发表于: 2021-6-4 09:53 29643


2021-6-4 09:53





所有的eBPF汇编在内核中定义为一个 struct bpf_insn ,当我们需要写的时候一般将连续的指令布置成一个结构体数组:

然后通过内核态的:bpf_prog_load 载入,编译,运行。



相应的,struct bpf_prog 此结构体用于维护一个内核中的eBPF程序:


单bpf函数调用 bpf_prog_select_runtime(prog,&err) jit编译prog。多bpf函数的prog调用jit_subprog。两者都会统一到针对do_jit的调用。








调用 bpf_prog_calc_tag ,在其中算了一下SHA1,然后把算好的摘要放进env->prog->tag 中。值得注意的是函数中有这么几行:

int bpf_prog_calc_tag(struct bpf_prog fp)
bool was_ld_map;
struct bpf_insn
u8 raw, todo;
raw = vmalloc(raw_size);

/* We need to take out the map fd for the digest calculation


c. 如果检测到was_ld_map = true 已经设置,且对应的insn结构体都为空,即加载map指令的下一条指令。重新设置 was_ld_map = false 立即数为0 。

d. 也就是说,加载map指令和其下一条指令实际上是构成了一个整体,我们可以看一下对应的eBPF汇编:



如果是内存加载(BPF_LDX),必须保证带有BPF_MEM,并且立即数为0 。

如果是内存存储(BPF_STX),必须保证带有BPF_MEM,并且立即数为0 。

如果是:BPF_LD_IMM64_RAW ,标志为:.code = BPF_LD | BPF_DW | BPF_IMMBPF_LD_MAP_FD ,此时的code是加载map的操作。

如果此时是最后一条指令 || 下一条指令不是空指令,abort。


如果当前指令的src_reg,不是BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD,不是BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE;或者是BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD但下一条指令imm不为空。abort,其中BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD被条件define为1 。

check结束,通过 insn[0].imm 拿到fd,然__bpf_map_get转换为对应的bpf_map的地址。判断地址合法性。赋值给map。

check_map_prog_compatibility 检测与相应环境的兼容性。


否则,通过下一条指令的imm作为off,配合虚表中的 map_direct_value_addr 。主要实现在:array_map_direct_value_addr ,被用于bpf_array中获取到第一个value。value的地址赋值给addr。然后addr+=off。




使用 bpf_map_inc(map) ,当前map引用计数+1 。主要是为了拿住map,如果此map被verifier拒绝,那么调用release_maps释放,或者此map被其他有效的程序使用,直到此map被卸载(所有的map都在free_used_maps()中被释放)

将此map标记为used,添加进 env->used_maps表中。同时used_map_cnt计数器+1 。

如果当前的map是一个cgroup存储。进行检测,是否每个type只有一个对应的cgroup stroge。


如果当前指令不是加载map的指令。调用 bpf_opcode_in_insntable 进行基本的指令unkown判断。

a. 首先初始化一个16*16的bool矩阵 public_insntable

b. BPF_INSN_MAP中存储的是合法的指令。通过 BPF_INSN_MAP(BPF_INSN_2_TBL, BPF_INSN_3_TBL) 配合,相当于将合法的指令映射到public_insntable 矩阵(向量)的某个位置,然后将其设置为true。

c. 然后再补充6条额外的合法指令,设置其在BPF_INSN_MAP上的位置位true。

d. 返回当前的指令code,在BPF_INSN_MAP位置上的bool标志。如果为true则通过检查,如果为false就abort。




调用 add_subprog(env,0) ,首先在 env->subprog_info 数组中二分查找off=0,此时查找失败,return -ENOENT,因为此时数组中还没有任何元素。接下来将新的off=0,插入到数组第一项的start成员中:env->subprog_info[env-。>subprog_cnt++].start = off ,最后进行排序。


subprog[] 数组的最后一项补充一个insn_cnt。

subprog[env->subprog_cnt].start = insn_cnt;

接下来检测所有的跳转指令都在同一个 subprog中。


bpf指令支持两种call调用,一种bpf函数对bpf函数的调用,一种是bpf中对内核helper func的调用。前者是指令class为BPF_JMP,指令opcode位BPF_CALL,并且src寄存器为BPF_PSEUDO_CALL,指令imm为callee函数到本指令的距离。另外一种是对对内核helper func的调用,指令class为特征是BPF_JMP,指令opcode为BPF_CALL,并且src_reg=0,指令imm在jit之前位内核helper func id,jit之后为对应的func到本指令的距离。













Convert explored_states array into hash table and use simple hash
to reduce verifier peak memory consumption for programs with bpf2bpf
calls. More details in patch 3.




do_check_subprogs中会对每个没有设置 BTF_FUNC_GLOBAL 的subprog调用do_check_common进行检查。





branch = 0,从这个状态出发的所有可能路径都达到了bpf_exit,或者已经被修剪了。

branch = 1,至少有一条路径正在被探索,这个状态还没有达到bpf_exit。

branch = 2,至少有两条路径正在被探索,这个状态是两个子节点的直接父节点。


举个例子如果我们通过if的一条路径走到bpf_exit了,会调用update_branch_counts() 回溯更新每个状态树节点branches的值。if的分支节点之间通过 struct bpf_verifier_state *parent; 指针相连。



struct tnum







在 init_func_state 中,调用了 init_reg_state 来初始化寄存器。

如果设置了 env->prog->type == BPF_PROG_TYPE_EXT 调用btf_prepare_func_args 对func的参数类型进行转换与检查。转换成PTR_TO_CTX or SCALAR_VALUE

转换后,如果参数是PTR_TO_CTX(指向bpf_context),标志regs为0 。否则如果是SCALAR_VALUE,标记reg为unknown。

否则,直接标记r1的类型为PTR_TO_CTX,且标0 。然后检测参数类型。

调用 do_check(env);



检验完之后调用 adjust_reg_min_max_vals(env, insn) 计算新的min/max范围与var_off


a. 先调用 check_reg_arg(env, insn->src_reg, SRC_OP) 检测src_reg是否可读。

b. 再调用 check_reg_arg(env, insn->dst_reg, DST_OP_NO_MARK) 检测dst_reg是否可写。

c. 调用 check_mem_access(env, env->insn_idx, insn->src_reg,insn->off, BPF_SIZE(insn->code),BPF_READ, insn->dst_reg, false); 检测真正要读取的位置:src_reg + off 是否可读。


check_reg_arg check_mem_access 等进行组合检查。



首先我们通过 check_stack_access 检测栈的可访问状况。


然后通过 update_stack_depth 对每个函数的栈消耗进行维护。如果当前访问的地址超出当前函数的栈范围,那么对当前函数进行栈扩充。


写操作,调用 check_stack_write 检测栈的可写性。


我们重新回到上层的 bpf_check 中。





fixup_call_args 调用了 jit_subprogs




bpf_int_jit_compile 每个subprog







第一条是jit_subprogs(这里涉及到bpf2bpf函数调用等,所以是多函数的bpf jit路径)。


调用: static int do_jit(struct bpf_prog *bpf_prog, int *addrs, u8 *image,int oldproglen, struct jit_context *ctx)

1.首先通过 emit_prologue 构建栈初始化环境。为了符合x64的abi,主要涉及rsp,rbp的操作等。


3.修正BPF_CALL,当前的imm32 = func_addr-__bpf_call_base






否则,可以通过emit_bpf_tail_call_indirect ,通过indirect的一些检查后,可以实现goto *(prog->bpf_func + prologue_size); ,进而jmp到另外的bpf prog上。

6.最终在 prog->bpf_func 存放编译后的可执行代码。

unsigned int (*bpf_func)(const void *ctx, const struct bpf_insn *insn);






EMIT3 的三条指令编码全部修正完毕后,EMIT((b1) + ((b2) << 8) + ((b3) << 16), 3) 通过位移操作将三条指令整合起来作为参数。

