[SWPUCTF 2021 新生赛]老鼠走迷宫(详细版
发表于: 2023-10-14 14:27 10410

[SWPUCTF 2021 新生赛]老鼠走迷宫(详细版

2023-10-14 14:27







python pyinstxtractor.py 可执行文件exe的地址








在maze下面添加一个for循环,输出maze,会报错,把最下面的return none直接删了,这不是重点不要紧

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Mice walk in a maze: wasd to move,q to quit
flag is the shortest path's md5,example:if the shortest path is wasdsdw,the flag is md5('wasdsdw')

Process finished with exit code 0



使用wasd表示最短路径就是(一定不要忘了最后一个 * 还需要往下走一个才到达终点,我服,看了半天才找到这个错误):





#!/usr/bin/env python
# visit de0K9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6@1L8$3!0D9i4K6u0W2L8s2g2Q4x3V1k6H3P5h3y4Q4x3V1j5`. for more information
# Version: Python 3.7
import random
import msvcrt
(row, col) = (12, 12)
(i, j) = (0, 0)
maze = [
print('Mice walk in a maze: wasd to move,q to quit')
print("flag is the shortest path's md5,example:if the shortest path is wasdsdw,the flag is md5('wasdsdw')")
(i, j) = (0, 1)
n = 0
while i == row * 2 and j == col * 2 - 1:
    print('ohhhh!!!!you did it')
    print('your position:({},{})'.format(i, j))
    inp = msvcrt.getch()
    n += 1
    ti = i
    tj = j
    if b'a' == inp and i > 0:
        tj -= 1
    elif b'w' == inp and j > 0:
        ti -= 1
    elif b's' == inp and j < row * 2:
        ti += 1
    elif b'd' == inp and i < col * 2:
        tj += 1
    elif b'q' == inp:
    if maze[ti][tj] == 1:
            'no wayy!!',
            "it's wall",
    elif maze[ti][tj] == 0:
            'Go on']))
        i = ti
        j = tj
    return None
#!/usr/bin/env python
# visit de0K9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6@1L8$3!0D9i4K6u0W2L8s2g2Q4x3V1k6H3P5h3y4Q4x3V1j5`. for more information
# Version: Python 3.7
import random
import msvcrt
(row, col) = (12, 12)
(i, j) = (0, 0)
maze = [
print('Mice walk in a maze: wasd to move,q to quit')
print("flag is the shortest path's md5,example:if the shortest path is wasdsdw,the flag is md5('wasdsdw')")
(i, j) = (0, 1)
n = 0
while i == row * 2 and j == col * 2 - 1:
    print('ohhhh!!!!you did it')
    print('your position:({},{})'.format(i, j))
    inp = msvcrt.getch()
    n += 1
    ti = i
    tj = j
    if b'a' == inp and i > 0:
        tj -= 1
    elif b'w' == inp and j > 0:
        ti -= 1
    elif b's' == inp and j < row * 2:
        ti += 1
    elif b'd' == inp and i < col * 2:
        tj += 1
    elif b'q' == inp:
    if maze[ti][tj] == 1:
            'no wayy!!',
            "it's wall",
    elif maze[ti][tj] == 0:
            'Go on']))
        i = ti
        j = tj
    return None
#!/usr/bin/env python
# visit 563K9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6@1L8$3!0D9i4K6u0W2L8s2g2Q4x3V1k6H3P5h3y4Q4x3V1j5`. for more information
# Version: Python 3.7
import random
import msvcrt
(row, col) = (12, 12)
(i, j) = (0, 0)
maze = [
for row in maze:
print('Mice walk in a maze: wasd to move,q to quit')
print("flag is the shortest path's md5,example:if the shortest path is wasdsdw,the flag is md5('wasdsdw')")
(i, j) = (0, 1)
n = 0
while i == row * 2 and j == col * 2 - 1:
    print('ohhhh!!!!you did it')
    print('your position:({},{})'.format(i, j))
    inp = msvcrt.getch()
    n += 1
    ti = i
    tj = j
    if b'a' == inp and i > 0:
        tj -= 1
    elif b'w' == inp and j > 0:
        ti -= 1
    elif b's' == inp and j < row * 2:
        ti += 1
    elif b'd' == inp and i < col * 2:
        tj += 1
    elif b'q' == inp:
    if maze[ti][tj] == 1:
            'no wayy!!',
            "it's wall",
    elif maze[ti][tj] == 0:
            'Go on']))
        i = ti
        j = tj
#!/usr/bin/env python
# visit 563K9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6@1L8$3!0D9i4K6u0W2L8s2g2Q4x3V1k6H3P5h3y4Q4x3V1j5`. for more information
# Version: Python 3.7
import random
import msvcrt
(row, col) = (12, 12)
(i, j) = (0, 0)
maze = [


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2023-10-14 22:48
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