[原创]【病毒分析】Phobos家族新变种 .SRC深度分析:揭示持续演变的勒索新威胁
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[原创]【病毒分析】Phobos家族新变种 .SRC深度分析:揭示持续演变的勒索新威胁


#  1.背景

自 2019 年初以来,Phobos 勒索软件家族通过不断的更新与演变,成为一种全球范围内威胁严重的勒索软件。Phobos 主要通过 RDP 暴力破解和钓鱼邮件来进行传播,目标包括企业和个人用户,其感染数量呈不断上升的趋势。Phobos 家族常被认为是 Dharma 勒索软件(CrySis)的升级版,其加密方式、部分代码和勒索信的格式与 CrySis 家族非常相似。然而,Phobos 家族的新变种 .SRC 表现出了一些独特的特点,例如不同的勒索信内容,以及对某些文件夹和文件类型的处理方式上的区别,显示了其在持续演变过程中的差异化特征。

## **1.1 技术特征**

Phobos .SRC 变种在技术上继承了 Phobos 勒索软件的许多特性,同时也有一些改进与变化。以下是其主要技术特征:

- **加密方式**:Phobos 使用 AES-256 和 RSA-1024 的混合加密系统,其中 AES 用于对称加密文件,RSA 用于非对称加密关键密钥,确保文件的加密和解密具有高度的安全性。

- **持久化与特权提升**:为了确保感染持久性,Phobos 会将自身注册到 Windows 启动项和注册表的 Run 键中,并使用工具如 Smokeloader 进行进程注入,使恶意代码隐藏在合法进程中,从而逃避安全软件的检测。

- **防御规避**:Phobos 勒索软件利用 Windows 内置命令(如 `netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable`)来禁用防火墙,并使用工具如 Process Hacker 和 PowerTool 规避系统防御。同时,它会删除卷影副本,以防止受害者通过系统还原来恢复数据。

- **凭证访问与数据收集**:攻击者使用工具如 Mimikatz、Bloodhound 以及 NirSoft 从受感染系统中提取凭证和域账户信息,进行权限提升和 lateral movement。

- **加密文件目标**:Phobos 会加密所有文件,但会跳过特定文件类型和路径,以便于提高加密速度并减少误操作的风险。它通过 Windows API 获取系统区域信息,如果发现受害系统使用特定的语言环境(如俄语),则会终止感染以避免攻击该区域。

**1.2 联系方式与文件后缀**



# 2.恶意文件基础信息

## 2.1 加密器基本信息

| **文件名:**   | SRC_Visual.exe                                               |

| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |

| **编译器:**   | Microsoft Visual C/C++(14.00.50727)[LTCG/C++]                |

| **大小:**     | 50176(49.00 KiB)                                             |

| **操作系统:** | Windows(95)                                                  |

| **架构:**     | I386                                                         |

| **模式:**     | 32 位                                                        |

| **类型:**     | GUI                                                          |

| **字节序:**   | LE                                                           |

| **MD5:**      | a60e2c0dec417d2dabe40c003f39c4f2                             |

| **SHA1:**     | 4e7dc90c06429690c189097dac853d52812a2344                     |

| **SHA256:**   | 52d89ac9f3b1c74c978618f81b9323ffa8d4b8ace29b12f82bade43fca90719e |

## 2.3 勒索信



::: Greetings :::

Little FAQ:


Q: Whats Happen?

A: Your files have been encrypted. The file structure was not damaged, we did everything possible so that this could not happen.


Q: How to recover files?

A: If you wish to decrypt your files you will need to pay us.


Q: What about guarantees?

A: Its just a business. We absolutely do not care about you and your deals, except getting benefits. If we do not do our work and liabilities - nobody will cooperate with us. Its not in our interests.

To check the ability of returning files, you can send to us any 2 files with SIMPLE extensions(jpg,xls,doc, etc... not databases!) and low sizes(max 1 mb), we will decrypt them and send back to you. That is our guarantee.


Q: How to contact with you?

A: You can write us to our mailbox: chewbacca@cock.li

Or you can contact us via TOX: ADA6E26332F26451E45768179C771CA87A7F0F4E234DA8D882888F505494925DCF274A3EA555

You don't know about TOX? Go to https://tox.chat


Q: How will the decryption process proceed after payment?

A: After payment we will send to you our scanner-decoder program and detailed instructions for use. With this program you will be able to decrypt all your encrypted files.


Q: If I don’t want to pay bad people like you?

A: If you will not cooperate with our service - for us, its does not matter. But you will lose your time and data, cause only we have the private key. In practice - time is much more valuable than money.


DON'T try to change encrypted files by yourself! 

If you will try to use any third party software for restoring your data or antivirus solutions - please make a backup for all encrypted files!

Any changes in encrypted files may entail damage of the private key and, as result, the loss all data.


# 3.加密后文件分析

## 3.1 威胁分析

| **病毒家族**                  | Phobos                                                       |

| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |

| **首次出现时间/捕获分析时间** | 2019/05 \|\| 2024/08/14                                      |

| **威胁类型**                  | 勒索软件,加密病毒                                           |

| **加密文件扩展名**            | [C0C5CE62].[hudsonL@cock.li].SRC                             |

| **勒索信文件名**              | +README-WARNING+.txt                                         |

| **有无免费解密器?**          | 无                                                           |

| **联系邮箱**                  | chewbacca@cock.li                                            |

| **检测名称**                  | Avast (Win32:Malware-gen), AhnLab-V3 (Trojan/Win.Generic.C5576951), ALYac (Gen:Variant.Tedy.512515), Avira (no cloud) (TR/Ransom.imrnt), BitDefenderTheta (Gen:NN.ZexaF.36802.yq0@aSdxC8m), CrowdStrike Falcon (Win/malicious_confidence_100% (W)),Cylance(Unsafe),DeepInstinct(MALICIOUS),Emsisoft(Gen:Variant.Tedy.512515 (B)),ESET-NOD32(A Variant Of MSIL/Filecoder.LU),GData(Gen:Variant.Tedy.512515), Ikarus (Trojan.MSIL.Crypt),K7GW(Trojan ( 0052f4e41 )) |

| **感染症状**                  | 无法打开存储在计算机上的文件,以前功能的文件现在具有不同的扩展名(例如,solar.docx.locked)。桌面上会显示一条勒索要求消息。网络犯罪分子要求支付赎金(通常以比特币)来解锁您的文件。 |

| **感染方式**                  | 受感染的电子邮件附件(宏)、恶意广告、漏洞利用、恶意链接     |

| **受灾影响**                  | 所有文件都经过加密,如果不支付赎金就无法打开。其他密码窃取木马和恶意软件感染可以与勒索软件感染一起安装。 |

## 3.2 加密的测试文件

### 3.2.1 文件名


### 3.2.2 文件大小

**0x228 字节**

### 3.2.3 具体内容


## 3.3 加密特征

### 3.3.1 加密文件名特征

加密文件名 = 原始文件名+加密后缀 ,例如:sierting.txt.[F2479DE1].[chewbacca@cock.li].SRC

### 3.3.2 加密数据特征

 **文件大小 < = 0x40000字节(全加密)**

 `文件原始大小`+`0~16字节不定长的填充数据`+8个字节的`\xff`+`不定长的文件名称结构的加密数据`+4字节的`文件名称结构的加密数据长度`+16字节的IV + 128字节的RSA加密的AES密钥 + 4字节的固定值 + 4字节的加密标志

 **文件大小 > 0x40000字节(部分加密):**

 0x40000大小的加密数据 + 文件剩余原始数据 + `不定长的文件名称结构的加密数据`+4字节的`文件名称结构的加密数据长度`+16字节的`IV` + 128字节的RSA加密的`AES密钥`+ 4字节的固定值 + 4字节的加密标志

### 3.3.3 加密算法



#### AES密钥生成

##### KEY



##### IV



#### RSA密钥生成

##### 公钥





### 3.3.4 加密器释放文件

#### 勒索信(+README-WARNING+.txt)

##### 文件内容


::: Greetings :::

Little FAQ:


Q: Whats Happen?

A: Your files have been encrypted. The file structure was not damaged, we did everything possible so that this could not happen.


Q: How to recover files?

A: If you wish to decrypt your files you will need to pay us.


Q: What about guarantees?

A: Its just a business. We absolutely do not care about you and your deals, except getting benefits. If we do not do our work and liabilities - nobody will cooperate with us. Its not in our interests.

To check the ability of returning files, you can send to us any 2 files with SIMPLE extensions(jpg,xls,doc, etc... not databases!) and low sizes(max 1 mb), we will decrypt them and send back to you. That is our guarantee.


Q: How to contact with you?

A: You can write us to our mailbox: chewbacca@cock.li

Or you can contact us via TOX: ADA6E26332F26451E45768179C771CA87A7F0F4E234DA8D882888F505494925DCF274A3EA555

You don't know about TOX? Go to https://tox.chat


Q: How will the decryption process proceed after payment?

A: After payment we will send to you our scanner-decoder program and detailed instructions for use. With this program you will be able to decrypt all your encrypted files.


Q: If I don’t want to pay bad people like you?

A: If you will not cooperate with our service - for us, its does not matter. But you will lose your time and data, cause only we have the private key. In practice - time is much more valuable than money.


DON'T try to change encrypted files by yourself! 

If you will try to use any third party software for restoring your data or antivirus solutions - please make a backup for all encrypted files!

Any changes in encrypted files may entail damage of the private key and, as result, the loss all data.


