    return segmentFlagStr;
void printElfProgramHeader32(const Elf32_Phdr *pProgramHeader,Elf_Half segmentNum,const uint8_t* pFileBuffer) {
    printf("ELF ProgramHeader:\n");
    printf("\t[Nr] Type\t\tFileOff\t\tVirAddr\t\tPhyAddr\t\tFileSize\tMemSize\t\tFlag\tAlign\n");
    for (int i = 0; i <  segmentNum; i++) {
        printf("\t[%02d] %-16s", i, getSegmentTypeStr(pProgramHeader[i].p_type));
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_offset);
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_vaddr);
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_paddr);
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_filesz);
        printf("\t%08x", pProgramHeader[i].p_memsz);
        printf("\t%#4s", getSegmentFlagStr(pProgramHeader[i].p_flags));
        printf("\t%#x\n", pProgramHeader[i].p_align);
        if (pProgramHeader[i].p_type == PT_INTERP) {
            printf("\t\t [Request Program Interpreter Path: %s]\n",(char *) (pFileBuffer + pProgramHeader[i].p_offset));
    printf("ELF ProgramHeader End\n");
// print segment mapping
void printSectionToSegmentMapping32(const Elf32_Phdr* pProgramHeader,const Elf32_Shdr* pSectionHeader,Elf_Half segmentNum,Elf_Half sectionNum,const char* pSectionHeaderStringTable) {
    printf("Segtion to Segment Mapping:\n");
    //Traverse program headers
    for (int i = 0; i < segmentNum; i++) {
        Elf32_Addr segmentStartAddr = pProgramHeader[i].p_vaddr;
        Elf32_Addr segmentEndAddr = segmentStartAddr + pProgramHeader[i].p_memsz;
        printf("\t%02d\t\t", i);
        //Traverse section headers
        for (int j = 0; j < sectionNum; j++) {
            Elf32_Addr sectionStartAddr = pSectionHeader[j].sh_addr;
            //Check whether the start addr of a section is in the segment addr
            if (sectionStartAddr >= segmentStartAddr && sectionStartAddr < segmentEndAddr) {
                //SHF_ALLOC means need alloc memory, some control sections don't need mapping to memory
                if (pSectionHeader[j].sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) {
                    printf("%s ",(char *) pSectionHeaderStringTable + pSectionHeader[j].sh_name);
节名 作用
.text 代码段
.data 保存已经初始化的全局变量和局部静态变量
.bss 保存未初始化的全局变量和局部静态变量
.rodata 存放只读数据, 例如常量字符串
.comment 编译器版本信息
.debug 调试信息
.dynamic 动态链接信息, linker解析该段以加载elf文件
.hash 符号哈希表 (可查导入和导出符号)
.gnu.hash GNU哈希表 (只可查导出符号,导出表)
.line 调试行号表 即源代码行号与编译后指令的对应表
.note 额外的编译器信息 例如公司名,版本号
.rel.dyn 动态链接重定位表 存放全局变量重定位项
.rel.plt 动态链接函数跳转重定位表 存放plt重定位项
.symtab 符号表
.dynsym 动态链接符号表
.strtab 字符串表
.shstrtab 节名表
.dynstr 动态链接字符串表
.plt 动态链接跳转表
.got 动态链接全局偏移表
.init 程序初始化代码段(节)
.fini 程序结束代码段(节)
// Print String Table
void printStringTable32(const Elf32_Shdr* pSectionHeader,Elf_Half sectionNum,const char* pSectionHeaderStringTable,const uint8_t* pFileBuffer) {
    //Traverse the section header table then find string table
    printf("ELF String Table:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < sectionNum; i++) {
        //not only just one string table such as .dynstr .strtab
        if (pSectionHeader[i].sh_type == SHT_STRTAB) {
            printf("\t==========String Table %s==========\n",getSectionName(pSectionHeaderStringTable,pSectionHeader[i].sh_name));
            char *pStringTable = (char *) (pFileBuffer + pSectionHeader[i].sh_offset);
            Elf32_Word stringTableSize = pSectionHeader[i].sh_size, pos = 0;
            //遍历字符串表, 遇到0时pos+1打印字符串, 非0时继续搜索
            while (pos < stringTableSize) {
                if (pStringTable[pos] == 0) {
                    pos += 1;
                    printf("\t%s\n", pStringTable + pos);
                } else {
                    //find zero
                    while (pStringTable[pos] != 0) {
    printf("ELF String Table End\n");
// Print String Table
void printStringTable32(const Elf32_Shdr* pSectionHeader,Elf_Half sectionNum,const char* pSectionHeaderStringTable,const uint8_t* pFileBuffer) {
