T-Pot 19.03 T-Pot 19.03 runs on Debian (Sid), is based heavily on docker, docker-compose and includes dockerized versions of the following honeypots adbhoney, ciscoasa, conpot, cowrie, dionaea, elasticpot, glastopf, glutton, heralding, honeypy, honeytrap, mailoney, medpot, rdpy, snare, tanner Furthermore we use the following tools Cockpit for a lightweight, webui for... <!--more--> 持续更新。。。
6-8 GB RAM (less RAM is possible but might introduce swapping)
SSH and Web Access Browser and access the Admin UI: 89fK9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6Q4x3U0k6D9N6q4)9K6b7Y4W2G2N6i4u0Q4x3X3g2A6M7q4)9J5y4X3N6@1i4K6y4n7i4K6y4m8y4U0b7J5z5e0b7`. SSH to access the command line: ssh -l username -p 64295 <your.ip>
user: [tsec or user]you chose during one of the post Debian install methods pass: [password]you chose during the Debian installation
Kibana Dashboard Browser and access the Web UI: 36aK9s2c8@1M7s2y4Q4x3@1q4Q4x3V1k6Q4x3V1k6Q4x3U0k6D9N6q4)9K6b7Y4W2G2N6i4u0Q4x3X3g2A6M7q4)9J5y4X3N6@1i4K6y4n7i4K6y4m8y4U0b7J5z5e0M7`.
user: [user]you chose during the installation,according to tpot.conf pass: [password]you chose during the installation,according to tpot.conf 即用户名webuser,密码w3b$ecret
Cockpit Overview
Cockpit Containers 需要将登录用户添加到docker用户组中。
Cockpit Terminal
For the ones of you who want to live on the bleeding edge of T-Pot development we introduced an update feature which will allow you to update all T-Pot relevant files to be up to date with the T-Pot master branch. If you made any relevant changes to the T-Pot relevant config files make sure to create a backup first.
user: [tsec or user]you chose during one of the post Debian install methods pass: [password]you chose during the Debian installation
user: [user]you chose during the installation,according to tpot.conf pass: [password]you chose during the installation,according to tpot.conf 即用户名webuser,密码w3b$ecret
Cockpit for a lightweight, webui for docker, os, real-time performance monitoring and web terminal.Cockpit 使得 Linux 系统管理员、系统维护员和开发者能轻松地管理他们的服务器并执行一些简单的任务,例如管理存储、检测日志、启动或停止服务以及一些其它任务。它的报告界面添加了一些很好的功能使得可以轻松地在终端和 Web 界面之间切换。另外,它不仅使得管理一台服务器变得简单,更重要的是只需要一个单击就可以在一个地方同时管理多个通过网络连接的服务器.
Cyberchef a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.英国情报机构-英国情报机构政府通信总部(GCHQ)发布了一款新型的开源Web工具,这款工具可以帮助安全研究人员更好地分析和解密数据。这款工具名为CyberChef,而它也被GCHQ誉为网络版的“瑞士军刀”。CyberChef是一款非常简单且直观的Web应用,使用者可以在一个Web浏览器中完成各种各样的网络操作。这些操作包括创建hexdump,进行XOR或Base64等简单的编码,进行类似AES、DES和Blowfish等复杂的加密处理,数据压缩或解压缩,计算哈希和校验值,以及对IPv6和X.509数据进行解析等等。”
ELK stack to beautifully visualize all the events captured by T-Pot.优雅地可视化T-Pot捕获到的攻击事件
Elasticsearch Head a web front end for browsing and interacting with an Elastic Search cluster.一个web前端来浏览和操作ElasticSearch集群.
Spiderfoot a open source intelligence automation tool.SpiderFoot是一个Python编写的免费开源的网站信息收集类工具,并且支持跨平台运行,适用于Linux、*BSD和Windows系统。此外,它还为用户提供了一个易于使用的GUI界面。在功能方面SpiderFoot也为我们考虑的非常周全,通过SpiderFoot我们可以获取相关目标的各种信息,例如网站子域、电子邮件地址、web服务器版本等等。SpiderFoot简单的基于Web的界面,使你能够在安装后立即启动扫描 – 只需简单的设置扫描目标域名,并启用相应的扫描模块即可。
Suricata a Network Security Monitoring engine.开源的网络安全威胁检测引擎。