##### 成分分析


#### 勒索壁纸(xxx.tmp.bmp)

##### 文件内容

##### 成分分析

由字符串解密偏移标志'0x3a'解密得来的字符串“Your files were encrypted!”,绘制在制定画布上得来。

# 4. 逆向分析

## 4.1 加密器逆向分析

### 4.1.1 程序入口



### 4.1.2 检查启动权限(sub_407A90函数)


### 4.1.3检查启动参数(sub_4077D0函数)





### 4.1.4 解密字符串(sub_402950函数)

#### 逻辑分析










这里我们写一个IDA Python脚本将数据和标志全部提取出来:


import idautils

import idaapi

import idc

addr = 0x41F000

sum_cipher = []

for i in range(0,0x2d):

    data_addr = addr+8*i

    data = hex(idc.read_dbg_byte(data_addr))

    len = idc.read_dbg_word(data_addr+4)-idc.read_dbg_word(data_addr+2)

    cipher = []

    for k in range(0,len):

        cipher_data_addr = addr+idc.read_dbg_word(data_addr+2)+k








#include <windows.h>

#include <wincrypt.h>

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <sstream>

#include <iomanip>

void PrintHex(const std::vector<BYTE>& data) {

    std::cout << "Hex: ";

    for (BYTE b : data) {

        std::cout << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)b;


    std::cout << std::endl;


int main() {



    if (!CryptAcquireContextW(&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) {

        std::cout << "Failed to acquire crypto context!" << std::endl;

        return 1;


    unsigned char key[32] = {

        0x8C, 0x93, 0xC3, 0x61, 0x17, 0xEE, 0x77, 0x65, 0x50, 0x80,

        0xC7, 0x89, 0xD0, 0xB9, 0x2C, 0x73, 0xC9, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0xDA,

        0x56, 0x09, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x72, 0xAA, 0x3D, 0xB5, 0xAC, 0x4C,

        0xAC, 0xB1


    struct {

        BLOBHEADER hdr;

        DWORD keySize;

        BYTE keyData[32];

    } keyBlob;

    keyBlob.hdr.bType = PLAINTEXTKEYBLOB;

    keyBlob.hdr.bVersion = CUR_BLOB_VERSION;

    keyBlob.hdr.reserved = 0;

    keyBlob.hdr.aiKeyAlg = CALG_AES_256;

    keyBlob.keySize = 32;

    memcpy(keyBlob.keyData, key, 32);

    std::vector<std::string> sign_list = { "0x0", "0x1", "0x4", "0x5", "0x6", "0x7", "0x8", "0x9", "0xa", "0xc", "0xe", "0xf", "0x10", "0x11", "0x12", "0x13", "0x14", "0x16", "0x17", "0x18", "0x19", "0x1a", "0x1b", "0x1e", "0x1f", "0x20", "0x21", "0x22", "0x23", "0x24", "0x25", "0x26", "0x27", "0x28", "0x29", "0x2a", "0x2b", "0x2c", "0x33", "0x36", "0x37", "0x38", "0x39" ,"0x3a"};;

    std::vector<std::vector<BYTE>> cipher_list = { 

        {84, 193, 164, 131, 219, 130, 47, 108, 192, 20, 48, 116, 31, 202, 206, 31, 45, 132, 42, 178, 65, 215, 203, 28, 93, 184, 43, 117, 78, 237, 248, 206}, {205, 64, 217, 196, 63, 9, 44, 9, 32, 203, 49, 156, 87, 2, 229, 192, 14, 183, 145, 174, 109, 239, 47, 175, 41, 89, 206, 231, 223, 102, 191, 13, 255, 204, 188, 186, 210, 176, 6, 8, 110, 232, 254, 109, 118, 217, 78, 57, 158, 125, 43, 169, 138, 255, 110, 33, 149, 64, 176, 49, 153, 106, 79, 208}, 

        {115, 228, 119, 26, 133, 194, 217, 50, 140, 71, 43, 242, 116, 74, 143, 37, 208, 175, 234, 92, 156, 221, 229, 239, 183, 235, 157, 27, 197, 252, 116, 193, 129, 8, 105, 72, 249, 190, 174, 42, 85, 197, 181, 37, 184, 148, 156, 79, 16, 180, 57, 73, 69, 57, 244, 223, 183, 5, 172, 121, 226, 104, 8, 207, 104, 149, 188, 150, 207, 173, 233, 11, 182, 16, 16, 96, 226, 157, 113, 183, 191, 75, 238, 170, 44, 115, 0, 215, 213, 227, 94, 153, 62, 19, 15, 245, 102, 108, 148, 54, 79, 141, 48, 109, 69, 25, 169, 99, 210, 62, 139, 58, 52, 38, 195, 4, 125, 77, 253, 132, 136, 83, 163, 202, 174, 61, 177, 136, 170, 162, 186, 37, 195, 209, 93, 172, 38, 223, 26, 194, 101, 55, 249, 168, 208, 58, 190, 123, 56, 115, 1, 227, 50, 223, 107, 220, 31, 168, 173, 133, 171, 179, 82, 15, 10, 127, 251, 173, 187, 49, 213, 191, 149, 201, 93, 54, 187, 124, 207, 180, 186, 26, 55, 212, 102, 29, 97, 215, 76, 198, 188, 17},