    //Traverse the section header table then find string table
    printf("ELF String Table:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < sectionNum; i++) {
        //not only just one string table such as .dynstr .strtab
        if (pSectionHeader[i].sh_type == SHT_STRTAB) {
            printf("\t==========String Table %s==========\n",getSectionName(pSectionHeaderStringTable,pSectionHeader[i].sh_name));
            char *pStringTable = (char *) (pFileBuffer + pSectionHeader[i].sh_offset);
            Elf32_Word stringTableSize = pSectionHeader[i].sh_size, pos = 0;
            //遍历字符串表, 遇到0时pos+1打印字符串, 非0时继续搜索
            while (pos < stringTableSize) {
                if (pStringTable[pos] == 0) {
                    pos += 1;
                    printf("\t%s\n", pStringTable + pos);
                } else {
                    //find zero
                    while (pStringTable[pos] != 0) {
    printf("ELF String Table End\n");
.dynsym //动态链接符号表
.symtab //符号表
.dynstr //动态链接符号表的字符串表
.strtab //符号表的字符串表
.dynsym //动态链接符号表
.symtab //符号表
.dynstr //动态链接符号表的字符串表
.strtab //符号表的字符串表
typedef struct
  Elf32_Word    st_name;        /* Symbol name (string tbl index) */
  Elf32_Addr    st_value;       /* Symbol value */
  Elf32_Word    st_size;        /* Symbol size */
  unsigned char st_info;        /* Symbol type and binding */
  unsigned char st_other;       /* Symbol visibility */
  Elf32_Section st_shndx;       /* Section index */
} Elf32_Sym;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Word    st_name;        /* Symbol name (string tbl index) */
  unsigned char st_info;        /* Symbol type and binding */
  unsigned char st_other;       /* Symbol visibility */
  Elf64_Section st_shndx;       /* Section index */
  Elf64_Addr    st_value;       /* Symbol value */
  Elf64_Xword   st_size;        /* Symbol size */
} Elf64_Sym;
typedef struct
  Elf32_Word    st_name;        /* Symbol name (string tbl index) */
  Elf32_Addr    st_value;       /* Symbol value */
  Elf32_Word    st_size;        /* Symbol size */
  unsigned char st_info;        /* Symbol type and binding */
  unsigned char st_other;       /* Symbol visibility */
  Elf32_Section st_shndx;       /* Section index */
} Elf32_Sym;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Word    st_name;        /* Symbol name (string tbl index) */
  unsigned char st_info;        /* Symbol type and binding */
  unsigned char st_other;       /* Symbol visibility */
  Elf64_Section st_shndx;       /* Section index */
  Elf64_Addr    st_value;       /* Symbol value */
  Elf64_Xword   st_size;        /* Symbol size */
} Elf64_Sym;
/* How to extract and insert information held in the st_info field.  */
#define ELF32_ST_BIND(val)      (((unsigned char) (val)) >> 4)
#define ELF32_ST_TYPE(val)      ((val) & 0xf)
#define ELF32_ST_INFO(bind, type)   (((bind) << 4) + ((type) & 0xf))
/* How to extract and insert information held in the st_info field.  */
#define ELF32_ST_BIND(val)      (((unsigned char) (val)) >> 4)
#define ELF32_ST_TYPE(val)      ((val) & 0xf)
#define ELF32_ST_INFO(bind, type)   (((bind) << 4) + ((type) & 0xf))
/* Legal values for ST_BIND subfield of st_info (symbol binding).  */
#define STB_LOCAL   0       /* Local symbol */
#define STB_GLOBAL  1       /* Global symbol */
#define STB_WEAK    2       /* Weak symbol */
#define STB_NUM     3       /* Number of defined types.  */
#define STB_LOOS    10      /* Start of OS-specific */
#define STB_GNU_UNIQUE  10  /* Unique symbol.  */
#define STB_HIOS    12      /* End of OS-specific */
#define STB_LOPROC  13      /* Start of processor-specific */
#define STB_HIPROC  15      /* End of processor-specific */
/* Legal values for ST_BIND subfield of st_info (symbol binding).  */
#define STB_LOCAL   0       /* Local symbol */
#define STB_GLOBAL  1       /* Global symbol */
#define STB_WEAK    2       /* Weak symbol */
