[分享]Windows驱动中校验数字签名(使用 ci.dll)
发表于: 2023-12-23 17:45 15853

[分享]Windows驱动中校验数字签名(使用 ci.dll)

2023-12-23 17:45

  对于常规应用程序来说,校验数字签名在在应用层可以使用 WinVerifyTrust, 在驱动层使用常规的 API无法使用,自己分析数据又太麻烦。
  但在内核中 ci.dll 包装了数据签名验证相关的功能,我们可以使用该 dll 来实现我们的数字签名验证。


  源代码地址为 9bcK9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6Y4K9i4c8Z5N6h3u0Q4x3X3g2U0L8$3#2Q4x3V1k6u0k6r3!0Q4x3X3c8y4L8%4y4Z5k6g2)9J5k6p5N6A6N6r3S2#2j5W2)9J5c8V1y4A6c8r3I4D9c8r3g2E0L8#2!0q4x3#2)9^5x3q4)9^5x3R3`.`.


  main.cpp 中使用 PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx 添加一个创建进程回调,回调用使用进程对象的 FileObject 和文件路径  ImageFileName来进行文件数字签名的检验。
  SignatureCheck.cpp 的 ciCheckSignedFileWrapper 函数中 digestSize 和 digestIdentifier 为验证签名的参数 ,基中 digestSize = 20 时表示签名算法为 sha1 时的长度,为32时表示算法为 sha256 时的长度; 其中 digestIdentifier  =0x8004 表示算法为 sha1的标识符,0x800c 为 sha256的标识符。
  SignatureCheck.cpp 的 ciCheckSignedFileWrapper 函数中 digestBuffer 值为签名文件的数字摘要,其内容在 validateFileUsingCiValidateFileObject 第 158 至 170 中 KDPRINT获取并打印。由于文件内容不同,签名得到的数字摘要也会不同。
  SignatureCheck.cpp 的 parsePolicyInfo 函数打印数字证书的证书链上每个证书的详细情况及摘要。其中要注意的是此摘要是数字证书的摘要,即使文件内容不同,只要签名的数字证书为同一个,其摘要的内容是一样的,这个在以后可以加以利用。
  SignatureCheck.cpp 的 validateFileUsingCiValidateFileObject 中 digestSize 和 digestBuffer 的大小必须大于等于64,否则 CiValidateFileObject 将返回“缓冲区大小太小”。
  SignatureCheck.cpp 的 validateFileUsingCiValidateFileObject 中使用 CiValidateFileObject 获取签名的摘要时要注意只能获取第一个签名的摘要,比如同时双签名了 sha1 以及 sha256 证书,获取到的证书摘要只有 sha1的,而无法获取到 sha256的,因此如果要再获取 sha356 的摘要,需要再使用只有 sha256 签名证书的文件进行分析。
  SignatureCheck.cpp 中使用的 CiValidateFileObject 以及 CiCheckSignedFile 是在 ci.dll 中导出,链接时需要一些方法,详见 <<5.链接 Ci.dll>>。




  用来检查相应的摘要签名,通过传入PE文件的 IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY 表,以及给定的摘要数据来进行判断签名是否有效。此摘要是整个文件的数字签名摘要,可以通过 CiValidateFileObject 来获取,并不是证书的摘要。


  《内核中的代码完整性:深入分析ci.dll》文中也指出了相关方法,即使用 lib 工具来创建一个.lib文件。


  然后使用 lib 工具执行命令:



#pragma once
#include <wdm.h>
#include <minwindef.h>
#if DBG
#define KDPRINT(projectName, format, ...) DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_IHVDRIVER_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL,\
                                                                                          projectName "::【" __FUNCTION__  "】" ##format, \
                                                                                          ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define KDPRINT(format, ...)
*  This struct was copied from <wintrust.h> and encapsulates a signature used in verifying executable files.
typedef struct _WIN_CERTIFICATE {
    DWORD dwLength;                         // Specifies the length, in bytes, of the signature
    WORD  wRevision;                        // Specifies the certificate revision
    WORD  wCertificateType;                 // Specifies the type of certificate
    BYTE  bCertificate[ANYSIZE_ARRAY];      // An array of certificates
*  Describes the location (address) and size of a ASN.1 blob within a buffer.
*  @note  The data itself is not contained in the struct.
typedef struct _Asn1BlobPtr
    int size;               // size of the ASN.1 blob
    PVOID ptrToData;        // where the ASN.1 blob starts
} Asn1BlobPtr, * pAsn1BlobPtr;
*  Describes the location (address) and size of a certificate subject/issuer name, within a buffer.
*  @note  The data itself (name) is not contained in the struct.
*  @note  the reason for separating these fields into their own struct was to match the padding we
*         observed in CertChainMember struct after the second 'short' field - once you enclose it
*         into a struct, on x64 bit machines there will be a padding of 4 bytes at the end of the struct,
*         because the largest member of the struct is of size 8 and it dictates the alignment of the struct.
typedef struct _CertificatePartyName
    PVOID pointerToName;
    short nameLen;
    short unknown;
} CertificatePartyName, * pCertificatePartyName;
*  Contains various data about a specific certificate in the chain and also points to the actual certificate.
*  @note  the digest described in this struct is the digest that was used to create the certificate - not for
*         signing the file.
*  @note  The size reserved for digest is 64 byte regardless of the digest type, in order to accomodate SHA2/3's
*         max size of 512bit. The memory is not zeroed, so we must take the actual digestSize into account when
*         reading it.
typedef struct _CertChainMember
    int digestIdetifier;                // e.g. 0x800c for SHA256
    int digestSize;                     // e.g. 0x20 for SHA256
    BYTE digestBuffer[64];              // contains the digest itself, where the digest size is dictated by digestSize
    CertificatePartyName subjectName;   // pointer to the subject name
    CertificatePartyName issuerName;    // pointer to the issuer name
    Asn1BlobPtr certificate;            // ptr to actual cert in ASN.1 - including the public key
} CertChainMember, * pCertChainMember;
*  Describes the format of certChainInfo buffer member of PolicyInfo struct. This header maps the types,
*  locations, and quantities of the data which is contained in the buffer.
*  @note  when using this struct make sure to check its size first (bufferSize) because it's not guaranteed
*         that all the fields below will exist.
typedef struct _CertChainInfoHeader
    // The size of the dynamically allocated buffer
    int bufferSize;
    // points to the start of a series of Asn1Blobs which contain the public keys of the certificates in the chain
    pAsn1BlobPtr ptrToPublicKeys;
    int numberOfPublicKeys;
    // points to the start of a series of Asn1Blobs which contain the EKUs
    pAsn1BlobPtr ptrToEkus;
    int numberOfEkus;
    // points to the start of a series of CertChainMembers
    pCertChainMember ptrToCertChainMembers;
    int numberOfCertChainMembers;
    int unknown;
    // ASN.1 blob of authenticated attributes - spcSpOpusInfo, contentType, etc.
    Asn1BlobPtr variousAuthenticodeAttributes;
} CertChainInfoHeader, * pCertChainInfoHeader;
*  Contains information regarding the certificates that were used for signing/timestamping
*  @note  you must check structSize before accessing the other members, since some members were added later.
*  @note  all structs members, including the length, are populated by ci functions - no need
*         to fill them in adavnce.
typedef struct _PolicyInfo
    int structSize;
    NTSTATUS verificationStatus;
    int flags;
    pCertChainInfoHeader certChainInfo; // if not null - contains info about certificate chain
    FILETIME revocationTime;            // when was the certificate revoked (if applicable)
    FILETIME notBeforeTime;             // the certificate is not valid before this time
    FILETIME notAfterTime;              // the certificate is not valid before this time
} PolicyInfo, *pPolicyInfo;
*  Given a file digest and signature of a file, verify the signature and provide information regarding
*  the certificates that was used for signing (the entire certificate chain)
*  @note  the function allocates a buffer from the paged pool --> can be used only where IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL
