[转帖]Babel Obfuscator
发表于: 2023-7-8 09:41 3832

[转帖]Babel Obfuscator

2023-7-8 09:41

Being a software developer comes with multiple risks, and one of the biggest ones is represented by the vulnerabilities in your very code. Other people, at least as skilled in computers as you might find a way to steal your code, and this makes using protection applications a very wise and lucrative idea.

Considering that your .NET project is build and compiled in Visual Studio, you are definitely aware that a new assembly will be generated, which contains MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) instructions, resources and metadata that describe the used types, methods, properties and events in your assembly.

The obfuscation process enables you to secure your code and conceal its purpose in order to prevent tampering and deter reverse engineering. This way, although the code remains usable to the machine, hackers and other users with bad intentions won’t be able to read it and here is where Babel Obfuscator comes in handy.

It is a comprehensive and reliable program that helps you to secure anything that contains .NET scripts including C#, VB.NET, Compact Framework etc.

The main window of the application enables you to add as many .NET assemblies as you want, then transform them in order to hide the code, so the reversing process is extremely difficult.

By accessing the left panel, you are able to rename all the methods, properties, fields, events and parameters. What’s more, it allows you to add new rules and change the permissions, select the target objects you are interested in and specify a list of fully-qualified type attributes.

Another important function that Babel Obfuscator comes with is the overloaded renaming option, which allows you to rename all the methods with different signatures. On this manner, the reverse engineering process becomes more difficult to be performed.

During our tests, we noticed that the encryption and the obfuscation processes are performed quite quickly and does not cause the system to freeze, and neither does it impact other running applications.

Overall, Babel Obfuscator enables you to change the name of the classes and assemblies and convert them to unreadable characters so you can protect your .NET applications.


[招生]科锐逆向工程师培训(2024年11月15日实地,远程教学同时开班, 第51期)

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