#define STB_NUM     3       /* Number of defined types.  */
#define STB_LOOS    10      /* Start of OS-specific */
#define STB_GNU_UNIQUE  10  /* Unique symbol.  */
#define STB_HIOS    12      /* End of OS-specific */
#define STB_LOPROC  13      /* Start of processor-specific */
#define STB_HIPROC  15      /* End of processor-specific */
/* Legal values for ST_TYPE subfield of st_info (symbol type).  */
#define STT_NOTYPE  0       /* Symbol type is unspecified */
#define STT_OBJECT  1       /* Symbol is a data object */
#define STT_FUNC    2       /* Symbol is a code object */
#define STT_SECTION 3       /* Symbol associated with a section */
#define STT_FILE    4       /* Symbol's name is file name */
#define STT_COMMON  5       /* Symbol is a common data object */
#define STT_TLS     6       /* Symbol is thread-local data object*/
#define STT_NUM     7       /* Number of defined types.  */
#define STT_LOOS    10      /* Start of OS-specific */
#define STT_GNU_IFUNC   10  /* Symbol is indirect code object */
#define STT_HIOS    12      /* End of OS-specific */
#define STT_LOPROC  13      /* Start of processor-specific */
#define STT_HIPROC  15      /* End of processor-specific */
/* Legal values for ST_TYPE subfield of st_info (symbol type).  */
#define STT_NOTYPE  0       /* Symbol type is unspecified */
#define STT_OBJECT  1       /* Symbol is a data object */
#define STT_FUNC    2       /* Symbol is a code object */
#define STT_SECTION 3       /* Symbol associated with a section */
#define STT_FILE    4       /* Symbol's name is file name */
#define STT_COMMON  5       /* Symbol is a common data object */
#define STT_TLS     6       /* Symbol is thread-local data object*/
#define STT_NUM     7       /* Number of defined types.  */
#define STT_LOOS    10      /* Start of OS-specific */
#define STT_GNU_IFUNC   10  /* Symbol is indirect code object */
#define STT_HIOS    12      /* End of OS-specific */
#define STT_LOPROC  13      /* Start of processor-specific */
#define STT_HIPROC  15      /* End of processor-specific */
// Print Symbol Table
const char *getSymbolBindingString(uint8_t symbolBinding) {
    switch (symbolBinding) {
        case STB_LOCAL:        return "LOCAL";
        case STB_GLOBAL:       return "GLOBAL";
        case STB_WEAK:         return "WEAK";
        case STB_NUM:          return "STB_NUM";
        case STB_GNU_UNIQUE:   return "GNU_UNIQUE";
        case STB_HIOS:         return "STB_HIOS";
        case STB_LOPROC:       return "STB_LOPROC";
        case STB_HIPROC:       return "STB_HIPROC";
        default:               return "UNKNOWN";
const char *getSymbolTypeString(uint8_t symbolType) {
    switch (symbolType) {
        case STT_NOTYPE:    return "NOTYPE";
        case STT_OBJECT:    return "OBJECT";
        case STT_FUNC:      return "FUNC";
        case STT_SECTION:   return "SECTION";
        case STT_FILE:      return "FILE";
        case STT_COMMON:    return "COMMON";
        case STT_TLS:       return "TLS";
        case STT_NUM:       return "STT_NUM";
        case STT_GNU_IFUNC: return "GNU_IFUNC";
        case STT_HIOS:      return "HIOS";
        case STT_LOPROC:    return "LOPROC";
        case STT_HIPROC:    return "HIPROC";
        default:            return "UNKNOWN";
const char *getSymbolVisibility(uint8_t st_other) {
    unsigned char visibility = st_other & 0x03;
    switch (visibility) {
        case 0:            return "DEFAULT";
        case 1:            return "INTERNAL";
        case 2:            return "HIDDEN";
        case 3:            return "PROTECTED";
        default:           return "UNKNOWN";
void printSymbolTable32(const Elf32_Shdr* pSectionHeader,Elf_Half sectionNum,const char* pSectionHeaderStringTable,const uint8_t* pFileBuffer) {
    printf("ELF Symbol Tables:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < sectionNum; i++) {
