Changes in : 4.2.1 Bugfix: Some Delphi forms were not being decompiled Bugfix: Hiding the toolbar disabled hide/show dialogs/menus menuitem. Bugfix: Some images were not being displayed
Changes in 4.2.2 Bugfix: Some monochrome images weren't being displayed Bugfix: Removed extraneous button in "Import Resources" dialog Bugfix: Manifest resources were being converted to UCS-2 format. Modified: Increased font sizes in all dialogs
Bugfix: Error when compiling ansi encoded *.rc files Bugfix: RCDATA resources not displayed in their optimal format Bugfix: Error when trying to display 'compressed' resources Bugfix: 'Compressed' files can no longer be modified and saved
大多数 Windows 可执行文件拥有“资源段”,数据(如:图像、对话框模板、菜单模板、文本等等)都存储在非常特定的地方。“资源段”中的每个资源都由类型、名称和语言 ID 来定义。资源都存储在其“资源类型”组中。有大量的预定义资源类型(图标、指针、位图、对话框、菜单、RC 数据等),但也可以有任意数量的自定义资源类型。资源名称可以是正整数值或字母数字字符串,虽然有些资源类型(如字串表)将仅允许整数名称。资源可以有多个特定语言的项目,因此程序可以存储数据支持多语言。语言 ID 是一个正整数值,表示已在 Windows API 中定义的主语言和子语言。(语言中性项表示为零 ID)。