( LV2,RANK:10 )
6 楼
szFilter db "PE files(*.exe, *.dll)", 0, "*.exe;*.dll", 0, "All files(*.*)", 0, "*.*", 0, 0
szCaption db "test packer by thirdlee", 0
szOpenFileErr db "打开文件失败!", 0
szNotPEFile db "该文件不是PE文件!", 0
szSectionName db ".lee", 0
szModified db "这个文件已经被我修改过了。", 0
szBackup db ".bak", 0
szMemErr db "申请内存失败!", 0
szOver db "修改完毕!", 0
szEncryptSec db ".text", 0
pShellMap dd 0
pSecMap dd 0
dwSecOffset dd 0
dwSecSize dd 0
dwSecVirtualAddr dd 0
dwRWSize dd 1024*60
dwCount dd 0
hInst dd ?
szFileName db MAX_PATH dup (?)
hFile HANDLE ?
szFileBackup db MAX_PATH dup (?)
invoke GetModuleHandle, eax
mov hInst, eax
mov ofn.hInstance, eax
mov ofn.lStructSize, sizeof ofn
mov ofn.lpstrFilter, offset szFilter
mov ofn.lpstrFile, offset szFileName ;用来保存选中的文件名(含路径)
mov ofn.nMaxFile, sizeof szFileName
invoke GetOpenFileName, offset ofn
.if eax == 0
invoke ExitProcess, 0
invoke CreateFile, offset szFileName, GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ \
invoke MessageBox, NULL, offset szOpenFileErr, offset szCaption, MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION
invoke ExitProcess, 0
mov hFile, eax
invoke ReadFile, hFile, offset dosh, sizeof IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, esp, 0
.if dosh.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE
invoke CloseHandle, hFile
invoke MessageBox, NULL, offset szNotPEFile, offset szCaption, MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION
invoke ExitProcess, 0
invoke SetFilePointer, hFile, dosh.e_lfanew, NULL, FILE_BEGIN
invoke ReadFile, hFile, offset nth, sizeof IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32, esp, 0
.if nth.Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE
invoke CloseHandle, hFile
invoke MessageBox, NULL, offset szNotPEFile, offset szCaption, MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION
invoke ExitProcess, 0
movzx ecx, nth.FileHeader.NumberOfSections
xor ebx, ebx
xor edx, edx
push ecx
push ebx
push edx
invoke ReadFile, hFile, offset sech, sizeof IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, esp, 0
invoke lstrcmp, offset szSectionName, offset sech.Name1
.if eax == 0
invoke CloseHandle, hFile
invoke MessageBox, NULL, offset szModified, offset szCaption, MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION
invoke ExitProcess, 0
invoke lstrcmp, offset szEncryptSec, offset sech.Name1
.if eax == 0
push sech.PointerToRawData
pop dwSecOffset
push sech.SizeOfRawData
pop dwSecSize
mov dwSecSize, 10h
push sech.VirtualAddress
pop dwSecVirtualAddr
mov eax, nth.OptionalHeader.ImageBase
add dwSecVirtualAddr, eax
mov sech.Characteristics, 0E00000E0h
mov eax, sizeof IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
neg eax
invoke SetFilePointer, hFile, eax, NULL, FILE_CURRENT
invoke WriteFile, hFile, offset sech, sizeof IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, esp, 0
pop edx
mov eax, sech.PointerToRawData
add eax, sech.SizeOfRawData
mov edx, eax
pop ebx
mov eax, sech.VirtualAddress
add eax, sech.Misc.VirtualSize
mov ebx, eax
pop ecx
dec ecx
.if ecx > 0
jmp ReadSection
invoke lstrcpy, offset szFileBackup, offset szFileName
invoke lstrcat, offset szFileBackup, offset szBackup
invoke CopyFile, offset szFileName, offset szFileBackup, FALSE
invoke lstrcpy, offset sech.Name1, offset szSectionName
mov eax, ShellSize
mov sech.Misc.VirtualSize, eax
mov sech.VirtualAddress, ebx
mov sech.PointerToRawData, edx
mov sech.SizeOfRawData, eax
mov sech.PointerToRelocations, ecx
mov sech.PointerToLinenumbers, ecx
mov dword ptr sech.NumberOfRelocations, ecx
xor edx, edx
mov eax, sech.SizeOfRawData
mov ebx, 1ffh
idiv ebx
.if edx != 0
sub edx, 200h
neg edx
add sech.SizeOfRawData, edx