*  @param  digestBuffer - buffer containing the digest
*  @param  digestSize - size of the digest, e.g. 0x20 for SHA256, 0x14 for SHA1
*  @param  digestIdentifier - digest algorithm identifier, e.g. 0x800c for SHA256, 0x8004 for SHA1
*  @param  winCert - pointer to the start of the security directory
*  @param  sizeOfSecurityDirectory - size the security directory
*  @param  policyInfoForSigner[out] - PolicyInfo containing information about the signer certificate chain
*  @param  signingTime[out] - when the file was signed (FILETIME format)
*  @param  policyInfoForTimestampingAuthority[out] - PolicyInfo containing information about the timestamping
*          authority (TSA) certificate chain
*  @return  0 if the file digest in the signature matches the given digest and the signer cetificate is verified.
*           Various error values otherwise, for example:
*           STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH - the digest does not match the digest in the signature
*           STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_REVOKED - the certificate used for signing the file is revoked
*           STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_EXPIRED - the certificate used for signing the file has expired
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) NTSTATUS _stdcall CiCheckSignedFile(
    const PVOID digestBuffer,
    int digestSize,
    int digestIdentifier,
    const LPWIN_CERTIFICATE winCert,
    int sizeOfSecurityDirectory,
    PolicyInfo* policyInfoForSigner,
    LARGE_INTEGER* signingTime,
    PolicyInfo* policyInfoForTimestampingAuthority);
*  Resets a PolicyInfo struct - frees the dynamically allocated buffer in PolicyInfo (certChainInfo) if not null.
*  Zeros the entire PolicyInfo struct.
*  @param  policyInfo - the struct to reset.
*  @return  the struct which was reset.
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) PVOID _stdcall CiFreePolicyInfo(PolicyInfo* policyInfo);
*  Given a file object, verify the signature and provide information regarding
*  the certificates that was used for signing (the entire certificate chain)
*  @note  the function allocates memory from the paged pool --> can be used only where IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL
*  @param  fileObject[in] - fileObject of the PE in question
*  @param  a2[in] - unknown, needs to be reversed. 0 is a valid value.
*  @param  a3[in] - unknown, needs to be reversed. 0 is a valid value.
*  @param  policyInfoForSigner[out] - PolicyInfo containing information about the signer certificate chain
*  @param  signingTime[out] - when the file was signed
*  @param  policyInfoForTimestampingAuthority[out] - PolicyInfo containing information about the timestamping
*          authority (TSA) certificate chain
*  @param  digestBuffer[out] - buffer to be filled with the digest, must be at least 64 bytes
*  @param  digestSize[inout] - size of the digest. Must be at leat 64 and will be changed by the function to
*                              reflect the actual digest length.
*  @param  digestIdentifier[out] - digest algorithm identifier, e.g. 0x800c for SHA256, 0x8004 for SHA1
*  @return  0 if the file digest in the signature matches the given digest and the signer cetificate is verified.
*           Various error values otherwise, for example:
*           STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH - the digest does not match the digest in the signature
*           STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_REVOKED - the certificate used for signing the file is revoked
*           STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_EXPIRED - the certificate used for signing the file has expired
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) NTSTATUS _stdcall CiValidateFileObject(
    struct _FILE_OBJECT* fileObject,
    int a2,
    int a3,
    PolicyInfo* policyInfoForSigner,
    PolicyInfo* policyInfoForTimestampingAuthority,
    LARGE_INTEGER* signingTime,
    BYTE* digestBuffer,
    int* digestSize,
    int* digestIdentifier
#pragma once
#include <wdm.h>
#include <minwindef.h>
#if DBG
#define KDPRINT(projectName, format, ...) DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_IHVDRIVER_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL,\
                                                                                          projectName "::【" __FUNCTION__  "】" ##format, \
                                                                                          ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define KDPRINT(format, ...)
*  This struct was copied from <wintrust.h> and encapsulates a signature used in verifying executable files.
typedef struct _WIN_CERTIFICATE {
    DWORD dwLength;                         // Specifies the length, in bytes, of the signature
    WORD  wRevision;                        // Specifies the certificate revision
    WORD  wCertificateType;                 // Specifies the type of certificate
    BYTE  bCertificate[ANYSIZE_ARRAY];      // An array of certificates
*  Describes the location (address) and size of a ASN.1 blob within a buffer.
*  @note  The data itself is not contained in the struct.
typedef struct _Asn1BlobPtr
    int size;               // size of the ASN.1 blob
    PVOID ptrToData;        // where the ASN.1 blob starts