        if (pSectionHeader[i].sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB || pSectionHeader[i].sh_type == SHT_DYNSYM) {
            Elf32_Word symbolNum = pSectionHeader[i].sh_size / pSectionHeader[i].sh_entsize;
            //获取符号表对应的字符串表,全局静态符号和动态符号表对应字符串表可能不同 sh_link is index of string table, fileBuffer+offset is real string table
            char* pSymbolNameTable =(char*) pFileBuffer + pSectionHeader[pSectionHeader[i].sh_link].sh_offset;
            printf("\tSymbol Table '%s' contains %#x entries:\n",(char*)getSectionName(pSectionHeaderStringTable,pSectionHeader[i].sh_name), symbolNum);
            printf("\tNum \tValue\t\tSize\t\tType\t\tBind\t\tVisible\t\tIndex\t\tName\n");
            Elf32_Sym *pSymbolTable = (Elf32_Sym *) (pFileBuffer + pSectionHeader[i].sh_offset);
            for (int j = 0; j < symbolNum; j++) {
                printf("\t%04d", j);
                printf("\t%08x", pSymbolTable[j].st_value);
                printf("\t%08x", pSymbolTable[j].st_size);
                //symbol type and binding
                printf("\t%s\t", getSymbolTypeString(ELF32_ST_TYPE(pSymbolTable[j].st_info)));
                printf("\t%s\t", getSymbolBindingString(ELF32_ST_BIND(pSymbolTable[j].st_info)));
                printf("\t%-10s", getSymbolVisibility(pSymbolTable[j].st_other));
                if (pSymbolTable[j].st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
                    printf("\t%4s\t", "UDEF");
                } else if (pSymbolTable[j].st_shndx == SHN_ABS) {
                    printf("\t%4s\t", "ABS");
                } else {
                    printf("\t%04x\t", pSymbolTable[j].st_shndx);
                printf("\t%s\n", pSymbolNameTable + pSymbolTable[j].st_name);
// Print Symbol Table
const char *getSymbolBindingString(uint8_t symbolBinding) {
    switch (symbolBinding) {
        case STB_LOCAL:        return "LOCAL";
        case STB_GLOBAL:       return "GLOBAL";
        case STB_WEAK:         return "WEAK";
        case STB_NUM:          return "STB_NUM";
        case STB_GNU_UNIQUE:   return "GNU_UNIQUE";
        case STB_HIOS:         return "STB_HIOS";
        case STB_LOPROC:       return "STB_LOPROC";
        case STB_HIPROC:       return "STB_HIPROC";
        default:               return "UNKNOWN";
const char *getSymbolTypeString(uint8_t symbolType) {
    switch (symbolType) {
        case STT_NOTYPE:    return "NOTYPE";
        case STT_OBJECT:    return "OBJECT";
        case STT_FUNC:      return "FUNC";
        case STT_SECTION:   return "SECTION";
        case STT_FILE:      return "FILE";
        case STT_COMMON:    return "COMMON";
        case STT_TLS:       return "TLS";
        case STT_NUM:       return "STT_NUM";
        case STT_GNU_IFUNC: return "GNU_IFUNC";
        case STT_HIOS:      return "HIOS";
        case STT_LOPROC:    return "LOPROC";
        case STT_HIPROC:    return "HIPROC";
        default:            return "UNKNOWN";
const char *getSymbolVisibility(uint8_t st_other) {
    unsigned char visibility = st_other & 0x03;
    switch (visibility) {
        case 0:            return "DEFAULT";
        case 1:            return "INTERNAL";
        case 2:            return "HIDDEN";
        case 3:            return "PROTECTED";
        default:           return "UNKNOWN";
void printSymbolTable32(const Elf32_Shdr* pSectionHeader,Elf_Half sectionNum,const char* pSectionHeaderStringTable,const uint8_t* pFileBuffer) {
    printf("ELF Symbol Tables:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < sectionNum; i++) {
        if (pSectionHeader[i].sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB || pSectionHeader[i].sh_type == SHT_DYNSYM) {
            Elf32_Word symbolNum = pSectionHeader[i].sh_size / pSectionHeader[i].sh_entsize;
            //获取符号表对应的字符串表,全局静态符号和动态符号表对应字符串表可能不同 sh_link is index of string table, fileBuffer+offset is real string table
