Red5 only contains a server-implementation (in java). The python project rtmpy aims to be a free software implementation of an RTMP library, whilst Tape intends to be a full streaming server (in Python). rtmpy is in active development. There is a java client implementation of RTMP, called Flazr. As of 2nd June 2009 (just two weeks after Adobe issued the take-down notice), Flazr also has RTMPE support. Congratulations to Peter, and thank you to Adobe: none of this would have remotely happened, if you hadn't brought RTMPE to people's attention. SWFDec has a partial and experimental implementation of RTMP. swfdec is client-only. Gnash has a partial and experimental implementations of RTMP. Gnash has both client and server, sharing the same common source. Cygnal is making particularly good progress, as a server: video can already be streamed from it, with real-time video planned for Q3 2009. libRTMP by boxee contains an RTMP client library, and was used as the basis for rtmpdump. haxeVideo is a server implementation of RTMP in Haxe. crtmpserver is a server implementation of RTMP that has implemented (as of 25th may 2009) the RTMPE protocol. Mammoth, formerly known as OpenFMS, is a server implementation that has implemented an RTMPE-compatible algorithm known as "H264-compatible and DH handshaking". RubyIzumi is an implementation of an RTMP server in Ruby. rtmpdump 此项目是第一个突破RTMPE加密协议的,但因为破解了RTMPE所以惹恼了ADOBE,这个开源项目在SourceForge里已经没有了。但是作者的页面还保留有链接和代码。 这个项目极其庞大,还没有一些深入的了解