最终调用 emit_code(prog, bytes, len); 直接将对应编码写入对应prog的内存中。


2.对一个函数进行多轮pass,每轮pass都做jit,这是因为我们一开始jit的时候,很多后面的指令都没有生成,从而导致jmp跳转无法捕捉到最准确的距离,只能是按照上一步,先预留64bytes(偏大)。第一轮pass过后,addr中会储存每一条指令的偏移地址,但是由于jmp指令不准确,所以此时的地址不是完全正确的,指令长度(jmp)可能也有问题,而通过多轮pass来jit,指令长度不断收敛,直到 (proglen == oldproglen) 才得到准确的位置信息








struct bpf_insn {
    __u8    code;        /* opcode */
    __u8    dst_reg:4;    /* dest register */
    __u8    src_reg:4;    /* source register */
    __s16    off;        /* signed offset */
    __s32    imm;        /* signed immediate constant */
struct bpf_insn insn[] = {
struct bpf_insn {
    __u8    code;        /* opcode */
    __u8    dst_reg:4;    /* dest register */
    __u8    src_reg:4;    /* source register */
    __s16    off;        /* signed offset */
    __s32    imm;        /* signed immediate constant */
struct bpf_insn insn[] = {
static int bpf_prog_load(enum bpf_prog_type prog_type,
        const struct bpf_insn *insns, int prog_len,
        const char *license, int kern_version){
    union bpf_attr attr = {
        .prog_type = prog_type,
        .insns = (uint64_t)insns,
        .insn_cnt = prog_len / sizeof(struct bpf_insn),
        .license = (uint64_t)license,
        .log_buf = (uint64_t)bpf_log_buf,
        .log_size = LOG_BUF_SIZE,
        .log_level = 1,
    attr.kern_version = kern_version;
    bpf_log_buf[0] = 0;
    return syscall(__NR_bpf, BPF_PROG_LOAD, &attr, sizeof(attr));
static int bpf_prog_load(enum bpf_prog_type prog_type,
        const struct bpf_insn *insns, int prog_len,
        const char *license, int kern_version){
    union bpf_attr attr = {
        .prog_type = prog_type,
        .insns = (uint64_t)insns,
        .insn_cnt = prog_len / sizeof(struct bpf_insn),
        .license = (uint64_t)license,
        .log_buf = (uint64_t)bpf_log_buf,
        .log_size = LOG_BUF_SIZE,
        .log_level = 1,
    attr.kern_version = kern_version;
    bpf_log_buf[0] = 0;
    return syscall(__NR_bpf, BPF_PROG_LOAD, &attr, sizeof(attr));
    err = bpf_prog_load(&attr, uattr);
    err = bpf_prog_load(&attr, uattr);
struct bpf_prog {
    u16            pages;        /* Number of allocated pages */
    u16            jited:1,    /* Is our filter JIT'ed? */
                jit_requested:1,/* archs need to JIT the prog */
                gpl_compatible:1, /* Is filter GPL compatible? */
                cb_access:1,    /* Is control block accessed? */
                dst_needed:1,    /* Do we need dst entry? */
                blinded:1,    /* Was blinded */
                is_func:1,    /* program is a bpf function */
                kprobe_override:1, /* Do we override a kprobe? */
                has_callchain_buf:1, /* callchain buffer allocated? */
                enforce_expected_attach_type:1; /* Enforce expected_attach_type checking at attach time */
    enum bpf_prog_type    type;        /* Type of BPF program */
    enum bpf_attach_type    expected_attach_type; /* For some prog types */
    u32            len;        /* Number of filter blocks */
    u32            jited_len;    /* Size of jited insns in bytes */
    u8            tag[BPF_TAG_SIZE];
    struct bpf_prog_aux    *aux;        /* Auxiliary fields */
    struct sock_fprog_kern    *orig_prog;    /* Original BPF program */
    unsigned int        (*bpf_func)(const void *ctx,
                        const struct bpf_insn *insn);
    /* Instructions for interpreter */
    union {
        struct sock_filter    insns[0];
        struct bpf_insn        insnsi[0];
struct bpf_prog {
    u16            pages;        /* Number of allocated pages */
    u16            jited:1,    /* Is our filter JIT'ed? */
                jit_requested:1,/* archs need to JIT the prog */
                gpl_compatible:1, /* Is filter GPL compatible? */
                cb_access:1,    /* Is control block accessed? */
                dst_needed:1,    /* Do we need dst entry? */
                blinded:1,    /* Was blinded */
                is_func:1,    /* program is a bpf function */
                kprobe_override:1, /* Do we override a kprobe? */
                has_callchain_buf:1, /* callchain buffer allocated? */
                enforce_expected_attach_type:1; /* Enforce expected_attach_type checking at attach time */
    enum bpf_prog_type    type;        /* Type of BPF program */
    enum bpf_attach_type    expected_attach_type; /* For some prog types */
    u32            len;        /* Number of filter blocks */
    u32            jited_len;    /* Size of jited insns in bytes */
    u8            tag[BPF_TAG_SIZE];
    struct bpf_prog_aux    *aux;        /* Auxiliary fields */
    struct sock_fprog_kern    *orig_prog;    /* Original BPF program */
    unsigned int        (*bpf_func)(const void *ctx,
                        const struct bpf_insn *insn);
    /* Instructions for interpreter */
    union {
        struct sock_filter    insns[0];
        struct bpf_insn        insnsi[0];
static int bpf_prog_load(union bpf_attr *attr, union bpf_attr __user *uattr)
    enum bpf_prog_type type = attr->prog_type;
    struct bpf_prog *prog;
    int err;
    char license[128];
    bool is_gpl;
    /* plain bpf_prog allocation */
    prog = bpf_prog_alloc(bpf_prog_size(attr->insn_cnt), GFP_USER);
    if (!prog)
        return -ENOMEM;
    prog->len = attr->insn_cnt;
    err = -EFAULT;
    if (copy_from_user(prog->insns, u64_to_user_ptr(attr->insns),
               bpf_prog_insn_size(prog)) != 0)
        goto free_prog;
    prog->orig_prog = NULL;
    prog->jited = 0;    //还没有jit编译
    /* find program type: socket_filter vs tracing_filter */
  type = array_index_nospec(type, ARRAY_SIZE(bpf_prog_types));
    ops = bpf_prog_types[type];
    err = find_prog_type(type, prog);
    if (err < 0)
        goto free_prog;
    /* run eBPF verifier */
    err = bpf_check(&prog, attr, uattr);
    if (err < 0)
        goto free_used_maps;
    prog = bpf_prog_select_runtime(prog, &err);
    if (err < 0)
        goto free_used_maps;
    err = bpf_prog_alloc_id(prog);
    if (err)
        goto free_used_maps;
static int bpf_prog_load(union bpf_attr *attr, union bpf_attr __user *uattr)
    enum bpf_prog_type type = attr->prog_type;
    struct bpf_prog *prog;
    int err;
    char license[128];
    bool is_gpl;
    /* plain bpf_prog allocation */
    prog = bpf_prog_alloc(bpf_prog_size(attr->insn_cnt), GFP_USER);
    if (!prog)
        return -ENOMEM;
    prog->len = attr->insn_cnt;
    err = -EFAULT;
    if (copy_from_user(prog->insns, u64_to_user_ptr(attr->insns),
               bpf_prog_insn_size(prog)) != 0)
        goto free_prog;
    prog->orig_prog = NULL;
    prog->jited = 0;    //还没有jit编译
    /* find program type: socket_filter vs tracing_filter */
  type = array_index_nospec(type, ARRAY_SIZE(bpf_prog_types));
    ops = bpf_prog_types[type];
    err = find_prog_type(type, prog);
    if (err < 0)
        goto free_prog;
    /* run eBPF verifier */
    err = bpf_check(&prog, attr, uattr);
    if (err < 0)
        goto free_used_maps;
    prog = bpf_prog_select_runtime(prog, &err);
    if (err < 0)
        goto free_used_maps;
    err = bpf_prog_alloc_id(prog);
    if (err)
        goto free_used_maps;
/* run eBPF verifier */
err = bpf_check(&prog, attr, uattr);
/* run eBPF verifier */
err = bpf_check(&prog, attr, uattr);
int bpf_check(struct bpf_prog **prog, union bpf_attr *attr,
          union bpf_attr __user *uattr)
    u64 start_time = ktime_get_ns();
    struct bpf_verifier_env *env;
    struct bpf_verifier_log *log;
    int i, len, ret = -EINVAL;
    bool is_priv;
    len = (*prog)->len;
    env->insn_aux_data =
        vzalloc(array_size(sizeof(struct bpf_insn_aux_data), len));
    ret = -ENOMEM;
    if (!env->insn_aux_data)
