[转帖]Text Editor Pro 11.0.0 Multilingual
发表于: 2020-11-15 11:41 2392
Text Editor Pro 11.0.0 Multilingual
Text Editor Pro is a comprehensive and easy to use text editing tool that offers syntax highlighting for over 50 scripts. Process not only text or HTML files, but also Python, Perl, Ruby or Fortran with this text and code editor, which features syntax highlighting and other similar features.
What is guaranteed to surprise you and catch your attention is that the application supports over 50 programming languages such as C++, COBOL, DOT Graph Drawing, DSP, DWScript, Fortran, Foxpro, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby SQL and many more.
All the tools you use frequently are displayed in the toolbar at the top of the main window but can also be accessed from the right-click context menu. You can easily select any of the languages from a drop-down menu, create a new document and start writing. The application can handle multiple opened documents and displays them in separate tabs. Since aspect is important in the layout of the text, you get to increase and decrease indent and sort the text lines.
Working with hundreds of lines of text needs you to locate certain words and commands. To help you out in this matter, the application provides you with a practical and powerful search function. It allows you to toggle case sensitive, whole words only and regular expression search modes. Another means of locating content is to mark it and then return to it when you need to. For this, you get the option of adding multiple bookmarks throughout the document.
When you work on a project and save multiple drafts of it you can can very easily get confused trying to figure out what is different between them. To make it easier for you, the application allows two files to be opened and compared line by line.
OS: Windows 10|8|7
Homepage : https://texteditor.pro
Changelog : https://texteditor.pro/index.php?page=history
v11.0.0 :: 14th Nov, 2020
- Added show menu option for menu bar (default false)
- Added show menu option for title bar (default true)
- Added splitter size application option
- Fixed 32-bit version to larger than 2 GB address aware
- Fixed check for updates (libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are not required anymore)
- Fixed directory
- Fixed find in files
- Fixed installers
- Fixed options
- Fixed skin selector
- Fixed text editor control
- Updated language files
- Updated and fixed AlphaControls v15.19 - http://www.alphaskins.com/
x64: http://www.texteditor.pro/downloads/TextEditorPro64.exe
x86: http://www.texteditor.pro/downloads/TextEditorPro32.exe
x64: http://www.texteditor.pro/downloads/TextEditorPro64.zip
x86: http://www.texteditor.pro/downloads/TextEditorPro32.zip
Shell Extension:
x86: https://www.texteditor.pro/downloads/ShellExtension32.zip
x64: http://www.texteditor.pro/downloads/ShellExtension64.zip