Hey everyone, I'm relativly new to this forum, but I do do work in the reverse engineering field. Ollydbg is clearly the debugger of choice for windows, but like you I have found no linux debugger which really steps up to the plate.
So i am making my own debugger, and it is designed from the start to be cross platform (a single c++ class defines all debugger primitives which are OS specific, the rest is all QT).
I don't know when I will be releasing my first version, but i really hope sometime in the next 2 months I'll have _something_ worth using out the door.
For some more basic info, and screenshots of what I have so far, check out my page:
Visually it's always there, I'm working on my custom QDissasemblyView widget at the moment, and it currently has a ptrace impementation for the basic functionality.
Once I am nearing a 1.0 release, I plan to open source it, and hopefully make a very positive contribution the RE community