未解决 [讨论][求助 - 已自行解决] 关于使用XOR加密的密文下无密钥的解密思路
发表于: 2019-10-3 12:11 3632

未解决 [讨论][求助 - 已自行解决] 关于使用XOR加密的密文下无密钥的解密思路

2019-10-3 12:11


import base64

def encode(text):
    return base64.encodestring(text)

def decode(text):
    return base64.decodestring(text)

def encrypt(cleartext, key):
    to_return = bytearray(len(cleartext))
    for i in xrange(len(cleartext)):
        to_return[i] = ord(cleartext[i]) ^ key
    return to_return

这部分我直接暴力破解了。因为key的要求类型是一个byte ,并且key只有一个,也就是说取值范围肯定是 -128 至 127 不会变化的。



import base64
def encode(text):
    return base64.encodestring(text)

def decode(text):
    return base64.decodestring(text)

def encrypt(cleartext, key):
    to_return = bytearray(len(cleartext))
    for i in xrange(len(cleartext)):
        to_return[i] = ord(cleartext[i]) ^ ord(key[i % len(key)])
    return str(to_return)





目前现在的想法是先过一遍base64的解码,然后使用重合因子(index of coincidence)法想办法去找规律。但是不太清楚该怎么具体操作好一些……

import java.util.Base64;

public class Alan {

   public static String encode (byte[] text)
	  return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(text);

   public static byte[] decode (String text)
	  return Base64.getDecoder().decode(text);

   public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] cleartext, String key)
	  byte[] toReturn = new byte[cleartext.length];
	  byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes();
	  for (int i = 0; i < cleartext.length; i++)
		 toReturn[i] = (byte) (cleartext[i] ^ keyBytes[i % keyBytes.length]);
	  return toReturn;

   public static void main(String[] args)
	  System.out.println(encode(encrypt("this is a test".getBytes(), "12")));
	  System.out.println(new String((encrypt(decode("RVpYQRFbQhJQEkVXQkY="), "12"))));




虽然不知道有没有用,目前最高的IC是来自单词“joint” (X

public static double calculate(String s){

        int i;
        int N = 0;
        double sum = 0.0;
        double total = 0.0;

        //initialize array of values to count frequency of each letter
        int[] values = new int[256];
        for(i=0; i<256; i++){
            values[i] = 0;

        //calculate frequency of each letter in s
        int ch;
        for(i=0; i<s.length(); i++){
            ch = s.charAt(i);
            if(ch < 256){

        //calculate the sum of each frequency
        for(i=0; i<256; i++){
            ch = values[i];
            sum = sum + (ch * (ch-1));

        for (i = 0 ; i < values.length; i++){


        //divide by N(N-1)
        total = sum/(N*(N-1));

        //return the result
        return total;


目前使用key:“ (Epj”解码得到文字如下证实了解码的确是5位加密!

&ing:tNo, =t ta?es m1 eig<t.

A8an T!ringn Er.z. Ho#... ow d; youtmeantyou #ork 5long'ide 5 Ger9an?

elenn Wel8, ea7h oftus i:terc1pts 9essa3es f&om atspec=fic erma: rad=o to#er. o wethaveta co!nter$art ;n th1 oth1r si0e, w<o's  ip-t5ppin3 outtthe 9essa3es. very;ne t-pes 5 tou7h di2fere:tly,tso y;u ge  to ?now  he r<ythmtof y;ur c;unte&partz It'' str5ngel- int=matez I f1el a' if  kno# himtso w1ll. t's 5 pit- he <as atgirl2rien0, bu  tha 's w<y I 0isag&ee w=th y;u, M&. Al1xand1r, b1caus1 I'mtin l;ve w=th atcowo&ker ;f so&ts a:d wesve n1ver 1ven 9et.

ugh lexa:der:tWellx all;w metto b!y yo! ano her $int 5nd Isll t1ll y;u wh- yousre w&ong.^Hele:: Le 's.

ugh lexa:der:tExce8lentz

[Th1y ge  up 5nd h1ad t; thetbar.tAs t<ey o&der,tAlantsitstcomp8etel- sil1ntlyx in 5 daz1 - h5vingtcometto atreal=sati;n]

J;an C8arken In 7ase -ou w1re w;nder=ng,  hat'' wha  fli&tingtlook' lik1.

Al5n Tu&ing:t[lou0ly] elenu

Joa: Cla&ke: slig<tly 1mbar&asse0, asthis 'houtthas 0rawntatte:tiontto t<em] lan!^Hele:: Ye', Al5n?

A8an T!ringn [ge s uptand 2acesther]tWhy 0o yo! thi:k yo!r Ge&man 7ount1rpar  hasta gi&lfri1nd?

elenn It'' jus  a s upidtjokez Donst wo&ry a6out =t.