        goto err_free_env;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
        env->insn_aux_data[i].orig_idx = i;
    env->prog = *prog;
    env->ops = bpf_verifier_ops[env->prog->type];
    is_priv = capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN);
    /* 设置对齐 */
    env->strict_alignment = !!(attr->prog_flags & BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT);
        env->strict_alignment = true;
    if (attr->prog_flags & BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT)
        env->strict_alignment = false;
    env->allow_ptr_leaks = is_priv;
    if (is_priv)
        env->test_state_freq = attr->prog_flags & BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ;
    ret = replace_map_fd_with_map_ptr(env);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto skip_full_check;
    if (bpf_prog_is_dev_bound(env->prog->aux)) {
        ret = bpf_prog_offload_verifier_prep(env->prog);
        if (ret)
            goto skip_full_check;
    env->explored_states = kvcalloc(state_htab_size(env),
                       sizeof(struct bpf_verifier_state_list *),
    ret = -ENOMEM;
    if (!env->explored_states)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = check_subprogs(env);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = check_btf_info(env, attr, uattr);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = check_attach_btf_id(env);
    if (ret)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = check_cfg(env);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = do_check_subprogs(env);
    ret = ret ?: do_check_main(env);
    if (ret == 0 && bpf_prog_is_dev_bound(env->prog->aux))
        ret = bpf_prog_offload_finalize(env);
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = check_max_stack_depth(env);
    /* instruction rewrites happen after this point */
    if (is_priv) {
        if (ret == 0)
        if (ret == 0)
            ret = opt_remove_dead_code(env);
        if (ret == 0)
            ret = opt_remove_nops(env);
    } else {
        if (ret == 0)
    if (ret == 0)
        /* program is valid, convert *(u32*)(ctx + off) accesses */
        ret = convert_ctx_accesses(env);
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = fixup_bpf_calls(env);
    /* do 32-bit optimization after insn patching has done so those patched
     * insns could be handled correctly.
    if (ret == 0 && !bpf_prog_is_dev_bound(env->prog->aux)) {
        ret = opt_subreg_zext_lo32_rnd_hi32(env, attr);
        env->prog->aux->verifier_zext = bpf_jit_needs_zext() ? !ret
                                     : false;
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = fixup_call_args(env);
    env->verification_time = ktime_get_ns() - start_time;
    if (log->level && bpf_verifier_log_full(log))
        ret = -ENOSPC;
    if (log->level && !log->ubuf) {
        ret = -EFAULT;
        goto err_release_maps;
    if (ret == 0 && env->used_map_cnt) {
        /* if program passed verifier, update used_maps in bpf_prog_info */
        env->prog->aux->used_maps = kmalloc_array(env->used_map_cnt,
        if (!env->prog->aux->used_maps) {
            ret = -ENOMEM;
            goto err_release_maps;
        memcpy(env->prog->aux->used_maps, env->used_maps,
               sizeof(env->used_maps[0]) * env->used_map_cnt);
        env->prog->aux->used_map_cnt = env->used_map_cnt;
        /* program is valid. Convert pseudo bpf_ld_imm64 into generic
         * bpf_ld_imm64 instructions
    if (ret == 0)
    if (!env->prog->aux->used_maps)
        /* if we didn't copy map pointers into bpf_prog_info, release
         * them now. Otherwise free_used_maps() will release them.
    *prog = env->prog;
    if (!is_priv)
    return ret;
int bpf_check(struct bpf_prog **prog, union bpf_attr *attr,
          union bpf_attr __user *uattr)
    u64 start_time = ktime_get_ns();
    struct bpf_verifier_env *env;
    struct bpf_verifier_log *log;
    int i, len, ret = -EINVAL;
    bool is_priv;
    len = (*prog)->len;
    env->insn_aux_data =
        vzalloc(array_size(sizeof(struct bpf_insn_aux_data), len));
    ret = -ENOMEM;
    if (!env->insn_aux_data)
        goto err_free_env;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
        env->insn_aux_data[i].orig_idx = i;
    env->prog = *prog;
    env->ops = bpf_verifier_ops[env->prog->type];
    is_priv = capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN);
    /* 设置对齐 */
    env->strict_alignment = !!(attr->prog_flags & BPF_F_STRICT_ALIGNMENT);
        env->strict_alignment = true;
    if (attr->prog_flags & BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT)
        env->strict_alignment = false;
    env->allow_ptr_leaks = is_priv;
    if (is_priv)
        env->test_state_freq = attr->prog_flags & BPF_F_TEST_STATE_FREQ;
    ret = replace_map_fd_with_map_ptr(env);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto skip_full_check;
    if (bpf_prog_is_dev_bound(env->prog->aux)) {
        ret = bpf_prog_offload_verifier_prep(env->prog);
        if (ret)
            goto skip_full_check;
    env->explored_states = kvcalloc(state_htab_size(env),
                       sizeof(struct bpf_verifier_state_list *),
    ret = -ENOMEM;
    if (!env->explored_states)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = check_subprogs(env);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = check_btf_info(env, attr, uattr);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = check_attach_btf_id(env);
    if (ret)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = check_cfg(env);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto skip_full_check;
    ret = do_check_subprogs(env);
    ret = ret ?: do_check_main(env);
    if (ret == 0 && bpf_prog_is_dev_bound(env->prog->aux))
        ret = bpf_prog_offload_finalize(env);
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = check_max_stack_depth(env);
    /* instruction rewrites happen after this point */
    if (is_priv) {
        if (ret == 0)
        if (ret == 0)
            ret = opt_remove_dead_code(env);
        if (ret == 0)
            ret = opt_remove_nops(env);
    } else {
        if (ret == 0)
    if (ret == 0)
        /* program is valid, convert *(u32*)(ctx + off) accesses */
        ret = convert_ctx_accesses(env);
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = fixup_bpf_calls(env);
    /* do 32-bit optimization after insn patching has done so those patched
     * insns could be handled correctly.
    if (ret == 0 && !bpf_prog_is_dev_bound(env->prog->aux)) {
        ret = opt_subreg_zext_lo32_rnd_hi32(env, attr);
        env->prog->aux->verifier_zext = bpf_jit_needs_zext() ? !ret
                                     : false;
    if (ret == 0)
        ret = fixup_call_args(env);
    env->verification_time = ktime_get_ns() - start_time;
    if (log->level && bpf_verifier_log_full(log))
        ret = -ENOSPC;
    if (log->level && !log->ubuf) {
        ret = -EFAULT;
        goto err_release_maps;
    if (ret == 0 && env->used_map_cnt) {
        /* if program passed verifier, update used_maps in bpf_prog_info */
        env->prog->aux->used_maps = kmalloc_array(env->used_map_cnt,
        if (!env->prog->aux->used_maps) {
            ret = -ENOMEM;
            goto err_release_maps;
        memcpy(env->prog->aux->used_maps, env->used_maps,
               sizeof(env->used_maps[0]) * env->used_map_cnt);
        env->prog->aux->used_map_cnt = env->used_map_cnt;
        /* program is valid. Convert pseudo bpf_ld_imm64 into generic
         * bpf_ld_imm64 instructions
    if (ret == 0)
    if (!env->prog->aux->used_maps)
        /* if we didn't copy map pointers into bpf_prog_info, release
         * them now. Otherwise free_used_maps() will release them.
