【破文标题】 HyperCalendar 2.52注册算法分析+汇编注册机
【破文作者】 snake
【软件名称】 HyperCalendar 2.52
【下载地址】 http://yncnc.onlinedown.net/soft/11274.htm
【软件简介】 日历软件,多媒体日历,支持各种媒体的播放,各种图片的显示!
【调试工具】 Windows 2000+SP4、PEiD、Ollydbg
【作者声明】 只是感兴趣,没有其他目的。失误之处敬请诸位大侠赐教!
HyperCalendar 2HC267726978-28175866804502dDFsewrEeRWfdsg#@$SFF^%J&^*hgj*&(JIUL_fWWFFGG
00128D28 31 1F A0 8B B0 1B 44 CC 13 A9 B9 52 88 2A 88 D7
00128D38 37 40 98 61 52 89 A5 26 55 72 AF 11 3E 10 17 63
00128D48 12 31 4D A4 E4 4A 23 AA 20 5E C6 7C 80 2E C3 6E
00128D58 95 9A 54 C9 BC 46 F9 40 5D 8C DD 00 62 86 48 25
00128D68 8D A8 81 78 18 F3 01 BA 0C BB 4A C4 35 91 92 2B
00128D78 E6 03 74 31 76 03 88 19 22 95 57 6A 51 25 F1 1A
00128D88 06 E8 33 EC 2A 11 D4 44
UserID: HC267726978-28175866804502
用PEiD查壳,为UPX 0.89.6 - 1.02 / 1.05 - 1.24 -> Markus & Laszlo,OD载入手动脱之。(略)
脱壳后查为Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0
004089A9 8B6C24 1C mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C] ; 取注册码
004089AD 68 B2294600 push x.004629B2
004089B2 55 push ebp
004089B3 E8 723F0300 call x.0043C92A ; 判断注册码是否为空
004089B8 83C4 08 add esp,8
004089BB 85C0 test eax,eax
004089BD 75 21 jnz short x.004089E0
004089BF 90 nop
004089C0 90 nop
004089C1 57 push edi
004089C2 51 push ecx
004089C3 8BCC mov ecx,esp
004089C5 896424 1C mov dword ptr ss:[esp+1C],esp
004089C9 68 743D4600 push x.00463D74 ; ASCII "Invalid Registration Code."
004089CE E8 BDB7FFFF call x.00404190
004089D3 E8 38670100 call x.0041F110
004089D8 83C4 08 add esp,8
004089DB E9 B2010000 jmp x.00408B92
004089E0 90 nop
004089E1 90 nop
004089E2 90 nop
004089E3 68 C42C4600 push x.00462CC4 ; ASCII "HyperCalendar 2"
004089E8 8D4C24 18 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
004089EC E8 9FB7FFFF call x.00404190
004089F1 51 push ecx
004089F2 8BD4 mov edx,esp
004089F4 896424 24 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+24],esp
004089F8 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
004089FC 51 push ecx
004089FD 50 push eax
004089FE 52 push edx
004089FF C68424 B8090000 0>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+9B8],3
00408A07 E8 54C5FFFF call x.00404F60 ; 上面的字符串与注册码连接
00408A0C 8B4424 1C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00408A10 83C4 08 add esp,8
00408A13 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
00408A16 896424 20 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+20],esp
00408A1A 8BF4 mov esi,esp
00408A1C 50 push eax
00408A1D C68424 B4090000 0>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+9B4],4
00408A25 E8 A6AEFFFF call x.004038D0
00408A2A 8D5424 1C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00408A2E 83C4 04 add esp,4
00408A31 83C0 10 add eax,10
00408A34 52 push edx
00408A35 8906 mov dword ptr ds:[esi],eax
00408A37 C68424 B4090000 0>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+9B4],3
00408A3F E8 AC4C0200 call x.0042D6F0 ; 算法call,跟进
00408A44 83C4 0C add esp,0C
00408A47 8B4424 14 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00408A4B 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
00408A4E C68424 A8090000 0>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+9A8],6
00408A56 8D48 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
00408A59 83CA FF or edx,FFFFFFFF
00408A5C F0:0FC111 lock xadd dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
00408A60 4A dec edx
00408A61 85D2 test edx,edx
00408A63 7F 08 jg short x.00408A6D
00408A65 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
00408A67 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
00408A69 50 push eax
00408A6A FF52 04 call dword ptr ds:[edx+4]
00408A6D 90 nop
00408A6E 90 nop
00408A6F 90 nop
00408A70 8B4424 10 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00408A74 55 push ebp ; 假码入栈
00408A75 50 push eax ; 真码入栈
00408A76 E8 AF3E0300 call x.0043C92A ; 验证
00408A7B 83C4 08 add esp,8
00408A7E 85C0 test eax,eax
00408A80 0F85 C9000000 jnz x.00408B4F ; 关键跳转
00408A86 90 nop
00408A87 90 nop
00408A88 90 nop
00408A89 6A 01 push 1
00408A8B E8 C0580200 call x.0042E350
00408A90 83C4 04 add esp,4
00408A93 90 nop
00408A94 90 nop
00408A95 90 nop
00408A96 57 push edi
00408A97 51 push ecx
00408A98 8BCC mov ecx,esp
00408A9A 896424 20 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+20],esp
00408A9E 68 503D4600 push x.00463D50 ; ASCII "Register Successfully! Thank you."
