发表于: 2022-4-14 21:48 14116


2022-4-14 21:48




图 1-1 混淆代码





图 2-1 重定位表



图 2-2 BaseRelocationData的struct和RelocationData对象列表

图 2-3 重定位数据的RVA





图 2-4 混淆指令

  在默认操作数是32 位的OS 上,任何操作word 的指令都较操作dword 的指令长一个字节(Prefixes 0x66)。操作数前面的机器码长度是2到3字节。从使用重定位数据的地址往前3个字节或2个字节进行汇编,判断指令是否为cmp/test和跳转指令,如果是就获取到了混淆指令所在地址。

  设置初值b为3,获取数据,如果往前3个字节开头是0x66,b减1,判断汇编代码,符合条件返回地址, reloc_data_rva - b – 1。如果开头不是0x66,b减1,判断往前2个字节的汇编代码,符合条件返回地址。


图 2-5 对齐值

图 2-6 文件映射到内存中的地址





  假设所有混淆指令的执行结果都是不跳转,通过顺序执行ins_3 = next(ins)的方式获取第3条指令的地址。将获取到的地址与模拟执行结果instruction_3列表中的地址进行比较,如果相等,则并未发生跳转,如果不相等则发生了跳转。顺序执行时有的地址无法进行汇编,将地址值赋值为0。

  未发生跳转则将混淆指令test/cmp + 跳转指令赋值为0x90,发生跳转,则将混淆指令与目的跳转地址中间的数据全部赋值为0x90,中间的数据是垃圾数据,如果只将js等指令替换成“jmp 目的地址”,会影响程序的反汇编。

  使用函数set_bytes_at_rva(rva, data)修改PE 映像中的数据,并写入文件

[1]. 使用和海莲花相似混淆手法的攻击样本分析
[2]. Type2_Deobfuscate.py
[3]. pefile.py
[4]. 菜鸟读capstone与keystone源码入门
[5]. Unicorn引擎教程