    *prog = env->prog;
    if (!is_priv)
    return ret;
if (!raw)
    return -ENOMEM;
if (!raw)
    return -ENOMEM;
* since they are unstable from user space side.
dst = (void *)raw;
for (i = 0, was_ld_map = false; i < fp->len; i++) {
    dst[i] = fp->insnsi[i];
    if (!was_ld_map &&
        dst[i].code == (BPF_LD | BPF_IMM | BPF_DW) &&
        (dst[i].src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD ||
         dst[i].src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE)) {
        was_ld_map = true;
        dst[i].imm = 0;
    } else if (was_ld_map &&
           dst[i].code == 0 &&
           dst[i].dst_reg == 0 &&
           dst[i].src_reg == 0 &&
           dst[i].off == 0) {
        was_ld_map = false;
        dst[i].imm = 0;
    } else {
        was_ld_map = false;
* since they are unstable from user space side.
dst = (void *)raw;
for (i = 0, was_ld_map = false; i < fp->len; i++) {
    dst[i] = fp->insnsi[i];
    if (!was_ld_map &&
        dst[i].code == (BPF_LD | BPF_IMM | BPF_DW) &&
        (dst[i].src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD ||
         dst[i].src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE)) {
        was_ld_map = true;
        dst[i].imm = 0;
    } else if (was_ld_map &&
           dst[i].code == 0 &&
           dst[i].dst_reg == 0 &&
           dst[i].src_reg == 0 &&
           dst[i].off == 0) {
        was_ld_map = false;
        dst[i].imm = 0;
    } else {
        was_ld_map = false;
psize = bpf_prog_insn_size(fp);
  memset(&raw[psize], 0, raw_size - psize);
  raw[psize++] = 0x80;
psize = bpf_prog_insn_size(fp);
  memset(&raw[psize], 0, raw_size - psize);
  raw[psize++] = 0x80;
a. 扫描指令,将对应的指令(即insn结构体放入)dst[i]
b. 如果是加载map的指令,那么设置 ```was_ld_map = true``` ,设置立即数为0: ```dst[i].imm = 0
a. 扫描指令,将对应的指令(即insn结构体放入)dst[i]
b. 如果是加载map的指令,那么设置 ```was_ld_map = true``` ,设置立即数为0: ```dst[i].imm = 0
/* pseudo BPF_LD_IMM64 insn used to refer to process-local map_fd */
#define BPF_LD_MAP_FD(DST, MAP_FD)                \
#define BPF_LD_IMM64_RAW(DST, SRC, IMM)                \
    ((struct bpf_insn) {                    \
        .code  = BPF_LD | BPF_DW | BPF_IMM,        \
        .dst_reg = DST,                    \
        .src_reg = SRC,                    \
        .off   = 0,                    \
        .imm   = (__u32) (IMM) }),            \
    ((struct bpf_insn) {                    \
        .code  = 0, /* zero is reserved opcode */    \
        .dst_reg = 0,                    \
        .src_reg = 0,                    \
        .off   = 0,                    \
        .imm   = ((__u64) (IMM)) >> 32 })
/* pseudo BPF_LD_IMM64 insn used to refer to process-local map_fd */
#define BPF_LD_MAP_FD(DST, MAP_FD)                \
#define BPF_LD_IMM64_RAW(DST, SRC, IMM)                \
    ((struct bpf_insn) {                    \
        .code  = BPF_LD | BPF_DW | BPF_IMM,        \
        .dst_reg = DST,                    \
        .src_reg = SRC,                    \
        .off   = 0,                    \
        .imm   = (__u32) (IMM) }),            \
    ((struct bpf_insn) {                    \
        .code  = 0, /* zero is reserved opcode */    \
        .dst_reg = 0,                    \
        .src_reg = 0,                    \
        .off   = 0,                    \
        .imm   = ((__u64) (IMM)) >> 32 })
bool bpf_opcode_in_insntable(u8 code)
#define BPF_INSN_2_TBL(x, y)    [BPF_##x | BPF_##y] = true
#define BPF_INSN_3_TBL(x, y, z) [BPF_##x | BPF_##y | BPF_##z] = true
    static const bool public_insntable[256] = {
        [0 ... 255] = false,
        /* Now overwrite non-defaults ... */
        /* UAPI exposed, but rewritten opcodes. cBPF carry-over. */
        [BPF_LD | BPF_ABS | BPF_B] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_ABS | BPF_H] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_ABS | BPF_W] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_IND | BPF_B] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_IND | BPF_H] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_IND | BPF_W] = true,
#undef BPF_INSN_3_TBL
#undef BPF_INSN_2_TBL
    return public_insntable[code];
bool bpf_opcode_in_insntable(u8 code)
#define BPF_INSN_2_TBL(x, y)    [BPF_##x | BPF_##y] = true
#define BPF_INSN_3_TBL(x, y, z) [BPF_##x | BPF_##y | BPF_##z] = true
    static const bool public_insntable[256] = {
        [0 ... 255] = false,
        /* Now overwrite non-defaults ... */
        /* UAPI exposed, but rewritten opcodes. cBPF carry-over. */
        [BPF_LD | BPF_ABS | BPF_B] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_ABS | BPF_H] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_ABS | BPF_W] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_IND | BPF_B] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_IND | BPF_H] = true,
        [BPF_LD | BPF_IND | BPF_W] = true,
#undef BPF_INSN_3_TBL
#undef BPF_INSN_2_TBL
    return public_insntable[code];
/* now check that all jumps are within the same subprog */
    subprog_start = subprog[cur_subprog].start;
    subprog_end = subprog[cur_subprog + 1].start;
    for (i = 0; i < insn_cnt; i++) {
        u8 code = insn[i].code;
        if (BPF_CLASS(code) != BPF_JMP && BPF_CLASS(code) != BPF_JMP32)
            goto next;
        if (BPF_OP(code) == BPF_EXIT || BPF_OP(code) == BPF_CALL)
            goto next;
        off = i + insn[i].off + 1;
        if (off < subprog_start || off >= subprog_end) {
            verbose(env, "jump out of range from insn %d to %d\n", i, off);
            return -EINVAL;
        if (i == subprog_end - 1) {
            if (code != (BPF_JMP | BPF_EXIT) &&
                code != (BPF_JMP | BPF_JA)) {
                verbose(env, "last insn is not an exit or jmp\n");
                return -EINVAL;
            subprog_start = subprog_end;
            if (cur_subprog < env->subprog_cnt)
                subprog_end = subprog[cur_subprog + 1].start;
/* now check that all jumps are within the same subprog */
    subprog_start = subprog[cur_subprog].start;
    subprog_end = subprog[cur_subprog + 1].start;
    for (i = 0; i < insn_cnt; i++) {
        u8 code = insn[i].code;
        if (BPF_CLASS(code) != BPF_JMP && BPF_CLASS(code) != BPF_JMP32)
            goto next;
        if (BPF_OP(code) == BPF_EXIT || BPF_OP(code) == BPF_CALL)
            goto next;
        off = i + insn[i].off + 1;
        if (off < subprog_start || off >= subprog_end) {
            verbose(env, "jump out of range from insn %d to %d\n", i, off);
            return -EINVAL;
        if (i == subprog_end - 1) {
            if (code != (BPF_JMP | BPF_EXIT) &&
                code != (BPF_JMP | BPF_JA)) {
                verbose(env, "last insn is not an exit or jmp\n");
                return -EINVAL;
            subprog_start = subprog_end;
            if (cur_subprog < env->subprog_cnt)
                subprog_end = subprog[cur_subprog + 1].start;
struct {
    int *insn_state;
    int *insn_stack;
    int cur_stack;
} cfg;
struct {
    int *insn_state;
    int *insn_stack;
    int cur_stack;
} cfg;
enum {
    DISCOVERED = 0x10,
    EXPLORED = 0x20,       
    FALLTHROUGH = 1,        //顺序执行
    BRANCH = 2,                    //条件跳转
enum {
    DISCOVERED = 0x10,
    EXPLORED = 0x20,       
    FALLTHROUGH = 1,        //顺序执行
    BRANCH = 2,                    //条件跳转
/* non-recursive depth-first-search to detect loops in BPF program
 * loop == back-edge in directed graph
static int check_cfg(struct bpf_verifier_env *env)
    struct bpf_insn *insns = env->prog->insnsi;
    int insn_cnt = env->prog->len;
    int *insn_stack, *insn_state;
    int ret = 0;
    int i, t;
    //insn_state 用来记录指令的状态