00408AA3 E8 E8B6FFFF call x.00404190
00408AA8 E8 63660100 call x.0041F110
00408AAD 83C4 08 add esp,8
============== 跟进 00408A3F call x.0042D6F0 ===============
0042D73F 6A 40 push 40
0042D741 68 80784600 push x.00467880 ; ASCII "dDFsewrEeRWfdsg#@$SFF^%J&^*hgj*&(JIUL_fWWFFGG4534o-=iqew.,nva;gf"
0042D746 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D74A E8 1165FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D74F 90 nop
0042D750 90 nop
0042D751 90 nop
0042D752 90 nop
0042D753 6A 20 push 20
0042D755 68 5C784600 push x.0046785C ; ASCII "453242134saf29050327%$&$%&@$#%#!"
0042D75A 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D75E E8 FD64FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D763 90 nop
0042D764 90 nop
0042D765 90 nop
0042D766 6A 20 push 20
0042D768 68 38784600 push x.00467838 ; ASCII "%!#@_+#$%#@#%#RWEQFSADdsfg$#$DS2"
0042D76D 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D771 E8 EA64FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D776 90 nop
0042D777 90 nop
0042D778 90 nop
0042D779 90 nop
0042D77A 90 nop
0042D77B 90 nop
0042D77C 6A 21 push 21
0042D77E 68 14784600 push x.00467814 ; ASCII "AF#$&^%$$##@@#GF><MM<<:fdgdsewf::"
0042D783 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D787 E8 D464FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D78C 90 nop
0042D78D 90 nop
0042D78E 90 nop
0042D78F 6A 1F push 1F
0042D791 68 F4774600 push x.004677F4 ; ASCII ":@dd#$^DS@#$$%&DSGA[]][]{}reT{{"
0042D796 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D79A E8 C164FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D79F 90 nop
0042D7A0 90 nop
0042D7A1 90 nop
0042D7A2 90 nop
0042D7A3 90 nop
0042D7A4 90 nop
0042D7A5 6A 40 push 40
0042D7A7 68 B0774600 push x.004677B0 ; ASCII "ess###sf|~~@!#``degfsdfVCNM<KJFHDYMGNsr354375uhyfgdsbnhgnfwe9257"
0042D7AC 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D7B0 E8 AB64FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D7B5 90 nop
0042D7B6 90 nop
0042D7B7 90 nop
0042D7B8 90 nop
0042D7B9 6A 22 push 22
0042D7BB 68 88774600 push x.00467788 ; ASCII "453242fdljpewrpwtew345767i8u)**^#%"
0042D7C0 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D7C4 E8 9764FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D7C9 90 nop
0042D7CA 90 nop
0042D7CB 90 nop
0042D7CC 90 nop
0042D7CD 90 nop
0042D7CE 90 nop
0042D7CF 6A 1E push 1E
0042D7D1 68 68774600 push x.00467768 ; ASCII "!#@_+#$%#@#%#RWEQSADdsfg$#$DS2"
0042D7D6 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D7DA E8 8164FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D7DF 90 nop
0042D7E0 90 nop
0042D7E1 90 nop
0042D7E2 6A 1F push 1F
0042D7E4 68 48774600 push x.00467748 ; ASCII "fdsg#^DSDF@fhlpoyui90932sag87ds"
0042D7E9 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D7ED E8 6E64FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D7F2 90 nop
0042D7F3 90 nop
0042D7F4 90 nop
0042D7F5 6A 21 push 21
0042D7F7 68 24774600 push x.00467724 ; ASCII "slkl34vo3245dsfa#^#%$#@#@!dg$#%54"
0042D7FC 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D800 E8 5B64FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D805 90 nop
0042D806 90 nop
0042D807 90 nop
0042D808 6A 20 push 20
0042D80A 68 00774600 push x.00467700 ; ASCII "43535234|~~@!#``degfsdfVCNM<KJFH"
0042D80F 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D813 E8 4864FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D818 90 nop
0042D819 90 nop
0042D81A 90 nop
0042D81B 90 nop
0042D81C 6A 20 push 20
0042D81E 68 DC764600 push x.004676DC ; ASCII "DYMGNsr354375uhyfgdsbnhgnfwe9257"
