.text:000115EC ; NTSTATUS __stdcall TpmGetCommandResultLoop(int a1, int *OutputSize, int OutputBuffer, int a4)
.text:000115EC _TpmGetCommandResultLoop@16 proc near ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResult(x,x,x,x)+36p
.text:000115EC BurstValue = dword ptr -0Ch
.text:000115EC i = dword ptr -8
.text:000115EC Bitset = dword ptr -1
.text:000115EC a1 = dword ptr 8
.text:000115EC OutputSize = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:000115EC OutputBuffer = dword ptr 10h
.text:000115EC duration_status = dword ptr 14h
.text:000115EC mov edi, edi
.text:000115EE push ebp
.text:000115EF mov ebp, esp
.text:000115F1 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:000115F4 and [ebp+BurstValue], 0
.text:000115F8 and [ebp+i], 0
.text:000115FC push ebx
.text:000115FD push esi
.text:000115FE mov esi, ds:__imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:00011604 push edi
.text:00011605 push 0Ah
.text:00011607 pop ebx
.text:00011608 push offset aTpmgetcomman_1 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: Enter\n"
.text:0001160D push 3 ; Level
.text:0001160F push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:00011611 mov byte ptr [ebp+Bitset], 0
.text:00011615 call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:00011617 push [ebp+duration_status]
.text:0001161A push offset aTpmgetcomman_5 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: waiting %ums.\n"...
.text:0001161F push 3 ; Level
.text:00011621 push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:00011623 call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:00011625 mov edi, [ebp+a1]
.text:00011628 add esp, 1Ch
.text:0001162B lea eax, [ebp+Bitset]
.text:0001162E push eax ; int
.text:0001162F push [ebp+duration_status] ; int
.text:00011632 push 90h ; int
.text:00011637 push 18h ; Value
.text:00011639 push edi ; int
.text:0001163A call _TpmWaitForBitSet@20 ; TpmWaitForBitSet(x,x,x,x,x)
.text:0001163F mov [ebp+duration_status], eax
.text:00011642 test eax, eax
.text:00011644 jge short loc_11659
.text:00011646 push offset aTpmgetcommandr ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: Timeout while "...
.text:0001164B push 1 ; Level
.text:0001164D push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:0001164F call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:00011651 add esp, 0Ch
.text:00011654 jmp loc_118AF
.text:00011659 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00011659 loc_11659: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+58j
.text:00011659 push offset aTpmgetcomman_2 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: reading respon"...
.text:0001165E push 3 ; Level
.text:00011660 push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:00011662 call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:00011664 add esp, 0Ch
.text:00011667 loc_11667: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+16Dj
.text:00011667 lea eax, [ebp+Bitset]
.text:0001166A push eax ; int
.text:0001166B push dword ptr [edi+2Ch] ; int
.text:0001166E push 90h ; int
.text:00011673 push 18h ; Value
.text:00011675 push edi ; int
.text:00011676 call _TpmWaitForBitSet@20 ; TpmWaitForBitSet(x,x,x,x,x)
.text:0001167B mov [ebp+duration_status], eax
.text:0001167E test eax, eax
.text:00011680 jl loc_117A3
.text:00011686 push dword ptr [edi+30h]
.text:00011689 lea eax, [ebp+BurstValue]
.text:0001168C push eax
.text:0001168D push edi
.text:0001168E call _TpmGetNextBurstValue@12 ; TpmGetNextBurstValue(x,x,x)
.text:00011693 mov [ebp+duration_status], eax
.text:00011696 test eax, eax
.text:00011698 jl loc_117BB
.text:0001169E movzx ecx, word ptr [ebp+BurstValue]
.text:000116A2 mov eax, ebx
.text:000116A4 sub eax, [ebp+i]
.text:000116A7 dec eax
.text:000116A8 cmp ecx, eax
.text:000116AA jnb short loc_116AE
.text:000116AC mov eax, ecx
.text:000116AE loc_116AE: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+BEj
.text:000116AE push eax
.text:000116AF push offset aTpmgetcomma_14 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: reading burst "...