        {222, 55, 116, 106, 205, 240, 172, 80, 144, 36, 154, 125, 243, 40, 137, 67, 242, 106, 3, 192, 230, 18, 88, 45, 138, 203, 130, 141, 255, 206, 44, 196, 102, 200, 233, 123, 44, 15, 163, 29, 159, 34, 139, 36, 233, 181, 55, 138, 73, 231, 255, 89, 123, 127, 226, 171, 187, 66, 102, 214, 42, 138, 31, 146, 24, 220, 180, 89, 206, 36, 47, 58, 169, 128, 102, 212, 139, 165, 184, 246, 242, 203, 51, 33, 247, 235, 206, 147, 165, 134, 240, 14, 97, 152, 221, 55, 72, 204, 140, 107, 155, 57, 33, 147, 169, 23, 61, 86, 34, 160, 138, 160, 53, 122, 51, 154, 19, 108, 152, 195, 74, 243, 64, 81, 231, 96, 235, 61, 222, 207, 140, 216, 39, 79, 16, 124, 117, 85, 195, 237, 174, 50, 49, 169, 21, 157, 216, 39, 175, 185, 87, 175, 185, 78, 225, 68, 131, 211, 161, 5, 199, 178, 175, 110, 57, 43, 202, 237, 8, 38, 229, 175, 240, 221, 234, 22, 113, 33, 159, 75, 206, 161, 164, 199, 129, 6, 15, 146, 198, 218, 102, 66, 238, 102, 84, 67, 21, 62, 5, 74, 189, 47, 246, 126, 25, 197, 166, 136, 150, 180, 237, 145, 15, 14, 81, 83, 28, 131, 178, 6, 116, 71, 129, 10, 48, 74, 174, 74, 179, 248, 134, 41, 225, 100, 161, 133, 65, 16, 176, 249, 209, 89, 212, 4, 73, 131, 128, 140, 185, 190, 80, 204, 214, 41, 183, 208, 61, 130, 53, 115, 177, 246, 27, 174, 13, 127, 218, 158, 42, 63, 201, 237, 22, 201, 231, 92, 9, 151, 180, 165, 113, 66, 57, 4, 153, 102, 56, 239, 24, 136, 195, 251, 23, 99, 99, 112, 139, 221, 39, 9, 225, 168, 220, 107, 210, 95, 127, 83, 6, 156, 124, 60, 246, 100, 54, 194, 110, 59, 227, 65, 232, 39, 119, 177, 195, 89, 172, 148, 229, 131, 92, 47, 52, 169, 2, 77, 223, 179, 233, 41, 21, 204, 0, 85, 160, 103, 243, 112, 213, 70, 174, 248, 255, 28, 176, 17, 114, 204, 152, 97, 250, 181, 127, 84, 49, 236, 52, 4, 207, 141, 234, 22, 20, 12, 151, 241, 143, 113, 219, 207, 216, 45, 199, 218, 235, 12, 142, 161, 97, 62, 208, 19, 82, 179, 109, 119, 184, 213, 216, 222, 23, 29, 192, 79, 127, 209, 111, 155, 171, 133, 110, 254, 188, 75, 22, 117, 33, 166, 105, 146, 230, 134, 184, 233, 46, 110, 150, 94, 222, 27, 250, 42, 141, 230, 24, 173, 165, 11, 46, 80, 101, 140, 74, 190, 118, 157, 133, 133, 111, 69, 211, 96, 83, 148, 160, 230, 148, 96, 104, 79, 204, 164, 9, 119, 33, 189, 150, 180, 206, 83, 201, 149, 17, 111, 15, 19, 130, 169, 253, 16, 178, 47, 242, 181, 203, 111, 250, 156, 212, 177, 157, 44, 44, 228, 76, 61, 203, 146, 68, 127, 156, 10, 0, 121, 113, 32, 254, 96, 115, 249, 208, 239, 251, 146, 179, 26, 6, 99, 22, 46, 255, 175, 121, 42, 5, 223, 234, 145, 115, 201, 199, 155, 76, 76, 244, 5, 39, 97, 249, 52, 71, 52, 23, 235, 255, 187, 194, 0, 52, 239, 14, 158, 34, 206, 51, 255, 167, 208, 121, 36, 70, 7, 147, 100, 122, 46, 105, 219, 244, 212, 77, 137, 205, 241, 61, 23, 247, 184, 247, 16, 22, 238, 176, 33, 171, 13, 250, 131, 18, 28, 189, 226, 86, 219, 21, 90, 99, 238, 212, 7, 58, 7, 225, 187, 159, 115, 67, 136, 87, 111, 131, 46, 99, 209, 80, 45, 64, 163, 104, 40, 29, 84, 238, 36, 150, 1, 18, 5, 10, 69, 160, 220, 38, 216, 237, 232, 225, 18, 246, 104, 39, 54, 58, 83, 88, 109, 61, 228, 77, 188, 14, 206, 25, 15, 172, 135, 69, 24, 75, 85, 42, 17, 109, 132, 235, 52, 113, 5, 222, 33, 38, 241, 229, 76, 235, 221, 227, 52, 0, 196, 130, 239, 73, 130, 254, 70, 102, 230, 145, 84, 94, 76, 190, 140, 220, 34, 113, 202, 141, 77, 141, 80, 161, 94, 111, 124, 118, 63, 124, 91, 211, 45, 178, 205, 64, 159, 155, 157, 30, 69, 242, 141, 225, 107, 207, 122, 56, 221, 96, 69, 168, 56, 131, 176, 30, 69, 95, 78, 38, 139, 48, 203, 14, 133, 166, 61, 8, 86, 217, 70, 158, 73, 153, 172, 52, 13, 210, 249, 252, 106, 119, 245, 87, 4, 247, 198, 35, 138, 162, 251, 164, 201, 40, 13, 33, 27, 101, 114, 228, 167, 182, 62, 47, 79, 36, 18, 116, 237, 159, 181, 244, 147, 7, 77, 228, 144, 171, 236, 249, 110, 237, 118, 67, 84, 8, 141, 11, 40, 122, 163, 163, 111, 88, 221, 251, 133, 158, 159, 139, 119, 109, 119, 223, 212, 2, 112, 152, 253, 133, 245, 209, 62, 203, 255, 24, 91, 4, 123, 104, 212, 253, 13, 164, 58, 48, 233, 37, 14, 201, 209, 177, 47, 59, 162, 223, 210, 15, 119, 86, 69, 174, 151, 201, 55, 45, 5, 142, 252, 215, 79, 25, 187, 230, 157, 238, 30, 222, 176, 233, 147, 156, 235, 120, 13, 177, 53, 80, 21, 99, 147, 199, 93, 95, 18, 3, 50, 48, 92, 227, 81, 102, 102, 227, 255, 58, 167, 101, 200, 142, 189, 166, 54, 162, 189, 123, 233, 50, 67, 26, 236, 144, 200, 23, 2, 159, 147, 17, 158, 111, 149, 11, 160, 99, 60, 0, 47, 163, 107, 70, 107, 59, 100, 0, 141, 1, 134, 104, 30, 221, 110, 109, 103, 243, 243, 229, 236, 185, 252, 69, 196, 229, 0, 198, 35, 222, 28, 253, 193, 234, 124, 60, 196, 255, 192, 240, 45, 70, 51, 186, 43, 55, 161, 230, 103, 236, 245, 226, 61, 153, 10, 246, 149, 111, 88, 191, 230, 101, 144, 116, 13, 46, 53, 123, 34, 135, 27, 24, 107, 255, 57, 132, 133, 63, 102, 255, 136, 149, 166, 243, 150, 60, 169, 172, 11, 114, 138, 58, 77, 93, 64, 44, 166, 17, 67, 126, 137, 23, 145, 45, 234, 4, 109, 192, 153, 75, 124, 17, 98, 168, 226, 71, 164, 114, 209, 16, 57, 232, 173, 136, 220, 147, 205, 162, 79, 66, 247, 220, 14, 187, 122, 120, 152, 11, 71, 129, 242, 196, 178, 51, 102, 21, 51, 127, 203, 124, 227, 6, 221, 52, 90, 214, 222, 139, 147, 239, 199, 228, 177, 26, 160, 47, 107, 39, 101, 59, 144, 213, 61, 251, 152, 233, 185, 28, 126, 91, 197, 182, 16, 199, 26, 44, 93, 147, 212, 123, 184, 253, 253, 195, 51, 13, 53, 19, 144, 130, 92, 65, 221, 229, 90, 40, 88, 152, 29, 103, 180, 82, 225, 206, 221, 159, 83, 125, 131, 141, 215, 64, 190, 97, 128, 241, 143, 187, 47, 128, 154, 71, 165, 40, 177, 97, 218, 203, 45, 94, 87, 7, 110, 6, 32, 117, 50, 68, 46, 170, 212, 29, 81, 157, 191, 52, 113, 212, 28, 138, 9, 206, 152, 216, 251, 31, 8, 81, 237, 75, 189, 111, 15, 202, 14, 45, 199, 181, 65, 17, 3, 8, 78, 116, 72, 38, 139, 114, 82, 106, 41, 4, 70, 4, 159, 100, 109, 200, 197, 169, 232, 149, 136, 112, 133, 82, 175, 203, 162, 56, 96, 140, 81, 56, 198, 251, 198, 107, 238, 150, 33, 154, 15, 193, 150, 187, 152, 100, 193, 216, 208, 89, 57, 147, 212, 13, 64, 147, 53, 46, 10, 45, 108, 87, 157, 57, 129, 209, 222, 71, 216, 29, 17, 107, 212, 124, 196, 87, 210, 139, 11, 158, 106, 208, 230, 127, 211, 219, 176, 39, 114, 5, 101, 45, 145, 117, 47, 123, 249, 94, 80, 154, 228, 196, 126, 114, 164, 91, 127, 250, 21, 195, 247, 46, 207, 14, 117, 113, 131, 167, 224, 112, 218, 104, 231, 215, 108, 193, 147, 129, 185, 237, 26, 83, 106, 197, 190, 93, 246, 252, 42, 123, 111, 236, 102, 238, 14, 158, 58, 62, 206, 107, 11, 96, 103, 188, 210, 178, 49, 181, 197, 144, 115, 28, 240, 132, 225, 153, 189, 164, 57, 251, 180, 224, 124, 29, 19, 113, 168, 12, 73, 15, 163, 169, 119, 220, 129, 238, 160, 227, 42, 240, 228, 71, 226, 174, 59, 16, 140, 160, 91, 244, 130, 39, 208, 75, 97, 216, 174, 143, 87, 75, 65, 194, 94, 217, 201, 67, 63, 34, 229, 240, 192, 73, 64, 142, 145, 124, 209, 71, 183, 163, 153, 87, 70, 160, 105, 172, 222, 193, 117, 234, 253, 146, 211, 141, 52, 97, 58, 226, 103, 104, 8, 139, 137, 164, 243, 107, 223, 57, 142, 247, 250, 7, 33, 196, 98, 167, 195, 169, 172, 245, 55, 40, 120, 106, 167, 213, 139, 153, 48, 25, 156, 80, 40, 109, 175, 101, 205, 232, 184, 252, 156, 140, 36, 144, 225, 