# 获取重定位表的VirtualAddress和Size 
reloc_table = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[reloc_table_num] 
reloc_table_rva = reloc_table.VirtualAddress 
reloc_table_size = reloc_table.Size 
# 获取重定位表的VirtualAddress和Size 
reloc_table = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[reloc_table_num] 
reloc_table_rva = reloc_table.VirtualAddress 
reloc_table_size = reloc_table.Size 
relocations = pe.parse_relocations_directory(reloc_table_rva, reloc_table_size) 
    reloc_data_rva = [] 
    for i in relocations: 
        for j in i.entries: 
            # print(f'重定位数据RVA:{j.rva:#x}') 
relocations = pe.parse_relocations_directory(reloc_table_rva, reloc_table_size) 
    reloc_data_rva = [] 
    for i in relocations: 
        for j in i.entries: 
            # print(f'重定位数据RVA:{j.rva:#x}') 
class BaseRelocationData(DataContainer): 
    """Holds base relocation information. 
    struct:     IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION structure 
    entries:    list of relocation data (RelocationData instances) 
class RelocationData(DataContainer): 
    """Holds relocation information. 
    type:       Type of relocation 
                The type string can be obtained by 
    rva:        RVA of the relocation 
class BaseRelocationData(DataContainer): 
    """Holds base relocation information. 
    struct:     IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION structure 
    entries:    list of relocation data (RelocationData instances) 
class RelocationData(DataContainer): 
    """Holds relocation information. 
    type:       Type of relocation 
                The type string can be obtained by 
    rva:        RVA of the relocation 
branch = ["JZ", "JP", "JO", "JS", "JG", "JB", "JA", "JL", "JE", "JNZ", "JNP", "JNO", "JNS", "JLE", "JNB", "JBE"
              "JGE", "JNE", "JAE"
    b = 3 
    for i in range(3): 
        code = memory_data[reloc_data_rva - b: reloc_data_rva - b + 40
        if b == 3 and code[0] != 0x66
            b = b - 1 
        b = b - 1 
            ins = md.disasm(code, ImageBase + reloc_data_rva-b-1
            ins_1 = next(ins) 
            ins_2 = next(ins) 
        except StopIteration: 
        if (ins_1.mnemonic == 'cmp' or ins_1.mnemonic == 'test') and ins_2.mnemonic.upper() in branch \ 
                and len(ins_1.operands) == 2 and ins_1.operands[0].type == X86_OP_MEM and ins_1.operands[1].type == X86_OP_IMM: 
            return return ins_1.address-0x10000000 
    return 0
branch = ["JZ", "JP", "JO", "JS", "JG", "JB", "JA", "JL", "JE", "JNZ", "JNP", "JNO", "JNS", "JLE", "JNB", "JBE"
              "JGE", "JNE", "JAE"
    b = 3 
    for i in range(3): 
        code = memory_data[reloc_data_rva - b: reloc_data_rva - b + 40
        if b == 3 and code[0] != 0x66
            b = b - 1 
        b = b - 1 
            ins = md.disasm(code, ImageBase + reloc_data_rva-b-1
            ins_1 = next(ins) 
            ins_2 = next(ins) 
        except StopIteration: 
        if (ins_1.mnemonic == 'cmp' or ins_1.mnemonic == 'test') and ins_2.mnemonic.upper() in branch \ 
                and len(ins_1.operands) == 2 and ins_1.operands[0].type == X86_OP_MEM and ins_1.operands[1].type == X86_OP_IMM: 
            return return ins_1.address-0x10000000 
    return 0
pe = pefile.PE(filename, fast_load=True
content = pe.get_memory_mapped_image() 
mu.mem_write(0x10000000, pe.get_memory_mapped_image())
pe = pefile.PE(filename, fast_load=True
content = pe.get_memory_mapped_image() 
mu.mem_write(0x10000000, pe.get_memory_mapped_image())
instruction_3 = [] 
def hook_code(mu, address, size, userdata): 
    print(f'>>> Tracing instruction at {address:#x}, instruction size = {size:#x}'
    r_esp = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_ESP) 
    count = u32(mu.mem_read(r_esp + 4, 4)) 
    print(f'count is {count}'
    if count == 2
        except BaseException as e: 
    count = count + 1 
mu.mem_write(r_esp + 4, p32(count)) 
def simulate_execute(ins_addr_rva): 
mu.mem_write(r_esp + 4, p32(0)) 
    mu.emu_start(ins_addr_rva + ImageBase, 0x100066E6)
instruction_3 = [] 
def hook_code(mu, address, size, userdata): 
    print(f'>>> Tracing instruction at {address:#x}, instruction size = {size:#x}'
    r_esp = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_ESP) 
    count = u32(mu.mem_read(r_esp + 4, 4)) 