.text:000116B4 push 3 ; Level
.text:000116B6 push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:000116B8 call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:000116BA add esp, 10h
.text:000116BD jmp loc_11749
.text:000116C2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000116C2 loc_116C2: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+162j
.text:000116C2 lea eax, [ebx-1]
.text:000116C5 cmp [ebp+i], eax
.text:000116C8 jnb loc_11754
.text:000116CE push 24h ; Offset
.text:000116D0 push edi ; int
.text:000116D1 call _TpmINB@8 ; TpmINB(x,x)
.text:000116D6 mov edx, [ebp+i]
.text:000116D9 mov ecx, [ebp+OutputBuffer]
.text:000116DC mov [edx+ecx], al
.text:000116DF cmp edx, 5
.text:000116E2 jnz short loc_1172A
.text:000116E4 movzx ebx, byte ptr [ecx+2]
.text:000116E8 movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx+3]
.text:000116EC shl ebx, 8
.text:000116EF or ebx, eax
.text:000116F1 movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx+4]
.text:000116F5 shl ebx, 8
.text:000116F8 or ebx, eax
.text:000116FA movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx+5]
.text:000116FE shl ebx, 8
.text:00011701 or ebx, eax
.text:00011703 mov eax, [ebp+OutputSize]
.text:00011706 mov eax, [eax]
.text:00011708 cmp ebx, eax
.text:0001170A jbe short loc_11721
.text:0001170C push ebx
.text:0001170D push eax
.text:0001170E push offset aTpmgetcomma_16 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: output buffer "...
.text:00011713 push 1 ; Level
.text:00011715 push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:00011717 call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:00011719 mov eax, [ebp+OutputSize]
.text:0001171C mov ebx, [eax]
.text:0001171E add esp, 14h
.text:00011721 loc_11721: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+11Ej
.text:00011721 cmp ebx, 0Ah
.text:00011724 jb loc_117C3
.text:0001172A loc_1172A: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+F6j
.text:0001172A mov eax, [edi+1Ch]
.text:0001172D cmp eax, 2
.text:00011730 jz loc_118AF
.text:00011736 cmp eax, 3
.text:00011739 jz loc_118AF
.text:0001173F add [ebp+BurstValue], 0FFFFh
.text:00011746 inc [ebp+i]
.text:00011749 loc_11749: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+D1j
.text:00011749 cmp word ptr [ebp+BurstValue], 0
.text:0001174E ja loc_116C2
.text:00011754 loc_11754: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+DCj
.text:00011754 cmp word ptr [ebp+BurstValue], 0
.text:00011759 jz loc_11667
.text:0001175F push offset aTpmgetcomma_11 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: checking for u"...
.text:00011764 push 3 ; Level
.text:00011766 push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:00011768 call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:0001176A add esp, 0Ch
.text:0001176D lea eax, [ebp+Bitset]
.text:00011770 push eax ; int
.text:00011771 push dword ptr [edi+2Ch] ; int
.text:00011774 push 90h ; int
.text:00011779 push 18h ; Value
.text:0001177B push edi ; int
.text:0001177C call _TpmWaitForBitSet@20 ; TpmWaitForBitSet(x,x,x,x,x)
.text:00011781 test eax, eax
.text:00011783 jge short loc_117FB
.text:00011785 push offset aTpmgetcomman_0 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: TPM has fewer "...
.text:0001178A push 1 ; Level
.text:0001178C push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:0001178E call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:00011790 add esp, 0Ch
.text:00011793 push 4
.text:00011795 loc_11795: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+2B2j
.text:00011795 mov ecx, [edi]
.text:00011797 mov eax, 0C0000186h
.text:0001179C push eax
.text:0001179D mov [ebp+duration_status], eax
.text:000117A0 push ecx
.text:000117A1 jmp short loc_117DF
.text:000117A3 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000117A3 loc_117A3: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+94j
.text:000117A3 movzx eax, byte ptr [ebp+Bitset]
.text:000117A7 push eax
.text:000117A8 push offset aTpmgetcomman_9 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: Timeout while "...
.text:000117AD loc_117AD: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+1D5j
.text:000117AD ; TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+291j
.text:000117AD push 1 ; Level
.text:000117AF push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:000117B1 call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:000117B3 add esp, 10h
.text:000117B6 jmp loc_118AF
.text:000117BB ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000117BB loc_117BB: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+ACj
.text:000117BB push eax
.text:000117BC push offset aTpmgetcomman_7 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: TpmGetNextBurs"...
.text:000117C1 jmp short loc_117AD
.text:000117C3 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000117C3 loc_117C3: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+138j
.text:000117C3 push ebx
.text:000117C4 push offset aTpmgetcomma_12 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: response size "...