A8an T!ringn No,tno, :o, n;, nox tel8 me.^Hele:: We8l, e5ch o2 histmess5ges 6egin' wit< thetsametfivetlett1rs. -I-LyL-Y.tSo Itsusp1ct t<at C=lly 9ust 6e th1 nam1 of <is a9ore.^[By  his $ointx Joa:, Pe er H=ltontand ohn airn7rossthavetbegu: to 7atchton]

lan  urin3: Bu  tha 's i9poss=ble.tThe erma:s ar1 ins ruct1d totuse 2ive &ando9 let ers 5t th1 sta&t oftever- mes'age.^Hele:: We8l, t<is b8oke 0oesnst.

H!gh A8exan0er: ove #ill 9ake 5 mantdo s rang1 thi:gs,  sup$ose.^AlantTuri:g: I: thi' cas1....tLovetjusttlosttGerm5ny t<e wh;le b8oodytwar!^[He &ushe' offx bar3ing =nto ugh 5nd c5usin3 himtto s$ill  he p=nts <e ha' jus  bou3ht o: Hel1n. J;hn, etertand oan &ush ;ff a2ter <im a:d Hu3h, r1alis=ng w<at h5s ha$pene0, ap;logi'es a:d da'hes ;ff a2ter  hem]^HughtAlex5ndern My od, -ou d=d itz Youtjusttdefe5ted azis9 wit

之后我发现,大部分文字其实是可以找到词汇理解的,毕竟只是缺一两个字符。比如 gi&lfri1nd 肯定是 girlfriend, H!gh A8exan0er 这里的话有点难猜是什么,但是万能的谷歌告诉我是Hugh Alexander。

之后我把这些替换的字符和他应该是的字符进行XOR运算对比,得到了T这个字符为key的index=0的字符,所以我就把密钥 “ (Epj”改成了 “T(Epj”。输出结果也变成了:

Ring: No, It taKes mE eigHt.

ALan TUring Er.. HoW... how dO you mean you Work AlongSide A GerMan?

helen WelL, eaCh of us iNtercEpts MessaGes fRom a specIfic germaN radIo toWer. so we have a coUnterPart On thE othEr siDe, wHo's Tip-tAppinG out the MessaGes. everyOne tYpes A touCh diFfereNtly, so yOu geT to Know The rHythm of yOur cOunteRpart It'S strAngelY intImate I fEel aS if i knoW him so wEll. it's A pitY he Has a girlFrienD, buT thaT's wHy I DisagRee wIth yOu, MR. AlExandEr, bEcausE I'm in lOve wIth a cowoRker Of soRts aNd weve nEver Even Met.

hugh alexaNder: Well allOw me to bUy yoU anoTher Pint And Ill tEll yOu whY youre wRong.*HeleN: LeT's.

hugh alexaNder: ExceLlent

[ThEy geT up And hEad tO the bar. As tHey oRder, Alan sits compLetelY silEntly in A dazE - hAving come to a realIsatiOn]

JOan CLarke In Case You wEre wOnderIng, That'S whaT fliRting lookS likE.

AlAn TuRing: [louDly] helen

JoaN ClaRke: {sligHtly EmbarRasseD, as his Shout has Drawn atteNtion to tHem] alan!*HeleN: YeS, AlAn?

ALan TUring [geTs up and Faces her] Why Do yoU thiNk yoUr GeRman CountErparT has a giRlfriEnd?

helen It'S jusT a sTupid joke Dont woRry aBout It.

L-Y. So I suspEct tHat CIlly Must Be thE namE of His aMore.*[By This Point JoaN, PeTer HIlton and john cairnCross have beguN to Catch on]

alan turinG: BuT thaT's iMpossIble. The germaNs arE insTructEd to use Five RandoM letTers At thE staRt of everY mesSage.*HeleN: WeLl, tHis bLoke Doesnt.

HUgh ALexanDer: love Will Make A man do sTrangE thiNgs, i supPose.*Alan TuriNg: IN thiS casE.... Love just lost GermAny tHe whOle bLoody war!*[He RusheS off barGing Into hugh And cAusinG him to sPill The pInts He haS jusT bouGht oN HelEn. JOhn, peter and joan Rush Off aFter Him aNd HuGh, rEalisIng wHat hAs haPpeneD, apOlogiSes aNd daShes Off aFter Them]*Hugh AlexAnder My god, You dId it You just defeAted nazisM wit

另外已知XOR算法中如果让一个英文字母XOR 0x20,就会得到他的相对应的大写变成小写,小写变成大写的ASCII编码。所以我把最前面的T改成了t,之后解密用代码如下:
String resultFinal = new String((encrypt(decode(key), "t(Epj")));




最后于 2019-10-5 09:11 被ScarletCN编辑 ,原因: 加密解密完成!!!
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