[sync] form create
Note: importing 'sip' module into <module '__main__' (built-in)>
Note: importing 'QtWidgets' module into <module '__main__' (built-in)>
[sync] default idb name: CRACKME.EXE
[*] sync enabled
[*] init_broker
[*] cmdline: "C:\Python27\python.exe" -u "C:\Program Files\IDA 7.2\plugins\retsync\broker.py" --idb "CRACKME.EXE"
[sync] name CRACKME.EXE
[sync] module base 0x400000
[sync] hexrays not available
[*] broker new state: Starting
[*] broker new state: Running
[*] broker started
Shortcut F2 is used for two actions:
Shortcut for "BreakpointToggle" will be disabled.
Shortcut F2 is used for two actions:
Shortcut for "hexview:EditOrApplyChanges" will be disabled.
Shortcut Ctrl+F2 is used for two actions:
Shortcut for "ProcessExit" will be disabled.
Shortcut Ctrl+F1 is used for two actions:
Shortcut for "ExternalHelp" will be disabled.
Shortcut Alt+F2 is used for two actions:
Shortcut for "ManualInstruction" will be disabled.
Shortcut F11 is used for two actions:
Shortcut for "FullScreen" will be disabled.
Shortcut Ctrl+F1 is used for two actions:
"@IDC:py_hotkeycb_0000021F2B5B1C18" will be deleted.
[*] << broker << dispatcher not found, trying to run it
[*] << broker << dispatcher now runs with pid: 1444
[*] << broker << connected to dispatcher
[*] << broker << listening on port 64883
[sync] restarting broker
[*] << broker << received kill notice
[*] broker new state: Not running
[*] broker finished
[*] sync disabled
[*] sync enabled
[*] init_broker
[*] cmdline: "C:\Python27\python.exe" -u "C:\Program Files\IDA 7.2\plugins\retsync\broker.py" --idb "CRACKME.EXE"
[sync] name CRACKME.EXE
[sync] module base 0x400000
[sync] hexrays not available
[*] broker new state: Starting
[*] broker new state: Running
[*] broker started
Shortcut Ctrl+F1 is used for two actions:
"@IDC:py_hotkeycb_0000021F2B5C3120" will be deleted.
[*] << broker << dispatcher not found, trying to run it
[*] << broker << dispatcher now runs with pid: 5140
[*] << broker << connected to dispatcher
[*] << broker << listening on port 64888
Command "JumpAsk" failed
Command "JumpAsk" failed
Command "JumpAsk" failed
[*] << broker << dispatcher connection error, quitting
[*] broker new state: Not running
[*] broker finished
[sync] idb is disabled
为什么 这个信息呢? .idb文件放哪里? 是给OD用的吗?
最后于 2019-8-16 10:14