未解决 [求助]ndisfilter驱动通过hlk测试后win10非测试模式运行异常,大家帮帮我, 求助
发表于: 2020-12-25 13:29 2745

未解决 [求助]ndisfilter驱动通过hlk测试后win10非测试模式运行异常,大家帮帮我, 求助

2020-12-25 13:29

我用 ndis 6.30 filter 做了个网络转发驱动,实现了过滤和转发(可以搭梯子), 一直都是在win10测试模式下开发和调试的, 功能已经完成,之后通过了 hlk 测试,仪表盘下载驱动后, 在 win10 正常模式下运行异常, 没有蓝屏,情况是: 并未提示签名问题, 出现断网, 外部应用程序获取设备失败,切换回测试模式又一切正常,咋回事呢, 我是驱动开发初学者, 求助于大家, 帮帮我, 附上仪表盘截图
附上inf文件 :


; Do not change these values
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Class = NetService
ClassGUID = {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
CatalogFile = netlwf.cat
PnpLockDown = 1


; TODO: Customize this string for your company name
Provider = %ProviderString%


; TODO: Customize this string for the driver version
DriverVer = 12/05/2020,12.0.19041.1


; TODO: Include each architecture for which your driver package contains a
; compiled binary. If you do not supply a driver compiled for ia64, delete the
; NTia64 section.


; TODO: Change the "MS_NdisLwf" name below to identify your component.
; This name can be used with netcfg.exe to install/uninstall the driver.
%NdisLwf_Desc%=Install, YHX_ShorthairNat


%NdisLwf_Desc%=Install, YHX_ShorthairNat


%NdisLwf_Desc%=Install, YHX_ShorthairNat


; Installation Section
; All LWFs must include the 0x40000 bit (NCF_LW_FILTER). Unlike miniports, you
; don't usually need to customize this value.


; TODO: You must generate your own random GUID and insert it here. Then, update
; FILTER_UNIQUE_NAME in filter.h to match this GUID identically. Both should
; have {curly braces}.
; NetCfgInstanceId="{5cbf81bd-5055-47cd-9055-a76b2b4e3697}"


Copyfiles = ndislwf.copyfiles.sys




; TODO: Customize the name of your binary here.
; Also include any related files that should be installed with your driver.




; TODO: Customize the name of your binary here.


; Ndi installation support
; TODO: Customize the name of the NT service that will start your driver.
; Then, update FILTER_SERVICE_NAME in filter.h.
HKR, Ndi,Service,,"NdisLwf"
; TODO: Repeat the NT service name above here. Optionally, you may control
; other services alongside the primary service.
HKR, Ndi,CoServices,0x00010000,"NdisLwf"
HKR, Ndi,HelpText,,%NdisLwf_HelpText%
; TODO: Set the FilterClass here. The FilterClass controls the order in which
; filters are bound to the underlying miniport. Possible options include:
; Custom, Diagnostic, Failover, Loadbalance, Vpn, Compression, Encryption, Scheduler
; See MSDN for a description of each.
HKR, Ndi,FilterClass,, compression
; TODO: Specify whether you have a Modifying or Monitoring filter.
; For a Monitoring filter, use this:
; HKR, Ndi,FilterType,0x00010001, 1 ; Monitoring filter
; For a Modifying filter, use this:
; HKR, Ndi,FilterType,0x00010001, 2 ; Modifying filter
HKR, Ndi,FilterType,0x00010001,2
; Do not change these values
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,UpperRange,,"noupper"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,LowerRange,,"nolower"
; TODO: Ensure that the list of media types below is correct. Typically,
; filters include "ethernet". Filters may also include "ppip" to include
; native WWAN stacks, but you must be prepared to handle the packet framing.
; Possible values are listed on MSDN, but common values include:
; ethernet, wan, ppip, wlan
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, FilterMediaTypes,,"ethernet, wan, ppip"
; TODO: Specify whether you have a Mandatory or Optional filter.
; For a Mandatory filter, use this:
; HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 1 ; Mandatory filter
; For an Optional filter, use this:
; HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 2 ; Optional filter
HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 1 ; Mandatory filter


; By default, Mandatory filters unbind all protocols when they are
; installed/uninstalled, while Optional filters merely pause the stack. If you
; would like to override this behavior, you can include these options. These
; options only take effect with 6.30 filters on Windows "8" or later.
; To prevent a full unbind, and merely pause/restart protocols:
; HKR, Ndi,UnbindOnAttach,0x00010001, 0 ; Do not unbind during FilterAttach
; HKR, Ndi,UnbindOnDetach,0x00010001, 0 ; Do not unbind during FilterDetach
; To force a full unbind/bind (which includes pause/restart, of course):
; HKR, Ndi,UnbindOnAttach,0x00010001, 1 ; Unbind during FilterAttach
; HKR, Ndi,UnbindOnDetach,0x00010001, 1 ; Unbind during FilterDetach