} Asn1BlobPtr, * pAsn1BlobPtr;
*  Describes the location (address) and size of a certificate subject/issuer name, within a buffer.
*  @note  The data itself (name) is not contained in the struct.
*  @note  the reason for separating these fields into their own struct was to match the padding we
*         observed in CertChainMember struct after the second 'short' field - once you enclose it
*         into a struct, on x64 bit machines there will be a padding of 4 bytes at the end of the struct,
*         because the largest member of the struct is of size 8 and it dictates the alignment of the struct.
typedef struct _CertificatePartyName
    PVOID pointerToName;
    short nameLen;
    short unknown;
} CertificatePartyName, * pCertificatePartyName;
*  Contains various data about a specific certificate in the chain and also points to the actual certificate.
*  @note  the digest described in this struct is the digest that was used to create the certificate - not for
*         signing the file.
*  @note  The size reserved for digest is 64 byte regardless of the digest type, in order to accomodate SHA2/3's
*         max size of 512bit. The memory is not zeroed, so we must take the actual digestSize into account when
*         reading it.
typedef struct _CertChainMember
    int digestIdetifier;                // e.g. 0x800c for SHA256
    int digestSize;                     // e.g. 0x20 for SHA256
    BYTE digestBuffer[64];              // contains the digest itself, where the digest size is dictated by digestSize
    CertificatePartyName subjectName;   // pointer to the subject name
    CertificatePartyName issuerName;    // pointer to the issuer name
    Asn1BlobPtr certificate;            // ptr to actual cert in ASN.1 - including the public key
} CertChainMember, * pCertChainMember;
*  Describes the format of certChainInfo buffer member of PolicyInfo struct. This header maps the types,
*  locations, and quantities of the data which is contained in the buffer.
*  @note  when using this struct make sure to check its size first (bufferSize) because it's not guaranteed
*         that all the fields below will exist.
typedef struct _CertChainInfoHeader
    // The size of the dynamically allocated buffer
    int bufferSize;
    // points to the start of a series of Asn1Blobs which contain the public keys of the certificates in the chain
    pAsn1BlobPtr ptrToPublicKeys;
    int numberOfPublicKeys;
    // points to the start of a series of Asn1Blobs which contain the EKUs
    pAsn1BlobPtr ptrToEkus;
    int numberOfEkus;
    // points to the start of a series of CertChainMembers
    pCertChainMember ptrToCertChainMembers;
    int numberOfCertChainMembers;
    int unknown;
    // ASN.1 blob of authenticated attributes - spcSpOpusInfo, contentType, etc.
    Asn1BlobPtr variousAuthenticodeAttributes;
} CertChainInfoHeader, * pCertChainInfoHeader;
*  Contains information regarding the certificates that were used for signing/timestamping
*  @note  you must check structSize before accessing the other members, since some members were added later.
*  @note  all structs members, including the length, are populated by ci functions - no need
*         to fill them in adavnce.
typedef struct _PolicyInfo
    int structSize;
    NTSTATUS verificationStatus;
    int flags;
    pCertChainInfoHeader certChainInfo; // if not null - contains info about certificate chain
    FILETIME revocationTime;            // when was the certificate revoked (if applicable)
    FILETIME notBeforeTime;             // the certificate is not valid before this time
    FILETIME notAfterTime;              // the certificate is not valid before this time
} PolicyInfo, *pPolicyInfo;
*  Given a file digest and signature of a file, verify the signature and provide information regarding
*  the certificates that was used for signing (the entire certificate chain)
*  @note  the function allocates a buffer from the paged pool --> can be used only where IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL
*  @param  digestBuffer - buffer containing the digest
*  @param  digestSize - size of the digest, e.g. 0x20 for SHA256, 0x14 for SHA1
*  @param  digestIdentifier - digest algorithm identifier, e.g. 0x800c for SHA256, 0x8004 for SHA1
*  @param  winCert - pointer to the start of the security directory
*  @param  sizeOfSecurityDirectory - size the security directory
*  @param  policyInfoForSigner[out] - PolicyInfo containing information about the signer certificate chain
*  @param  signingTime[out] - when the file was signed (FILETIME format)
*  @param  policyInfoForTimestampingAuthority[out] - PolicyInfo containing information about the timestamping
*          authority (TSA) certificate chain
*  @return  0 if the file digest in the signature matches the given digest and the signer cetificate is verified.
*           Various error values otherwise, for example:
*           STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH - the digest does not match the digest in the signature
*           STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_REVOKED - the certificate used for signing the file is revoked
*           STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_EXPIRED - the certificate used for signing the file has expired
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) NTSTATUS _stdcall CiCheckSignedFile(
