未解决 [求助]编译旧版Magisk 遇到rustc版本报错 100雪币
发表于: 2024-10-23 10:13 418
当我使用Magisk 版本自带的编译工具,报如下错误
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | * Building binaries: magisk magiskinit magiskboot magiskpolicy busybox error: failed to compile `cxxbridge - cmd v1. 0.94 (\Magisk - Delta\native\src\external\cxx - rs\gen\cmd)`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `\Magisk - Delta\native\src\external\cxx - rs\target` Caused by: package `clap_builder v4. 5.20 ` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.74 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.65 . 0 - dev Either upgrade to rustc 1.74 or newer, or use cargo update - p clap_builder@ 4.5 . 20 - - precise ver where `ver` is the latest version of `clap_builder` supporting rustc 1.65 . 0 - dev cxxbridge - cmd installation failed! |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | ld: error: src / .. / out / armeabi - v7a / libmagiskboot - rs.a(magiskboot - 83db140de1a473e1 .base - 343f7d8b4ba194eb . 5f724wd4q121trbu .rcgu.o.rcgu.o): Unknown attribute kind ( 86 ) (Producer: 'LLVM17.0.0-rust-1.75.0-nightly' Reader: 'LLVM 15.0.0' ) clang + + : error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use - v to see invocation) make: * * * [D: / Android / SDK / ndk / magisk / build / .. / build / core / build - binary.mk: 670 : obj / local / armeabi - v7a / magiskboot] Error 1 make: * * * Waiting for unfinished jobs.... ld: error: src / .. / out / armeabi - v7a / libmagiskpolicy - rs.a(base - 343f7d8b4ba194eb . 5f724wd4q121trbu .rcgu.o): Unknown attribute kind ( 86 ) (Producer: 'LLVM17.0.0-rust-1.75.0-nightly' Reader: 'LLVM 15.0.0' ) clang + + : error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use - v to see invocation) make: * * * [D: / Android / SDK / ndk / magisk / build / .. / build / core / build - binary.mk: 670 : obj / local / armeabi - v7a / magiskpolicy] Error 1 ld: error: src / .. / out / arm64 - v8a / libmagiskboot - rs.a(magiskboot - 2a314aaf11ee3221 .base - fd583e110269027c. 51a9oczz9h1q8yv5 .rcgu.o.rcgu.o): Unknown attribute kind ( 86 ) (Producer: 'LLVM17.0.0-rust-1.75.0-nightly' Reader: 'LLVM 15.0.0' ) clang + + : error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use - v to see invocation) make: * * * [D: / Android / SDK / ndk / magisk / build / .. / build / core / build - binary.mk: 670 : obj / local / arm64 - v8a / magiskboot] Error 1 |
可能是替换高版本rustc导致的吧,索性直接用高版本ondk,修改build.py 的ondk版本校验,出现找不到__vsnprintf_chk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: __vsnprintf_chk >>> referenced by stdio.h: 53 ( / home / xxx / Android / Sdk / ndk / magisk / toolchains / llvm / prebuilt / linux - x86_64 / sysroot / usr / include / bits / fortify / stdio.h: 53 ) >>> lto.tmp:(fmt_and_log_with_rs(LogLevel, char const * , std::__va_list)) clang + + : error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use - v to see invocation) make: * * * [ / home / xxx / Android / Sdk / ndk / magisk / build / core / build - binary.mk: 667 :obj / local / armeabi - v7a / magiskboot] 错误 1 make: * * * 正在等待未完成的任务.... [x86] Executable : magiskboot [arm64 - v8a] Executable : magiskboot [x86_64] Executable : magiskboot |