0042D823 8D4C24 54 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]
0042D827 E8 3464FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 与上面字符串相连
0042D841 8B7424 48 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
0042D845 90 nop
0042D846 90 nop
0042D847 90 nop
0042D848 85ED test ebp,ebp
0042D84A 0F8C 1D040000 jl x.0042DC6D
0042D850 3B6E F4 cmp ebp,dword ptr ds:[esi-C]
0042D853 0F8F 14040000 jg x.0042DC6D
0042D859 0FBE042E movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[esi+ebp] ; 取用户ID字符的ASCII值
0042D85D 03C5 add eax,ebp ; ebp为计数器
0042D85F 99 cdq
0042D860 B9 1A000000 mov ecx,1A
0042D865 F7F9 idiv ecx
0042D867 80C2 41 add dl,41
0042D86A 885424 24 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+24],dl ; 运算结果
0042D86E 90 nop
0042D86F 90 nop
0042D870 90 nop
0042D871 8B5424 24 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+24]
0042D875 6A 01 push 1
0042D877 52 push edx
0042D878 8D4C24 20 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0042D87C E8 EFC9FFFF call x.0042A270 ; 存储结果
0042D881 C64424 3C 03 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+3C],3
0042D886 90 nop
0042D887 90 nop
0042D888 90 nop
0042D889 55 push ebp
0042D88A 8D4424 2C lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C]
0042D88E 50 push eax
0042D88F 8D4C24 50 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+50]
0042D893 E8 2887FDFF call x.00405FC0
0042D898 8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]
0042D89A 8B48 F4 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax-C]
0042D89D 51 push ecx
0042D89E 50 push eax
0042D89F 8D4C24 20 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0042D8A3 C64424 44 04 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+44],4
0042D8A8 E8 B363FDFF call x.00403C60 ; 取的字符前的子字符串与运算结果连成新串
0042D8AD 8B4424 28 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+28]
0042D8B1 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
0042D8B4 C64424 3C 03 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+3C],3
0042D8B9 8D48 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
0042D8BC 83CA FF or edx,FFFFFFFF
0042D8BF F0:0FC111 lock xadd dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
0042D8C3 4A dec edx
0042D8C4 85D2 test edx,edx
0042D8C6 7F 08 jg short x.0042D8D0
0042D8C8 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
0042D8CA 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0042D8CC 50 push eax
0042D8CD FF52 04 call dword ptr ds:[edx+4]
0042D8D0 90 nop
0042D8D1 90 nop
0042D8D2 90 nop
0042D8D3 8BC5 mov eax,ebp
0042D8D5 99 cdq
0042D8D6 B9 03000000 mov ecx,3
0042D8DB F7F9 idiv ecx
0042D8DD 85D2 test edx,edx
0042D8DF 75 79 jnz short x.0042D95A ; 取字符的位数是否为3的倍数
0042D8E1 90 nop
0042D8E2 90 nop
0042D8E3 90 nop
0042D8E4 8B5424 18 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0042D8E8 8B72 F4 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[edx-C]
0042D8EB 90 nop
0042D8EC 90 nop
0042D8ED 90 nop
0042D8EE 8B5424 18 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0042D8F2 8B42 FC mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx-4]
0042D8F5 B9 01000000 mov ecx,1
0042D8FA 2BC8 sub ecx,eax
0042D8FC 8B42 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx-8]
0042D8FF 2BC6 sub eax,esi
0042D901 0BC1 or eax,ecx
0042D903 7D 0E jge short x.0042D913
0042D905 56 push esi
0042D906 8D4C24 1C lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
0042D90A E8 9157FDFF call x.004030A0
0042D90F 8B5424 18 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0042D913 56 push esi