    const PVOID digestBuffer,
    int digestSize,
    int digestIdentifier,
    const LPWIN_CERTIFICATE winCert,
    int sizeOfSecurityDirectory,
    PolicyInfo* policyInfoForSigner,
    LARGE_INTEGER* signingTime,
    PolicyInfo* policyInfoForTimestampingAuthority);
*  Resets a PolicyInfo struct - frees the dynamically allocated buffer in PolicyInfo (certChainInfo) if not null.
*  Zeros the entire PolicyInfo struct.
*  @param  policyInfo - the struct to reset.
*  @return  the struct which was reset.
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) PVOID _stdcall CiFreePolicyInfo(PolicyInfo* policyInfo);
*  Given a file object, verify the signature and provide information regarding
*  the certificates that was used for signing (the entire certificate chain)
*  @note  the function allocates memory from the paged pool --> can be used only where IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL
*  @param  fileObject[in] - fileObject of the PE in question
*  @param  a2[in] - unknown, needs to be reversed. 0 is a valid value.
*  @param  a3[in] - unknown, needs to be reversed. 0 is a valid value.
*  @param  policyInfoForSigner[out] - PolicyInfo containing information about the signer certificate chain
*  @param  signingTime[out] - when the file was signed
*  @param  policyInfoForTimestampingAuthority[out] - PolicyInfo containing information about the timestamping
*          authority (TSA) certificate chain
*  @param  digestBuffer[out] - buffer to be filled with the digest, must be at least 64 bytes
*  @param  digestSize[inout] - size of the digest. Must be at leat 64 and will be changed by the function to
*                              reflect the actual digest length.
*  @param  digestIdentifier[out] - digest algorithm identifier, e.g. 0x800c for SHA256, 0x8004 for SHA1
*  @return  0 if the file digest in the signature matches the given digest and the signer cetificate is verified.
*           Various error values otherwise, for example:
*           STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH - the digest does not match the digest in the signature
*           STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_REVOKED - the certificate used for signing the file is revoked
*           STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_EXPIRED - the certificate used for signing the file has expired
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) NTSTATUS _stdcall CiValidateFileObject(
    struct _FILE_OBJECT* fileObject,
    int a2,
    int a3,
    PolicyInfo* policyInfoForSigner,
    PolicyInfo* policyInfoForTimestampingAuthority,
    LARGE_INTEGER* signingTime,
    BYTE* digestBuffer,
    int* digestSize,
    int* digestIdentifier
#pragma once
#include <ntddk.h>
#include <wdm.h>
#include "ci.h"
 *  create a file handle for read.
 *  release handle when exiting the current context.
class FileReadHandleGuard
        FileReadHandleGuard(PCUNICODE_STRING imageFileName) : _handle(nullptr), _isValid(false)
                IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock = { 0 };
                OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES  objAttr = { 0 };
                const NTSTATUS openFileRet = ZwOpenFile(
                        SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA, // ACCESS_MASK, we use SYNCHRONIZE because we might need to wait on the handle in order to wait for the file to be read
                        FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT // FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT so that zwReadfile will pend for us until reading is done
                if (!NT_SUCCESS(openFileRet))
                        KDPRINT("【CiDemoDriver】", "failed to open file - openFileRet = %d\n", openFileRet);
                if (ioStatusBlock.Status != STATUS_SUCCESS || _handle == nullptr)
                        KDPRINT("【CiDemoDriver】", "ioStatusBlock.Status != STATUS_SUCCESS, or _handle is null\n");
                _isValid = true;
                if (_handle != nullptr)
        HANDLE& get() { return _handle; }
        bool isValid() const { return _isValid; }
        HANDLE _handle;
        bool _isValid;
 *  create a section handle.
 *  release handle when exiting the current context.
class SectionHandleGuard
        SectionHandleGuard(HANDLE& fileHandle) : _handle(nullptr), _isValid(false)
                OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes = { 0 };
                        OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, // to make sure user mode cannot access this handle
                const NTSTATUS createSectionRet = ZwCreateSection(
                        nullptr, // maximum size - use the file size, in order to map the entire file
                        SEC_COMMIT, // map as commit and not as SEC_IMAGE, because SEC_IMAGE will not map things which are not needed for the PE - such as resources and certificates
                if (!NT_SUCCESS(createSectionRet))
                        KDPRINT("【CiDemoDriver】", "failed to create section - ZwCreateSection returned %x\n", createSectionRet);
                _isValid = true;
                if (_handle != nullptr)
        HANDLE& get() { return _handle; }
        bool isValid() const { return _isValid; }
        HANDLE _handle;