            char* pSymbolNameTable =(char*) pFileBuffer + pSectionHeader[pSectionHeader[i].sh_link].sh_offset;
            printf("\tSymbol Table '%s' contains %#x entries:\n",(char*)getSectionName(pSectionHeaderStringTable,pSectionHeader[i].sh_name), symbolNum);
            printf("\tNum \tValue\t\tSize\t\tType\t\tBind\t\tVisible\t\tIndex\t\tName\n");
            Elf32_Sym *pSymbolTable = (Elf32_Sym *) (pFileBuffer + pSectionHeader[i].sh_offset);
            for (int j = 0; j < symbolNum; j++) {
                printf("\t%04d", j);
                printf("\t%08x", pSymbolTable[j].st_value);
                printf("\t%08x", pSymbolTable[j].st_size);
                //symbol type and binding
                printf("\t%s\t", getSymbolTypeString(ELF32_ST_TYPE(pSymbolTable[j].st_info)));
                printf("\t%s\t", getSymbolBindingString(ELF32_ST_BIND(pSymbolTable[j].st_info)));
                printf("\t%-10s", getSymbolVisibility(pSymbolTable[j].st_other));
                if (pSymbolTable[j].st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
                    printf("\t%4s\t", "UDEF");
                } else if (pSymbolTable[j].st_shndx == SHN_ABS) {
                    printf("\t%4s\t", "ABS");
                } else {
                    printf("\t%04x\t", pSymbolTable[j].st_shndx);
                printf("\t%s\n", pSymbolNameTable + pSymbolTable[j].st_name);
/* Relocation table entry without addend (in section of type SHT_REL).  */
typedef struct
  Elf32_Addr    r_offset;       /* Address */
  Elf32_Word    r_info;         /* Relocation type and symbol index */
} Elf32_Rel;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Addr    r_offset;       /* Address */
  Elf64_Xword   r_info;         /* Relocation type and symbol index */
} Elf64_Rel;
/* Relocation table entry with addend (in section of type SHT_RELA).  */
typedef struct
  Elf32_Addr    r_offset;       /* Address */
  Elf32_Word    r_info;         /* Relocation type and symbol index */
  Elf32_Sword   r_addend;       /* Addend */
} Elf32_Rela;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Addr    r_offset;       /* Address */
  Elf64_Xword   r_info;         /* Relocation type and symbol index */
  Elf64_Sxword  r_addend;       /* Addend */
} Elf64_Rela;
/* RELR relocation table entry */
typedef Elf32_Word  Elf32_Relr;
typedef Elf64_Xword Elf64_Relr;
/* Relocation table entry without addend (in section of type SHT_REL).  */
typedef struct
  Elf32_Addr    r_offset;       /* Address */
  Elf32_Word    r_info;         /* Relocation type and symbol index */
} Elf32_Rel;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Addr    r_offset;       /* Address */
  Elf64_Xword   r_info;         /* Relocation type and symbol index */
} Elf64_Rel;
/* Relocation table entry with addend (in section of type SHT_RELA).  */
typedef struct
  Elf32_Addr    r_offset;       /* Address */
  Elf32_Word    r_info;         /* Relocation type and symbol index */
  Elf32_Sword   r_addend;       /* Addend */
} Elf32_Rela;
typedef struct
  Elf64_Addr    r_offset;       /* Address */
  Elf64_Xword   r_info;         /* Relocation type and symbol index */
  Elf64_Sxword  r_addend;       /* Addend */
} Elf64_Rela;
/* RELR relocation table entry */
typedef Elf32_Word  Elf32_Relr;
typedef Elf64_Xword Elf64_Relr;
/* How to extract and insert information held in the r_info field.  */
#define ELF32_R_SYM(val)        ((val) >> 8)
#define ELF32_R_TYPE(val)       ((val) & 0xff)
#define ELF32_R_INFO(sym, type)     (((sym) << 8) + ((type) & 0xff))
#define ELF64_R_SYM(i)          ((i) >> 32)
#define ELF64_R_TYPE(i)         ((i) & 0xffffffff)
#define ELF64_R_INFO(sym,type)      ((((Elf64_Xword) (sym)) << 32) + (type))
/* How to extract and insert information held in the r_info field.  */
#define ELF32_R_SYM(val)        ((val) >> 8)
#define ELF32_R_TYPE(val)       ((val) & 0xff)
#define ELF32_R_INFO(sym, type)     (((sym) << 8) + ((type) & 0xff))