0042D914 52 push edx
0042D915 E8 8624FFFF call x.0041FDA0 ; 若是,生成的新字串做进一步运算
0042D91A 8B5424 20 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0042D91E 83C4 08 add esp,8
0042D921 83FE FF cmp esi,-1
0042D924 8BC6 mov eax,esi
0042D926 75 16 jnz short x.0042D93E
0042D928 85D2 test edx,edx
0042D92A 75 04 jnz short x.0042D930
0042D92C 33C0 xor eax,eax
0042D92E EB 16 jmp short x.0042D946
0042D930 8BC2 mov eax,edx
0042D932 8D70 01 lea esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+1]
0042D935 8A08 mov cl,byte ptr ds:[eax]
0042D937 40 inc eax
0042D938 84C9 test cl,cl
0042D93A ^ 75 F9 jnz short x.0042D935
0042D93C 2BC6 sub eax,esi
0042D93E 85C0 test eax,eax
0042D940 0F8C 27030000 jl x.0042DC6D
0042D946 3B42 F8 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[edx-8]
0042D949 0F8F 1E030000 jg x.0042DC6D
0042D94F 8942 F4 mov dword ptr ds:[edx-C],eax
0042D952 8B4C24 18 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0042D956 C60408 00 mov byte ptr ds:[eax+ecx],0
0042D95A 90 nop ; 不是,跳到此处
0042D95B 90 nop
0042D95C 90 nop
0042D95D 8B7424 4C mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+4C]
0042D961 51 push ecx
0042D962 8B4E F0 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi-10]
0042D965 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0042D967 83C6 F0 add esi,-10
0042D96A 896424 34 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+34],esp
0042D96E 8BDC mov ebx,esp
0042D970 FF52 10 call dword ptr ds:[edx+10]
0042D973 8B56 0C mov edx,dword ptr ds:[esi+C]
0042D976 85D2 test edx,edx
0042D978 8D4E 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+C]
0042D97B 7C 11 jl short x.0042D98E
0042D97D 3B06 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[esi]
0042D97F 75 0D jnz short x.0042D98E
0042D981 8BC6 mov eax,esi
0042D983 BA 01000000 mov edx,1
0042D988 F0:0FC111 lock xadd dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
0042D98C EB 36 jmp short x.0042D9C4
0042D98E 8B4E 04 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+4]
0042D991 8B10 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
0042D993 6A 01 push 1
0042D995 51 push ecx
0042D996 8BC8 mov ecx,eax
0042D998 FF12 call dword ptr ds:[edx]
0042D99A 85C0 test eax,eax
0042D99C 0F84 27020000 je x.0042DBC9
0042D9A2 8B56 04 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[esi+4]
0042D9A5 8950 04 mov dword ptr ds:[eax+4],edx
0042D9A8 8B4E 04 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+4]
0042D9AB 41 inc ecx
0042D9AC 8BD1 mov edx,ecx
0042D9AE C1E9 02 shr ecx,2
0042D9B1 83C6 10 add esi,10
0042D9B4 8D78 10 lea edi,dword ptr ds:[eax+10]
0042D9B7 F3:A5 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:>
0042D9B9 8BCA mov ecx,edx
0042D9BB 83E1 03 and ecx,3
0042D9BE F3:A4 rep movs byte ptr es:[edi],byte ptr ds:[e>
0042D9C0 8B7C24 20 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0042D9C4 83C0 10 add eax,10
0042D9C7 8903 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx],eax
0042D9C9 8D4424 1C lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
0042D9CD 50 push eax
0042D9CE E8 ED58FDFF call x.004032C0 ; 算法call,跟进
0042D9D3 83C4 08 add esp,8
0042D9D6 90 nop
0042D9D7 90 nop
0042D9D8 90 nop
0042D9D9 8B4424 18 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0042D9DD 8B48 F4 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax-C]
0042D9E0 85C9 test ecx,ecx
0042D9E2 0F8C 85020000 jl x.0042DC6D
0042D9E8 8038 00 cmp byte ptr ds:[eax],0 ; 判断新字串首字节是否小于0
0042D9EB 7E 4F jle short x.0042DA3C
0042D9ED 90 nop
0042D9EE 90 nop
0042D9EF 90 nop