        bool _isValid;
 *  retrieve a section object from a section handle.
 *  release object reference when exiting the current context.
class SectionObjectGuard
        SectionObjectGuard(HANDLE& sectionHandle) : _object(nullptr), _isValid(false)
                const NTSTATUS ret = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(
                if (!NT_SUCCESS(ret))
                        KDPRINT("【CiDemoDriver】", "ObReferenceObjectByHandle failed -  returned %x\n", ret);
                _isValid = true;
                if (_object != nullptr)
        PVOID& get() { return _object; }
        bool isValid() const { return _isValid; }
        PVOID _object;
        bool _isValid;
 *  create a view of file.
 *  unmap the view when exiting the current context.
class SectionViewGuard
        SectionViewGuard(PVOID sectionObject) : _baseAddrOfView(nullptr), _viewSize(0), _isValid(false)
                const NTSTATUS ret = MmMapViewInSystemSpace(
                if (!NT_SUCCESS(ret))
                        KDPRINT("【CiDemoDriver】", "MmMapViewInSystemSpace failed -  returned %x\n", ret);
                _isValid = true;
                if (_baseAddrOfView != nullptr)
        PVOID getViewBaseAddress() const { return _baseAddrOfView; }
        SIZE_T getViewSize() const { return _viewSize; }
        bool isValid() const { return _isValid; }
        PVOID _baseAddrOfView;
        SIZE_T _viewSize;
        bool _isValid;
 *  create a PoicyInfo struct.
 *  Release the memory used by the struct when exiting the current context.
class PolicyInfoGuard
        PolicyInfoGuard() : _policyInfo{} {}
                // CiFreePolicyInfo checks internally if there's memory to free
        PolicyInfo& get() { return _policyInfo; }
        PolicyInfo _policyInfo;
#pragma once
#include <ntddk.h>
#include <wdm.h>
#include "ci.h"
 *  create a file handle for read.
 *  release handle when exiting the current context.
class FileReadHandleGuard
        FileReadHandleGuard(PCUNICODE_STRING imageFileName) : _handle(nullptr), _isValid(false)
                IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock = { 0 };
                OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES  objAttr = { 0 };
                const NTSTATUS openFileRet = ZwOpenFile(
                        SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA, // ACCESS_MASK, we use SYNCHRONIZE because we might need to wait on the handle in order to wait for the file to be read
                        FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT // FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT so that zwReadfile will pend for us until reading is done
                if (!NT_SUCCESS(openFileRet))
                        KDPRINT("【CiDemoDriver】", "failed to open file - openFileRet = %d\n", openFileRet);
                if (ioStatusBlock.Status != STATUS_SUCCESS || _handle == nullptr)
                        KDPRINT("【CiDemoDriver】", "ioStatusBlock.Status != STATUS_SUCCESS, or _handle is null\n");
                _isValid = true;
                if (_handle != nullptr)
        HANDLE& get() { return _handle; }
        bool isValid() const { return _isValid; }
        HANDLE _handle;
        bool _isValid;
 *  create a section handle.
 *  release handle when exiting the current context.
class SectionHandleGuard
        SectionHandleGuard(HANDLE& fileHandle) : _handle(nullptr), _isValid(false)
                OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes = { 0 };
                        OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, // to make sure user mode cannot access this handle
                const NTSTATUS createSectionRet = ZwCreateSection(
                        nullptr, // maximum size - use the file size, in order to map the entire file
                        SEC_COMMIT, // map as commit and not as SEC_IMAGE, because SEC_IMAGE will not map things which are not needed for the PE - such as resources and certificates
                if (!NT_SUCCESS(createSectionRet))
                        KDPRINT("【CiDemoDriver】", "failed to create section - ZwCreateSection returned %x\n", createSectionRet);
                _isValid = true;
                if (_handle != nullptr)
        HANDLE& get() { return _handle; }
        bool isValid() const { return _isValid; }
        HANDLE _handle;
        bool _isValid;
 *  retrieve a section object from a section handle.
 *  release object reference when exiting the current context.
class SectionObjectGuard
        SectionObjectGuard(HANDLE& sectionHandle) : _object(nullptr), _isValid(false)
                const NTSTATUS ret = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(
                if (!NT_SUCCESS(ret))
                        KDPRINT("【CiDemoDriver】", "ObReferenceObjectByHandle failed -  returned %x\n", ret);
                _isValid = true;
                if (_object != nullptr)
        PVOID& get() { return _object; }
        bool isValid() const { return _isValid; }
        PVOID _object;
        bool _isValid;
 *  create a view of file.
 *  unmap the view when exiting the current context.
class SectionViewGuard
        SectionViewGuard(PVOID sectionObject) : _baseAddrOfView(nullptr), _viewSize(0), _isValid(false)
                const NTSTATUS ret = MmMapViewInSystemSpace(