#define ELF64_R_SYM(i)          ((i) >> 32)
#define ELF64_R_TYPE(i)         ((i) & 0xffffffff)
#define ELF64_R_INFO(sym,type)      ((((Elf64_Xword) (sym)) << 32) + (type))
/* Intel 80386 specific definitions.  */
/* i386 relocs.  */
#define R_386_NONE     0        /* No reloc */
#define R_386_32       1        /* Direct 32 bit  */
#define R_386_PC32     2        /* PC relative 32 bit */
#define R_386_GOT32    3        /* 32 bit GOT entry */
#define R_386_PLT32    4        /* 32 bit PLT address */
#define R_386_COPY     5        /* Copy symbol at runtime */
#define R_386_GLOB_DAT     6        /* Create GOT entry */
#define R_386_JMP_SLOT     7        /* Create PLT entry */
#define R_386_RELATIVE     8        /* Adjust by program base */
#define R_386_GOTOFF       9        /* 32 bit offset to GOT */
#define R_386_GOTPC    10       /* 32 bit PC relative offset to GOT */
#define R_386_32PLT    11
#define R_386_TLS_TPOFF    14       /* Offset in static TLS block */
#define R_386_TLS_IE       15       /* Address of GOT entry for static TLS
                       block offset */
#define R_386_TLS_GOTIE    16       /* GOT entry for static TLS block
                       offset */
#define R_386_TLS_LE       17       /* Offset relative to static TLS
                       block */
#define R_386_TLS_GD       18       /* Direct 32 bit for GNU version of
                       general dynamic thread local data */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM      19       /* Direct 32 bit for GNU version of
                       local dynamic thread local data
                       in LE code */
#define R_386_16       20
#define R_386_PC16     21
#define R_386_8        22
#define R_386_PC8      23
#define R_386_TLS_GD_32    24       /* Direct 32 bit for general dynamic
                       thread local data */
#define R_386_TLS_GD_PUSH  25       /* Tag for pushl in GD TLS code */
#define R_386_TLS_GD_CALL  26       /* Relocation for call to
                       __tls_get_addr() */
#define R_386_TLS_GD_POP   27       /* Tag for popl in GD TLS code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM_32   28       /* Direct 32 bit for local dynamic
                       thread local data in LE code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM_PUSH 29       /* Tag for pushl in LDM TLS code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM_CALL 30       /* Relocation for call to
                       __tls_get_addr() in LDM code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM_POP  31       /* Tag for popl in LDM TLS code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDO_32   32       /* Offset relative to TLS block */
#define R_386_TLS_IE_32    33       /* GOT entry for negated static TLS
                       block offset */
#define R_386_TLS_LE_32    34       /* Negated offset relative to static
                       TLS block */
#define R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32 35       /* ID of module containing symbol */
#define R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32 36       /* Offset in TLS block */
#define R_386_TLS_TPOFF32  37       /* Negated offset in static TLS block */
#define R_386_SIZE32       38       /* 32-bit symbol size */
#define R_386_TLS_GOTDESC  39       /* GOT offset for TLS descriptor.  */
#define R_386_TLS_DESC_CALL 40      /* Marker of call through TLS
                       descriptor for
                       relaxation.  */
#define R_386_TLS_DESC     41       /* TLS descriptor containing
                       pointer to code and to
                       argument, returning the TLS
                       offset for the symbol.  */
#define R_386_IRELATIVE    42       /* Adjust indirectly by program base */
#define R_386_GOT32X       43       /* Load from 32 bit GOT entry,
                       relaxable. */
