发表于: 2006-6-21 12:01 3473


2006-6-21 12:01
Free your mind from signature update

BufferZone utterly prevents the intrusion of hostile code and eliminates signature/definition updating forever. All possible threats are neutralized in the virtual BufferZone where unfamiliar programs can run without damage to systems and with no possibility of data theft or replication by email ? even by malware not yet recognized by conventional antivirus or antispyware software.

Protect yourself from Internet threat

In addition to protecting against all forms of malware, easy to deploy and manage BufferZone lets users surf the Internet without damage due to unwanted cookies, history and cyber junk, and test software installations and updates safely, because applications managed by BufferZone do not modify files on disk. Applications running in BufferZone cannot read designated directories such as “My Secure Documents.” BufferZone also allows multiple users to use one system without PC change problems and minimizes system downtime.

Eliminate identity theft

Because BufferZone compartmentalize files, trojan horses containing keyloggers, SpyWare or other malicious code can never access trusted files or report its finding back to its sender.

BufferZone products suite

BufferZone for PC home users is available in two versions: Single-application freeware that provides protection against hostile code embedded in files downloaded through any one application, including file sharing clients, browsers, email clients, messenger and other peer-to-peer software. Download now
Full protection software that protects against files downloaded through any application whatsoever. For only $49.95, you’ll protect your PC forever against viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, worms and all other forms of hostile code. Buy now


[课程]Linux pwn 探索篇!

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最新回复 (5)
雪    币: 427
活跃值: (412)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
1. 这是一个什么样的软件?
  与xbeta介绍的绝大多数软件一样,它小巧(安装包300KB)免费,功能如其名字 sandbox,就是一个沙盘,运行程序之后,“春梦了无痕”,免得系统留下垃圾或蛛丝马迹。称为sandboxie,因为程序初衷是为了让IE运行更安全。

2. 官方介绍
试着把官方介绍翻译如下:  Sandboxie允许你在沙盘环境中运行浏览器或其他程序,因此,运行所产生的变化可以随后删除。可用来消除上网、运行程序的痕迹,也可用来还原收藏夹、主页、注册表等。即使在沙盘进程中下载的文件,也会随着沙盘的清空而删除。此软件在系统托盘中运行,如果想启动一个沙盘进程,请通过托盘图标(而不要用原方式)启动浏览器或相应程序。
主页:http://www.sandboxie.com/ 很可能无法访问
大小:319 kb
3. 试用及讨论

上述测试基于sandboxie 2.3, winxp+sp2, 2006-05-11.

  刚下载了一个2.3版本的随便测试一下,准备测试安装ADOBE ACROBAT,会给出不能访问Installer服务的提示信息。没有测试其他的,猜想其他需要Installer服务的应该类似。
4. 值得研究

  File name Size
  ----------------------- ---------------
  Control.exe 479,232
  QuickLaunch.lnk 655
  RegDump.exe 10,240
  Sandbox.sys 109,184
  SandboxieDcomLaunch.exe 9,216
  SandboxieHelper.dll 64,512
  SandboxieRpcSs.exe 10,240
  SandboxieToolbar.dll 39,936
  Start.exe 19,456
  UseGuide.rtf 2,702,181
  total files 11 total size 3,451,722

(原文由xbeta发表于善用佳软 http://blog.sina.com.cn/m/xbeta 2006-05-11)
5. 再补充一些材料
  Sandboxie requires neither the disabling nor blocking of functions available to Web sites through the browser. Instead, Sandboxie isolates and quarantines the outcome of whatever the Web site may do to your computer, including the installation of unsolicited software. There is no trade-off of functionality for security: the Web site can use the full range of active content tools, and if it uses these tools maliciously to install software or otherwise make changes in your computer, then these changes can be easily undone. 不用通过浏览器实现安全了,它为你隔离。后果很容易清除。
  Sandboxie has originally been designed to increase the security of browsing with Internet Explorer, however it is just as effective with any other browser, and in fact, any other program. Sandboxie wraps a protection layer around the programs it supervises. It is this layer that intercepts and isolates any changes the programs make to the computer. And this layer is impartial to the specific program it wraps. 本来为IE,其实可对任何浏览器,任何程序。做了一个隔离层。
  Sandboxie was designed as an application that will allow you isolates and quarantines website.
  When you browse the web, changes occur to your computer system. Most of the time these changes are harmless, like recording the addresses of web sites you have visited (and when), so the browser can help you complete a web address that you type in. Whether these changes are harmless or harmful, they do in fact happen to your computer system. 上网,确实对电脑有改变……
  When you use Sandboxie to protect your browsing session, it catches all these changes just as the browser is about to apply them into your computer system. Sandboxie does record these changes on behalf of the browser, but it records them in a special isolated folder, called the sandbox. 它记下这些改变,保存在sandbox目录……