0042D9F0 90 nop
0042D9F1 90 nop
0042D9F2 8B4424 18 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0042D9F6 8B48 F4 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax-C]
0042D9F9 85C9 test ecx,ecx
0042D9FB 0F8C 6C020000 jl x.0042DC6D
0042DA01 0FBE00 movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax] ; 是,取新字符串的首字符运算生成注册码
0042DA04 99 cdq
0042DA05 B9 1A000000 mov ecx,1A
0042DA0A F7F9 idiv ecx
0042DA0C 8D4424 10 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0042DA10 C64424 11 00 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+11],0
0042DA15 80C2 41 add dl,41
0042DA18 885424 10 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+10],dl
0042DA1C 8D50 01 lea edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+1]
0042DA1F 90 nop
0042DA20 8A08 mov cl,byte ptr ds:[eax]
0042DA22 40 inc eax
0042DA23 84C9 test cl,cl
0042DA25 ^ 75 F9 jnz short x.0042DA20
0042DA27 2BC2 sub eax,edx
0042DA29 50 push eax
0042DA2A 8D5424 14 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0042DA2E 52 push edx
0042DA2F 8D4C24 20 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0042DA33 E8 6857FDFF call x.004031A0
0042DA38 90 nop
0042DA39 90 nop
0042DA3A EB 54 jmp short x.0042DA90
0042DA3C 90 nop
0042DA3D 90 nop
0042DA3E 90 nop
0042DA3F 90 nop
0042DA40 8B4424 18 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0042DA44 8B48 F4 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax-C]
0042DA47 85C9 test ecx,ecx
0042DA49 0F8C 1E020000 jl x.0042DC6D
0042DA4F 0FBE00 movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[eax] ; 不是,取新字符串的首字符运算生成注册码
0042DA52 99 cdq
0042DA53 33C2 xor eax,edx
0042DA55 2BC2 sub eax,edx
0042DA57 99 cdq
0042DA58 B9 0A000000 mov ecx,0A
0042DA5D F7F9 idiv ecx
0042DA5F 8D4424 14 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0042DA63 C64424 15 00 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+15],0
0042DA68 80C2 30 add dl,30
0042DA6B 885424 14 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+14],dl
0042DAF4 0FBE042E movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[esi+ebp]
0042DAF8 99 cdq
0042DAF9 33C2 xor eax,edx
0042DAFB 2BC2 sub eax,edx
0042DAFD 8B5424 20 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0042DB01 03D0 add edx,eax ; 计算用户ID所有字符的ASCII码和
0042DB03 8B4424 18 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0042DB07 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
0042DB0A 895424 20 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+20],edx
0042DB0E C64424 3C 02 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+3C],2
0042DB13 8D48 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
0042DB22 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
0042DB24 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0042DB26 50 push eax
0042DB27 FF52 04 call dword ptr ds:[edx+4]
0042DB2A 8B46 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi-C]
0042DB2D 45 inc ebp
0042DB2E 3BE8 cmp ebp,eax
0042DB30 ^ 0F8C 0BFDFFFF jl x.0042D841 ; 循环,直到取完全部字符
0042DB3B 8B4424 20 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0042DB3F 99 cdq
0042DB40 B9 0A000000 mov ecx,0A
0042DB45 F7F9 idiv ecx
0042DB47 8BDA mov ebx,edx
0042DB49 80C3 30 add bl,30 ; 生成注册码最后一位
================= 跟进 0042D9CE call x.004032C0 ==================
00403323 56 push esi
00403324 8D4C24 34 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]
00403328 E8 73FDFFFF call x.004030A0
0040332D 8B5C24 30 mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00403331 8D4424 0C lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