    print(f'count is {count}'
    if count == 2
        except BaseException as e: 
    count = count + 1 
mu.mem_write(r_esp + 4, p32(count)) 
def simulate_execute(ins_addr_rva): 
mu.mem_write(r_esp + 4, p32(0)) 
    mu.emu_start(ins_addr_rva + ImageBase, 0x100066E6)
reloc_data_rva = get_reloc_data_rva(pe) 
for rva in reloc_data_rva: 
    ins_addr_rva = get_intruction_start_rva(memory_mapped_image, rva, ImageBase) 
    if ins_addr_rva != 0
reloc_data_rva = get_reloc_data_rva(pe) 
for rva in reloc_data_rva: 
    ins_addr_rva = get_intruction_start_rva(memory_mapped_image, rva, ImageBase) 
    if ins_addr_rva != 0
# 获取按顺序执行时第3条指令地址 
        code = memory_mapped_image[ins_addr_rva:ins_addr_rva+40
        ins = md.disasm(code, ImageBase + ins_addr_rva) 
        ins_1 = next(ins) 
        ins_2 = next(ins) 
            ins_3 = next(ins) 
            ins_3_address = ins_3.address 
            ins_3_address = 0 
# 获取按顺序执行时第3条指令地址 
        code = memory_mapped_image[ins_addr_rva:ins_addr_rva+40
        ins = md.disasm(code, ImageBase + ins_addr_rva) 
        ins_1 = next(ins) 
        ins_2 = next(ins) 
            ins_3 = next(ins) 
            ins_3_address = ins_3.address 
            ins_3_address = 0 
if instruction_3[count] == ins_3_address: 
            size = ins_1.size + ins_2.size 
            assembly = b'\x90' * size 
            patch(memory_mapped_image, ImageBase, ImageBase + ins_addr_rva, assembly) 
            size = instruction_3[count] - ins_1.address 
            assembly = b'\x90' * size 
            patch(memory_mapped_image, ImageBase, ImageBase + ins_addr_rva, assembly) 
        count = count + 1
if instruction_3[count] == ins_3_address: 
            size = ins_1.size + ins_2.size 
            assembly = b'\x90' * size 
            patch(memory_mapped_image, ImageBase, ImageBase + ins_addr_rva, assembly) 
            size = instruction_3[count] - ins_1.address 
            assembly = b'\x90' * size 
            patch(memory_mapped_image, ImageBase, ImageBase + ins_addr_rva, assembly) 
        count = count + 1
for section in pe.sections: 
    print(f'{section.Name}, VirtualAddress: {section.VirtualAddress:#x}, ' 
          f'Size: {section.SizeOfRawData:#x}, 文件偏移: {section.PointerToRawData:#x}'
                        bytes(memory_mapped_image[section.VirtualAddress:section.VirtualAddress + section.SizeOfRawData])) 
print('[+] Save to file ' + '1.bin'
for section in pe.sections: 
    print(f'{section.Name}, VirtualAddress: {section.VirtualAddress:#x}, ' 
          f'Size: {section.SizeOfRawData:#x}, 文件偏移: {section.PointerToRawData:#x}'
                        bytes(memory_mapped_image[section.VirtualAddress:section.VirtualAddress + section.SizeOfRawData])) 
print('[+] Save to file ' + '1.bin'
# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_ 
import pefile 
import struct 
from capstone.x86 import * 
from capstone import * 
from unicorn import * 
from unicorn.x86_const import * 
from binascii import * 
def u32(data): 
    return struct.unpack("I", data)[0
def p32(num): 
    return struct.pack("I", num) 
def patch(image, image_base, address, patch_data): 
    :param image: memory_mapped_image 从入口点开始处的数据 
    :param image_base: 基址 
    :param address: imagebase+rva VA 
    :param patch_data: 
    i = 0 
    for b in patch_data: 
        image[address - image_base + i] =
        i += 1 
# 获取重定位表的序号 pefile.py 146行 
def get_reloc_data_rva(pefile_struct): 
    :param pefile_struct: 
    :return: 返回所有重定位数据的RVA列表 
    # 获取重定位表的VirtualAddress和Size 
    reloc_table = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[reloc_table_num] 
    reloc_table_rva = reloc_table.VirtualAddress 
    reloc_table_size = reloc_table.Size 
    # reloc_table由数个IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION结构组成,每个结构由VirutalAddress(DWORD)、SizeOfBlock(DWORD)和TypeOffset(SizeOfBlock-8)组成 
    # parse_relocations_directory返回BaseRelocationData对象列表 
    relocations = pe.parse_relocations_directory(reloc_table_rva, reloc_table_size) 
    # 获取所有的重定位数据RVA 
    reloc_data_rva = [] 
    for i in relocations: 
        # BaseRelocationData有两个属性,struct和entries。 
        # struct是IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION结构的VA和Size。 
        # entries:    list of relocation data (RelocationData instances) 
        # RelocationData: type和RVA 