160, 180, 162, 178, 204, 192, 174, 189, 97, 236, 191, 14, 82, 142, 30, 141, 117, 79, 197, 208, 70, 58, 205, 227, 219, 137, 245, 170, 202, 16, 174, 20, 143, 218, 253, 235, 21, 231, 181, 226, 74, 207, 206, 137, 190, 113, 234, 115, 163, 111, 17, 156, 213, 13, 205, 14, 120, 26, 214, 18, 171, 117, 162, 255, 137, 250, 93, 235, 48, 126, 234, 49, 73, 216, 81, 206, 141, 35, 86, 55, 24, 118, 42, 128, 53, 213, 85, 253, 76, 185, 12, 230, 52, 37, 241, 172, 166, 36, 191, 168, 168, 156, 24, 228, 14, 255, 146, 237, 245, 164, 118, 15, 224, 198, 192, 29, 70, 212, 48, 27, 130, 192, 73, 199, 117, 18, 204, 216, 51, 190, 144, 171, 32, 103, 172, 12, 2, 194, 243, 231, 79, 148, 46, 193, 88, 195, 198, 165, 203, 242, 144, 225, 32, 6, 140, 219, 161, 224, 208, 211, 98, 7, 102, 117, 169, 241, 54, 122, 57, 245, 164, 66, 42, 158, 40, 45, 101, 218, 27, 112, 30, 6, 204, 104, 90, 83, 210, 151, 42, 71, 230, 110, 163, 69, 86, 230, 48, 100, 24, 249, 140, 103, 179, 187, 23, 40, 255, 144, 6, 152, 7, 86, 246, 99, 37, 169, 48, 53, 106, 234, 202, 172, 51, 95, 195, 166, 50, 208, 0, 146, 37, 75, 77, 131, 123, 223, 185, 197, 101, 54, 143, 63, 92, 194, 255, 67, 6, 22, 194, 133, 8, 199, 59, 87, 204, 206, 239, 8, 85, 91, 67, 42, 173, 231, 27, 178, 37, 40, 88, 61, 185, 156, 176, 236, 98, 167, 191, 128, 226, 168, 97, 9, 62, 71, 241, 26, 142, 7, 9, 169, 126, 33, 138, 215, 169, 55, 122, 38, 138, 50, 71, 90, 11, 175, 158, 16, 66, 34, 218, 133, 162, 225, 126, 86, 12, 40, 95, 120, 233, 242, 123, 215, 73, 167, 19, 147, 131, 151, 224, 186, 83, 227, 7, 214, 113, 229, 37, 223, 10, 66, 61, 237, 151, 36, 196, 174, 158, 118, 144, 42, 37, 169, 241, 172, 255, 61, 211, 201, 82, 254, 210, 144, 201, 123, 254, 190, 155, 227, 92, 11, 118, 220, 191, 98, 57, 249, 209, 241, 135, 31, 55, 164, 161, 158, 135, 46, 71, 213, 37, 60, 38, 39, 84, 55, 251, 52, 141, 188, 225, 38, 100, 152, 48, 7, 149, 193, 31, 222, 126, 211, 117, 90, 89, 129, 156, 57, 110, 21, 127, 248, 107, 83, 65, 49, 34, 225, 142, 54, 240, 137, 252, 57, 180, 208, 92, 161, 72, 16, 234, 11, 123, 230, 255, 18, 7, 220, 46, 48, 78, 103, 216, 153, 242, 153, 79, 17, 104, 90, 202, 0, 145, 122, 205, 196, 28, 159, 81, 141, 15, 115, 165, 220, 46, 181, 0, 122, 35, 154, 195, 173, 42, 14, 157, 241, 253, 170, 176, 232, 91, 81, 173, 0, 17, 198, 93, 26, 62, 65, 226, 102, 162, 25, 183, 235, 1, 36, 210, 196, 114, 228, 109, 148, 179, 122, 156, 128, 144, 71, 93, 77, 147, 5, 155, 204, 165, 147, 233, 238, 248, 103, 122, 173, 110, 21, 184, 98, 165, 216, 53, 27, 180, 28, 148, 200, 166, 59, 43, 142, 10, 17, 115, 247, 222, 137, 200, 167, 254, 164, 33, 75, 78, 44, 1, 156, 120, 9, 142, 218, 53, 177, 154, 149, 148, 140, 184, 254, 244, 48, 202, 226, 67, 59, 29, 168, 39, 225, 193, 122, 213, 225, 217, 66, 50, 160, 96, 133, 133, 220, 110, 232, 166, 33, 104, 90, 225, 181, 248, 59, 138, 44, 91, 229, 191, 21, 36, 173, 47, 245, 200, 37, 144, 32, 78, 11, 109, 127, 2, 98, 108, 62, 36, 83, 174, 68, 60, 109, 204, 232, 112, 115, 69, 130, 17, 46, 180, 61, 42, 158, 81, 48, 133, 137, 70, 124, 253, 37, 105, 130, 88, 239, 151, 85, 190, 146, 23, 240, 100, 71, 24, 237, 49, 254, 27, 206, 203, 247, 129, 198, 165, 15, 131, 14, 141, 91, 40, 149, 88, 64, 200, 62, 11, 167, 134, 193, 86, 203, 139, 227, 10, 243, 175, 122, 248, 3, 252, 155, 136, 137, 75, 187, 30, 54, 209, 137, 107, 14, 73, 187, 82, 246, 108, 57, 236, 179, 115, 127, 3, 236, 49, 133, 41, 217, 157, 41, 91, 106, 56, 102, 157, 62, 32, 42, 124, 185, 189, 76, 68, 158, 61, 162, 159, 24, 14, 158, 69, 164, 222, 213, 250, 156, 43, 27, 199, 96, 234, 148, 90, 228, 162, 90, 223, 1, 136, 117, 65, 142, 175, 14, 108, 76, 58, 185, 179, 138, 99, 18, 150, 178, 215, 121, 240, 98, 172, 62, 154, 8, 212, 104, 96, 111, 97, 169, 31, 137, 179, 156, 120, 145, 242, 222, 163, 59, 201, 0, 194, 24, 210, 225, 59, 191, 118, 68, 22, 223, 22, 56, 43, 24, 46, 145, 251, 127, 227, 74, 86, 105, 48, 11, 50, 223, 175, 107, 223, 210, 193, 39, 126, 5, 149, 158, 84, 240, 71, 140, 244, 19, 74, 53, 252, 81, 26, 43, 241, 44, 54, 242, 4, 169, 129, 120, 106, 131, 2, 41, 223, 60, 67, 222, 243, 212, 105, 188, 99, 220, 41, 30, 76, 189, 114, 65, 40, 41, 128, 96, 206, 211, 55, 252, 60, 188, 125, 155, 210, 31, 165, 192, 82, 204, 143, 130, 225, 75, 85, 152, 43, 167, 88, 151, 121, 170, 137, 47, 169, 227, 105, 228, 91, 210, 24, 155, 237, 204, 1, 6, 206, 213, 45, 60, 135, 36, 134, 108, 207, 153, 0, 29, 164, 131, 186, 152, 248, 185, 46, 115, 163, 99, 244, 67, 209, 122, 74, 56, 187, 227, 182, 90, 85, 57, 108, 223, 239, 77, 28, 209, 158, 138, 222, 162, 103, 28, 122, 101, 105, 140, 176, 1, 70, 136, 62, 60, 48, 67, 108, 239, 49, 145, 111, 61, 145, 182, 107, 53, 55, 32, 101, 96, 210, 252, 181, 194, 196, 66, 177, 166, 156, 140, 114, 60, 62, 150, 92, 247, 186, 0, 105, 206, 99, 217, 164, 185, 124, 97, 227, 143, 100, 14, 159, 226, 95, 3, 237, 221, 176, 252, 74, 143, 42, 164, 74, 215, 236, 144, 185, 173, 159, 188, 11, 170, 155, 203, 73, 134, 17, 196, 197, 252, 241, 157, 52, 250, 55, 34, 110, 92, 119, 254, 197, 54, 193, 194, 68, 130, 226, 28, 238, 162, 38, 252, 34, 33, 210, 75, 48, 204, 168, 135, 23, 104, 75, 103, 242, 131, 84, 230, 72, 70, 167, 97, 9, 101, 175, 63, 86, 232, 186, 80, 92, 248, 22, 15, 202, 18, 245, 54, 127, 149, 101, 20, 97, 17, 203, 86, 130, 91, 14, 104, 164, 225, 190, 155, 36, 203, 243, 187, 83, 16, 30, 241, 98, 93, 145, 37, 42, 141, 41, 89, 113, 178, 201, 147, 149, 149, 137, 188, 92, 195, 211, 218, 92, 37, 60, 61, 165, 198, 159, 229, 99, 25, 211, 171, 134, 60, 127, 223, 156, 51, 138, 181, 151, 140, 233, 10, 44, 104, 228, 218, 113, 174, 57, 67, 248, 157, 229, 252, 234, 124, 145, 186, 157, 198, 226, 95, 155, 169, 97, 204, 240, 18, 34, 153, 235, 7, 93, 161, 199, 147, 50, 195, 244, 243, 69, 0, 101, 26, 252, 110, 113, 116, 231, 173, 29, 170, 136, 131, 146, 60, 54, 17, 16, 184, 17, 79, 187, 202, 78, 198, 139, 70, 214, 29, 247, 34, 174, 3, 98, 17, 29, 137, 69, 155, 116, 114, 70, 87, 225, 169, 212, 108, 206, 232, 118, 47, 23, 96, 63, 31, 88, 227, 82, 221, 153, 108, 55, 178, 220, 173, 98, 39, 213, 225, 229, 142, 177, 7, 195, 254, 85, 62, 172, 141, 252, 191, 204, 142, 143, 161, 147, 249, 194, 208, 62, 140, 102, 29, 195, 158, 101, 200, 79, 241, 92, 42, 14, 62, 97, 218, 81, 80, 197, 143, 47, 43, 241, 181, 97, 104, 45, 19, 24, 142, 169, 144, 237, 34, 55, 80, 192, 141, 78, 51, 69, 128, 4, 129, 19, 246, 112, 201, 179, 131, 244, 208, 245, 137, 98, 77, 255, 232, 109, 226, 183, 111, 137, 23, 220, 32, 237, 236, 216, 78, 104, 166, 151, 238, 217, 137, 126, 190, 6, 95, 254, 197, 228, 51, 85, 122, 138, 53, 36, 60, 142, 234, 88, 156, 104, 171, 203, 173, 159, 214, 40, 253, 11, 218, 49, 48, 5, 156, 250, 30, 59, 71, 135, 119, 202, 121, 213, 194, 45, 197, 251, 15, 111, 242, 16, 233, 163, 165, 25, 5, 123, 214, 227, 246, 126, 57, 44, 139, 134, 154, 224, 65, 143, 42, 59, 29, 226, 195, 160, 139, 77, 91, 55, 194, 120, 232, 243, 93, 166, 188, 155, 132, 168, 1, 169, 66, 50, 81, 194, 205, 29, 222, 160, 210, 155, 49, 228, 110, 216, 127, 250, 93, 13, 48, 152, 231, 117, 1, 222, 59, 0, 88, 184, 204, 232, 101, 