    insn_state = env->cfg.insn_state = kvcalloc(insn_cnt, sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);
    if (!insn_state)
        return -ENOMEM;
    //insn_stack 是存储指令的栈
    insn_stack = env->cfg.insn_stack = kvcalloc(insn_cnt, sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);
    if (!insn_stack) {
        return -ENOMEM;
    //首先将第一个结点的状态标记为 discovered
    insn_state[0] = DISCOVERED; /* mark 1st insn as discovered */
    insn_stack[0] = 0; /* 0 is the first instruction */
    env->cfg.cur_stack = 1;
    if (env->cfg.cur_stack == 0)
        goto check_state;
    t = insn_stack[env->cfg.cur_stack - 1];
    if (BPF_CLASS(insns[t].code) == BPF_JMP ||
        BPF_CLASS(insns[t].code) == BPF_JMP32)
        u8 opcode = BPF_OP(insns[t].code);
        if (opcode == BPF_EXIT) {
            goto mark_explored;
        } else if (opcode == BPF_CALL) {
            //将下一条指令压栈,在push中做了loop detect
            ret = push_insn(t, t + 1, FALLTHROUGH, env, false);   
            if (ret == 1)
                goto peek_stack;
            else if (ret < 0)
                goto err_free;
            if (t + 1 < insn_cnt)
                init_explored_state(env, t + 1);
            //如果src_reg = 0,说明是kernel func,不需要对被调用函数入栈的操作
            if (insns[t].src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_CALL) {
                init_explored_state(env, t);
                ret = push_insn(t, t + insns[t].imm + 1, BRANCH,
                        env, false);
                if (ret == 1)
                    goto peek_stack;
                else if (ret < 0)
                    goto err_free;
        } else if (opcode == BPF_JA) {
            if (BPF_SRC(insns[t].code) != BPF_K) {
                ret = -EINVAL;
                goto err_free;
            /* unconditional jump with single edge */
            ret = push_insn(t, t + insns[t].off + 1,
                    FALLTHROUGH, env, true);
            if (ret == 1)
                goto peek_stack;
            else if (ret < 0)
                goto err_free;
            /* unconditional jmp is not a good pruning point,
             * but it's marked, since backtracking needs
             * to record jmp history in is_state_visited().
            init_explored_state(env, t + insns[t].off + 1);
            /* tell verifier to check for equivalent states
             * after every call and jump
            if (t + 1 < insn_cnt)
                init_explored_state(env, t + 1);
        } else {
            /* conditional jump with two edges */
            init_explored_state(env, t);
            ret = push_insn(t, t + 1, FALLTHROUGH, env, true);
            if (ret == 1)
                goto peek_stack;
            else if (ret < 0)
                goto err_free;
            ret = push_insn(t, t + insns[t].off + 1, BRANCH, env, true);
            if (ret == 1)
                goto peek_stack;
            else if (ret < 0)
                goto err_free;
    } else {
        /* all other non-branch instructions with single
         * fall-through edge
        ret = push_insn(t, t + 1, FALLTHROUGH, env, false);
        if (ret == 1)
            goto peek_stack;
        else if (ret < 0)
            goto err_free;
    insn_state[t] = EXPLORED;
    if (env->cfg.cur_stack-- <= 0) {
        verbose(env, "pop stack internal bug\n");
        ret = -EFAULT;
        goto err_free;
    goto peek_stack;
    for (i = 0; i < insn_cnt; i++) {
        if (insn_state[i] != EXPLORED) {
            verbose(env, "unreachable insn %d\n", i);
            ret = -EINVAL;
            goto err_free;
    ret = 0; /* cfg looks good */
    env->cfg.insn_state = env->cfg.insn_stack = NULL;
    return ret;
/* non-recursive depth-first-search to detect loops in BPF program
 * loop == back-edge in directed graph
static int check_cfg(struct bpf_verifier_env *env)
    struct bpf_insn *insns = env->prog->insnsi;
    int insn_cnt = env->prog->len;
    int *insn_stack, *insn_state;
    int ret = 0;
    int i, t;
    //insn_state 用来记录指令的状态
    insn_state = env->cfg.insn_state = kvcalloc(insn_cnt, sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);
    if (!insn_state)
        return -ENOMEM;
    //insn_stack 是存储指令的栈
    insn_stack = env->cfg.insn_stack = kvcalloc(insn_cnt, sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);
    if (!insn_stack) {
        return -ENOMEM;
    //首先将第一个结点的状态标记为 discovered
    insn_state[0] = DISCOVERED; /* mark 1st insn as discovered */
    insn_stack[0] = 0; /* 0 is the first instruction */
    env->cfg.cur_stack = 1;
    if (env->cfg.cur_stack == 0)
        goto check_state;
    t = insn_stack[env->cfg.cur_stack - 1];
    if (BPF_CLASS(insns[t].code) == BPF_JMP ||
        BPF_CLASS(insns[t].code) == BPF_JMP32)
        u8 opcode = BPF_OP(insns[t].code);
        if (opcode == BPF_EXIT) {
            goto mark_explored;
        } else if (opcode == BPF_CALL) {
            //将下一条指令压栈,在push中做了loop detect
            ret = push_insn(t, t + 1, FALLTHROUGH, env, false);   
            if (ret == 1)
                goto peek_stack;
            else if (ret < 0)
                goto err_free;
            if (t + 1 < insn_cnt)
                init_explored_state(env, t + 1);
            //如果src_reg = 0,说明是kernel func,不需要对被调用函数入栈的操作
            if (insns[t].src_reg == BPF_PSEUDO_CALL) {
                init_explored_state(env, t);
                ret = push_insn(t, t + insns[t].imm + 1, BRANCH,
                        env, false);
                if (ret == 1)
                    goto peek_stack;
                else if (ret < 0)
                    goto err_free;
        } else if (opcode == BPF_JA) {
            if (BPF_SRC(insns[t].code) != BPF_K) {
                ret = -EINVAL;
                goto err_free;
            /* unconditional jump with single edge */
            ret = push_insn(t, t + insns[t].off + 1,
                    FALLTHROUGH, env, true);
            if (ret == 1)
                goto peek_stack;
            else if (ret < 0)
                goto err_free;
            /* unconditional jmp is not a good pruning point,
             * but it's marked, since backtracking needs
             * to record jmp history in is_state_visited().
            init_explored_state(env, t + insns[t].off + 1);
            /* tell verifier to check for equivalent states
             * after every call and jump
            if (t + 1 < insn_cnt)
                init_explored_state(env, t + 1);
        } else {
            /* conditional jump with two edges */
            init_explored_state(env, t);
            ret = push_insn(t, t + 1, FALLTHROUGH, env, true);
            if (ret == 1)
                goto peek_stack;
            else if (ret < 0)
                goto err_free;
            ret = push_insn(t, t + insns[t].off + 1, BRANCH, env, true);
            if (ret == 1)
                goto peek_stack;
            else if (ret < 0)
                goto err_free;
    } else {
        /* all other non-branch instructions with single
         * fall-through edge
        ret = push_insn(t, t + 1, FALLTHROUGH, env, false);
        if (ret == 1)
            goto peek_stack;
        else if (ret < 0)
            goto err_free;
    insn_state[t] = EXPLORED;
    if (env->cfg.cur_stack-- <= 0) {
        verbose(env, "pop stack internal bug\n");
        ret = -EFAULT;
        goto err_free;
    goto peek_stack;
    for (i = 0; i < insn_cnt; i++) {
        if (insn_state[i] != EXPLORED) {
            verbose(env, "unreachable insn %d\n", i);
            ret = -EINVAL;
            goto err_free;
    ret = 0; /* cfg looks good */
    env->cfg.insn_state = env->cfg.insn_stack = NULL;
    return ret;
/* t, w, e - match pseudo-code above:
 * t - index of current instruction
