Original link: https://pentestlab.blog/2020/01/14/persistence-winlogon-helper-dll/
Winlogon is a Windows component which handles various activities such as the Logon, Logoff, loading user profile during authentication, shutdown, lock screen etc. This kind of behavior is managed by the registry which defines which processes to start during Windows logon. From a red team perspective these events can be the trigger that will execute an arbitrary payload for persistence.
The implementation of this persistence technique requires modifications of the following registry keys:
Metasploit “handler” module is required to be configured accordingly to capture the connection when the payload is executed on the target system.
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LPORT 4444
Metasploit – Handler Module
The generated executable needs to be dropped into the system (System32). Modification of the registry key “Userinit” to include the arbitrary payload will cause the system to run both executables (userinit.exe & pentestlab.exe) during Windows logon.
Registry Key – Userinit
A Meterpreter session will open since the payload will executed.
Metasploit – Meterpreter
Similar behavior to the above has the “Shell” registry key.
Registry Key – Shell
The malicious payload will executed during Windows authentication and a connection will established.
Persistence – Shell Registry Key Modification
The “Notify” registry key is typically found in older operating systems (prior to Windows 7) and it points to a notification package DLL file which handles Winlogon events. Replacing DLL entries under this registry key with an arbitrary DLL will cause Windows to execute it during logon. The following command can be used to generate a payload in the form of a DLL file with Metasploit.
The “DLLName” registry entry has been modified to contain an arbitrary DLL.
Registry Key – Notify
The DLL will be executed with SYSTEM level privileges and a Meterpreter connection will open on the next Windows logon.
Persistence Notify Registry Key – Meterpreter
Instead of using the registry editor the following two commands can be used from an elevated command prompt in order to modify the “Shell” and “Userinit” registry entries.