/* Keep this the last entry.  */
#define R_386_NUM      44
/* Intel 80386 specific definitions.  */
/* i386 relocs.  */
#define R_386_NONE     0        /* No reloc */
#define R_386_32       1        /* Direct 32 bit  */
#define R_386_PC32     2        /* PC relative 32 bit */
#define R_386_GOT32    3        /* 32 bit GOT entry */
#define R_386_PLT32    4        /* 32 bit PLT address */
#define R_386_COPY     5        /* Copy symbol at runtime */
#define R_386_GLOB_DAT     6        /* Create GOT entry */
#define R_386_JMP_SLOT     7        /* Create PLT entry */
#define R_386_RELATIVE     8        /* Adjust by program base */
#define R_386_GOTOFF       9        /* 32 bit offset to GOT */
#define R_386_GOTPC    10       /* 32 bit PC relative offset to GOT */
#define R_386_32PLT    11
#define R_386_TLS_TPOFF    14       /* Offset in static TLS block */
#define R_386_TLS_IE       15       /* Address of GOT entry for static TLS
                       block offset */
#define R_386_TLS_GOTIE    16       /* GOT entry for static TLS block
                       offset */
#define R_386_TLS_LE       17       /* Offset relative to static TLS
                       block */
#define R_386_TLS_GD       18       /* Direct 32 bit for GNU version of
                       general dynamic thread local data */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM      19       /* Direct 32 bit for GNU version of
                       local dynamic thread local data
                       in LE code */
#define R_386_16       20
#define R_386_PC16     21
#define R_386_8        22
#define R_386_PC8      23
#define R_386_TLS_GD_32    24       /* Direct 32 bit for general dynamic
                       thread local data */
#define R_386_TLS_GD_PUSH  25       /* Tag for pushl in GD TLS code */
#define R_386_TLS_GD_CALL  26       /* Relocation for call to
                       __tls_get_addr() */
#define R_386_TLS_GD_POP   27       /* Tag for popl in GD TLS code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM_32   28       /* Direct 32 bit for local dynamic
                       thread local data in LE code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM_PUSH 29       /* Tag for pushl in LDM TLS code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM_CALL 30       /* Relocation for call to
                       __tls_get_addr() in LDM code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDM_POP  31       /* Tag for popl in LDM TLS code */
#define R_386_TLS_LDO_32   32       /* Offset relative to TLS block */
#define R_386_TLS_IE_32    33       /* GOT entry for negated static TLS
                       block offset */
#define R_386_TLS_LE_32    34       /* Negated offset relative to static
                       TLS block */
#define R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32 35       /* ID of module containing symbol */
#define R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32 36       /* Offset in TLS block */
#define R_386_TLS_TPOFF32  37       /* Negated offset in static TLS block */
#define R_386_SIZE32       38       /* 32-bit symbol size */
#define R_386_TLS_GOTDESC  39       /* GOT offset for TLS descriptor.  */
#define R_386_TLS_DESC_CALL 40      /* Marker of call through TLS
                       descriptor for
                       relaxation.  */
#define R_386_TLS_DESC     41       /* TLS descriptor containing
                       pointer to code and to
                       argument, returning the TLS
                       offset for the symbol.  */
#define R_386_IRELATIVE    42       /* Adjust indirectly by program base */
#define R_386_GOT32X       43       /* Load from 32 bit GOT entry,
                       relaxable. */
/* Keep this the last entry.  */
#define R_386_NUM      44
/* AMD x86-64 relocations.  */
#define R_X86_64_NONE       0   /* No reloc */
#define R_X86_64_64     1   /* Direct 64 bit  */