 * w - next instruction
 * e - edge
static int push_insn(int t, int w, int e, struct bpf_verifier_env *env,
             bool loop_ok)
    int *insn_stack = env->cfg.insn_stack;
    int *insn_state = env->cfg.insn_state;
    if (e == FALLTHROUGH && insn_state[t] >= (DISCOVERED | FALLTHROUGH))
        return 0;
    if (e == BRANCH && insn_state[t] >= (DISCOVERED | BRANCH))
        return 0;
    if (w < 0 || w >= env->prog->len) {
        verbose_linfo(env, t, "%d: ", t);
        verbose(env, "jump out of range from insn %d to %d\n", t, w);
        return -EINVAL;
    if (e == BRANCH)
        /* mark branch target for state pruning */
        init_explored_state(env, w);
    if (insn_state[w] == 0) {
        /* tree-edge */
        insn_state[t] = DISCOVERED | e;    //补充标记当前结点状态
        insn_state[w] = DISCOVERED;        //标记下一条结点状态为discovered
        if (env->cfg.cur_stack >= env->prog->len)
            return -E2BIG;
        insn_stack[env->cfg.cur_stack++] = w;
        return 1;
    else if ((insn_state[w] & 0xF0) == DISCOVERED) {
        //如果设置了允许loop,且允许ptr leak,返回0
        if (loop_ok && env->allow_ptr_leaks)
            return 0;
        verbose_linfo(env, t, "%d: ", t);
        verbose_linfo(env, w, "%d: ", w);
        verbose(env, "back-edge from insn %d to %d\n", t, w);
        return -EINVAL;
    else if (insn_state[w] == EXPLORED) {
        /* forward- or cross-edge */
        insn_state[t] = DISCOVERED | e;
    else {
        verbose(env, "insn state internal bug\n");
        return -EFAULT;
    return 0;
/* t, w, e - match pseudo-code above:
 * t - index of current instruction
 * w - next instruction
 * e - edge
static int push_insn(int t, int w, int e, struct bpf_verifier_env *env,
             bool loop_ok)
    int *insn_stack = env->cfg.insn_stack;
    int *insn_state = env->cfg.insn_state;
    if (e == FALLTHROUGH && insn_state[t] >= (DISCOVERED | FALLTHROUGH))
        return 0;
    if (e == BRANCH && insn_state[t] >= (DISCOVERED | BRANCH))
        return 0;
    if (w < 0 || w >= env->prog->len) {
        verbose_linfo(env, t, "%d: ", t);
        verbose(env, "jump out of range from insn %d to %d\n", t, w);
        return -EINVAL;
    if (e == BRANCH)
        /* mark branch target for state pruning */
        init_explored_state(env, w);
    if (insn_state[w] == 0) {
        /* tree-edge */
        insn_state[t] = DISCOVERED | e;    //补充标记当前结点状态
        insn_state[w] = DISCOVERED;        //标记下一条结点状态为discovered
        if (env->cfg.cur_stack >= env->prog->len)
            return -E2BIG;
        insn_stack[env->cfg.cur_stack++] = w;
        return 1;
    else if ((insn_state[w] & 0xF0) == DISCOVERED) {
        //如果设置了允许loop,且允许ptr leak,返回0
        if (loop_ok && env->allow_ptr_leaks)
            return 0;
        verbose_linfo(env, t, "%d: ", t);
        verbose_linfo(env, w, "%d: ", w);
        verbose(env, "back-edge from insn %d to %d\n", t, w);
        return -EINVAL;
    else if (insn_state[w] == EXPLORED) {
        /* forward- or cross-edge */
        insn_state[t] = DISCOVERED | e;
    else {
        verbose(env, "insn state internal bug\n");
        return -EFAULT;
    return 0;
struct bpf_verifier_state {
    struct bpf_func_state *frame[MAX_CALL_FRAMES];    //保存调用栈
    struct bpf_verifier_state *parent;
     * 'branches' field is the number of branches left to explore:
     * 0 - all possible paths from this state reached bpf_exit or
     * were safely pruned
     * 1 - at least one path is being explored.
     * This state hasn't reached bpf_exit
     * 2 - at least two paths are being explored.
     * This state is an immediate parent of two children.
     * One is fallthrough branch with branches==1 and another
     * state is pushed into stack (to be explored later) also with
     * branches==1. The parent of this state has branches==1.
     * The verifier state tree connected via 'parent' pointer looks like:
     * 1
     * 1
     * 2 -> 1 (first 'if' pushed into stack)
     * 1
     * 2 -> 1 (second 'if' pushed into stack)
     * 1
     * 1
     * 1 bpf_exit.
     * Once do_check() reaches bpf_exit, it calls update_branch_counts()
     * and the verifier state tree will look:
     * 1
     * 1
     * 2 -> 1 (first 'if' pushed into stack)
     * 1
     * 1 -> 1 (second 'if' pushed into stack)
     * 0
     * 0
     * 0 bpf_exit.
     * After pop_stack() the do_check() will resume at second 'if'.
     * If is_state_visited() sees a state with branches > 0 it means
     * there is a loop. If such state is exactly equal to the current state
     * it's an infinite loop. Note states_equal() checks for states
     * equvalency, so two states being 'states_equal' does not mean
     * infinite loop. The exact comparison is provided by
     * states_maybe_looping() function. It's a stronger pre-check and
     * much faster than states_equal().
     * This algorithm may not find all possible infinite loops or
     * loop iteration count may be too high.
     * In such cases BPF_COMPLEXITY_LIMIT_INSNS limit kicks in.
    u32 branches;
    u32 insn_idx;
    u32 curframe;
    u32 active_spin_lock;
    bool speculative;
    /* first and last insn idx of this verifier state */
    u32 first_insn_idx;
    u32 last_insn_idx;
    /* jmp history recorded from first to last.
     * backtracking is using it to go from last to first.
     * For most states jmp_history_cnt is [0-3].
     * For loops can go up to ~40.
    struct bpf_idx_pair *jmp_history;
    u32 jmp_history_cnt;
struct bpf_verifier_state {
    struct bpf_func_state *frame[MAX_CALL_FRAMES];    //保存调用栈
    struct bpf_verifier_state *parent;
     * 'branches' field is the number of branches left to explore:
     * 0 - all possible paths from this state reached bpf_exit or
     * were safely pruned
     * 1 - at least one path is being explored.
     * This state hasn't reached bpf_exit
     * 2 - at least two paths are being explored.
     * This state is an immediate parent of two children.
     * One is fallthrough branch with branches==1 and another
     * state is pushed into stack (to be explored later) also with
     * branches==1. The parent of this state has branches==1.
     * The verifier state tree connected via 'parent' pointer looks like:
     * 1
     * 1
     * 2 -> 1 (first 'if' pushed into stack)
     * 1
     * 2 -> 1 (second 'if' pushed into stack)
     * 1
     * 1
     * 1 bpf_exit.
     * Once do_check() reaches bpf_exit, it calls update_branch_counts()
     * and the verifier state tree will look:
     * 1
     * 1
     * 2 -> 1 (first 'if' pushed into stack)
     * 1
     * 1 -> 1 (second 'if' pushed into stack)
     * 0
     * 0
     * 0 bpf_exit.
     * After pop_stack() the do_check() will resume at second 'if'.
     * If is_state_visited() sees a state with branches > 0 it means
     * there is a loop. If such state is exactly equal to the current state
     * it's an infinite loop. Note states_equal() checks for states
     * equvalency, so two states being 'states_equal' does not mean
     * infinite loop. The exact comparison is provided by
     * states_maybe_looping() function. It's a stronger pre-check and
     * much faster than states_equal().
     * This algorithm may not find all possible infinite loops or
     * loop iteration count may be too high.
     * In such cases BPF_COMPLEXITY_LIMIT_INSNS limit kicks in.
    u32 branches;
    u32 insn_idx;
    u32 curframe;
    u32 active_spin_lock;
    bool speculative;
    /* first and last insn idx of this verifier state */
    u32 first_insn_idx;
    u32 last_insn_idx;
    /* jmp history recorded from first to last.
     * backtracking is using it to go from last to first.
     * For most states jmp_history_cnt is [0-3].