00403335 50 push eax
00403336 56 push esi
00403337 53 push ebx
00403338 E8 13FCFFFF call x.00402F50 ; 计算与用户ID相连接字符串的MD5值
0040333D 8B43 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx-C] ; 结果存储在[1287B0]处
00403340 83C4 0C add esp,0C
00403343 83F8 FF cmp eax,-1
00403346 75 11 jnz short x.00403359
00403348 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
0040334A 8D50 01 lea edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+1]
0040334D 8D49 00 lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
00403350 8A08 mov cl,byte ptr ds:[eax]
00403352 40 inc eax
00403353 84C9 test cl,cl
00403355 ^ 75 F9 jnz short x.00403350
00403357 2BC2 sub eax,edx
00403359 85C0 test eax,eax
0040335B 0F8C F3000000 jl x.00403454
00403361 3B43 F8 cmp eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx-8]
00403364 0F8F EA000000 jg x.00403454
0040336A 8943 F4 mov dword ptr ds:[ebx-C],eax
0040336D C60418 00 mov byte ptr ds:[eax+ebx],0
00403371 57 push edi
00403372 8B7C24 30 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00403376 8B07 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]
00403378 8B48 F4 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax-C]
0040337B 8B50 FC mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax-4]
0040337E 8B40 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax-8]
00403381 8D69 08 lea ebp,dword ptr ds:[ecx+8]
00403384 B9 01000000 mov ecx,1
00403389 2BCA sub ecx,edx
0040338B 2BC5 sub eax,ebp
0040338D 0BC1 or eax,ecx
0040338F 7D 08 jge short x.00403399
00403391 55 push ebp
00403392 8BCF mov ecx,edi
00403394 E8 07FDFFFF call x.004030A0
00403399 8B17 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[edi]
0040339B 8B42 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx-C]
0040339E 03C2 add eax,edx
004033A0 33C9 xor ecx,ecx
004033A2 8908 mov dword ptr ds:[eax],ecx
004033A4 8948 04 mov dword ptr ds:[eax+4],ecx
004033A7 8B07 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]
004033A9 8B40 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax-C]
004033AC 8BF0 mov esi,eax
004033AE 83E6 07 and esi,7
004033B1 8BC8 mov ecx,eax
004033B3 74 05 je short x.004033BA
004033B5 2BCE sub ecx,esi
004033B7 83C1 08 add ecx,8
004033BA 2AC8 sub cl,al
004033BC 75 02 jnz short x.004033C0
004033BE B1 08 mov cl,8
004033C0 0FBEF1 movsx esi,cl
004033C3 03F0 add esi,eax
004033C5 884C16 FF mov byte ptr ds:[esi+edx-1],cl
004033C9 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
004033CD 51 push ecx
004033CE 56 push esi
004033CF 52 push edx
004033D0 E8 ABEFFFFF call x.00402380 ; 算法call,跟进
004033D5 83C4 0C add esp,0C
004033D8 83FD FF cmp ebp,-1
004033DB 8BC5 mov eax,ebp
================= 跟进 004033D0 call x.00402380 ==================
00402380 8B4C24 0C mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
00402384 83EC 68 sub esp,68
00402387 8D0424 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp]
0040238A 50 push eax
0040238B 51 push ecx
0040238C E8 2FFBFFFF call x.00401EC0 ; 根据MD5值生成一组数据表
00402391 8B4424 78 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+78]
00402395 83C4 08 add esp,8
00402398 85C0 test eax,eax
0040239A 76 2B jbe short x.004023C7
0040239C 56 push esi
0040239D 8B7424 70 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+70]
004023A1 57 push edi
004023A2 8D78 FF lea edi,dword ptr ds:[eax-1]
004023A5 C1EF 03 shr edi,3
004023A8 47 inc edi
004023A9 8DA424 00000000 lea esp,dword ptr ss:[esp]
004023B0 8D5424 08 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
004023B4 52 push edx
004023B5 56 push esi
004023B6 56 push esi