免费 7
最新回复 (10)
雪    币: 1507
活跃值: (1855)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2023-12-24 12:11
雪    币: 636
活跃值: (983)
能力值: ( LV3,RANK:20 )
milko 比较麻烦的就是系统版本不一样,有些API不是通用的

是的 只在 Win10 及 Win11 的版本是才有 CiValidateFileObject 这个函数,其它版本就有点麻烦了

最后于 2024-1-10 09:08 被风然编辑 ,原因:
2023-12-24 12:25
雪    币: 4166
活跃值: (31191)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2023-12-24 16:40
雪    币: 1981
活跃值: (4235)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2023-12-25 09:26
雪    币: 200
活跃值: (398)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2023-12-27 11:42
雪    币: 8197
活跃值: (2977)
能力值: ( LV9,RANK:180 )
2023-12-28 10:10
雪    币: 224
活跃值: (2761)
能力值: ( LV3,RANK:20 )
2023-12-28 15:32
雪    币: 636
活跃值: (983)
能力值: ( LV3,RANK:20 )
hambaga sha1/sha256如何获取呢?硬编码不通用呀
文章中 “加载驱动后的打印消息如下” 之后的图片中第二处标红的地方就是获取的摘要,用这个摘要就行了。也就是 SignatureCheck.cpp 中 validateFileUsingCiValidateFileObject 函数第 169-180 行打印出的摘要,这里多重签名情况下,即sha1、sha256都签的情况只取得了第一个,具体是哪个我目前还不知道原理,你测试时需要哪个摘要就只签那个算法的。然后 ciCheckSignedFileWrapper函数验证的代码是sha256的, 如果要改成 sha1 的需要修改变量 digestSize和digestIdentifier值,摘要的长度也注意下 sha1 是20字节,sha256取32字节,原代码中都有注释。而且这个代码的验证摘要是取的PE文件的摘要,数字签名不变的情况下,PE文件有改动摘要也要重新算,晚点出个基于数字证书摘要方法,这种方法下只要签名的证书是同一个,不同的PE文件都能用一个摘要进行验证。
2023-12-28 18:41
雪    币: 36791
活跃值: (7220)
能力值: ( LV3,RANK:20 )

@风然 能不能表演下爆破TotalRecorer


最后于 2023-12-31 12:59 被ninebell编辑 ,原因:
2023-12-31 12:58
雪    币: 231
能力值: ( LV1,RANK:0 )
具体要怎么调用CiValidateFileObject 呢,我这边尝试写了下(C语言的驱动程序),无法调用
2024-3-25 19:08
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