; NDIS can start a miniport stack even if some Optional filters are
; missing. However, NDIS reserves the right to wait for the Optional
; filters to be registered, since it's faster to attach a filter if
; the protocols haven't been bound yet.
; If your Optional filter is unlikely to be started at boot, you can
; use this hint to inform NDIS to spend less time waiting for your
; filter. Note this setting is ignored for Mandatory filters; NDIS
; always waits forever for all Mandatory filters.
; HKR, Ndi,NdisBootStart,0x00010001, 0 ; Don't wait for this driver to start at boot
; Enable this setting only if your filter will be bound, but the driver
; is not usually started at boot. If your driver will typically start
; at boot, then enabling this setting would defeat the NDIS heuristic
; and slightly slow down boot.


; Service installation support
; TODO: Customize the name of your NT service here.
; You may also want to add the SPSVCINST_STARTSERVICE flag, like this:
; AddService=NdisLwf,0x800,NdisLwf_Service_Inst ; SPSVCINST_STARTSERVICE


DisplayName = %NdisLwf_Desc%
; Typically you will want your filter driver to start with SERVICE_SYSTEM_START.
; If it is an Optional filter, you may also use 3;SERVICE_DEMAND_START.
; TODO: Customize this to your binary's filename.
ServiceBinary = %12%\ndislwf.sys
LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
Description = %NdisLwf_Desc%
AddReg = Common.Params.reg, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions.reg


; TODO: Customize the name of your NT service here.
; The SPSVCINST_STOPSERVICE flag instructs SCM to stop the NT service
; before uninstalling the driver.
DelService=NdisLwf,0x200 ; SPSVCINST_STOPSERVICE


; TODO: You can add any sort of NDIS parameters here. Filter drivers
; don't always need NDIS parameters, so it's okay to have nothing here.


; TODO: Remove the sample parameters below.


; Sample 1: "DriverParam" is a per-driver parameter.
HKR, FilterDriverParams\DriverParam, ParamDesc, , "Driverparam for lwf"
HKR, FilterDriverParams\DriverParam, default, , "5"
HKR, FilterDriverParams\DriverParam, type, , "int"


; Sample 2: "AdapterParam" is a per-module parameter.
HKR, FilterAdapterParams\AdapterParam, ParamDesc, , "Adapterparam for lwf"
HKR, FilterAdapterParams\AdapterParam, default, , "10"
HKR, FilterAdapterParams\AdapterParam, type, , "int"


; By default, when an LBFO team or Bridge is created, all filters will be
; unbound from the underlying members and bound to the TNic(s). This keyword
; allows a component to opt out of the default behavior
; To prevent binding this filter to the TNic(s):
; HKR, Parameters, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions,0x00010001,1 ; Do not bind to TNic
; To prevent unbinding this filter from underlying members:
; HKR, Parameters, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions,0x00010001,2 ; Do not unbind from Members
; To prevent both binding to TNic and unbinding from members:
; HKR, Parameters, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions,0x00010001,3 ; Do not bind to TNic or unbind from Members
HKR, Parameters, NdisImPlatformBindingOptions,0x00010001,0 ; Subscribe to default behavior


; TODO: Customize these strings.
ProviderString = "yhxcp-provider"
ManufacturerName = "yhxcp-inc"
NdisLwf_Desc = "ShorthairNat"
NdisLwf_HelpText = "net safe compoent"


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最新回复 (3)
雪    币: 726
活跃值: (38)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )
刚才测试了一下 cmd : net start NdisLwf  
返回: 发生系统错误 2148204812。

证书已被颁发者直接吊销, 应该是这个问题, 但是怎么解决
2020-12-25 13:53
雪    币: 726
活跃值: (38)
能力值: ( LV2,RANK:10 )

估计是, 交叉签名弄错了, 我之前用的ukey下载下来的cer, 估计不对, 从证书供应商下载了交叉签名, 要重新打包, 重新hlk测试, 我一定要搞定这个

2020-12-25 14:09
雪    币: 1391
活跃值: (1950)
能力值: ( LV4,RANK:50 )
兄弟,hlk 工具是否需要装在 一台干净的环境中?能装在 虚拟环境中吗?
2020-12-29 15:36
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