004023B7 E8 44FDFFFF call x.00402100 ; 字符串与数据表进行运算生成新的字符串
004023BC 83C4 0C add esp,0C
004023BF 83C6 08 add esi,8
004023C2 4F dec edi
004023C3 ^ 75 EB jnz short x.004023B0
004023C5 5F pop edi
004023C6 5E pop esi
004023C7 83C4 68 add esp,68
004023CA C3 retn
szStr1 db 'HyperCalendar 2',0
szStr2 db 'dDFsewrEeRWfdsg#@$SFF^%J&^*hgj*&(JIUL_fWWFFGG4534o-=iqew.,nva;gf'
db '453242134saf29050327%$&$%&@$#%#!'
db '%!#@_+#$%#@#%#RWEQFSADdsfg$#$DS2'
db 'AF#$&^%$$##@@#GF><MM<<:fdgdsewf::'
db ':@dd#$^DS@#$$%&DSGA[]][]{}reT{{'
db 'ess###sf|~~@!#``degfsdfVCNM<KJFHDYMGNsr354375uhyfgdsbnhgnfwe9257'
db '453242fdljpewrpwtew345767i8u)**^#%'
db '!#@_+#$%#@#%#RWEQSADdsfg$#$DS2'
db 'fdsg#^DSDF@fhlpoyui90932sag87ds'
db 'slkl34vo3245dsfa#^#%$#@#@!dg$#%54'
db '43535234|~~@!#``degfsdfVCNM<KJFH'
db 'DYMGNsr354375uhyfgdsbnhgnfwe9257',0
szName db 512 dup (0)
szRegName db 64 dup (0)
szRegNum db 64 dup (0)
szRlt db 64 dup (0)
szNum db 64 dup (0)
szTmp db 16 dup (0)
InitData proc
invoke lstrcat,addr szName,addr szStr1
invoke lstrcat,addr szName,addr szRegName
invoke lstrcat,addr szName,addr szStr2
invoke lstrlen,addr szName
invoke MD5Encrypt,addr szName,eax,addr szRegNum
lea ecx,szRegNum
lea eax,szName
movsx dx,BYTE ptr [ecx]
movsx si,BYTE ptr [ecx+1]
shl edx,8
add edx,esi
mov WORD ptr [eax],dx
movsx si,BYTE ptr [ecx+3]
movsx dx,BYTE ptr [ecx+2]
shl edx,8
add edx,esi
mov WORD ptr [eax+2],dx
movsx si,BYTE ptr [ecx+5]
movsx dx,BYTE ptr [ecx+4]
shl edx,8
add edx,esi
mov WORD ptr [eax+4],dx
movsx si,BYTE ptr [ecx+7]
movsx dx,BYTE ptr [ecx+6]
shl edx,8
add edx,esi
mov WORD ptr [eax+6],dx
movsx si,BYTE ptr [ecx+9]
movsx dx,BYTE ptr [ecx+8]
shl edx,8
add edx,esi
mov WORD ptr [eax+8],dx
movsx si,BYTE ptr [ecx+0Bh]
movsx dx,BYTE ptr [ecx+0Ah]
shl edx,8
add edx,esi
mov WORD ptr [eax+0Ah],dx
movsx dx,BYTE ptr [ecx+0Ch]
movsx si,BYTE ptr [ecx+0Dh]
shl edx,8
add edx,esi
mov WORD ptr [eax+0Ch],dx
movsx dx,BYTE ptr [ecx+0Eh]
movsx cx,BYTE ptr [ecx+0Fh]
mov esi,2Ch
shl edx,8
add edx,ecx
mov WORD ptr [eax+0Eh],dx
xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx
lea edi,DWORD ptr [ecx+1]
and edi,7
movzx edi,WORD ptr [eax+edi*2]
mov edx,ecx
and edx,7
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,WORD ptr [eax+edx*2]
shr di,7
shl bx,9
or edi,ebx
mov WORD ptr [eax+ecx*2+0Eh],di
and ecx,8
dec esi
lea eax,[eax+ecx*2]
mov ecx,edx
jnz @b
InitData endp
Calculate proc
lea eax,szRlt
mov cx,WORD ptr [eax]
xor edx,edx
mov dx,WORD ptr [eax+2]
add eax,2
movzx bx,ch
add eax,2
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp],edx
xor edx,edx
mov dx,WORD ptr [eax]
mov ax,WORD ptr [eax+2]
mov bh,cl
movzx cx,BYTE ptr [szTmp+1]
mov ch,BYTE ptr [szTmp]
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp+8],edx
movzx dx,BYTE ptr [szTmp+9]
mov dh,BYTE ptr [szTmp+8]
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp],ecx
movzx cx,ah
mov ch,al
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp+8],edx
lea edx,szName
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp+4],8
mov ebp,ecx
mov ax,WORD ptr [edx]
add edx,2
test ax,ax
je @1
test bx,bx
je @2
movzx ecx,bx
movzx eax,ax
imul eax,ecx
mov ecx,eax
shr ecx,10h
cmp ax,cx
sbb ebx,ebx
neg ebx
sub ebx,ecx
add ebx,eax
jmp @3
mov ebx,1
sub ebx,eax
jmp @3
mov eax,1
sub eax,ebx
mov ebx,eax
mov cx,WORD ptr [edx]
mov ax,WORD ptr [edx+2]
add WORD ptr [szTmp+8],ax
add WORD ptr [szTmp],cx
add edx,2
mov ax,WORD ptr [edx+2]
add edx,4
test ax,ax
je @4
test bp,bp
je @5
movzx ecx,bp
movzx eax,ax
imul eax,ecx
mov ecx,eax
shr ecx,10h
cmp ax,cx
sbb ebp,ebp
neg ebp
sub ebp,ecx