mov ebx, sech.VirtualAddress
mov edx, 00000fffh
and ebx, edx
.if ebx != 0
sub ebx, 1000h
neg ebx
add sech.VirtualAddress, ebx
mov sech.Characteristics, 0E00000E0h
invoke WriteFile, hFile, offset sech, sizeof IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, esp, 0
invoke VirtualAlloc, NULL, dwSecSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE
.if eax == NULL
invoke CloseHandle, hFile
invoke MessageBox, NULL, offset szMemErr, offset szCaption, MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION
invoke ExitProcess, 0
mov pSecMap, eax
push 0
pop dwCount
invoke SetFilePointer, hFile, dwSecOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN
mov eax, dwSecSize
xor edx,edx
idiv dwRWSize
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, pSecMap
add eax, dwCount
.if ecx > 0
push edx
invoke ReadFile, hFile, eax, dwRWSize, esp, 0
pop edx
add eax, dwRWSize
dec ecx
jmp @@ReadSecData
.if edx != 0
invoke ReadFile, hFile, eax, edx, esp, 0
push 0
pop dwCount
mov ecx, dwSecSize
mov eax, pSecMap
add eax, dwCount
xor byte ptr [eax], 1
inc eax
loop @@Crypt
push 0
pop dwCount
invoke SetFilePointer, hFile, dwSecOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN
mov eax, dwSecSize
xor edx, edx
idiv dwRWSize
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, pSecMap
add eax, dwCount
.if ecx > 0
push edx
invoke WriteFile, hFile, eax, dwRWSize, esp, 0
pop edx
add eax, dwRWSize
dec ecx
jmp @@WriteSecData
.if edx != 0
invoke WriteFile, hFile, eax, edx, esp, 0
invoke VirtualFree, pSecMap, 0, MEM_RELEASE
inc nth.FileHeader.NumberOfSections
mov eax, sech.Misc.VirtualSize
add nth.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, eax
mov edx, 00000fffh
and eax, edx
.if eax != 0
sub eax, 1000h
neg eax
add nth.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, eax
;去掉bound import
;(88)表示11*8, 即 DataDirectory[11]
push 0
pop nth.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory(88).VirtualAddress
invoke VirtualAlloc, NULL, ShellSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE
.if eax == NULL
invoke CloseHandle, hFile
invoke MessageBox, NULL, offset szMemErr, offset szCaption, MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION
invoke ExitProcess, 0
mov pShellMap, eax
push dwSecVirtualAddr
push dwSecSize
mov ecx, ShellSize
mov esi, ShellStart
mov edi, offset pShellMap
rep movsb
pop dwSecSize
pop dwSecVirtualAddr
mov eax, dword ptr nth.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint
add eax, dword ptr nth.OptionalHeader.ImageBase
mov ebx, offset OldOep - offset ShellStart
add ebx, offset pShellMap
mov dword ptr[ebx], eax
mov eax, dwSecVirtualAddr
mov ebx, offset SecStart - offset ShellStart
add ebx, offset pShellMap
mov dword ptr [ebx], eax
mov eax, dwSecSize
mov ebx, offset SecSize - offset ShellStart
add ebx, offset pShellMap
mov dword ptr [ebx], eax
mov eax, sech.VirtualAddress
add eax, ShellCodeStart - ShellStart + 4
mov nth.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint, eax
invoke SetFilePointer, hFile, dosh.e_lfanew, NULL, FILE_BEGIN
invoke WriteFile, hFile, offset nth, sizeof IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32, esp, 0
mov eax, sech.PointerToRawData
push eax
invoke SetFilePointer, hFile, eax, NULL, FILE_BEGIN
mov eax, ShellSize
invoke WriteFile, hFile, offset pShellMap, eax, esp, 0
invoke VirtualFree, pShellMap, 0, MEM_RELEASE
pop eax
add eax, sech.SizeOfRawData
dec eax
invoke SetFilePointer, hFile, eax, NULL, FILE_BEGIN
invoke WriteFile, hFile, offset szCaption, 1, esp, 0
invoke CloseHandle, hFile
invoke MessageBox, NULL, offset szOver, offset szCaption, MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION
invoke ExitProcess, 0
end main