235, 58, 89, 221, 93, 43, 138, 92, 79, 203, 106, 231, 133, 247, 244, 75, 249, 97, 188, 143, 188, 165, 83, 247, 227, 236, 162, 219, 113, 4, 176, 46, 203, 55, 104, 218, 108, 181, 118, 215, 246, 196, 223, 3, 181, 161, 79, 41, 70, 78, 19, 171, 48, 4, 50, 170, 144, 97, 237, 210, 38, 54, 58, 150, 241, 108, 26, 183, 253, 83, 118, 19, 30, 46, 38, 156, 12, 36, 73, 249, 39, 220, 31, 171, 53, 24, 142, 217, 122, 106, 236, 93, 79, 120, 62, 103, 117, 129, 128, 175, 24, 62, 34, 221, 102, 148, 243, 50, 220, 47, 31, 30, 0, 220, 89, 18, 180, 136, 253, 194, 248, 223, 179, 66, 111, 46, 62, 218, 148, 53, 248, 13, 141, 168, 29, 77, 246, 217, 127, 49, 97, 26, 229, 100, 122, 47, 65, 192, 45, 4, 119, 217, 163, 23, 1, 35, 37, 151, 16, 87, 144, 141, 120, 65, 63, 10, 204, 88, 154, 136, 134, 109, 114, 132, 101, 167, 146, 81, 136, 156, 37, 114, 186, 209, 23, 66, 86, 62, 161, 221, 233, 23, 90, 74, 238, 219, 243, 226, 193, 97, 225, 166, 78, 156, 208, 33, 170, 166, 115, 26, 83, 5, 205, 10, 47, 239, 101, 39, 62, 254, 207, 122, 192, 238, 33, 134, 100, 50, 47, 55, 7, 93, 81, 4, 131, 247, 124, 96, 228, 227, 53, 194, 151, 222, 36, 69, 211, 133, 231, 79, 152, 37, 58, 207, 203, 230, 3, 233, 205, 91, 9, 199, 216, 230, 162, 10, 97, 92, 27, 80, 154, 203, 152, 253, 129, 46, 185, 135, 170, 27, 226, 204, 31, 143, 250, 6, 117, 144, 197, 247, 103, 214, 184, 172, 28, 21, 137, 122, 64, 128, 218, 243, 220, 174, 251, 224, 222, 252, 248, 167, 92, 122, 138, 214, 188, 247, 98, 71, 95, 211, 228, 195, 121, 155, 46, 38, 109, 254, 167, 59, 222, 104, 57, 96, 67, 173, 23, 66, 238, 21, 196, 58, 205, 135, 166, 39, 73, 118, 41, 176, 234, 74, 145, 67, 43, 121, 40, 247, 175, 132, 238, 132, 56, 123, 171, 236, 23, 115, 136, 171, 113, 172, 173, 44, 154, 31, 19, 170, 56, 5, 3, 38, 182, 27, 236, 127, 119, 204, 215, 116, 192, 198, 194, 38, 236, 172, 162, 154, 77, 202, 30, 24, 204, 60, 24, 118, 134, 164, 236, 143, 212, 236, 153, 64, 219, 135, 142, 27, 24, 250, 95, 126, 255, 247, 96, 126, 13, 229, 217, 217, 112, 250, 150, 138, 158, 211, 80, 128, 36, 231, 121, 226, 135, 164, 177, 18, 68, 45, 153, 18, 220, 32, 250, 200, 5, 252, 135, 160, 202, 64, 181, 176, 4, 146, 215, 232, 249, 10, 98, 54, 209, 87, 190, 124, 61, 213, 4, 251, 46, 141, 11, 128, 115, 53, 243, 5, 237, 60, 68, 58, 248, 149, 231, 251, 69, 18, 200, 237, 156, 181, 19, 32, 155, 232, 125, 29, 85, 206, 149, 5, 181, 53, 30, 89, 106, 58, 80, 42, 116, 37, 93, 127, 22, 103, 32, 122, 41, 98, 71, 154, 194, 108, 184, 125, 175, 243, 136, 38, 203, 168, 52, 133, 136, 76, 71, 144, 2, 198, 62, 73, 131, 229, 238, 91, 36, 3, 237, 143, 247, 205, 192, 42, 32, 12, 250, 65, 2, 48, 76, 16, 204, 4, 246, 106, 200, 254, 36, 165, 27, 225, 60, 53, 127, 0, 147, 93, 35, 218, 122, 5, 164, 14, 89, 187, 15, 45, 46, 183, 173, 230, 84, 205, 224, 62, 252, 21, 204, 220, 161, 10, 40, 126, 2, 137, 79, 31, 102, 109, 203, 99, 196, 189, 205, 61, 193, 244, 247, 1, 213, 4, 111, 198, 196, 179, 72, 69, 203, 168, 115, 148, 9, 21, 20, 142, 61, 167, 157, 187, 128, 193, 73, 111, 161, 174, 170, 191, 219, 128, 20, 181, 66, 89, 238, 201, 66, 12, 187, 94, 56, 208, 189, 174, 161, 178, 47, 37, 93, 3, 231, 42, 89, 122, 112, 243, 181, 65, 27, 197, 128, 73, 92, 139, 126, 63, 159, 114, 203, 70, 146, 0, 184, 73, 151, 33, 225, 244, 86, 182, 119, 30, 166, 222, 165, 127, 120, 214, 81, 34, 92, 65, 37, 195, 196, 153, 6, 184, 57, 44, 179, 138, 185, 39, 93, 51, 229, 72, 241, 169, 232, 74, 134, 210, 200, 150, 178, 12, 104, 115, 38, 68, 220, 228, 94, 190, 166, 232, 250, 77, 138, 55, 76, 170, 217, 130, 243, 64, 154, 189, 152, 71, 119, 33, 48, 249, 41, 97, 182, 173, 241, 250, 55, 135, 4, 76, 64, 154, 150, 247, 234, 136, 197, 129, 197, 24, 239, 122, 219, 64, 79, 78, 69, 127, 35, 210, 198, 177, 194, 193, 89, 251, 62, 73, 31, 116, 176, 32, 228, 77, 142, 96, 74, 171, 247, 2, 45, 254, 216, 30, 229, 221, 149, 95, 169, 194, 97, 251, 28, 59, 26, 228, 13, 34, 55, 58, 31, 4, 66, 129, 55, 134, 139, 63, 103, 13, 133, 252, 45, 197, 78, 137, 157, 114, 202, 83, 136, 197, 199, 30, 26, 178, 199, 198, 166, 101, 199, 72, 212, 191, 155, 98, 27, 222, 195, 137, 186, 149, 159, 109, 213, 56, 246, 134, 240, 109, 194, 57, 142, 34, 12, 54, 192, 243, 135, 82, 215, 144, 195, 138, 177, 168, 168, 109, 225, 15, 102, 84, 160, 71, 162, 29, 32, 13, 81, 203, 29, 21, 49, 159, 213, 127, 50, 189, 143, 115, 180, 194, 148, 201, 230, 46, 202, 223, 164, 184, 72, 73, 152, 134, 204, 72, 144, 43, 125, 68, 140, 53, 68, 246, 179, 52, 196, 16, 247, 189, 4, 117, 201, 53, 151, 243, 88, 191, 146, 139, 2, 24, 211, 197, 23, 58, 218, 219, 24, 179, 172, 177, 102, 194, 3, 221, 59, 161, 239, 123, 19, 9, 162, 144, 58, 222, 239, 56, 176, 105, 154, 164, 57, 167, 236, 56, 84, 161, 166, 144, 142, 73, 205, 83, 183, 146, 222, 132, 3, 102, 29, 152, 68, 140, 130, 118, 131, 55, 129, 229, 18, 109, 173, 31, 28, 224, 149, 43, 146, 80, 163, 59, 156, 238, 169, 93, 49, 34, 125, 100, 64, 128, 165, 248, 212, 25, 123, 187, 96, 104, 207, 143, 77, 17, 159, 107, 176, 148, 253, 150, 165, 166, 39, 112, 144, 12, 26, 139, 123, 175, 135, 188, 95, 192, 56, 185, 82, 244, 37, 172, 170, 83, 183, 209, 161, 12, 122, 55, 164, 41, 3, 235, 214, 251, 218, 227, 254, 23, 201, 104, 195, 251, 104, 96, 40, 196, 185, 233, 56, 29, 197, 238, 217, 251, 191, 5, 103, 55, 138, 147, 45, 167, 208, 112, 146, 115, 221, 76, 52, 199, 235, 142, 71, 9, 65, 59, 8, 228, 127, 199, 36, 73, 145, 214, 213, 32, 114, 14, 130, 11, 122, 23, 206, 8, 179, 193, 167, 186, 62, 26, 31, 56, 243, 52, 164, 30, 80, 103, 135, 218, 205, 159, 209, 34, 79, 109, 180, 90, 248, 193, 54, 169, 87, 85, 3, 71, 173, 155, 143, 95, 114, 80, 207, 114, 116, 174, 39, 122, 81, 65, 131, 106, 96, 49, 104, 128, 174, 125, 150, 236, 180, 110, 92, 45, 197, 146, 123, 192, 171, 217, 224, 175, 211, 227, 214, 20, 66, 60, 146, 135, 248, 227, 31, 51, 251, 5, 142, 29, 16, 128, 192, 29, 160, 224, 200, 78, 179, 108, 186, 132, 95, 33, 209, 182, 37, 114, 243, 206, 184, 92, 233, 81, 117, 223, 231, 146, 177, 149, 159, 36, 46, 243, 225, 204, 214, 170, 210, 33, 84, 236, 137, 131, 77, 76, 104, 42, 75, 249, 103, 140, 223, 150, 132, 252, 253, 139, 155, 228, 129, 76, 78, 56, 34, 181, 193, 206, 10, 39, 51, 123, 85, 45, 67, 118, 46, 199, 106, 45, 68, 33, 51, 240, 28, 79, 41, 20, 64, 47, 66, 80, 110, 107, 9, 110, 38, 179, 143, 254, 76, 239, 100, 27, 167, 83, 77, 180, 93, 252, 122, 18, 224, 21, 17, 26, 191, 126, 113, 88, 58, 119, 114, 77, 16, 5, 17, 207, 210, 100, 104, 181, 114, 165, 201, 20, 241, 77, 187, 180, 169, 237, 178, 29, 174, 92, 191, 253, 255, 152, 186, 15, 162, 161, 18, 174, 216, 106, 218, 230, 108, 235, 118, 200, 10, 203, 51, 175, 154, 123, 213, 135, 229, 221, 30, 65, 235, 221, 129, 92, 60, 222, 8, 65, 138, 91, 25, 225, 127, 67, 183, 197, 249, 107, 151, 187, 218, 77, 253, 55}, {224, 102, 111, 229, 237, 236, 66, 135, 217, 189, 237, 59, 167, 253, 162, 98, 75, 237, 42, 27, 67, 48, 78, 224, 133, 136, 149, 139, 194, 166, 41, 43, 173, 89, 2, 249, 21, 119, 151, 8, 198, 158, 64, 226, 237, 98, 33, 156, 108, 244, 151, 13, 32, 182, 21, 109, 250, 39, 123, 136, 64, 190, 240, 252},