#define R_X86_64_PC32       2   /* PC relative 32 bit signed */
#define R_X86_64_GOT32      3   /* 32 bit GOT entry */
#define R_X86_64_PLT32      4   /* 32 bit PLT address */
#define R_X86_64_COPY       5   /* Copy symbol at runtime */
#define R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT   6   /* Create GOT entry */
#define R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT  7   /* Create PLT entry */
#define R_X86_64_RELATIVE   8   /* Adjust by program base */
#define R_X86_64_GOTPCREL   9   /* 32 bit signed PC relative
                       offset to GOT */
#define R_X86_64_32     10  /* Direct 32 bit zero extended */
#define R_X86_64_32S        11  /* Direct 32 bit sign extended */
#define R_X86_64_16     12  /* Direct 16 bit zero extended */
#define R_X86_64_PC16       13  /* 16 bit sign extended pc relative */
#define R_X86_64_8      14  /* Direct 8 bit sign extended  */
#define R_X86_64_PC8        15  /* 8 bit sign extended pc relative */
#define R_X86_64_DTPMOD64   16  /* ID of module containing symbol */
#define R_X86_64_DTPOFF64   17  /* Offset in module's TLS block */
#define R_X86_64_TPOFF64    18  /* Offset in initial TLS block */
#define R_X86_64_TLSGD      19  /* 32 bit signed PC relative offset
                       to two GOT entries for GD symbol */
#define R_X86_64_TLSLD      20  /* 32 bit signed PC relative offset
                       to two GOT entries for LD symbol */
#define R_X86_64_DTPOFF32   21  /* Offset in TLS block */
#define R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF   22  /* 32 bit signed PC relative offset
                       to GOT entry for IE symbol */
#define R_X86_64_TPOFF32    23  /* Offset in initial TLS block */
#define R_X86_64_PC64       24  /* PC relative 64 bit */
#define R_X86_64_GOTOFF64   25  /* 64 bit offset to GOT */
#define R_X86_64_GOTPC32    26  /* 32 bit signed pc relative
                       offset to GOT */
#define R_X86_64_GOT64      27  /* 64-bit GOT entry offset */
#define R_X86_64_GOTPCREL64 28  /* 64-bit PC relative offset
                       to GOT entry */
#define R_X86_64_GOTPC64    29  /* 64-bit PC relative offset to GOT */
#define R_X86_64_GOTPLT64   30  /* like GOT64, says PLT entry needed */
#define R_X86_64_PLTOFF64   31  /* 64-bit GOT relative offset
                       to PLT entry */
#define R_X86_64_SIZE32     32  /* Size of symbol plus 32-bit addend */
#define R_X86_64_SIZE64     33  /* Size of symbol plus 64-bit addend */
#define R_X86_64_GOTPC32_TLSDESC 34 /* GOT offset for TLS descriptor.  */
#define R_X86_64_TLSDESC_CALL   35  /* Marker for call through TLS
                       descriptor.  */
#define R_X86_64_TLSDESC        36  /* TLS descriptor.  */
#define R_X86_64_IRELATIVE  37  /* Adjust indirectly by program base */
#define R_X86_64_RELATIVE64 38  /* 64-bit adjust by program base */
                    /* 39 Reserved was R_X86_64_PC32_BND */
                    /* 40 Reserved was R_X86_64_PLT32_BND */
#define R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX  41  /* Load from 32 bit signed pc relative
                       offset to GOT entry without REX
                       prefix, relaxable.  */
#define R_X86_64_REX_GOTPCRELX  42  /* Load from 32 bit signed pc relative
                       offset to GOT entry with REX prefix,
                       relaxable.  */
#define R_X86_64_NUM        43
/* AMD x86-64 relocations.  */
#define R_X86_64_NONE       0   /* No reloc */
#define R_X86_64_64     1   /* Direct 64 bit  */
#define R_X86_64_PC32       2   /* PC relative 32 bit signed */
#define R_X86_64_GOT32      3   /* 32 bit GOT entry */
#define R_X86_64_PLT32      4   /* 32 bit PLT address */
#define R_X86_64_COPY       5   /* Copy symbol at runtime */
#define R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT   6   /* Create GOT entry */


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