     * For loops can go up to ~40.
    struct bpf_idx_pair *jmp_history;
    u32 jmp_history_cnt;
struct bpf_reg_state {
    /* Ordering of fields matters.  See states_equal() */
    enum bpf_reg_type type;
    union {
        /* valid when type == PTR_TO_PACKET */
        u16 range;
        /* valid when type == CONST_PTR_TO_MAP | PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE |
        struct bpf_map *map_ptr;
        u32 btf_id; /* for PTR_TO_BTF_ID */
        /* Max size from any of the above. */
        unsigned long raw;
    /* Fixed part of pointer offset, pointer types only */
    s32 off;
    /* For PTR_TO_PACKET, used to find other pointers with the same variable
     * offset, so they can share range knowledge.
     * For PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL this is used to share which map value we
     * came from, when one is tested for != NULL.
     * For PTR_TO_SOCKET this is used to share which pointers retain the
     * same reference to the socket, to determine proper reference freeing.
    u32 id;
    /* PTR_TO_SOCKET and PTR_TO_TCP_SOCK could be a ptr returned
     * from a pointer-cast helper, bpf_sk_fullsock() and
     * bpf_tcp_sock().
     * Consider the following where "sk" is a reference counted
     * pointer returned from "sk = bpf_sk_lookup_tcp();":
     * 1: sk = bpf_sk_lookup_tcp();
     * 2: if (!sk) { return 0; }
     * 3: fullsock = bpf_sk_fullsock(sk);
     * 4: if (!fullsock) { bpf_sk_release(sk); return 0; }
     * 5: tp = bpf_tcp_sock(fullsock);
     * 6: if (!tp) { bpf_sk_release(sk); return 0; }
     * 7: bpf_sk_release(sk);
     * 8: snd_cwnd = tp->snd_cwnd;  // verifier will complain
     * After bpf_sk_release(sk) at line 7, both "fullsock" ptr and
     * "tp" ptr should be invalidated also.  In order to do that,
     * the reg holding "fullsock" and "sk" need to remember
     * the original refcounted ptr id (i.e. sk_reg->id) in ref_obj_id
     * such that the verifier can reset all regs which have
     * ref_obj_id matching the sk_reg->id.
     * sk_reg->ref_obj_id is set to sk_reg->id at line 1.
     * sk_reg->id will stay as NULL-marking purpose only.
     * After NULL-marking is done, sk_reg->id can be reset to 0.
     * After "fullsock = bpf_sk_fullsock(sk);" at line 3,
     * fullsock_reg->ref_obj_id is set to sk_reg->ref_obj_id.
     * After "tp = bpf_tcp_sock(fullsock);" at line 5,
     * tp_reg->ref_obj_id is set to fullsock_reg->ref_obj_id
     * which is the same as sk_reg->ref_obj_id.
     * From the verifier perspective, if sk, fullsock and tp
     * are not NULL, they are the same ptr with different
     * reg->type.  In particular, bpf_sk_release(tp) is also
     * allowed and has the same effect as bpf_sk_release(sk).
    u32 ref_obj_id;
    /* For scalar types (SCALAR_VALUE), this represents our knowledge of
     * the actual value.
     * For pointer types, this represents the variable part of the offset
     * from the pointed-to object, and is shared with all bpf_reg_states
     * with the same id as us.
    struct tnum var_off;
    /* Used to determine if any memory access using this register will
     * result in a bad access.
     * These refer to the same value as var_off, not necessarily the actual
     * contents of the register.
    s64 smin_value; /* minimum possible (s64)value */
    s64 smax_value; /* maximum possible (s64)value */
    u64 umin_value; /* minimum possible (u64)value */
    u64 umax_value; /* maximum possible (u64)value */
    /* parentage chain for liveness checking */
    struct bpf_reg_state *parent;
    /* Inside the callee two registers can be both PTR_TO_STACK like
     * R1=fp-8 and R2=fp-8, but one of them points to this function stack
     * while another to the caller's stack. To differentiate them 'frameno'
     * is used which is an index in bpf_verifier_state->frame[] array
     * pointing to bpf_func_state.
    u32 frameno;
    /* Tracks subreg definition. The stored value is the insn_idx of the
     * writing insn. This is safe because subreg_def is used before any insn
     * patching which only happens after main verification finished.
    s32 subreg_def;
    enum bpf_reg_liveness live;
    /* if (!precise && SCALAR_VALUE) min/max/tnum don't affect safety */
    bool precise;
struct bpf_reg_state {
    /* Ordering of fields matters.  See states_equal() */
    enum bpf_reg_type type;
    union {
        /* valid when type == PTR_TO_PACKET */
        u16 range;
        /* valid when type == CONST_PTR_TO_MAP | PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE |
        struct bpf_map *map_ptr;
        u32 btf_id; /* for PTR_TO_BTF_ID */
        /* Max size from any of the above. */
        unsigned long raw;
    /* Fixed part of pointer offset, pointer types only */
    s32 off;
    /* For PTR_TO_PACKET, used to find other pointers with the same variable
     * offset, so they can share range knowledge.
     * For PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL this is used to share which map value we
     * came from, when one is tested for != NULL.
     * For PTR_TO_SOCKET this is used to share which pointers retain the
     * same reference to the socket, to determine proper reference freeing.
    u32 id;
    /* PTR_TO_SOCKET and PTR_TO_TCP_SOCK could be a ptr returned
     * from a pointer-cast helper, bpf_sk_fullsock() and
     * bpf_tcp_sock().
     * Consider the following where "sk" is a reference counted
     * pointer returned from "sk = bpf_sk_lookup_tcp();":
     * 1: sk = bpf_sk_lookup_tcp();
     * 2: if (!sk) { return 0; }
     * 3: fullsock = bpf_sk_fullsock(sk);
     * 4: if (!fullsock) { bpf_sk_release(sk); return 0; }
     * 5: tp = bpf_tcp_sock(fullsock);
     * 6: if (!tp) { bpf_sk_release(sk); return 0; }
     * 7: bpf_sk_release(sk);
     * 8: snd_cwnd = tp->snd_cwnd;  // verifier will complain
     * After bpf_sk_release(sk) at line 7, both "fullsock" ptr and
     * "tp" ptr should be invalidated also.  In order to do that,
     * the reg holding "fullsock" and "sk" need to remember
     * the original refcounted ptr id (i.e. sk_reg->id) in ref_obj_id
     * such that the verifier can reset all regs which have
     * ref_obj_id matching the sk_reg->id.
     * sk_reg->ref_obj_id is set to sk_reg->id at line 1.
     * sk_reg->id will stay as NULL-marking purpose only.
     * After NULL-marking is done, sk_reg->id can be reset to 0.
     * After "fullsock = bpf_sk_fullsock(sk);" at line 3,
     * fullsock_reg->ref_obj_id is set to sk_reg->ref_obj_id.
     * After "tp = bpf_tcp_sock(fullsock);" at line 5,
     * tp_reg->ref_obj_id is set to fullsock_reg->ref_obj_id
     * which is the same as sk_reg->ref_obj_id.
     * From the verifier perspective, if sk, fullsock and tp
     * are not NULL, they are the same ptr with different
     * reg->type.  In particular, bpf_sk_release(tp) is also
     * allowed and has the same effect as bpf_sk_release(sk).
    u32 ref_obj_id;
    /* For scalar types (SCALAR_VALUE), this represents our knowledge of
     * the actual value.
     * For pointer types, this represents the variable part of the offset
     * from the pointed-to object, and is shared with all bpf_reg_states
     * with the same id as us.
    struct tnum var_off;
    /* Used to determine if any memory access using this register will
     * result in a bad access.
     * These refer to the same value as var_off, not necessarily the actual
     * contents of the register.
    s64 smin_value; /* minimum possible (s64)value */
    s64 smax_value; /* maximum possible (s64)value */
    u64 umin_value; /* minimum possible (u64)value */
    u64 umax_value; /* maximum possible (u64)value */
    /* parentage chain for liveness checking */