        {172, 216, 49, 10, 94, 15, 148, 198, 39, 201, 64, 228, 99, 74, 46, 104, 101, 72, 204, 137, 101, 226, 109, 170, 22, 119, 173, 180, 38, 192, 231, 81, 102, 74, 88, 90, 46, 12, 80, 172, 133, 111, 133, 84, 165, 160, 125, 41, 54, 179, 12, 58, 14, 236, 130, 31, 60, 14, 238, 40, 156, 240, 13, 86},

        {141, 224, 118, 136, 253, 124, 94, 190, 31, 93, 66, 101, 200, 215, 7, 56, 44, 175, 116, 172, 61, 57, 174, 21, 159, 215, 160, 147, 147, 37, 30, 109, 143, 204, 45, 139, 230, 202, 236, 234, 84, 173, 253, 163, 23, 241, 40, 167, 205, 243, 90, 173, 169, 11, 7, 1, 222, 30, 184, 7, 158, 231, 176, 240, 213, 32, 234, 81, 148, 123, 168, 52, 222, 29, 48, 172, 204, 88, 131, 166, 38, 26, 40, 117, 155, 99, 158, 45, 193, 188, 176, 27, 209, 24, 61, 247, 62, 164, 94, 244, 70, 116, 133, 206, 73, 138, 216, 133, 38, 86, 207, 81, 87, 143, 137, 212, 204, 112, 254, 174, 187, 219, 170, 83, 30, 96, 84, 218, 95, 241, 92, 203, 156, 11, 147, 126, 83, 110, 62, 62, 106, 28, 66, 254, 84, 118, 58, 77, 81, 163, 138, 236, 235, 127, 199, 35, 249, 124, 109, 122, 0, 240, 23, 74, 113, 89, 112, 151, 224, 240, 108, 199, 105, 218, 85, 188, 3, 174, 161, 133, 46, 213, 139, 125, 145, 56, 134, 101, 124, 227, 23, 236, 135, 187, 47, 180, 249, 210, 107, 86, 180, 109, 145, 119, 221, 88, 193, 151, 211, 151, 9, 247, 201, 227, 47, 26, 17, 98, 55, 172, 151, 63, 83, 98, 200, 210, 214, 159, 67, 89, 229, 220, 180, 219, 32, 118, 68, 24, 144, 96, 110, 76, 121, 72, 189, 29, 154, 48, 148, 205, 56, 184, 162, 228, 9, 54, 52, 152, 223, 121, 3, 27, 100, 214, 1, 204, 166, 113, 237, 239, 227, 139, 220, 106, 169, 81, 207, 61, 78, 191, 44, 120, 205, 93, 57, 195, 224, 64, 100, 214, 181, 81, 14, 120, 102, 69, 114, 182, 91, 19, 98, 196, 232, 165, 231, 4, 121, 188, 241, 0, 120, 133, 65, 36, 49, 239, 64, 151, 164, 150, 104, 177, 76, 137, 117, 199, 198, 222, 50, 156, 93, 17, 244, 30, 252, 128, 148, 109, 106, 120, 204, 26, 58, 220, 218, 67, 24, 16, 225, 53, 19, 207, 36, 125, 42, 189, 198, 3, 84, 182, 142, 101, 176, 166, 226, 193, 132, 167, 242, 195, 51, 230, 151, 58, 27, 57, 127, 227, 187, 133, 31, 32, 141, 203, 68, 8, 28, 122, 121, 241, 138, 251, 37, 53, 87, 210, 162, 246, 233, 38, 101, 121, 28, 177, 226, 250, 254, 0, 6, 153, 215, 147, 142, 109, 110, 117, 68, 208, 68, 151, 172, 44, 116, 20, 139, 148, 204, 59, 85, 20, 124, 102, 100, 213, 253, 175, 95, 231, 10, 3, 158, 170, 100, 96, 216, 229, 107, 236, 47, 54, 110, 91, 127, 98, 106, 228, 138, 141, 27, 170, 207, 237, 163, 210, 198, 78, 228, 44, 115, 80, 225, 146, 244, 56, 33, 140, 78, 157, 174, 176, 189, 9, 177, 188, 62, 103, 40, 202, 40, 227, 8, 200, 202, 223, 136, 142, 238, 52, 142, 123, 13, 223, 141, 240, 15, 215, 180, 29, 247, 164, 237, 95, 213, 26, 222, 106, 9, 248, 211, 245, 255, 109, 111, 179, 32, 81, 134, 7, 151, 86, 57, 90, 148, 149, 186, 29, 192, 233, 137, 117, 188, 65, 235, 213, 232, 178, 154, 39, 122, 240, 116, 145, 168, 84, 213, 198, 35, 40, 136, 171, 81, 159, 82, 73, 129, 129, 25, 20, 127, 143, 27, 16, 176, 245, 254, 28, 14, 229, 113, 147, 207, 115, 168, 170, 116, 193, 254, 186, 45, 156, 204, 47, 88, 232, 109, 17, 226, 115, 229, 117, 62, 78, 245, 85, 190, 130, 204, 200, 58, 38, 67, 46, 92, 12, 242, 188, 248, 102, 159, 90, 61, 15, 158, 195, 170, 47, 59, 81, 38, 62, 196, 2, 88, 186, 51, 85, 214, 12, 96, 7, 29, 240, 31, 115, 159, 79, 206, 40, 164, 89, 57, 79, 207, 108, 85, 202, 161, 22, 124, 73, 140, 241, 250, 161, 172, 28, 97, 11, 70, 28, 49, 143, 161, 14, 148, 149, 115, 34, 110, 93, 222, 99, 47, 26, 218, 234, 94, 49, 223, 58, 238, 145, 201, 255, 130, 2, 179, 23, 181, 219, 65, 81, 74, 55, 78, 112, 52, 95, 58, 117, 116, 234, 210, 99, 235, 106, 70, 29, 219, 37, 70, 237, 83, 14, 49, 174, 4, 79, 15, 167, 248, 202, 118, 125, 128, 238, 77, 118, 6, 207, 79, 142, 155, 22, 52, 149, 235, 11, 174, 138, 85, 192, 179, 75, 161, 212, 35, 45, 249, 69, 117, 83, 105, 188, 82, 229, 10, 113, 137, 46, 1, 244, 172, 106, 111, 254, 241, 75, 68, 10, 174, 228, 71, 8, 36, 199, 66, 174, 220, 160, 42, 147, 113, 224, 192, 150, 102, 186, 134, 105, 6, 222, 58, 237, 241, 42, 201, 83, 230, 192, 33, 229, 143, 16, 44, 17, 96, 186, 188, 150, 68, 100, 33, 187, 245, 89, 144, 66, 203, 197, 209, 73, 77, 30, 205, 3, 50, 64, 138, 99, 94, 66, 110, 237, 245, 60, 139, 139, 80, 216, 53, 54, 133, 22, 95, 79, 52, 85, 136, 84, 169, 8, 210, 78, 109, 29, 38, 74, 155, 237, 134, 160, 59, 70, 243, 10, 98, 57, 227, 188, 211, 223, 45, 30, 6, 8, 34, 165, 252, 187, 52, 3, 133, 137, 82, 194, 110, 157, 195, 167, 4, 45, 8, 69, 4, 38, 184, 177, 138, 28, 7, 35, 92, 39, 30, 90, 167, 221, 153, 58, 83, 56, 245, 205, 174, 29, 215, 81, 53, 4, 36, 243, 132, 101, 250, 240, 46, 243, 247, 66, 213, 128, 120, 191, 49, 142, 123, 98, 47, 144, 56, 24, 27, 152, 1, 60, 55, 54, 57, 55, 146, 15, 143, 186, 140, 117, 43, 182, 220, 31, 126, 122, 87, 70, 131, 91, 179, 8, 135, 172, 48, 140, 96, 186, 18, 186, 153, 255, 56, 195, 209, 165, 78, 134, 12, 176, 239, 92, 206, 234, 118, 197, 173, 180, 147, 88, 184, 124, 123, 42, 32, 223, 44, 108, 28, 71, 158, 202, 34, 3, 120, 71, 175, 34, 178, 18, 224, 69, 80, 16, 199, 72, 157, 246, 90, 94, 129, 203, 128, 62, 65, 164, 204, 152, 104, 238, 183, 91, 103, 42, 42, 225, 215, 175, 118, 84, 164, 245, 146, 145, 234, 120, 67, 49, 214, 252, 146, 158, 244, 72, 134, 123, 137, 25, 34, 138, 135, 41, 2, 207, 217, 237, 82, 4, 164, 113, 83, 25, 236, 234, 132, 145, 205, 19, 240, 200, 20, 182, 13, 40, 221, 51, 204, 19, 242, 173, 98, 192, 126, 16, 10, 44, 243, 43, 52, 183, 129, 224, 248, 45, 110, 89, 100, 192, 199, 205, 152, 24, 203, 158, 35, 61, 21, 100, 62, 200, 53, 87, 255, 61, 42, 9, 9, 159, 195, 128, 221, 226, 227, 184, 120, 17, 175, 86, 130, 223, 206, 52, 96, 48, 78, 161, 131, 140, 112, 111, 142, 253, 239, 205, 21, 1, 128, 96, 175, 108, 126, 233, 1, 175, 17, 113, 47, 186, 250, 163, 35, 74, 198, 113, 11, 231, 184, 147, 8, 209, 71, 146, 3, 164, 41, 229, 245, 86, 165, 94, 2, 65, 55, 123, 120, 16, 61, 217, 140, 73, 232, 118, 28, 14, 177, 213, 66, 165, 149, 255, 248, 156, 24, 242, 121, 245, 240, 43, 89, 183, 106, 93, 161, 30, 27, 247, 53, 231, 57, 81, 239, 229, 199, 229, 91, 250, 105, 59, 83, 0, 85, 191, 87, 58, 34, 105, 201, 25, 244, 120, 4, 116, 206, 157, 187, 151, 223, 110, 89, 228, 164, 230, 242, 54, 42, 62, 88, 92, 52, 139, 231, 132, 90, 162, 105, 119, 182, 199, 1, 200, 73, 190, 158, 110, 120, 92, 204, 174, 209, 61, 211, 252, 194, 54, 143, 209, 28, 26, 214, 184, 249, 10, 2, 41, 161, 77, 203, 181, 237, 4, 70, 165, 181, 68, 129, 60, 167, 39, 102, 100, 146, 88, 64, 36, 243, 148, 244, 246, 50, 87, 169, 83, 191, 189, 242, 235, 133, 237, 10, 46, 58, 42, 204, 53, 243, 222, 251, 14, 182, 137, 156, 25, 197, 25, 237, 138, 188, 8, 222, 56, 8, 25, 227, 188, 108, 97, 254, 63, 131, 144, 155, 94, 120, 29, 134, 234, 61, 156, 216, 207, 13, 7, 109, 22, 189, 137, 79, 52, 133, 144, 48, 21, 10, 229, 56, 77, 1, 199, 0, 43, 235, 177, 201, 62, 120, 201, 7, 68, 144, 205, 17, 100, 244, 196, 92, 191, 91, 13, 224, 97, 146, 123, 251, 6, 254, 118, 190, 69, 147, 166, 245, 47, 251, 83, 240, 201, 93, 42, 176, 122, 55, 218, 51, 238, 171, 193, 216, 235, 128, 80, 203, 16, 177, 209, 103, 174, 115, 4, 45, 92, 159, 48, 54, 112, 216, 119, 218, 209, 212, 84, 12, 78, 99, 44, 0, 36, 228, 180, 81, 118, 50, 181, 179, 209, 14, 158, 155, 238, 153, 2, 137, 216, 80, 255, 251, 231, 214, 12, 11, 59, 51, 164, 238, 20, 90, 9, 203, 200, 202, 105, 233, 82, 145, 17, 9, 187, 168, 3, 134, 21, 118, 66, 1, 174, 35, 205, 216, 47, 135, 60, 220, 6, 46, 21, 245, 77, 32, 110, 26, 161, 0, 129, 100, 251, 190, 193, 5, 14, 55, 203, 24, 232, 238, 124, 36, 55, 51, 72, 129, 198, 63, 78, 207, 46, 254, 87, 154, 176, 188, 131, 13, 186, 22, 68, 43, 14, 148, 173, 161, 126, 244, 135, 137, 58, 133, 63, 25, 194, 172, 4, 79, 149, 204, 37, 216, 1, 184, 213, 139, 135, 16, 58, 181, 44, 88, 225, 55, 219, 6, 51, 83, 230, 198, 227, 106, 196, 137, 208, 223, 74, 56, 182, 109, 49, 200, 211, 72, 70, 226, 25, 171, 187, 67, 138, 88, 103, 19, 202, 112, 9, 129, 141, 244, 122, 55, 238, 26, 131, 231, 197, 68, 203, 146, 207, 198, 104, 184, 190, 43, 201, 143, 130, 110, 156, 88, 167, 57, 61, 72, 171, 25, 85, 224, 158, 73, 70, 158, 90, 8, 165, 221, 61, 217, 236, 29, 122, 31, 220, 237, 195, 255, 229, 237, 248, 140, 130, 62, 111, 235, 193, 224, 34, 127, 66, 65, 13, 222, 140, 79, 253, 54, 170, 195, 88, 133, 19, 204, 201, 114, 113, 46, 194, 194, 2, 234, 22, 246, 142, 50, 114, 206, 189, 55, 117, 85, 220, 167, 238, 172, 65, 85, 20, 169, 56, 183, 200, 234, 105, 156, 113, 111, 124, 254, 20, 207, 138, 175, 188, 85, 109, 158, 108, 120, 88, 120, 24, 72, 193, 84, 187, 130, 161, 61, 225, 113, 58, 175, 36, 50, 116, 160, 208, 231, 163, 56, 78, 124, 168, 175, 160, 221, 11, 179, 255, 32, 59, 120, 41, 141, 67, 25, 228, 197, 152, 183, 39, 8, 129},