  The benefit of having a sandbox is that it ensures your ability to get rid of all changes done by the browser, simply by deleting the sandbox folder. 清空此目录,改变也就不存在了

  Another useful feature of Sandboxie is the ability to terminate all sandboxed programs at once. As some web sites tend to pop up three new browser windows for each one you close, you can have Sandboxie close all of them with a click of a button. 再一个用途是一下子通过它关闭几个程序,如IE弹出了几个窗口。
6. sandboxie之版权
  ① 可以终身免费使用,但限于个人用途,不能商用。
  ② 30天后,会偶尔/不时弹出提示框,问您是否要考虑购买注册(20$)

2006-6-21 13:32
雪    币: 370
活跃值: (15)
能力值: ( LV9,RANK:170 )

Tired of dealing with rogue software, spyware and malware?

Tired of spending countless hours removing unsolicited software?

Try Sandboxie.

When you run a program on your computer, data flows from the hard disk to the program via read operations. The data is then processed and displayed, and finally flows back from the progam to the hard disk via write operations.

For example, if you run the Freecell program to play a game, it starts by reading the previously recorded statistics, displaying and altering them as you play the game, and finally writing them back to disk for future reference.
Sandboxie changes the rules such that write operations do not make it back to your hard disk.

The illustration shows the key component of Sandboxie: a transient storage area, or sandbox. Data flows in both directions between programs and the sandbox. During read operations, data may flow from the hard disk into the sandbox. But data never flows back from the sandbox into the hard disk.
If you run Freecell inside the Sandboxie environment, Sandboxie reads the statistics data from the hard disk into the sandbox, to satisfy the read requested by Freecell. When the game later writes the statistics, Sandboxie intercepts this operation and directs the data to the sandbox.

If you then run Freecell without the aid of Sandboxie, the read operation would bypass the sandbox altogether, and the statistics would be retrieved from the hard disk.

The transient nature of the sandbox makes it is easy to get rid of everything in it. If you were to throw away the sandbox, by deleting everything in it, the sandboxed statistics would be gone for good, as if they had never been there in the first place.

Sandboxie and the Web
Protecting your Freecell statistics using Sandboxie may be a good idea when a less qualified player comes along, but you will probably want to play most of your games outside the sandbox.
On the other hand, you may want to run your Web browser inside the sandbox most of the time. This way any incoming, unsolicited software (spyware, malware and the like) that you download, is trapped in the sandbox. Changes made to your list of Favorites or Bookmarks, hijacking of your preferred start page, new and unwanted icons on your desktop -- all these, and more, are trapped in and bound to the sandbox.

You could also try a new toolbar add-on, browser extension or just about any kind of software. If you don't like it, you throw away the sandbox, and start again with a fresh sandbox. On the other hand, if you do like the new piece of software, you can re-install it outside the sandbox so it becomes a permanent part of your system.

Sandboxie intercepts changes to both your files and registry settings, making it virtually impossible for any software to reach outside the sandbox.

Sandboxie traps cached browser items into the sandbox as a by-product of normal operation, so when you throw away the sandbox, all the history records and other side-effects of your browsing disappear as well.

Download Sandboxie and give it a try.

The Alternative
Sandboxie is free so you really don't have to look around for an alternative. If you find it makes your Web experience that much safer, you are encouraged to register the program for a small fee. However, if you still don't like or can't use Sandboxie for whatever reason, here are some alternatives.

Anti-Virus Software, Anti-Spyware Tools

These tools scan your computer files and registry settings looking for known viruses and unsolicited software (spyware). Such tools can only remove viruses and spyware they can identify, and usually only after that software has made its way into your computer. Contrast this with the Sandboxie approach, which keeps the viruses and spyware trapped in the sandbox, and makes them disappear when you throw away the sandbox.

Untrusted Browsing

The ActiveX mechanism lets Web sites run little programs in your computer. These are mostly well-natured programs, for example automatic download managers or automatic toolbar installation. Some not-so-well-natured Web sites use this mechanism to install spyware into your computer. You could browse with ActiveX disabled (by turning it off, or by switching to a browser that doesn't offer support for ActiveX), but you would be trading security over functionality. With Sandboxie, you can keep ActiveX turned on, and have both security and functionality.

2006-6-21 14:30
雪    币: 279
活跃值: (145)
能力值: ( LV9,RANK:290 )
try it!
2006-6-21 14:59
雪    币: 254
活跃值: (126)
能力值: ( LV8,RANK:130 )
2006-6-21 20:09
雪    币: 203
活跃值: (10)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
2006-6-21 20:31
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