File 'F:\Downloads\BlazeL1K.1.3.0.Release\BlazeL1K.exe'
New process with ID 00000A4C created
004EC014 Main thread with ID 00000CB8 created
00400000 Module F:\Downloads\BlazeL1K.1.3.0.Release\BlazeL1K.exe
00401000 Code size in header is 00081000, extending to size of section ' '
CRC changed, discarding .udd data
71710000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\COMCTL32.dll
77DF0000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\USER32.dll
77E60000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\KERNEL32.dll
77F40000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\GDI32.dll
77F80000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\ntdll.dll
786F0000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\RPCRT4.DLL
796D0000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
77FA144B System startup breakpoint
004EC014 Program entry point
0068FE63 Illegal instruction
0068FFE6 Privileged instruction
00690821 Access violation when reading [FFFFFFFF]
0069910D Hardware breakpoint 1 at BlazeL1K.0069910D
eax = 00699243
[esp] = FEC8742A
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E6F79F | KERNEL32.OutputDebugStringA
[esp] = 00699191
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E6F79F | KERNEL32.OutputDebugStringA
[esp] = 0069B95E
77E8BBF3 Debug string:
--- Themida Professional ---
--- (c)2006 Oreans Technologies ---
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E14197 | USER32.MessageBoxExA
[esp] = 0069B99A
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7C1AB | KERNEL32.CreateFileA
[esp] = 0069B9A4
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E693EF | KERNEL32.DeviceIoControl
[esp] = 0069B9AE
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8BA9B | KERNEL32.TerminateThread
[esp] = 0069BDF8
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E845 | KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc
[esp] = 0069C1F3
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8B7BE | KERNEL32.CreateThread
[esp] = 0069C3B9
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8A203 | KERNEL32.Sleep
[esp] = 0069C499
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8BB51 | KERNEL32.SuspendThread
[esp] = 0069C598
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8BB03 | KERNEL32.GetCurrentThreadId
[esp] = 0069C63C
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E878C1 | KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcessId
[esp] = 0069C6FA
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8B8AB | KERNEL32.SetThreadPriority
[esp] = 0069CD1A
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8BB0D | KERNEL32.GetThreadContext
[esp] = 0069CDD4
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E69723 | KERNEL32.SetEvent
[esp] = 0069CED6
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E6B3CC | KERNEL32.WaitForSingleObject
[esp] = 0069CFC3
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E898A0 | KERNEL32.CreateEventA
[esp] = 0069D093
75E00000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\IMM32.DLL
77530000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\winmm.dll
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000CE4 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000D08 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000C0C created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000C6C created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000C28 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000BF4 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000BF0 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000A94 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000D8C created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000CF0 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000B2C created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000CD0 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000A3C created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000D20 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000B7C created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000D90 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 000009A8 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000B94 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000CF8 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000CB0 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000C14 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000D98 created
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E87143 | KERNEL32.SetEnvironmentVariableA
[esp] = 006B582A
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000658 created
77E6B700 New thread with ID 00000B20 created
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E845 | KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc
[esp] = 006BAC54
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E80ACE | KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA
[esp] = 006BAC74
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E80C5F | KERNEL32.GetProcAddress
[esp] = 006BAC94
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E85F | KERNEL32.VirtualFree
[esp] = 006BACB4
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E80D02 | KERNEL32.GetVersionExA
[esp] = 006BC907
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E6F5A3 | KERNEL32.IsDebuggerPresent
[esp] = 006BC91B
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E139A4 | USER32.FindWindowA
[esp] = 006BF555
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E139A4 | USER32.FindWindowA
[esp] = 006C1646
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E801D5 | KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA
[esp] = 006C1A9D
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E80C5F | KERNEL32.GetProcAddress
[esp] = 006C1ACD
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E80CD1 | KERNEL32.GetVersion
[esp] = 006C586A
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E845 | KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc
[esp] = 006C587E
76AF0000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\comdlg32.dll
772A0000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\SHLWAPI.DLL
78000000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\msvcrt.dll
78F90000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\SHELL32.DLL
777C0000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
79B20000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\MPR.DLL
75280000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\oledlg.dll
77A30000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\OLE32.DLL
68E90000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\OLEPRO32.DLL
77990000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
74FD0000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\WSOCK32.dll
74FB0000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\WS2_32.DLL
0069F374 Access violation when reading [FFFFFFFF]
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8BB2F | KERNEL32.SetThreadContext
[esp] = 006C70E6
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8BB77 | KERNEL32.ResumeThread
[esp] = 006C70F0
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E6EC18 | KERNEL32.GetLocalTime
[esp] = 006C84FE
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E845 | KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc
[esp] = 006C7BDE
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E956 | KERNEL32.VirtualProtect
[esp] = 006CABD2
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E845 | KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc
[esp] = 006CC81D
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E85F | KERNEL32.VirtualFree
[esp] = 006CC89A
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E845 | KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc
[esp] = 006CCAF2
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E85F | KERNEL32.VirtualFree
[esp] = 006CCB72
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E845 | KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc
[esp] = 006D98FF
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E86972 | KERNEL32.ExitProcess
[esp] = 006D993D
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8B7BE | KERNEL32.CreateThread
[esp] = 006D995D
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8BA9B | KERNEL32.TerminateThread
[esp] = 006D997D
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8B99D | KERNEL32.ExitThread
[esp] = 006D999D
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77F89103 | ntdll.RtlEnterCriticalSection
[esp] = 006D9A0F
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77F89134 | ntdll.RtlLeaveCriticalSection
[esp] = 006D9A2F
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E76168 | KERNEL32.ReadFile
[esp] = 006D9A4F
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E00214 | USER32.wsprintfA
[esp] = 006D9A6F
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E8BB9D | KERNEL32.RaiseException
[esp] = 006D9A8F
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E85F | KERNEL32.VirtualFree
[esp] = 006D9AAF
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E80A10 | KERNEL32.GetModuleFileNameA
[esp] = 006D9ACF
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E80C5F | KERNEL32.GetProcAddress
[esp] = 006D9AEF
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E85F | KERNEL32.VirtualFree
[esp] = 006C7D1B | ASCII "RPh"
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E956 | KERNEL32.VirtualProtect
[esp] = 006E2B3F
0069F374 Access violation when reading [FFFFFFFF]
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E87D06 | KERNEL32.GetPriorityClass
[esp] = 006E4914
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E87C75 | KERNEL32.SetPriorityClass
[esp] = 006E49DD
005E0316 Breakpoint at BlazeL1K.005E0316
eax = 77E7E956 | KERNEL32.VirtualProtect
[esp] = 006E4BC1
74FA0000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\WS2HELP.DLL
6DD30000 Module C:\WINNT\system32\INDICDLL.dll
0069F374 Access violation when reading [FFFFFFFF]
0069F374 Access violation when reading [FFFFFFFF]