        # print(i.struct) 
        for j in i.entries: 
    return reloc_data_rva 
def get_intruction_start_rva(memory_data, reloc_data_rva, ImageBase): 
    :param memory_data:  映射到内存中的文件数据 
    :param reloc_data_rva: 重定位数据的rva 
    :param ImageBase: ImageBase 
    :return: 指令的rva 
    branch = ["JZ", "JP", "JO", "JS", "JG", "JB", "JA", "JL", "JE", "JNZ", "JNP", "JNO", "JNS", "JLE", "JNB", "JBE"
              "JGE", "JNE", "JAE"
    b = 3 
    for i in range(3): 
        code = memory_data[reloc_data_rva - b: reloc_data_rva - b + 40
        if b == 3 and code[0] != 0x66
            b = b - 1 
        b = b - 1 
            ins = md.disasm(code, ImageBase + reloc_data_rva-b-1
            ins_1 = next(ins) 
            ins_2 = next(ins) 
        except StopIteration: 
        if (ins_1.mnemonic == 'cmp' or ins_1.mnemonic == 'test') and ins_2.mnemonic.upper() in branch \ 
                and len(ins_1.operands) == 2 and ins_1.operands[0].type == X86_OP_MEM and ins_1.operands[ 
            1].type == X86_OP_IMM: 
            return ins_1.address-0x10000000 
    return 0 
filename = 'bf3e495f43a6b333b10ae69667304cfd2c87e9100de9d31365671c7b6b93132e' 
pe = pefile.PE(filename, fast_load=True
memory_mapped_image = bytearray(pe.get_memory_mapped_image()) 
ImageBase = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase 
print('[+] Map PE'
BASE = 0x10000000 
STACK_ADDR = 0x400000 
STACK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 
mu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32) 
mu.mem_map(BASE, 1024 * 1024
r_esp = STACK_ADDR + STACK_SIZE // 2 
mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_ESP, STACK_ADDR + STACK_SIZE // 2
# 将文件映射到内存中 
md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32) 
md.detail = True 
instruction_3 = [] 
def hook_code(mu, address, size, userdata): 
    print(f'>>> Tracing instruction at {address:#x}, instruction size = {size:#x}'
    r_esp = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_ESP) 
    count = u32(mu.mem_read(r_esp + 4, 4)) 
    print(f'count is {count}'
    if count == 2
        except BaseException as e: 
    count = count + 1 
    mu.mem_write(r_esp + 4, p32(count)) 
mu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code) 
def simulate_execute(ins_addr_rva): 
    mu.mem_write(r_esp + 4, p32(0)) 
    mu.emu_start(ins_addr_rva + ImageBase, 0x100066E6
reloc_data_rva = get_reloc_data_rva(pe) 
ins_addr_rva_all = [] 
count = 0 
for rva in reloc_data_rva: 
    ins_addr_rva = get_intruction_start_rva(memory_mapped_image, rva, ImageBase) 
    if ins_addr_rva != 0
        # 获取按顺序执行时第3条指令地址 
        code = memory_mapped_image[ins_addr_rva:ins_addr_rva+40
        ins = md.disasm(code, ImageBase + ins_addr_rva) 
        ins_1 = next(ins) 
        ins_2 = next(ins) 
            ins_3 = next(ins) 
            ins_3_address = ins_3.address 
            ins_3_address = 0 
        if instruction_3[count] == ins_3_address: 
            size = ins_1.size + ins_2.size 
            assembly = b'\x90' * size 
            patch(memory_mapped_image, ImageBase, ImageBase + ins_addr_rva, assembly) 
            size = instruction_3[count] - ins_1.address 
            assembly = b'\x90' * size 
            patch(memory_mapped_image, ImageBase, ImageBase + ins_addr_rva, assembly) 
        count = count + 1 
for section in pe.sections: 
    print(f'{section.Name}, VirtualAddress: {section.VirtualAddress:#x}, ' 
          f'Size: {section.SizeOfRawData:#x}, 文件偏移: {section.PointerToRawData:#x}'
                        bytes(memory_mapped_image[section.VirtualAddress:section.VirtualAddress + section.SizeOfRawData])) 
print('[+] Save to file ' + '1.bin'
# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_ 
import pefile 
import struct 
from capstone.x86 import * 
from capstone import * 
from unicorn import * 
from unicorn.x86_const import * 
from binascii import * 
def u32(data): 
    return struct.unpack("I", data)[0
def p32(num): 
    return struct.pack("I", num) 
def patch(image, image_base, address, patch_data): 
    :param image: memory_mapped_image 从入口点开始处的数据 
    :param image_base: 基址 
    :param address: imagebase+rva VA 
    :param patch_data: 
    i = 0 
    for b in patch_data: 
        image[address - image_base + i] =


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