.text:000117C9 push 1 ; Level
.text:000117CB push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:000117CD call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:000117CF mov eax, [edi]
.text:000117D1 add esp, 10h
.text:000117D4 push 3 ; Site
.text:000117D6 push ebx ; Info
.text:000117D7 mov [ebp+duration_status], 0C0000186h
.text:000117DE push eax ; _DWORD
.text:000117DF loc_117DF: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+1B5j
.text:000117DF push _WdfDriverGlobals ; _DWORD
.text:000117E5 call WdfDeviceWdmGetDeviceObject
.text:000117EB push eax ; Device
.text:000117EC push 0C006000Fh ; SymbolNameValue
.text:000117F1 call _TpmLogEvent@16 ; TpmLogEvent(x,x,x,x)
.text:000117F6 jmp loc_118AF
.text:000117FB ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000117FB loc_117FB: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+197j
.text:000117FB mov eax, [ebp+i]
.text:000117FE mov ecx, [ebp+OutputSize]
.text:00011801 cmp eax, [ecx]
.text:00011803 jnb short loc_1181B
.text:00011805 push 24h
.text:00011807 push edi
.text:00011808 call _TpmINB@8 ; TpmINB(x,x)
.text:0001180D mov edx, [ebp+i]
.text:00011810 mov ecx, [ebp+OutputBuffer]
.text:00011813 inc [ebp+i]
.text:00011816 mov [edx+ecx], al
.text:00011819 jmp short loc_1181E
.text:0001181B ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0001181B loc_1181B: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+217j
.text:0001181B mov ecx, [ebp+OutputBuffer]
.text:0001181E loc_1181E: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+22Dj
.text:0001181E movzx eax, byte ptr [ecx+2]
.text:00011822 movzx edx, byte ptr [ecx+3]
.text:00011826 shl eax, 8
.text:00011829 or eax, edx
.text:0001182B movzx edx, byte ptr [ecx+4]
.text:0001182F movzx ecx, byte ptr [ecx+5]
.text:00011833 shl eax, 8
.text:00011836 or eax, edx
.text:00011838 shl eax, 8
.text:0001183B or eax, ecx
.text:0001183D cmp ebx, eax
.text:0001183F jz short loc_1184A
.text:00011841 mov [ebp+duration_status], 80000005h ; STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW
.text:00011848 jmp short loc_118AF
.text:0001184A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0001184A loc_1184A: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+253j
.text:0001184A push offset aTpmgetcomma_10 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: checking for o"...
.text:0001184F push 3 ; Level
.text:00011851 push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:00011853 call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:00011855 add esp, 0Ch
.text:00011858 lea eax, [ebp+Bitset]
.text:0001185B push eax ; int
.text:0001185C push dword ptr [edi+2Ch] ; int
.text:0001185F push 80h ; int
.text:00011864 push 18h ; Value
.text:00011866 push edi ; int
.text:00011867 call _TpmWaitForBitSet@20 ; TpmWaitForBitSet(x,x,x,x,x)
.text:0001186C mov [ebp+duration_status], eax
.text:0001186F test eax, eax
.text:00011871 jge short loc_11882
.text:00011873 movzx eax, byte ptr [ebp+Bitset]
.text:00011877 push eax
.text:00011878 push offset aTpmgetcomman_8 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: failed to get "...
.text:0001187D jmp loc_117AD
.text:00011882 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00011882 loc_11882: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+285j
.text:00011882 cmp byte ptr [edi+42h], 0
.text:00011886 jnz short loc_118A3
.text:00011888 test byte ptr [ebp+Bitset], 10h
.text:0001188C jz short loc_118A3
.text:0001188E push offset aTpmgetcomman_4 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: TPM has more b"...
.text:00011893 push 1 ; Level
.text:00011895 push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:00011897 call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:00011899 add esp, 0Ch
.text:0001189C push 5
.text:0001189E jmp loc_11795
.text:000118A3 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000118A3 loc_118A3: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+29Aj
.text:000118A3 ; TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+2A0j
.text:000118A3 mov eax, [ebp+i]
.text:000118A6 mov ecx, [ebp+OutputSize]
.text:000118A9 and [ebp+duration_status], 0
.text:000118AD mov [ecx], eax
.text:000118AF loc_118AF: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+68j
.text:000118AF ; TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+144j ...
.text:000118AF mov edi, [edi+1Ch]
.text:000118B2 cmp edi, 2
.text:000118B5 jz short loc_118BC
.text:000118B7 cmp edi, 3
.text:000118BA jnz short loc_118C3
.text:000118BC loc_118BC: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+2C9j
.text:000118BC mov [ebp+duration_status], 0C0000120h
.text:000118C3 loc_118C3: ; CODE XREF: TpmGetCommandResultLoop(x,x,x,x)+2CEj
.text:000118C3 push [ebp+duration_status]
.text:000118C6 push offset aTpmgetcomma_13 ; "TpmGetCommandResultLoop: Exiting with s"...
.text:000118CB push 3 ; Level
.text:000118CD push 72h ; ComponentId
.text:000118CF call esi ; __imp__DbgPrintEx
.text:000118D1 mov eax, [ebp+duration_status]
.text:000118D4 add esp, 10h
.text:000118D7 pop edi
.text:000118D8 pop esi
.text:000118D9 pop ebx
.text:000118DA leave
.text:000118DB retn 10h
.text:000118DB _TpmGetCommandResultLoop@16 endp