add ebp,eax
jmp @6
mov ebp,1
sub ebp,eax
jmp @6
mov eax,1
sub eax,ebp
mov ebp,eax
mov esi,DWORD ptr [szTmp+8]
mov cx,WORD ptr [edx]
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp+0ch],esi
xor esi,ebx
add edx,2
test cx,cx
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp+8],esi
je @7
mov ax,si
test ax,ax
je @8
movzx eax,ax
movzx ecx,cx
imul ecx,eax
mov esi,ecx
shr esi,10h
cmp cx,si
sbb eax,eax
neg eax
sub eax,esi
add eax,ecx
jmp @9
mov eax,1
sub eax,ecx
jmp @9
mov eax,1
sub eax,esi
mov ecx,DWORD ptr [szTmp]
mov di,WORD ptr [edx]
mov esi,ebp
xor esi,ecx
add esi,eax
add edx,2
test di,di
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp+8],ecx
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp],esi
je @10
mov cx,si
test cx,cx
je @11
movzx ecx,cx
movzx esi,di
imul esi,ecx
mov edi,esi
shr edi,10h
cmp si,di
sbb ecx,ecx
neg ecx
sub ecx,edi
add ecx,esi
jmp @12
mov ecx,1
sub ecx,edi
jmp @12
mov ecx,1
sub ecx,esi
mov esi,DWORD ptr [szTmp+0ch]
add eax,ecx
xor ebx,ecx
xor ecx,esi
xor ebp,eax
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp],ecx
xor eax,DWORD ptr [szTmp+8]
mov DWORD ptr [szTmp+8],eax
dec DWORD ptr [szTmp+4]
jnz @b
mov ax,WORD ptr [edx]
add edx,2
test ax,ax
je @13
test bx,bx
je @14
movzx ecx,bx
movzx eax,ax
imul eax,ecx
mov esi,eax
shr esi,10h
cmp ax,si
sbb ecx,ecx
neg ecx
sub ecx,esi
add ecx,eax
jmp @15
mov ecx,1
sub ecx,eax
jmp @15
mov ecx,1
sub ecx,ebx
mov ax,WORD ptr [edx]
add WORD ptr [szTmp+8],ax
mov ax,WORD ptr [edx+2]
add WORD ptr [szTmp],ax
mov dx,WORD ptr [edx+4]
test dx,dx
je @16
test bp,bp
je @17
movzx eax,bp
movzx edx,dx
imul edx,eax
mov esi,edx
shr esi,10h
cmp dx,si
sbb eax,eax
neg eax
sub eax,esi
add eax,edx
jmp @18
mov eax,1
sub eax,edx
jmp @18
mov eax,1
sub eax,ebp
movzx dx,ch
mov dh,cl
lea ecx,szRlt
mov WORD ptr [ecx],dx
movzx dx,BYTE ptr [szTmp+9]
mov dh,BYTE ptr [szTmp+8]
mov WORD ptr [ecx+2],dx
movzx dx,BYTE ptr [szTmp+1]
mov dh,BYTE ptr [szTmp]
mov WORD ptr [ecx+4],dx
mov dh,al
mov WORD ptr [ecx+6],dx
Calculate endp
GetRegKey proc hDlg:DWORD
local con:DWORD,sum:DWORD
invoke GetDlgItemText,hDlg,IDC_NAME,addr szRegName,sizeof szRegName
.if eax
invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr szName,sizeof szName
invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr szNum,sizeof szNum
call InitData
invoke lstrlen,addr szRegName
mov con,eax
xor esi,esi
mov sum,esi
invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr szRlt,sizeof szRlt
movsx eax,BYTE ptr [szRegName+esi]
add sum,eax
add eax,esi
mov ecx,1ah
idiv ecx
add dl,41h
mov BYTE ptr [szRlt],dl
mov dl,BYTE ptr [szRegName+esi-1]
mov BYTE ptr [szNum+esi-1],dl
invoke lstrcat,addr szRlt,addr szNum
invoke lstrlen,addr szRlt
mov ebx,eax
mov edi,eax
and edi,7
mov ecx,eax
je @5
sub ecx,edi
add ecx,8
@5: sub cl,al
jnz @6
mov cl,8
movsx edi,cl
add edi,eax
mov BYTE ptr [szRlt+edi-1],cl
mov eax,esi
mov ecx,3
idiv ecx
test edx,edx
jnz @1
xor edx,edx
mov al,BYTE ptr [szRlt+edx]
xor al,9
rol al,1
mov BYTE ptr [szRlt+edx],al
inc edx
dec ebx
jnz @2
call Calculate
cmp BYTE ptr [szRlt],0
jle @3
movsx eax,BYTE ptr [szRlt]
mov ecx,1ah
idiv ecx
add dl,41h
mov BYTE ptr [szRegNum+esi],dl
jmp @4
movsx eax,BYTE ptr [szRlt]
xor eax,edx
sub eax,edx
mov ecx,0ah
idiv ecx
add dl,30h
mov BYTE ptr [szRegNum+esi],dl
inc esi
dec con
jnz @b
mov eax,sum
mov ecx,0ah
idiv ecx
add dl,30h
mov BYTE ptr [szRegNum+esi],dl
invoke SetDlgItemText,hDlg,IDC_REG,addr szRegNum
invoke SetDlgItemText,hDlg,IDC_REG,CTXT("请输入用户ID!")
GetRegKey endp
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