( LV2,RANK:10 )
2 楼
Really need some help or hints for this. I got stuck totally.
( LV2,RANK:10 )
3 楼
.text:080D17C8 push ebp
.text:080D17C9 mov ebp, esp
.text:080D17CB push edi
.text:080D17CC push esi
.text:080D17CD push ebx
.text:080D17CE sub esp, 0FCh
.text:080D17D4 mov [ebp+var_30], 0
.text:080D17DB mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:080D17DE mov eax, [eax+1B4h]
.text:080D17E4 mov eax, [eax+1ADCh]
.text:080D17EA mov eax, [eax+560h]
.text:080D17F0 test eax, eax
.text:080D17F2 jz short loc_80D1811
.text:080D17F4 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:080D17F7 mov eax, [eax+1B4h]
.text:080D17FD mov eax, [eax+1ADCh]
.text:080D1803 mov eax, [eax+560h]
.text:080D1809 mov [ebp+var_F4], eax
.text:080D180F jmp short loc_80D181A
( LV2,RANK:10 )
4 楼
Patched it like this but didn't work. It says "inconsistent authentication code"...
Tried it like this:
.text:080D17F0 xor eax, eax and like this
.text:080D17F0 inc eax
.text:080D17F1 nop
( LV3,RANK:30 )
5 楼
try replace pubkey.
this is pubkey:
0017315C: 46
00173764: 28
001732FC: 33
001730CC: C5
001736A0: 32
00173464: 63
00173588: D6
0017378C: 21
001736B8: B8
001736C0: 4A
0017390C: 5E
001739D4: 52
00173578: 13
001739FC: CA
001731D0: BA
00173134: DB
00173454: 03
0017306C: 40
0017394C: 6F
001738D8: 74
0017331C: 89
00173904: 79
0017366C: 11
001735A4: B5
001737A0: 7C
001733C8: 1C
00173564: DF
0017385C: 58
001731C0: A4
0017384C: F3
001738A8: 2C
( LV2,RANK:10 )
6 楼
Just replace it with NOPs ?
Is there any reason why the normal dcc patch doesn't seem to work? Anything different on ELF32 binary?
( LV2,RANK:10 )
7 楼
Do not really know how to replace the pub key. Tried with NOPs and the well known rent.
Any advice?
Thins is I can find the key in the windows exe and replace with success but not on this ELF / freebsd binary.