    struct bpf_reg_state *parent;
    /* Inside the callee two registers can be both PTR_TO_STACK like
     * R1=fp-8 and R2=fp-8, but one of them points to this function stack
     * while another to the caller's stack. To differentiate them 'frameno'
     * is used which is an index in bpf_verifier_state->frame[] array
     * pointing to bpf_func_state.
    u32 frameno;
    /* Tracks subreg definition. The stored value is the insn_idx of the
     * writing insn. This is safe because subreg_def is used before any insn
     * patching which only happens after main verification finished.
    s32 subreg_def;
    enum bpf_reg_liveness live;
    /* if (!precise && SCALAR_VALUE) min/max/tnum don't affect safety */
    bool precise;
/* types of values stored in eBPF registers */
/* Pointer types represent:
 * pointer
 * pointer + imm
 * pointer + (u16) var
 * pointer + (u16) var + imm
 * if (range > 0) then [ptr, ptr + range - off) is safe to access
 * if (id > 0) means that some 'var' was added
 * if (off > 0) means that 'imm' was added
enum bpf_reg_type {
    NOT_INIT = 0,         /* nothing was written into register */
    SCALAR_VALUE,         /* reg doesn't contain a valid pointer */
    PTR_TO_CTX,         /* reg points to bpf_context */
    CONST_PTR_TO_MAP,     /* reg points to struct bpf_map */
    PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE,     /* reg points to map element value */
    PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL,/* points to map elem value or NULL */
    PTR_TO_STACK,         /* reg == frame_pointer + offset */
    PTR_TO_PACKET_META,     /* skb->data - meta_len */
    PTR_TO_PACKET,         /* reg points to skb->data */
    PTR_TO_PACKET_END,     /* skb->data + headlen */
    PTR_TO_FLOW_KEYS,     /* reg points to bpf_flow_keys */
    PTR_TO_SOCKET,         /* reg points to struct bpf_sock */
    PTR_TO_SOCKET_OR_NULL,     /* reg points to struct bpf_sock or NULL */
    PTR_TO_SOCK_COMMON,     /* reg points to sock_common */
    PTR_TO_SOCK_COMMON_OR_NULL, /* reg points to sock_common or NULL */
    PTR_TO_TCP_SOCK,     /* reg points to struct tcp_sock */
    PTR_TO_TCP_SOCK_OR_NULL, /* reg points to struct tcp_sock or NULL */
    PTR_TO_TP_BUFFER,     /* reg points to a writable raw tp's buffer */
    PTR_TO_XDP_SOCK,     /* reg points to struct xdp_sock */
    PTR_TO_BTF_ID,         /* reg points to kernel struct */
/* types of values stored in eBPF registers */
/* Pointer types represent:
 * pointer
 * pointer + imm
 * pointer + (u16) var
 * pointer + (u16) var + imm
 * if (range > 0) then [ptr, ptr + range - off) is safe to access
 * if (id > 0) means that some 'var' was added
 * if (off > 0) means that 'imm' was added
enum bpf_reg_type {
    NOT_INIT = 0,         /* nothing was written into register */
    SCALAR_VALUE,         /* reg doesn't contain a valid pointer */
    PTR_TO_CTX,         /* reg points to bpf_context */
    CONST_PTR_TO_MAP,     /* reg points to struct bpf_map */
    PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE,     /* reg points to map element value */
    PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL,/* points to map elem value or NULL */
    PTR_TO_STACK,         /* reg == frame_pointer + offset */
    PTR_TO_PACKET_META,     /* skb->data - meta_len */
    PTR_TO_PACKET,         /* reg points to skb->data */
    PTR_TO_PACKET_END,     /* skb->data + headlen */
    PTR_TO_FLOW_KEYS,     /* reg points to bpf_flow_keys */
    PTR_TO_SOCKET,         /* reg points to struct bpf_sock */
    PTR_TO_SOCKET_OR_NULL,     /* reg points to struct bpf_sock or NULL */
    PTR_TO_SOCK_COMMON,     /* reg points to sock_common */
    PTR_TO_SOCK_COMMON_OR_NULL, /* reg points to sock_common or NULL */
    PTR_TO_TCP_SOCK,     /* reg points to struct tcp_sock */
    PTR_TO_TCP_SOCK_OR_NULL, /* reg points to struct tcp_sock or NULL */
    PTR_TO_TP_BUFFER,     /* reg points to a writable raw tp's buffer */
    PTR_TO_XDP_SOCK,     /* reg points to struct xdp_sock */
    PTR_TO_BTF_ID,         /* reg points to kernel struct */
struct tnum {
    u64 value;
    u64 mask;
#define TNUM(_v, _m)    (struct tnum){.value = _v, .mask = _m}
/* A completely unknown value */
const struct tnum tnum_unknown = { .value = 0, .mask = -1 };
struct tnum {
    u64 value;
    u64 mask;
#define TNUM(_v, _m)    (struct tnum){.value = _v, .mask = _m}
/* A completely unknown value */
const struct tnum tnum_unknown = { .value = 0, .mask = -1 };
enum bpf_stack_slot_type {
    STACK_INVALID,    /* nothing was stored in this stack slot */
    STACK_SPILL,      /* register spilled into stack */
    STACK_MISC,      /* BPF program wrote some data into this slot */
    STACK_ZERO,      /* BPF program wrote constant zero */
enum bpf_stack_slot_type {
    STACK_INVALID,    /* nothing was stored in this stack slot */
    STACK_SPILL,      /* register spilled into stack */
    STACK_MISC,      /* BPF program wrote some data into this slot */
    STACK_ZERO,      /* BPF program wrote constant zero */
state = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bpf_verifier_state), GFP_KERNEL);
state->curframe = 0;                    //当前在调用栈的最上层
state->speculative = false;
state->branches = 1;                    //当前节点branches = 1
state->frame[0] = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bpf_func_state), GFP_KERNEL);    //记录调用栈
env->cur_state = state;                //记录当前初始的state节点
state = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bpf_verifier_state), GFP_KERNEL);
state->curframe = 0;                    //当前在调用栈的最上层
state->speculative = false;
state->branches = 1;                    //当前节点branches = 1
state->frame[0] = kzalloc(sizeof(struct bpf_func_state), GFP_KERNEL);    //记录调用栈
env->cur_state = state;                //记录当前初始的state节点
init_func_state(env, state->frame[0],BPF_MAIN_FUNC /* callsite */, 0 /* frameno */, subprog);
init_func_state(env, state->frame[0],BPF_MAIN_FUNC /* callsite */, 0 /* frameno */, subprog);
static void init_reg_state(struct bpf_verifier_env *env,
               struct bpf_func_state *state)
    struct bpf_reg_state *regs = state->regs;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_BPF_REG; i++) {
        mark_reg_not_init(env, regs, i);
        regs[i].live = REG_LIVE_NONE;    //生存期?
        regs[i].parent = NULL;
        regs[i].subreg_def = DEF_NOT_SUBREG;
    /* frame pointer */
    regs[BPF_REG_FP].type = PTR_TO_STACK;                //设置栈帧寄存器r10,指向BPF栈数据
    mark_reg_known_zero(env, regs, BPF_REG_FP); //将reg的信息都设置为0
    regs[BPF_REG_FP].frameno = state->frameno;  //当前r10的栈帧号等于初始化的state栈帧号。
static void init_reg_state(struct bpf_verifier_env *env,
               struct bpf_func_state *state)
    struct bpf_reg_state *regs = state->regs;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_BPF_REG; i++) {
        mark_reg_not_init(env, regs, i);
        regs[i].live = REG_LIVE_NONE;    //生存期?
        regs[i].parent = NULL;
        regs[i].subreg_def = DEF_NOT_SUBREG;
    /* frame pointer */
    regs[BPF_REG_FP].type = PTR_TO_STACK;                //设置栈帧寄存器r10,指向BPF栈数据
    mark_reg_known_zero(env, regs, BPF_REG_FP); //将reg的信息都设置为0


最后于 2022-6-19 20:32 被Roland_编辑 ,原因:
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最新回复 (5)
雪    币: 2389
活跃值: (12919)
能力值: ( LV12,RANK:312 )
2021-6-5 14:32
雪    币: 30899
活跃值: (64011)
能力值: (RANK:135 )
2021-6-8 16:47
雪    币: 6313
活跃值: (3317)
能力值: ( LV12,RANK:330 )
2021-8-11 19:57
雪    币: 223
能力值: ( LV1,RANK:0 )
请问下do_jit/bpf_int_jit_compile一节下的call graph是如何生成的?
2022-8-5 19:36
雪    币: 1895
活跃值: (4166)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
牛逼 硬核 先mark再看
2023-6-4 20:48
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