        {121, 163, 126, 166, 70, 82, 158, 135, 231, 117, 72, 245, 55, 234, 142, 143, 2, 40, 48, 40, 57, 172, 175, 172, 7, 184, 225, 69, 64, 150, 31, 212, 180, 187, 222, 34, 208, 15, 134, 112, 103, 193, 234, 224, 177, 45, 244, 246, 184, 245, 154, 130, 36, 19, 108, 215, 66, 194, 8, 2, 60, 163, 217, 101, 94, 225, 91, 143, 100, 7, 136, 77, 166, 176, 226, 152, 61, 218, 59, 18, 209, 27, 234, 13, 211, 193, 98, 192, 204, 195, 70, 129, 102, 215, 134, 70},

        {17, 230, 101, 210, 113, 81, 131, 18, 131, 76, 160, 127, 178, 8, 228, 169, 109, 213, 120, 188, 172, 61, 157, 142, 245, 10, 169, 217, 135, 221, 98, 71, 192, 162, 197, 171, 153, 229, 87, 154, 157, 9, 49, 53, 198, 142, 42, 150, 46, 171, 151, 246, 251, 72, 69, 91, 98, 190, 190, 29, 225, 114, 207, 2, 111, 116, 139, 214, 219, 93, 20, 171, 192, 102, 177, 92, 87, 204, 30, 196, 105, 42, 62, 34, 15, 230, 237, 144, 194, 205, 87, 139, 144, 162, 234, 166, 155, 250, 122, 236, 242, 205, 222, 112, 197, 39, 185, 95, 210, 49, 86, 187, 222, 220, 53, 209, 105, 226, 150, 166, 249, 133, 48, 64, 53, 101, 32, 81, 204, 174, 240, 214, 62, 124, 156, 17, 122, 248, 199, 179, 183, 80, 248, 253, 95, 90, 94, 97, 61, 72, 80, 208, 84, 99, 34, 137, 246, 194, 243, 10},

        {206, 63, 216, 111, 119, 204, 152, 113, 39, 8, 244, 241, 236, 127, 109, 73, 242, 80, 165, 14, 114, 115, 170, 141, 101, 46, 111, 228, 3, 67, 110, 41},

        {186, 39, 85, 26, 162, 180, 200, 41, 194, 73, 68, 78, 46, 31, 32, 244, 0, 197, 44, 198, 0, 218, 178, 215, 195, 128, 3, 13, 60, 231, 249, 151},

        {226, 207, 218, 140, 254, 136, 157, 24, 120, 1, 6, 109, 179, 102, 183, 222, 89, 128, 10, 59, 149, 163, 194, 87, 80, 208, 106, 224, 120, 162, 95, 243},

        {246, 240, 58, 163, 220, 47, 102, 221, 14, 218, 96, 153, 104, 232, 240, 162, 226, 79, 17, 97, 82, 205, 34, 128, 153, 211, 191, 126, 171, 185, 9, 19, 28, 238, 251, 234, 140, 160, 110, 143, 181, 247, 238, 106, 227, 172, 161, 175, 223, 205, 79, 119, 12, 160, 168, 78, 126, 157, 157, 169, 232, 39, 138, 3},

        {128, 249, 56, 168, 34, 114, 54, 29, 101, 211, 151, 85, 155, 216, 172, 130, 25, 17, 159, 232, 55, 112, 206, 191, 74, 109, 135, 181, 250, 83, 198, 251},

        {22, 239, 8, 42, 56, 14, 157, 119, 250, 135, 19, 247, 13, 34, 61, 233, 255, 113, 232, 70, 140, 59, 248, 108, 97, 13, 98, 182, 101, 144, 177, 21},

        {99, 214, 157, 24, 52, 212, 41, 114, 163, 134, 136, 247, 32, 100, 52, 221, 98, 185, 59, 233, 232, 21, 173, 138, 180, 239, 37, 98, 61, 142, 192, 140, 152, 53, 102, 235, 103, 184, 206, 48, 234, 147, 155, 161, 63, 45, 212, 190, 153, 246, 142, 40, 225, 219, 0, 197, 249, 143, 231, 14, 243, 3, 193, 103},

        {100, 9, 42, 43, 130, 195, 221, 105, 61, 54, 142, 207, 63, 202, 227, 116, 129, 99, 53, 103, 33, 75, 253, 75, 73, 217, 24, 126, 198, 228, 226, 229}, 

        {6, 184, 47, 43, 226, 131, 113, 149, 211, 215, 155, 126, 201, 192, 218, 190, 109, 212, 33, 204, 134, 254, 158, 218, 179, 234, 218, 73, 77, 83, 223, 230},

        {174, 147, 21, 204, 35, 237, 105, 225, 217, 125, 155, 197, 82, 27, 87, 9, 142, 51, 71, 45, 79, 115, 96, 219, 205, 162, 253, 115, 79, 24, 41, 183},

        {244, 166, 215, 221, 36, 150, 206, 41, 82, 194, 96, 97, 57, 72, 245, 188, 47, 142, 128, 64, 143, 10, 69, 197, 221, 176, 56, 81, 216, 220, 188, 47},

        {36, 37, 125, 116, 74, 204, 118, 25, 189, 194, 54, 192, 90, 116, 143, 195, 140, 10, 66, 229, 55, 142, 72, 35, 139, 185, 88, 160, 225, 53, 152, 216, 203, 222, 69, 157, 98, 19, 182, 247, 40, 83, 64, 176, 214, 0, 144, 14, 198, 44, 109, 202, 11, 25, 5, 55, 180, 24, 86, 17, 56, 182, 96, 49, 120, 246, 254, 207, 173, 164, 111, 20, 170, 193, 53, 91, 35, 65, 65, 253, 73, 55, 216, 227, 111, 3, 247, 115, 52, 89, 122, 159, 69, 144, 27, 103},

