43608 96182985846424327 718425118920330673484149258178 43608 83693751885767957 718425118992126037293285640714 43608 77788889115102911 718425118953878537938973319793 43608 96195621733260611 718425118946085475579222983741 43608 130188450121832351 718425118962019398924142833457 43608 74306554044759007 718425118923195174388066561789 43608 67419840545889367 718425118942132123919966671421 hashtable: 2048 entries, 0.03 MB elapsed time of 1032529.4296 seconds exceeds 1035000 second deadline; poly select done nfs: commencing algebraic side lattice sieving over range: 15300000 - 15460000 sh: ../ggnfs-bin/gnfs-lasieve4I14e: No such file or directory nfs: could not open output file, possibly bad path to siever fopen error: No such file or directory could not open rels0.dat for reading [root@localhost yafu]# echo "" >./resl0.dat [root@localhost yafu]# mk ../ggnfs-bin/gnfs-lasieve4I14e
commencing quadratic sieve (154-digit input) using multiplier of 19 using generic 32kb sieve core sieve interval: 400 blocks of size 32768 processing polynomials in batches of 1 using a sieve bound of 42921971 (1299552 primes) using large prime bound of 4294967295 (31 bits) using double large prime bound of 218437776016143360 (51-58 bits) using trial factoring cutoff of 58 bits polynomial 'A' values have 16 factors restarting with 9 full and 4747 partial relations
sieving in progress (press Ctrl-C to pause) 14 relations (14 full + 0 combined from 6316 partial), need 1299648