        {28, 226, 151, 180, 52, 101, 230, 26, 183, 120, 151, 249, 251, 91, 21, 180, 178, 183, 238, 91, 183, 106, 2, 96, 161, 169, 73, 187, 246, 40, 116, 101, 189, 208, 73, 250, 171, 146, 149, 82, 183, 47, 136, 10, 86, 252, 214, 10, 111, 18, 66, 130, 55, 233, 48, 92, 76, 67, 217, 28, 232, 102, 198, 106, 214, 211, 78, 41, 49, 238, 95, 164, 20, 218, 84, 40, 167, 137, 19, 242, 100, 191, 215, 15, 4, 108, 12, 134, 89, 241, 90, 248, 77, 223, 112, 245, 214, 81, 42, 61, 232, 20, 98, 121, 91, 143, 240, 206, 96, 11, 10, 251, 87, 137, 247, 128, 45, 7, 38, 244, 232, 155, 6, 48, 89, 232, 54, 125},

        {7, 78, 82, 40, 205, 120, 104, 239, 180, 179, 224, 107, 90, 72, 234, 188, 177, 199, 96, 148, 186, 132, 142, 190, 103, 2, 73, 160, 233, 198, 106, 142},

        {123, 199, 186, 153, 219, 54, 0, 16, 231, 44, 71, 12, 205, 66, 82, 13, 66, 160, 88, 236, 154, 60, 171, 105, 171, 227, 9, 41, 57, 94, 32, 123},

        {91, 92, 65, 75, 10, 153, 168, 126, 207, 108, 122, 152, 185, 100, 107, 73, 85, 126, 249, 2, 102, 216, 32, 48, 173, 163, 221, 126, 46, 169, 175, 191},

        {73, 154, 60, 102, 80, 39, 20, 37, 16, 1, 171, 207, 96, 82, 123, 165, 31, 27, 205, 126, 55, 247, 180, 1, 119, 49, 212, 121, 203, 181, 25, 184}, 

        {106, 148, 67, 49, 8, 181, 99, 70, 221, 173, 244, 91, 148, 57, 27, 208, 124, 180, 8, 150, 27, 183, 87, 60, 10, 20, 120, 241, 213, 25, 252, 88},

        {176, 172, 163, 118, 20, 201, 255, 181, 205, 48, 93, 75, 17, 3, 11, 18, 76, 166, 237, 124, 79, 119, 85, 243, 23, 87, 178, 9, 237, 65, 70, 232, 251, 101, 9, 54, 55, 123, 179, 7, 234, 130, 170, 101, 169, 22, 252, 74, 233, 49, 101, 237, 235, 3, 26, 187, 108, 179, 199, 96, 150, 37, 104, 125},

        {78, 62, 210, 220, 177, 142, 250, 52, 52, 58, 113, 142, 154, 170, 129, 120, 70, 34, 254, 202, 87, 106, 6, 137, 118, 64, 210, 201, 223, 166, 141, 44, 54, 81, 55, 190, 223, 147, 109, 134, 195, 157, 14, 222, 215, 117, 53, 85, 67, 203, 200, 162, 236, 217, 163, 216, 243, 6, 7, 34, 251, 29, 141, 238, 39, 42, 20, 146, 58, 254, 64, 191, 5, 240, 182, 63, 80, 33, 254, 71, 232, 87, 76, 149, 45, 178, 232, 116, 101, 38, 124, 36, 135, 92, 117, 82, 128, 42, 34, 199, 9, 1, 139, 174, 98, 140, 6, 176, 52, 107, 9, 26, 77, 7, 125, 204, 47, 32, 126, 131, 121, 24, 234, 29, 247, 82, 184, 3}, {170, 163, 0, 183, 231, 51, 142, 209, 196, 158, 219, 242, 62, 162, 33, 164, 63, 24, 49, 252, 95, 194, 250, 10, 115, 157, 153, 19, 18, 240, 195, 196, 178, 24, 100, 174, 111, 217, 164, 210, 65, 129, 26, 38, 67, 96, 133, 166, 246, 58, 46, 252, 232, 186, 151, 165, 107, 168, 181, 118, 26, 43, 182, 156, 129, 90, 92, 108, 73, 233, 180, 118, 255, 197, 32, 98, 167, 93, 69, 187, 34, 146, 161, 43, 249, 186, 202, 174, 38, 150, 183, 70, 226, 217, 248, 128, 66, 142, 106, 66, 56, 156, 207, 58, 253, 113, 220, 193, 92, 185, 32, 146, 48, 39, 94, 35, 66, 157, 6, 216, 37, 150, 236, 152, 104, 217, 249, 249},

        {246, 90, 179, 234, 48, 142, 1, 26, 36, 136, 217, 47, 237, 39, 148, 183, 90, 52, 241, 83, 206, 43, 5, 13, 203, 219, 225, 101, 6, 190, 3, 70, 84, 81, 155, 234, 52, 88, 75, 21, 60, 165, 20, 36, 118, 21, 128, 11, 126, 233, 21, 107, 160, 49, 220, 133, 107, 16, 147, 19, 163, 9, 158, 246, 46, 40, 42, 123, 63, 57, 219, 105, 105, 92, 145, 51, 2, 188, 172, 174, 31, 181, 110, 138, 233, 29, 63, 169, 66, 180, 179, 227, 49, 90, 49, 115},

        {172, 40, 133, 17, 93, 47, 207, 47, 88, 33, 169, 159, 208, 62, 66, 62, 138, 133, 43, 164, 180, 21, 35, 65, 138, 194, 105, 63, 72, 27, 215, 62, 187, 171, 29, 51, 48, 168, 242, 106, 199, 183, 238, 170, 45, 180, 253, 252, 200, 62, 150, 176, 114, 101, 182, 251, 190, 225, 197, 194, 102, 124, 222, 229, 165, 1, 90, 252, 242, 189, 16, 147, 114, 225, 110, 170, 27, 76, 242, 52, 201, 124, 37, 0, 132, 200, 62, 116, 26, 164, 143, 155, 23, 73, 214, 204, 33, 242, 15, 0, 220, 65, 0, 11, 96, 186, 104, 76, 229, 33, 215, 236, 190, 198, 62, 242, 187, 204, 202, 86, 32, 23, 206, 210, 107, 27, 174, 164, 116, 28, 92, 74, 132, 63, 235, 127, 236, 192, 119, 239, 162, 43, 6, 227, 79, 229, 162, 227, 200, 226, 91, 25, 41, 201, 4, 132, 144, 47, 47, 13},

        {11, 196, 195, 32, 5, 100, 134, 104, 84, 247, 183, 154, 223, 203, 231, 212, 249, 49, 234, 142, 101, 230, 90, 161, 74, 23, 113, 45, 103, 154, 194, 223},

        {225, 27, 175, 232, 18, 37, 161, 122, 76, 83, 88, 208, 28, 104, 151, 150, 163, 88, 178, 12, 210, 196, 186, 7, 100, 84, 199, 125, 35, 111, 137, 22},

        {99, 192, 5, 231, 196, 191, 149, 122, 168, 127, 92, 174, 236, 236, 214, 170, 99, 242, 62, 64, 27, 193, 183, 109, 195, 35, 151, 195, 241, 61, 229, 139},

        {220, 25, 66, 162, 171, 84, 248, 250, 166, 89, 113, 126, 137, 254, 36, 236, 12, 162, 255, 132, 147, 174, 234, 208, 85, 214, 140, 58, 18, 110, 38, 19},

        {225, 122, 168, 104, 101, 254, 28, 98, 196, 73, 255, 234, 209, 50, 85, 59, 215, 4, 226, 206, 4, 104, 132, 56, 18, 67, 88, 151, 197, 2, 113, 127, 69, 221, 16, 243, 76, 58, 31, 9, 95, 116, 231, 41, 124, 176, 43, 219, 80, 250, 227, 102, 37, 99, 70, 154, 210, 218, 203, 39, 185, 172, 105, 226, 61, 186, 80, 177, 99, 220, 135, 98, 81, 16, 9, 92, 31, 164, 131, 178, 171, 9, 183, 126, 180, 152, 146, 86, 97, 108, 146, 58, 5, 97, 94, 71, 250, 186, 95, 57, 197, 129, 20, 161, 241, 231, 58, 137, 100, 166, 203, 100, 219, 53, 174, 245, 209, 156, 214, 41, 79, 235, 133, 119, 11, 253, 45, 195},

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        {71, 222, 90, 85, 178, 32, 186, 251, 190, 85, 181, 183, 104, 108, 40, 65, 9, 60, 190, 160, 123, 93, 92, 3, 123, 136, 133, 229, 80, 51, 62, 238},

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        {82, 95, 95, 51, 123, 134, 16, 124, 201, 95, 89, 140, 151, 210, 135, 22, 9, 120, 72, 172, 144, 146, 118, 135, 251, 84, 81, 164, 2, 201, 90, 66, 219, 55, 201, 185, 209, 227, 138, 167, 128, 215, 59, 170, 115, 144, 227, 74, 207, 142, 89, 180, 233, 20, 11, 202, 12, 33, 100, 0, 182, 189, 235, 0}


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            std::cerr << "CryptImportKey failed: " << GetLastError() << std::endl;

            if (hProv) CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);

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        DWORD dataLen = (DWORD)cipher_list[i].size();

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            std::cerr << "CryptDecrypt failed: " << GetLastError() << std::endl;


            CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);

            return 1;



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    CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);

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### 4.1.5 配置初始化(sub_4068B0函数)













### 4.1.6 初始化窗口程序内容(sub_406D70函数)




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